Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 12 October 1895, page 1

- ? Shipping. ? - ITEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY. FOR LOOTON, Cnder Royal Wall Coutract, will dispatch (lie follow jn- Steamers, \ia Albany, Colombo, Suez Canal, and Mediterranean Ports :— ? . Steamers. Tn8.i Commander. | Leave. ARCADIA „ CC7O A. C. Loggin 'Oct S3 BALLAAUAT .. 4S72 1. S. Angus 'Nov. C BONE .. ..5545 A. B. Daniell 'Nov. 20 VALETTA .. 6084 G. W. Atkinson Dec. 4 Himalaya ..gsqsa. w.Adamson Dec is OCEAKA .. 0670US. Stewart {Jan. J,'fi5 PARRAVATTA 4874 P. Harris \3an. 10 AUSTRALIA .. 0001 1. Reeves Jan. 29 JIASSILIA ... 6032'R. Harvey 'Feb. 12 KOTICiJ^TO PASSE\€ESS. ? ? Liberal-reductions to Families. - Whole Cabins reserved. , '^-The accommodation in loth First and Second Cfttoou u- unsurpassed. Passage from Europe, &c., can be arranged here. Passengere allowed to bieak their journey at intermediate ports.Tourists' Tourists' Tickets— India, China. Japan, &c Bound the World tickets issued. FASSAtil* KATES. ? Tfcfcets issued at lowest current rales. Handbooks, Time-tables, and all particulars as to ratface money, &c, forwarded on application. ' ELDEU, SMITH, & CO.. LIMITED, Agents. 808cE£OWx233c_ ORIENT LINE. ' The following Royal Mail Steamships belonging to Ite ORIENT and PACIFIC COMl'AMES will leave ADELAIDE (Lares Bay) at noon on the underMentioned dales for PLYMOUTH and LONDON via Albany, Colombo (tran»hippiag lor all Iiidii.n i:orts), Suez Canal, Naples, and Gibraltar : — ? tlROTAVA ..6,662 lonsJ. Liuklater Qou 10 OKUBA ..6,662 ' J.Richards Juut. 30 GUZCO ..3,018 ' H. W. Livett . %'ov. 13 AUSTRAL ..\b 524 ' J. F. Andersen .-cv. 37 And Fortnightly thereafter. 4 PASSAGE MONEY— £70 to £15 las. Return tickets, £05 and £105. - Liberal allowances to families. Saloon Passengers allowed to break their journey. Facilities ore afforded for bring out friends and rerelatives by the prepayment of passage-money. WESTERN AUSTRALIA. Sates— Saloon, £7. ; second, £6 10s. ; third, £4 10s. Managers— F. Green & Co., and Anderson, Ander' ten, & Co., Fcnehurch-avenue, London, E.C. Full pariiculai-son application to II. G. ANCEUSOX, Branch Manager, 118exll7c ^ ? 2S. QrenfeU-slrcgfc. MESSAfflSiuES MARITIMES. ADELAIDE TO -:-«*UK*OJf?*«^jpR.^ ..-.?-,' ? VtiderPcEUl '.Contract wiUi the French' -3overmnent. .. ?? ? - -/ Etcflpittf-'ot C.COO tons, calling at AlbM^ltfhS, Aden '£uez;«ndrortbaUI,\s ill las ?'T'fflBMpr*'lT I**^jfjl«aves Clcamers. ' Commander. UelbriitfLarg& B. ? ?? - . 1 jmu. j lp-ui. folynesSen . -.. A. Chevalier, L.V. Oct. SlJNov 2 Annand Bebic. ; A. Poydenot* L V. Dec. 1 Dec. 3 AtiEtralicn' .. ATVfuiont, L.V. Dec. 81 Jan. 2 VilledclaCiotal fi. Fiaschhii.V. Jan. SlJFeb. 2 Passengers booked to Reunion, Mauritius, and East Ccatt cl Africa. Bates of Passage to Lokdox ? First' Saloon, £00 It £70, including table wines. Liberal concessions 1c families. Return Ticket*- available /or nine or twelve months at IUuuced Bates. Ekgusu ElkW/BlS. FasEeiigers' luggage conveyed jree oj coil to London li Hcauitr. : ? ORDINARY RETURN TICKETS, FIRST CLASS, fcttween Adelaide, Melbourne, and Sydney issued by this Company or by the Railway Ottlces are intertl.irttt.ilt -ci tctuin by rail or by sea. J ci fuithcr particulars apply to . LAKltOLD BROTHERS, Adelaide, Foil Adelaide, and Port Fine. lG5iwacx208p KOR1K-«AN LLOYD S.S. COY. ^-l ^ KEUULAB MONTHLY LINE OF fflSsf®*. FAST PASSENGER STEAMERS to -3B|MCTp--gouiHAMPTON, ANTWERP, and . *^BBf* BREMEN, calling at Colombo, Aden, Sniz, Port Said, NAPLES, and GENOA. Under Hail Contract with the Imperial German Governu:enL ' 'Steamers will be dis]-atched as follows :— Steamers. Tons. Commander. |Lv. Ad. OERA .. .. 6,319 W. V. Schuckmann Oct 10 DARMSTADT .. 6,81«M. Eichel .. .. Nov. 13 BAYERN .. .. 5,343 W. BcUmblder ..Dec, 11 PRINZ REGENT ' 1896. 1 LUHTQLD .. 6,600 H. GaUieinann ..Jan. 8 OLDENBURG .. 5,318 R. Heiatce.. ..Feb. i GERA .. .. 5,3!9 W. v.-Schuckroann March 6 ) P«es(ice-money from Adelaide, £14 to £67 10s. Great Reductions on return passages, available for lime or 'twelve months. Every facility is offered for bringing out friends by payment or passage-money litre.- -Cabin passengers may break their journey. third class to SouUiampton, £14. . Menuipecially arranged to suit all nations. ?All officers and stewards conversant with the Eng. 3ih language.,. . j Pateengers and cargo booked through to London and; principal European, Asiatic, and American ports. Passengers for England are landed at SOUTH* AUPION. : For freight, passage, and all other particulars apply lo the agents, 7 . H. MUECKE & CO.. $a28iavfa283c ? -J Adelaide and Port Adelaide , , Business Notices. fkM OOF.BJT MODEL INCUBATOR is the invention ifJL of Mr. Laurie. Government Lecturer on Foultr--, »ad used by him for the post five year* with Winreeedented success ; equable temperature ; no mneU from lamp.— Gco. LantholB, Gilbert-street; Obod«PirtKf - ' ?' - 274,6;€x278-85 ? FAPEUHANaiNGS, from Sixpence. pirHoU »t 'KuEnel'i Piano DeuoV»Purie-«tre«U .jOW? :??.;,. ?'?'-' '$?:?? ?. : ? . -. ?

? Shipping. ? JHiON STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF NEW ZEALAND, LWED. Hie Magnificent Steamers of tlie above Company -rc dispatched as follows, calling at all New Zealand .r.d TaMiioiiiau ports : — &EW ?£EA.l.AJi» SERVICE. V,m KELBOVKNE.. J ™*™-A *,.*** TEKAPO, via Cook's Straits, October 19. 'rom SYDNEY SI ANAPOURI, via Auckland, ?OVALAU, for Fiji, Samoa, ? - ? and Tonga, October 20. liAlfyCESTON SKKV1CB. Krom-MELBOUBKB . . | p™l7 Thursday, 1'cr I »us of IiT-lght and passage apply to lEAttltOLl* BEOTUEB3, Adiia'^t and l'on, Volt i'iric, uiivl Broken UiH. a20weocx324c ' ? Auctions. ? POUTH AUSTRALIAN CHRONICLE In order to fccnre proper Classiflration it is icreaary H'at ADYEKTISEMENTS ior the .loulh A uttraitan Clirmricle shcild reach this OHice NOT i ATKK ihsn JilliDAY TIIUKSDAY. Number of insertions t-houM be given In all cases. TUESDAY, October 15, at 1 o'clock. ON THE FARM, NINE MILES SOUTI1 OF PORT BROUGHTOX. CLEARING-OUT SALE. TO MAKE ROOM FOR SHEEP. TREED & O O. a have received instructions from Mr. J. W. Ingram, Wokuma, to sell, by auction — 20 DRAUGHT HORSES, rijjbt ages, good condition, a flnst-c'oss lot 2 English Waj;gon9 2 4-furrowS.J. Ploughfi, really good Tip-Dray, Good Seedsower (May Bros.) and Cart Sj-ring-Oart, Set 6 Harrows, S.J. Osbornc Binder, Mower, Lot Po3ts Draught Stallion (Lord Redesdalc) AVith a lot of Sundries. Usual terms. No Reserve. Lunclr provided. X278-85 LARGE AND IMPORTANT CLEABING-OUT SALE OK V^&yi. (1.10J Acres), GROWING CROP FARM STOCK, AND IJIl'iiEMENS; &c. ON THE FARM £ (Tivo^aies West of -Port Broughton). FRIDAY, October 18, at 12 o'clock. TREED & CO. a (of Clare) have received instructions from Mr. Frank Gray, who is leaving the district for the West Coast, to sell by auction— The Whole of his FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS, compliant — ? --10 Superior Heavy Draught Horses, young and good workers, 1 Saddle Horse 14 Horses, draught and light, two and three years old, farui bred C Good Cows, in milk, 2 Well-bred Bulls -7 Young Cattle (fat), 4 Pigs Large lot of Poultry 2 English Waggons, Heavy Dray Spring-Dray and Harness, Buggy and HamcBS 2 Reapers, Winnower (Bagshaw) . 2 3-furrow S. J. Ploughs 1 Double, 1 Single Plough, 2 Scarifiers Horscrakc, Seedsower (Martin) Choffc'utter and Horscuorks (Uenthal) Corncrusher, byBagshaw, Set S.J. Harrows Side-delivery Slower, 10 Sets Plough chains Lot Swings, Grindstone, lot Hay Tools 8 Horse-feeders .. Large Iron Trough, 1 Wood Trough Iron Furnace with Stand, Fairbank Scales Earthscoop, Landroller Hay-frame, Ladders, Vice Large Iron Boiler, 800 gallons 4 Cart Saddles - 6 Sets Leading Harness Lot Harness (various) Sack Truck, Wheelbarrow Crowbars, Picks, Shovels -Braces and Bits, Syphon and Hose : 2 400-galloii Iron Tanks And a large quantity of Sundries. Also, subject to the consent of the Commissioner of Crown Lands — SECTION No. 15S, HUNDRED of WOKURNA, containing 1 408 Acres first-class Laud, with improvements, consisting of good Dwelling-house, tanks, dams, fenced and subdivided into convenient paddocks. MISCELLANEOUS LEASE, containing 040 Acres, adjoining the above ; amount of rental 25s. The above is one of the best forms in the district The Whole is tor Absolute Sale. No Reserve. Terms— Approved bills for sums over £30. Lunch provided. X278-S5 AT THE DISTRICT HOTEL, AUBURN. On THURSDAY, Oclober 17, at 11 o'clock a.m., and following day if necessary. WITHOUT RESERVE. TjiRANK H. BARKLA has received instructions to _T sell by public auction, as above — T:he. LEASE, TENANT'S FIXTURES, FITTINGS, and . STOCK, &c, of the above Hotel, comprising— Bagatelle Table, Piano (by Holling & Spangenburg) Drawing-room Suites, Dining-room Tables Sofas, Couches, Chairs ' Beds and Bedding (double and single) Wertheim Sewing Machine, nearly new Glassware, Cutlery, Kitchen Utensils Spirits, Ales, Cordials, &c. - 8 400-gaWoii Iron Tanks, l'COO and 1 1,000-galIon Galvanized Iron Tanks Blate Trough, and the usual Effects of an Hotel ? also, 1 Heifer and a lot of Fowls. Terms Csha. No Reserve. Luncheon provided. . 280,2,7x286

? - Auctions. ? WOOL_SALE. 3LDER, SMITH, & CO., LD. ill hold their second sale of the season on MONDAY, ctober 14, at 9.30, in the EXCHANGE HALL, HUE-STREET, when they will offer about ()000 BALESWOOLS ON SHOW FRIDAY and SATURDAY at ORT ADELAIDE. Next sale will be held on October 28. x2S3 ~' JAMESTOWN MARKET. ~ On WEDNESDAY, O*$pberjji, at U Sfclock. 12336 SH^' '.-ai^*13* 1 ELDER, SMITH, & CO., LIMITED, will sell by auction, as under — 200 forward WKTH ERS '\ ' 200 Forward Wethers } In the wool 10J Forward Ewes J 500 Large-framed Ewes, in good order, in the wool f 00 Mixed Hoggets, splendidly woolled 300 4-tooth Wethers \. th , 500 Ewes, with 80 per cent, lambs / ln tne W001' OFF SHEARS. 200 Prime Wethers, 200 Fat Wethers ISRi Fat Wethers, 300 Fat Ewus CO Fat Crossbred Lambs £00 Large-framed Wethers, in good order 2.000 2-year-oM Wethers, Paringa-bred 1,000 2-year-old Wethers, Mutooroo-bred 2,5 »0 2-,vear-old Wethers, from Mutooroo 1,500 4-year-old Wethers, large framed 450 Ewes with 240 Lambs 200 3 and 4 year old Ewes . 150 1 and 2 year old Crossbred Sheep 250 1-year-old Mixed Sheep, well grown 500 Mixed Sheep, in good order 200 Ijambs, well grown, mixed sexes 6 Well-bred Merino Rams 1 2-year-old pure Lincoln Ram 40 Prime Fat Cattle 60 Mixed Cattle, some prime 1 Splendid Milch Cow, in full profit Buckeye Binder, in good order Choilcutter, Horseworks 12 Horses, including good Draughts PisB, and Sundries* Terms as.usual. x285 STIRLING NORTH. On FRIDAY, October 18, at 1 o'clock. ELDER, SMITH, & CO., LIMITED, wilLoSer, by auction — lS^TO SHEEP- as under— 4,500 aged Ewes . ) from 1,100 2-footh Ewes - Carriewerloo 4,000 Wethers, mixed Ages J Station. . . 1,109 2-tooth Ewes '\ 2;O7O 4-tooth Ewes .' | from 2^700 full-mouthed Ewes ' --Yudnapinnie 3,.r-00 6-tooth and full-mouthed I Station Wethers! ' J 235,6x285 PRELIMINARY ADVERTISEMENT. VALUABLE STATION PROPERTY. MESSRS. STRACHAN, CHEADLE, & CO. wre instructed by A. McGregor Dey, Esq., to offer for sale by public auction, in Adelaide, in November, all that Valuable Property known as -WINNININNIE STATION, Consisting of 151 MILES LEASEHOLD LAND 10300 6HEEP- or lhereatout3 TOGETHER WITH Horses, Bullocks, Cows, Drays And Valuable Plant suitable for the carrying on of a station of this size. For further particulars Apply to STRA.CHA.N, CHEADLE, & Co., WOOLBROKERS AND STATION AGENTS, ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE. 2S0acx27£c . teSSa On MONDAY, October 14, at 2 o'clock. ~ ON THE FARM OF MR. HENRY HALLIDAY, SMITHFIELD. NEAR RAILWAY-STATION. UNDER DISTRESS FOR RENT. F. J. DOTTING & CO. have been instructed to sell on the Farm of Mr. Henry Halliday, Smithfleld, on Monday, October 14, at 2 o'clockDraught and other good HORSES, Cows Poultry, English Waggons Drays, Ploughs, Scarifiers Rollers, Harness of even* description First-class Reaping Machine Winnower and Mower Household Furniture and Sundries. Every line will be sold without reserve. 233x285 PORT PIRIE. SATURDAY, October 19, 1SU5, at 2.30 p.m. AT THE AUCTION MART. EXCHANGE BUILDINGS, ELLEN-STREET, PORT PIRIE. A A. PEARCE & CO. will offer at Auction, under _£3l» instructions from the Mortgagees, and with the consent of the Commissioner of Crown Lands— The SELECTOR'S interest in AGREEMENT No. 16,956 of SECTION No. 115, in the HUNDRED of NAPPERBY, containing 383 ACRES or thereabouts, together with all BUILDINGS and erections thereon. The Farm is known as Mr. P. Hannan's and is situated about 6i miles cast ol Port Vine. Terms at Sale. For further particulars' apply to the Auctioneers. x286

? Auctions. ? BURRA MARKET. On FRIDAY, October 18. AT BON ACCORD YARDS. ^7910 FAT A1?D ST0RE SHEEP. ?7^ FAT AND STORE CATTLE. CJANDLAND & CO. £3 wM EeH by auction, as above, at 1 o'clock — 200 Prime FAT WETHE11S ' ^ 250 do. do. 200 do. do. 170 Fat Wethers 10U Prime Ewes :-. ?? J-In Wool 1C0 Ewos, with Croesbred Lambs ?CO -Prime lAinbs SOU'OoodXaujUi . ?- , . '?500 Goodittslhew J 2,000 Young Sheep - „_,, - 1,0-TO ?-tboth F.wes l*i^tt-v 1,000 8-tooth Welhew \J$£§B&i? 250 Prime Wethers f 53nWfpB^ 150 do. do. I 1,500 Mixed Sheep J 7,970 70 FAT CATTLE, all fresh beef Horses, Hurdles, &c, &c. x2S5 BRINKWORTH MARKET. On TUESDAY, October 22, at 2 o'clock. 3000 FAT AND ST0RE SHEEP- CATTLE, HORSES, SUNDRIES. QANDLAND & CO. ^3 will sell by auction, as above — 200 Fftt_Ewes in wool, 200 Young Sheep 40D l'rinie Wethers, 300 Prime Ewes bhO Fonrani Wethers, 300 good Wethers 1,030 Mixed Ewes, Wethers, and Young Sheep 10 Fat Cattle. Horses, Hurdles, and Sundries. x2S5 On THURSDAY, October 17, at 1.30 p.m. THE DAY AFTER THE TERO WIE AGRICULTURAL SHOW. ON THE TEROWIE SHOW GROUND. UNDER INSTRUCTIONS FROM S. R. WAKEFIELD, ESIJ., LIQUIDATOR IN MELLOR BROS., COOPERATIVE CO., LIMITED. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, CASTINGS, FITTINGS, &C. BAGOT, SHAKES, & LEWIS, LIMITED, will sell by auction, as alK»ve— 1 Secondhand Binder, 83 Dozen Mower Blades 1 Double. Plough, 30 Plough Axles C Seedsoivers, -13 Centre Benais ? . IJiUlstandj 12 We£rpla.t«s . v aSoaoawfedJRe'^wr^nearlyncvr) 17 Scarider Tines, A Uteaper Platforms 2 Knotter Hooks . 37 Beater Brushes and Bearings, Windmill Fans 12 Do. Carriers, Lot Mower Fittings and Castings. This is the last of the stock to be .sold by auction, and buyers should not luiss the chance of buying. TcnuS'&s usual. x235 PRELIMINARY NOTICE. On or about FRIDAY, October 25, at 12 o'clock noon. ON THE FARM, ABOUT SEVEN MILES NORTH OF PETERSBURG, ON DAWSON-ROAD. IMPORTANT CLEARING SALE. 831 ACRES IN HUNDRED OF MORGAN. 7£0 ACRES IN HUNDRED OF COGL1N. FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, &c. BAGOT,. v SHAKES, & LEWIS, LIMITED, are favored with instructions from Mr. P. Sexton (who, owing to his wife's ill-health, is leaving the colony for Ireland) to sell by auction, as above. Full particulars In future advertisements, or obtainable from the Auctioneers, Gladstone. x285 IMPORTANT SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS, HORSES, CATTLE, SHEEP, AT SPRINGFIELD, NEAR KANMANTOO. IN CONSEQUENCE OF EXPIRY OF LEASE. JOHN PAL T R I D G E has received instructions from Mr. J. E. Hoad (whose lease of Mr. Kelly's farm has expired) to sell by auction on TUESDAY, October IS, at 12 o'clock, on the Farm, Springfield, near Kanmantoo —The The following STOCK, via. :— 71 head Cattle, comprising 20 Dairy Cows in - milk and springing, 20 Fat Cattle, 2A Mixed Young Cattle, all dairy-bred ; also, Team of 0 Working Bullocks, Dray, and Tackling. 350 Sheep, including 2S0 well-bred Ewes, with 00 per cent, of Iambs at foot, and 100 Fat Wethers, all in the wool Also, 5 Horses, heavy and light, broken in, perfectly quietThe The Implements include Tip-dray, Sjningdray, and Harness, Land.roller, 4 Milkcans (10 gallons), and a host of Sundries. The above will be found to be a really useful lot ot stock worthy ot the attention of all intending purchasers and are for absolute sale, as Mr. Hoad has no further room for them. Terms as usual. x285 On MONDAY, October M, at II j the following day if necessary. ON THE PREMISES, STORPv-STREET, Off Grote-street. Under Instructions from Mr. Thomas Galbraitfi. IMMENSE QUANTITY BUILDING MATERIAL OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TIMBER, GALVANIZED IRON IN ALL LENGTH8. DEALS, JARRAH, V.D.L., OREGON, DOORS, WINDOWS, &c, &c No Reserve. J. H. Weidenhofer & Co., Ld., are instructed by Mr. Thomas Galbraith to sell by auction, as above. - . 2£4x286

? Auctions. ? ' WOOL JALES. LUXMOORE & COY., Ltd., will hold Sales as under :— 14th October. 38th October. 11th November. £5th November. 9th Deccmbsr. WOOL IS SHOWN AT OUR PORT ADELAIDE' SHOWROOMS. ^WOOLPACKS, &c, sent on receipt order. LUXMOORE & COY., Ltd.* WOOLBRuKERS, ADELAIDE AND PORT ADELAIDE. ? »271c RIVERTON. SATURDAY, October 19, 2 o'clock p.m. AT MR. GOLDSMITH'S YARDS. JAS. SCHOLEFIELD has received instruction* from Mr. J. H. W. Bosworth, who has decided to close the dairy in order to make room for sheep, to sell by public auction, without reserve— 22 Dairy Cows in full milk 20 Springers ALSO, 10 Head Medium and Light Horses About 40 Pigs Alexandra Separator, in perfect working order, with Churn and everytluug complete. Can be seen at Edgehill. The above cows ore from the well-known dairy tarns it Edgehill, and can be. recommended to all intend* ing purcliasers. As two cruameries are about to commence operations in Hiverton this is a good opportunity for obtaining first-class cows. ? Terms cash. ? 289x285 PASKEVILLE MONTHLY SALE. . TUESDAY, October 15, 1895 [Instead of Wednesday, 10th, owing to the Mai tl aiid ' - Show). FRANCE &' POTTER will hold their usual monthly sale, as above. And on anotlier account, without reserve— 000 Splendid EWES, with 90 i-cr cent, of Lambs 2,000 Wethers, in forward condition. These are an extra good lot of Shorn Sheep, and ivill be sold in lots to buit purcliasers. Usual terms. ? x285 '? AT WILMINGTON. On SATURDAY, October 19th, at noon. EP. DIGNANis instructed by Mr. H. A. Holta house; of the National Bank, who is leaving the district, to sell by auction as above — 5J ACHES SUBURBAN LAND 2| Acres Splendid Garden, just coming into bear* ing, in Township of Wilmington 4 Prize Ponies, 2 do. Con's 1 Good Buggy and Harness, 3 Saddles 20 Hives Ligurian Bees, Beekeepers' Appliancev complete 40 head Poultry. 150 Pot Plants Household Furniture, Garden Implements, &c Sawn Timber, Galvanized. Iron Wire-netting, and a host of Sundries. For details see Posters. The Auctioneer calls special attention to this ex- . cellent garden, for which very liberal terms will bt Given. Every line offered i« in first-class order ? X285 On WEDNESDAY, October 10, at 2 o'clock. ALLEN'S HORSE BAZAAR, CURRIE-STREET. TIPTOP ftg HORSES. T O H N PALTRIDGB $_| is instructed to mil by auction for Mr, John Burdett— ' |wa Tiptop HORSES, comprising superior t\j Draughts, Coachcrs, Tram sorts, good single anCMiouble iiarness Horses, and somt nice Ponies; all in excellent condition. On account Mr. M.-Doiley— 'I i? Superior Young Heavy Draughts. A)-proved bills. x285 NOTICE OF WITHDRAWAL. THE AUCTION SALE CROWN LEASES known as Hill's advertised to lake place at the Quoru Auction Mart on Saturday, October 12, at 2, instructed by the Manager of the Union Bank, Adelaide, subject to the consent of the Hon. the Commissioner of Crown Lands, is WITHDRAWN. A. M. JAFFREY, sog5 . . ? Auctioneer. At QUORN, on SATURDAY, 20th October, at 2 p.m.' A M. JAFFREY is instructed by Messrs. Buin_/\ a mcrtou Bros, to sell, by auctiou— 2 TEAMS of (8 and 10) WORKING BULLOCKS (in splendid condition), 12 head Prime Fat Cuttle, and 15 Horses (all good aud htancli). Teims — Approved bills for sums over £20. ? ' ? K285-92 TUESDAY October 15, at 2 o'clock. JOHN BULL BAZAAR. HORSES. (yK HOUSES. BARKER & OOBNELIUt ore instructed to sell by auction— For Mr. C. Fox— 40 Chunky CART COLTS and FILLIES from Erldundu, in capital condition. — For Mr. K. H.1 Bunm&n— 2j Horses, comprising Draughts and Light broketi and unbroken, from Currency Creek. . Tinns-ApprOVed bills. 2fcSx28S