Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 19 September 1896, page 2

WQ&L SALE. liUXMOORE a €0., Ltd. first wool sale WILL TAKE PLAGE ON Thursday, Sept 24, 1896. CONSIGN WOOL to our POUT ADXXi&XDS WOOL WAREHOUSES. 'WOOLPACKS, &a, SUPPLIED at lowest rates. ''LUXHOORE & CO., Ltd., WOOLBROKERS, ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE. ? X240-63 ON THE FARM OF MR. GEO. CR1TTENDEN, ? BAROOTA. ABOUT SEVEN MILES NORTH OF . PORT GERMEIN. On WEDNESDAY, September SO, 1836, commencing at 1 o'clock. XTWED GREY bas been instructed to eell, on JP . various accounts, the following Live and Dead Stock— 4 Light HORSES, broken 15 Draughts, good and useful 15 Head Cattle, Fats and Milkers 1 English Waggon, 2 Heapers, by Martin Bros. 2 Bttgshaw Winnowers 1 No. 4 Chaffculter and Works 1 Bapsshaw Header and Thresher, 1 Wheat Lift 1 Martin & Co. '6 No. 5 Horsewoiks and Cutter 1 Stump-jump Plough 2 Double-furrow Ploughs 1 Dobbie Seedsower, 1 Grubbing Machine, by Bewa 3 400-gollon Tanks and Piping Lot of useful Gum Slabs, Posts and Paling 1 Boj'b Hiding Saddle; 1 Spider Buggy and Harness I Satvbench, Spfudle, and Saw, 1 each Crosscut and Pit Saws, 2 Sets Carpenter's Tools Lot Fencing Wire, 1 Seo 3-lcavcd Stump-jump Harrows 400 Sheep (shorn), i to 6-tooth 1 Bicycle, and a Host of Sundries. LUNCHEON PROVIDED. TERMS— Approved Bills for sums over £10. ? ? FRED GREY, Auctioneer. X2C3-70 * BOOLEROO CENIlilS. AT W. COOK'S YARDS, TUESDAY, September 22, at 2 o'clock. GF. S T E INT HAL & CO. a have received instructions from Messrs. K&ii-l Uroiliers to sell by auctiou, as above— 20 DRAUGHT HORSES, right ages, broken and unbroken. Those broken in arc reliable workers. The Auctioneers can specially recommend this lot *- a good class of fanners' stock, and they are iu tiptop condition.Other Other Entries taken up till hour of sale. Terms— Approved Bills. X25G-63 ~' TUESDAY, September 29, at 2 o'clock. JOHN BULL BAZAAR. 50 HOUSES. 50 TT- AEKES & CORNELIUS JO are instructed by Mr. Thos. Tait, Green's ikdos, to sell by auctiou— »0 Superior Heavy Draught HORSES, the right sort for Western Australia or any heavy work ; stanch and reliable 10 Upstanding Light Horses, broken to harness, good sorts. Terms— Approved bills. x253 ' TUESDAY? September 22, at 2 o'clock. JOHN BULL BAZAAR. gO COLTS AND FILLIES. J^O NICE PONIES. BASKElt & CORNELIUS are instructed to sell by auction— For Administratrix late Jos. Cowen — r-/i HO31SES from Crown Point, mostly unOl/ broken, a really good and shapely lot, in first-class condition, and quite equal to previous drafts from this station. From the Kecdbedg — 1 rv NICE YOUNG PONIES, broken to single At/ and double harness and saddle. ? Terms— Approved bills. 263x203 PETERSBURG MONTHLY. J\V. G. ALFOBD is instructed to sell by s auctionOn FRIDAY, September 25. HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, tec. ? x2C3 * On TUESDAY, September 29, at 1 p.m. . ON MR. JOHN TEITZ'S FARM. FIVE MILES * NORTH OF OODLAW1RBA. V W. G. A L F O R D Gj a is instructed by Messrs. John & F. Tietz to . Boll bv auction— AlfFARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c On account of Dissolution of Partnership, Mr. FTictz having decided to go West. ? x263 ' TARCOWIE. SEPTEMBER 22, at 3 o'clock. MESSRS. JAMBS: SPICER & CO., of Laura, Auctioneers, are instructed by the mortgagee, Hill, of Tarcowie. fanner, under mortgage registered in the Lauds Titles Office at Adelaide, No. £01611, to sell by public auction at Tarcowie— AH that the ESTATE and INTEREST of WILLIAM JtcGEOUGH, of, storekeeper, . in all that Piece of LAND situated in the Township of TAR. OOWIE, County of Dalhousie, being the section No. 86, containing l rood or thereabouts, and particularly described in Certificate of Title Register Book, Volume 248, folio 09. Such sale to be held at Tarcowie on Tuesday, the 22nd day of September, 1890, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. ? x2C3 T_TEXT MONTHLY SALE BALAKLAVA BATUR. JJt ' DAY, the 2-5th inst. ~ FOR PRIVATE SALE 600 Good STORE SHEEP, wellwoolled. xS63r DAVID VIRGO, Auctioneer. ? Lost and Found. ? _' OST, from Eudunda, Bay GELDING, branded J__ 4S8 near shoulder, near front and off hind foot '? . white ; IDs. for information, detainer prosecuted. — 3S. A. Mann, Kuduuda. ? x203c ONE POUND REWARD. -LOST, Ironi Minburra. one black MARE, heavy draught, blaze in facet near j-in down, and near hind foot white, branded tCP on 6houlder ; 10s. for information or £1 will be j»id on delivery to Vf. 3. Cordon, Etskine. x2G8

District Council, Notices. A P O i N G A » I S T B 10 £ KO11CE FOB THE SIMULTANEOUS DESTBUOTION Of RABBITS. -At a Meeting of the District Council ot Apoinga, duly held on the 20th day ot Augufct, 1S96, H was resowed that the following general notice be given in accordance with Section 8 of the Vermin Districts Act of 1SB4 for the simultaneous destruction of rabbits by the owners and ocoapiers of land within the abovementioned district:—Xhe Xhe Baobit Suppression Act of 1879, the VerminProof Fencing Act of 1690, the Vermin Districts Act of 1694. NOTICE is hereby given, in accordance with the resolution of the District Council of Apoinga, dated the 'iUth day of August, 1893, for the simultaneous DESTRUCTION ot RABBITS within the boundaries of the said Council, are required forthwith after the 21st day of September, 18J0,- to destroy the rabbits and till up their burrows on the land owned or occupied by them within the said district, and also upon naif the width ot all roads bounding or adjoining the said land or any part thereof. By orfer, X250-03 ? H. M. PARKEN, Clerk. '. A LMA PLAINS DISTRICT COUNCIL, NOTICE OF GENERAL RATE. . At a meeting of the District Council of Alma Plains, duly held on the 13th day of September, ibaO, a general RATE was declared ot NINEPENCE (yd.) in the pound ujon the Assessment of the District, end all peroous liable are required to pay the amount of the rate according- to the Assessment to the District Clerk, at the District Office. Dated the 12th day of September, 1£93. xiti3 ? F. BOHNSKCK, District Clerk. I^RYSTAL BROOK DISTRICT COUNCIL. NOTICE.— The Council has made a new ASSESSMENT by adopting the previous year's Assessment, subject to certain alterations. Appeals against such Assessment must be lodged in Council G«fice not later than September 23rd. The Council will sit to hear such Appeals at Council Office, Crystal Brook, oji Saturday, September '26th, at 2 p.m. By order, x203 ? C. H. DARBON, Clerk. ncounxer bay district council, notice of General rate. At a meeting of the District Council of Encounter Bay, duly held on the 12Ui day of September, It 90, a General itATii of ONE SHILLING in the pound upon the Assessment of the district was declared, and all persons liable are required to pay the amount of the rate according to the assessment to the District Clerk at the District OiSce. Dated the 17th dav of September, 1806. xilut O. B. UUTCH1NSON, District Cleric. |^ ILBERT DISTRICT COUNCILAt a meeting of the District Council of Gilbert, duly held on the 12th day of September, 1896, a general ItA'i'E was declared of NINEPiiNCE in the'pound upon the Assessment of the District ; and all persons liable are required to pay the amount of the rale according to the assessment to the clerk, at the Council Office, Eiverton. Dated September 12, 133(3. By order, JAS. SCHOLEF1ELD, Clerk and Collector. MR. JAS. SCHOLEKIELD has been reappointed CLERK, COLLECTOR of RATES, Secretary to the Lcctil Board of Health ; and Mr. HENRY BASSETT OVERSEER of WOUiCS, Inspector of Nuisances, Inspector under the Width of lires Act and Noxious Weeds Act. Dated September 12, 1S98. By order, JAS. SCHOLEFIELD, Clerk. MR. FELIX REYMOND has been appointed POUNDICKEPER of the R1VERTON POUND, vice Mr. Thomas Campain, discharged. Dated September 12, 1890. By order, JA& SCHOLEFIELD, Clerk. mHE LICENSE-FEE for WEIGHBRIDGES in the J. above district is fixed at ONE POUND. By order, JAS. SCHOLEFIELD, Clerk. September 12, 1896. ? *2C3 HAWKER DISTRICT COUNCIL. ? NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT. The District Council of Hawker have caused to be made &n ASSESSMENT of all Ratable Property within the abovenained District, with fetich alterations and additions as considered necessary. Copies of the Assessment so altered and added to are deposited at the Post-Office, Willow Plains, for Ark aba Ward ; at the Post-Office, Hookiua, for Barndioota Ward ; at the Post-Office, Cradock, for Wirreanda Ward ; at the Poit-Ollice, Yednalue, for Yednalue Ward ; and at the District Council Office, Hawker, for all the wards ; and are open for inspection at all reasonable tunes. Any person intending to appeal against the said Assessment may do so in manner required by the District Councils Act, I8«7, within twenly-on* days from publication of this notice in the Government (Jaztttc. The Couucil will eit to hear APPEALS (if any) against tho Assessment en .MONDAY, October 12, Ifc96, at 2 o'clock p.m., at the District Council Office, Hawker. By order, A. W. KINO, District Clerk. Hawfrer, September 7th, 1896. ? x2C3 '|7'OND0PARINGA DISTRICT COUNCIL. NuilCE OF ASSESSMENT BY ADOPTION OF PREVIOUS ASSESSMENT. The District Council of Kondoparinga have caused to be made an ASSESSMENT of all ratable property within the district by adopting- the previous Assessment with and subject to certain alterations and additions. Copies of the adopted assessment so altered and added to are deposited— For the Dashwood's Gully Ward, at the Temperance Hotel, Kangarilla ; for the Meadows Ward, at Mr. W. EUis's 6tore, Meadows ; for Upper Bull's Creek Ward, at the Postoffice, BuU'sCreek ; for LowerBuH'sCreek Ward, at Mr. Walter Arthurs'* house, Bull's Creek ; for the Finniss Ward, at the Post-office, Ashbourne ; and are open for inspection at all reasonable times. Any person intending to appeal against the assessment may do so by notice, as required by the District CouncilsAclof 1SS7, within twenty -one days of the publication of this notice iu the tioveniment Gazette. APPEALS (if any) will be heard at the Council Office, Meadows, at 3 p.m. on SATURDAY, October 10, lH'Jd. By order, C. NOTTAGE, Clerk. Meadows, September 16, 1S98. ? x26a.70 COUTH RHINE DISTRICT COUNCIL. Sealed TENDERS will be received at this office up till 2 o'clock p. in. of MONDAY, September E8, 1S0G, for the following oflice, viz. :— From persons willing to act as Sub-Inspector of Rabbits in the District of South Rhine for three months. Duties— Two clays' inspection per week. Tenders to state price required per day. No tender necessarily accepted. By order, x203 ? IL ROGERS, Clerk. mUNGKILLO DISTRICT COUNCILNOTICE OF GENERAL RATE. At a meeting of the District Council of Tungkillo, duly held on the 12th day of September, 1890, a General RATE was declared of 'NINEPEKCE (3d.) in the pound upon the Assessment of the district, and all persons liable are required to pay the amount of the rate according1 to the assessment to the District Clerk at hiB office, Palmer. Dated the 11th day of September, 1896. By order, x263 H. O. MENGEltSEN, District Clerk,

District Council Notices. 'K1 LUS T O N D1STBI C 'S C0VN01U NOTICE is hereby given thftt'ttie JKsfcrietCouncil of -Ellistott liave caused to be made ft' revised ASSESSMENT of all ratable ' property : within the abovenained district, with the names ot tbe owners and occupiers, go. far aa known, of such property. Copies of the Assessment as altered ate deposited at the following places, namely:— For the dutriob'at the Council Office, Eiliston ; Cotton Ward, post-office, Oolton; Talia Ward, post-office, Mount Wedge ; Pearce and Way wards, post-office, gtreringa; ant are open for inspection at all reasonable times ; and any person intending to appeal against the Assessment may do so, in manner required, by the District Councils Act of 18S7, within twenty-one -days from the publication of this notice in the Government Gazette. The Council win sit to hear APPEALS, if any, on SATURDAY, the 17th day of October, 1S96, at the Council Office, Eiliston. Dated September 10, 1890. By order, xg63 ? GEORUE AQARS, District Clerk. 'ABB8BOO DISTRICT COUNCIL. The ANNUAL MEETING of Ratepayers will be held in the Orroroo Institute on SATURDAY, September 20, IS05, at 3 p.m. Uy order, R. J. HUTCHENS, Clerk. September 14, 1898. . x2B3 ? Fablia Noticss. ? BORRA & lORTH-EASTEBI A.E & I SOCIETY, WMESBAY, SEPTEMBER 23. LIBERAL PRIZE-LIST. EXCURSION RAILWAY FABES. His Excellency the Gov«ukor will be present. Note— The Prizes for Hiq;h Jump have been increased to £7 first, £.2 second JOHN McLAREN, Hon. See. 224eC6x221-63 ? Baffler Agricultural Society's Wednesday, September S3. Over £55© in Prizes. E X C U a S ifo~N FARES. Entries Close for Horses on Monday, 21st inst A. G. WELLS, Hon. Secretary, x2S3 ? Town Hall Chambers. OOOiOOLIE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY The TWENTY-FOURTH ANNUAL SHOW will be held at LAURA on WEDNESDAY, September 30th. full particulars on application to W. H. CAMPBELL, Secretary. ? 238xlSS,214,35,53 nntlE STANLEY A. & H, SOCIETY, CLARE, i will hold their SHOW on FRIDAY, October 2, 1S90. Subscribers of 21s. free entries in all classes, and admittance for four to grounds. Subscribers of 10s. 6d, free entries nine classes and admittance for two to grounds. Best Bull calculated to improve the milk-giving qualities of the herds in the district, subject to condiiiou inserted by Government — Society prize, 2Us. ; Government prize added, 40s. 252,61,8,75x249-70 J. BENTLEY, Secretary. MR. BEAU HOOPER and Mr. and Mrs. S. J. SWANN THANK their many FRIENDS for their acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy to them in their late bereavement. 201zx263 B. N (- U M A N {Surgeon Dentist) intimates that he has REDUCED HIS FEES to within reach of those of moderate means. Rockville House, North-terrace. ? 247-9,52x219-333 I HEREBY give NOTICE that on the 8th September, 1S36, I deposited PLANS with Clerk ot Licensing: Bench, Adelaide District, of premises in Old Exchange, Pirie-street, for which 1 am APPLYING for a WINE LICENSE at next Meeting of Bench. 25d-8x256-03r ? ADA MARY ANDREWS. 1 HEREBY give NOTICE that I have on the Sth day of September, 1890, DEPOSITED with the Clerk of the Licensing Bench or Juttices, District of Adelaide PLANS of the PREMISES situated at the Gawler Railway-station, Gawler, and for which I intend to APPLY for a RAILWAY REFRESHMENT-ROOMS LICENSE at the next meeting of the said Bench of Justices. Dated at Adelaide this Sth day of September, 1S96 HliNRY JAMES CHARLTON. Gawler 252-3.61X25G-63 t_KVEN DAYS' NOTICE. -All Horses and Cattle »^5 TRESPASSING on Section 5, Hundred of Adams will bo impounded after this date, and all expenses charged for having them removed. N. DUFFY. Ad'ims, September 12, 18G6. xiG'i 'JtrOTICE.— All Cattle and Horses found TRESX^( PASSING on Sections 7f 1 and 75S^ in the District of Booborowic, will from thre date be impounded, and all Dogs, Goate, or Poultry will be destroyed. G. H. LANGEFORD. September 18, 1S90. ? xvg3 NOTICE All Stock TRESPASSING on the MUNDOWDNA RUN, COOLONG, WIRRIGINA, NANTOWARPUNA. or TAKKANINA, after the 20th September will be impounded. X263-70 F. W. WHYTE, Mundowdna. IESIC1LL and TATTSBSALL LEGALLY QUALIFIED DENTIST^ KING ii^i SMTGN WILLIAM ||fMj| STREET, STEEET. ^^^friUK The Latest Improvements In Sngllab and American Bentlatry Practised. GOLD STOPPING. GAS, TEMPORARY SET At tho ilost Seasonable Fees in the City* A Trained Nurse in Attendance. 4 - -I

fmm Affre_d tMlege. The TfintD l%ft_[ of the SESSION ot 1888 l»8_i_» MOOTJAY. JULY lSta, -* 9 WJBU ? ' . ? ' '- .-??'? '.?'., New Boya come up for Examination on Friday, July 10th Of possible). ' -. FBXDBRICK CHAPFXJ_.B.A.,3SJ3&, 16eowa*_isa ? HeaaMarter. TT IGH-OLASS SCHOOL FOR GIRLS (Boarders jLI and Morning Pupils), Lauris'ton, near Sydenham-rood, Rose Park.— Mrs. CHRIS. GILES, assisted by her daughters, visiting masters, aud certificated and experienced lady teachers. The school will open on Monday, October 5. 266,632x250-03 Propsrtiea for Sala or Want ad A GRICULTURAL FARMS FOBi SALE. HUNDRED WATERLOO, Part Section 189, Part 262,. and Section 261—553 acres, seven-roomed House, subdivided, permanent ism-face water; on Tothill's Creek ; immediate possession ; price, £1,SSO. B00Y0OUE, Section 108, 242—370 acres, near Laura, all arable, good House, weir watered ; price, £955 ; possession March 1, 1S97. Sixty acres are fallowed. YATALA, Section 3012—55 acres ; immediate possession ; £6 per acre. Section 8033 -82 acres, House. Splendid Farm close to Beef acres; £6 10s. per acre ; possession March 1, 189a ADELAIDE— Freestone Quarry, 10 acres, part Section 99Y ; price, £160 ; or to Let, £10 per annum. TO LET OR FOR SALE. YATALA — Highercombe Estate, near Houghton, delightful Summer Residence, 1,063 acres, comprising orchard, vineyard, wine cellars, homestead, tc, and market garden land. Inspection invited. Immediate possession. TO LET. THE BUNGALOW, Seaside Residence, six rooms, ju«t renovated, Meilor Park, near Semaphore. JAS. A. JOHNSON, 230aocs235c ? 56, Franklin-street, Adelaide. GHEAP FARi8_0H EASY TERiS. Ilundred. Sections. Late owner. Acr. Price Lochaber .. 149 and 160 Macfarhvne 681 £750 DaJrympIe .. 324 and 341s Haebich CS7 6 To Upper Wakefleld - 109 Aitcheson 221 375 Terms— Say 15 per cent Cash. Apply A. I* CHAPMAN, xlsc Currie-strect, Adelaide. TOARMS FOR SALE YORIIE'S PENINSULA. Terms may be arranged. RUDOLPH MULLNEB, s74c ? ' ? Auctioneer, Yoritetown. FOR SALE, by TENDER, to 1st October, STORE .and DWELLING of five rooms, tank, stables, and three Allotments, JJain-street, Tarcowie. For particulars apply John H:ll, Tarcowie. X25O-7O LAKD ANB HOLSS PROPERTY SHOTTLEWOHTH & LETGMD, LAND, LOAN, AND ESTATE AGENTS, AUCTIONEERS, VALUATORS, KING WILLIAM-STREET, ADELAIDE. iESl'ABLISUED 1857.] Transfers, Mortgages, Ijease3 prepared. MONEY to LEND. Business witii Govcrmucat Land Oillca transacted. Kent aud luterest collected. Shares bought and Sold. 2uaiKw_5c OFFERS will be received by the undersigned for the PURCHASE of SECTIONS No3. 40ln, 4010, and 4252. HUNDRED OF .MUA'SO PARA, County of Adelaide, containing about 242 acres. Subject to Mortgages for £350, and the existing tenancy, which expires March, 16J7. No offer necessarily accepted. NORilAN & CO. X2C6-63 ? Salisbury and Adt-laide. PROPERTIES FOR S A L E.— LYNDOCH VALLEY— lOi acres rich land, 45 acres vineyard, 3J acjes orchard, nood geien-iootued House, stables, ic. HAWTHORN.— Nice stone House, six rooius, land 100 x 200 ft , garden, stables, &c. GRACE.— Sections 417, 439, 450, 451, 452, and 45S, containing 076 acres, very cheap ; terms easy. CLARENDON. — Store and Dwelling, seven rooms, stable, && S. B. WAKSFZEUD, 21, KING WILLIAM-STRiiKT, ADELAIDE. ? ^H,3wi:30axil3:305 mHE HILLS LAKD & INVESTMENT COMPANY, J. LIMlTiCD, Properties are ior AbSOLUTE SALfc; greatly below cost 331 Acres Aliigate. 49 Acres Mount Lofty. 32 Acres Bei.v.r. 71 Acres Ul&ckwood. Choice positions. Lots to tuit purchasers. Nominal Reserves. Ever}- reasonable offer entertained. For plau aud particulars apply OOLLiaON U CO., ,47ualcx48c King William-street, AdolaiJe. TO -FARMERS. GRAZIERS, AND STOREKEEPERS. WORKING MEN'S BLOCKS FOR SALE AND TO LET. Besides various TOWNSHIP BLOCKS in all parts of colony. Easy terms, small deposit, balance by instalments. ADVANCES JIAD£ UPON WOOL. ACCOUNTS in connection with the INCOME TAX adjusted. ADVICE GIVEN on all matters re Leans on Land and Property and Loans negotiated. AH Real Property Act Documents promptly prepared. Plane of any description prepared on the shortest notice. HUNDRED BAROSSA, Sections 6, 13, and 27, containing 241 acres good farming land. HUNDRED BALAKLAVA, Section 138, containing 451 acres ; well fenced. HUNDRED ONKAPARINGA, Section 187, containing SO acres ; good farm ; fenced. HUNDRED KULPARA, Sections 371, 373, 374, and 37C, containing 632 acres good farming land. HUNDRED JOANNA, 2,022 acres of splendid grazing land. ' 51 O It T I SI K R STUCKEY, LICENSED LANDBROKEB, LAND, LOAN, AND COMMISSION AGENT, National Mutual Buildings, VICTORIA-SQUARE (west side), ADELAIDE. ? X29O HOLLING & BPANGENBERG'S 'Public Favorite Pianos.*— Wm. Kuhnel, Sola Agent IQliuacx IANO Buyers should inspect the large variety at Kuhnel'« Piano Warehouse, PUie-etreet lOliuncx

lArcEAKu jockey ANNUAL MEETING OF THE ABOVE CLUB WILL BE HELD On Monday Sfov. 9, 1896. ? . ? '- ? PROGRAMME OF RACES. First Race to start at 12.80 tin. J Trial Stakhs, of 16 sovs. For all horses that hav» W not won a stake over the value of 7 sovs. Weight tot 1 age. Entrance, 15s. One mile. Fibst Hakdicap Uuedles, of 35 Bova.; eecond horst J? ^Jv£ Sye?v& fr°m stake. Over 10 jumps about a ft. 6 high (sheep hurdles- Nominations, 17s, 6d.! acceptances, 17s. 6d. About two miles. ? ? I LUNCHEON. Maitlaxd Hakdicai1, of CO so vs.; second horse to ' receive 10 sovs. from stake. Nominations 80s ? acceptances, SOs. Winner of any Handicap value ot : 40 sovs. after declaration of weights to carrv a 7 lb penalty. Oneand a halt miles. Galloway Handicap, of IOsovb.; second pony to receive 2 sovs. from stake. For ponies 14.2 and under. Nominations, 5s.; acceptances 6s. Six fur* longs. ^— Pinna Hasdicap, of 15 sovs. Nominations 7s. 6d.! -J^ acceptances, 7s. Od. Six furlongs. Sbcosb Handicap Huiidles, of 20 sovs ; second horea to receive 5 sovr from stake. Winner of First Handl- ! cap Hurdl»B to carry a penalty of 7 lb. Nominations 10s.; acceptances 10s. One a'nd a halt miles.' Yorbe Valley Handicap, of 25 sovs. ; second horse to receive 5 sovs. from stake. Winner of Maitland „ -Handicap to carry a penalty of 7 II). Nominations 12s. _6d.; acceptances 12s. Od. One and a. quartet miles. Haxdicap Trot, of 8 sovs. ; 11 st. up. Entrance 89. ? Two miles. 18s. TOTALIZATOR. 10s. NOMINATIONS for the Maitland Handicap, Yorka Valley Handicap, FJyiu': Handicap, First Handicap Hurdles, Galioway Handicap, and Second Handicap Hurdles will close on October 8, 1S3G, at 10 p.m., at the Office of the ilaitland Jockay Ciuls, Maitland. WEIGHTS declared on October 15, 159(1. ACCEPTANCES due on October 24, 1890, at 10 p.m. ENTRIES for Trial Stakes and Trot close on October 24, at 10 p.m. A subscription of £1 Is. wiil be necessary to qualify nominators to start horses in the iiuitiand Handicap, Yorke Valley Handicap, First Handicap Hurdles, FJyinfj Handicap, Galloway Handicr.n, pud Second Handicap Hurdles ; and 10s. qualification for Trial Stakes and Trot. South Australian Jockey C.'ub Rules strictly — adhered to. 261x263 W. T. McCAKTHY, Uon. Secretary. Government Advertisements. ™ S^i O V K R N 41 K N T LAND SALES + Survevor-Geiieral'e Office, Adelaide, «eplember 17, 1S9C. J MIDLAND LAND BOABD.-Al'PLICATIONS for Ordinary Lands and Miscellaneous Leases will be received till 22nd September. NORTHEUN LAND BOAED.-APPLICATIONS for Sections in Hundreds Gregory and WongyarrA will be received till liBth September. SOUTil-liASTEUN LAND BOARD.— APPLICA-TIONS for Ordinary Lands and Miscellaneous Leases will be received till 5th October, 1S90. CENTRAL LAND EOAIiD.— APPLICATIONS for Block O, County Young, formerly included in Gillen Village Settlement, will be received till 20th September, 1696.By By direction of the Hon. Commissioner of Crown Lands, W. STRAWBRIDGE, *203k ? SurveyoftGeneral, 1' AND WANTED for HOMES'IEAD BLOCKS near MU Redhill and Tarlee. Particulars in Gazette of 10th mst. PETER P. G1LLKN', Coimuissioaer of Crown Lands. _| Adelaide, 9th September, 1B9C. £5i,6x26U-G3 ? fTSVlE YORKE'S Pi£NINsULA LAND BOARD J&. will meet — At £ A DIN A, on the 23rd and 24 th instant,* At MAITLAND, on thfc 201h, And YORKETOWN, on the 29th September. Each day at 10 o'clock a. in. *&i3r ? P. P. GILLEN, Commissioner. ? Miscellaneous. FOUR HOWARD TWIN EBIXDERS, l)ractically new, FOR SALE, cheap. ^ W. BARTER, Harroid Bros., Machiuery Department. ? . ? x^C3,77 HUMAN HAIR CUTTINGS or COMBINGS made up in any style, reasonable.— A. Uiosc, wig maker, Grenfell-sireet, next Arcade. x-i63r ~7Jk silver hunting ciironometer _5/O WALTHAM LEVEUS or Ladies' Gold Watches for £2 2s., as per conditions ot purchase of T. Sheppard's £1 Is. guaranteed Wateh. Address 59, Pine-street, Adelaide. ? x2(ii-77 171 GGS and BIRDS.— Dorkings, Lanjrshans, Malays, '* -A Pile Game, Plymouth Hocks, White and Black Spanish, Miuori-os, Aiidalusians, V/hitc and Brown Ley horns ; Al birds. Eggs, 13 for l-9, — Poultry Farm, f| Seventh-avenue, .East Adelaide ; or agents, Messrs. A. W. Sandford & Company, Adelaide. x-214-98 RUIT and VEGETABLES (f best quality, and * other Produce, PACKED DIRECT FROM GARDEN to ALL PARTS OF TUE COLONY. Stores, Hotels, aud Families supplied. JOHN F. PASCOE, Gardener and Fruiterer, x200o ? East-End Market and Payneham. HAY, HAY.— FOR SALE, cheap, about 100 acres WHEAT CROP, 60 acres self-sown, 5 Draught HORSES.— F. Smedley, Stansbury, Y.P. 201x263 i ORSEHAIR BOUGHT, anr quantity, Is. Id. lb. cash given all the year round.— W. PALMER, Government Contractor for Brushes, 35, Frauklln-sfe, xlQ3-28i NCUBATOBS.— Before purchasing elsewhere ice the Modern Model Incubator ; circulars free,— Geo. Lanthois, Gilbert-street, Goodwood. ? 245eow70x2*B-70 CRE-BRED silver-grey DORKING FOWLS, i_I ported strains ; eggs, 10s. 6d per dozen ; also 200 egg Simplex incubator.— James M. Forbes, WattleBtreet, Fullarton. ? g46eow70x2*9-70 . D' o you want a Piano or Organ T If to, inspect ___| Kubnel's Warehouse. Pirie-street lOliuacx ^_f F)UND at last, Pianos at prices unequalled »t Kuhnel's Piano Warehouse, Pirie^U lOliuaox W' 'ANTED to Exchange; Pianos ot any descrip ' * tioa taken in exchange *t Kuhnel's. l01iu»ex