Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1931), Thursday 9 March 1916, page 6


Lady Galway relumed to Government Iloiiec on Tiiesdiv evening from Victor llarbcr, where she has spent the last

three months.

Tile Premier (Hon. 0. Vaughan) will íeturn from Melbourne tliis morning.

The Hons. P. McM. Glynn. M.H.R., and A. Poynton, M.H.R., were passengers to Melbourne by the express on Wednesday. They wil' attend a meeting of the Federal War Committee to-day.

The Rev. F. George O'Halloran, rector of Gingin, Western Australia, has been appointed military chaplain, and will he leaving for the front at the end of this month. He was for 11 years chaplain at Fremantle Gaol, and has been rector of Gingin for the last five years. He is the youngest son of Mr. T. J. S. O'Halloran, SM, grandson of the late Major O'Halloran, the first Commissioner m Police in this State, and great grandson, of Major-General Sir Joseph O'Halloran, G.C.B., Bengal Army, who served for 54 years in India. In recognition of his ser-vices in India he received the freedom of his native city, Limerick. A grandson of Mr. T. J. S. O'Halloran, S.M., Mr. D. Bruce Ross, LL.D. (only child of the late Mr. W. A. Ross, Bank of Australasia), has

enlisted for active service.

Tlie Knox Colloie. Dunedin. New Zea-land, has been freed from debt through the cenerosity of Mr. John Ross, whose con-tributions total £20,001).

A cable message has been received in Vdelaide that Mr. Charles J. B. Symon as been gazetted to a commission in the Coldstream Guards. Mr. Symon, who li-the eldest son of Sir Josiah Symon, lett last September to join the colors in Eng


Mr. R, G. Nesbit (president of the licensing Court) returned from Melbourne

>n Wednesday.

Captain Charles Ward Poynter, an old and a highly-esteemed identity of the Semaphore, died at the residence of his son, Captain W. H. Poynter, Newman street, on Wednesday, aged 87 years. He was of a genial disposition and had a host of friends. He was born at Abbotsbury, Dorset, in December, 1829. He served his apprenticeship at sea in the ship Rainbow, which was engaged in the North and South American trade. Afterwards he served in different vessels. He was in the brig Favorite, which foundered 180 miles nort.i of Bahía with a cargo of coal. Those on

board succeeded in reaching Bahia in the

boats. There he joined the barque Briton,

in which he sailed back to London. Sub-

sequently he went to Honolulu, China, and San Francisco. In 1852 he reached Sydney. He walked to the Bendigo diggings and, having spent some time there, participated In the Port. Curtis rush,.and was at the Snowy River find. In 1863 he came to Port Adelaide. Having spent a short period in the steamer Lubra, he joined the barque Ashburton, first as second mate and then as mate. Later he became chief officer of

the steamers Kangaroo, Royal Shepherd, and Lubra. He left the last-mentioned vessel in 1884 and was appointed light keeper and night watchman on the Sema-phore jetty--a position he held for over 20 years.

Mr. P. 'Allen, M.P., left for Melbourne by Wednesday's express. He expects to return to Adelaide on Sunday.

The Rev. J. F. Goldie and Sasabete, a convertt-d chief from the Solomon Islands, who visited. Adelaide in connection with the Methodist Conference, were passen-gers ;o Melbourne 'by the express on Wed-nesday.

The following Adelaide passengers have booked to leave the Outer Harbor by the ll.M.S. Mongol-a to'-day:-For Lon-, don-Dr. William Anderson, Mrs. Ander-son, .Master A. Andeison, Mr. H. A. Banks Miss Cornelia White, Miss E. M. Newton, Miss E. Drew, Mr. J. S. P. White, Mrs. N. McDonald, Mr. A. Robertson, Miss Merle Robertson, Mr. Henty E. Pryce, Mr. Finny Gill, Mr. W. K. Bunker. For*--- Mrs. C. W. Hayward, Mr. and Mrs. E F. Goode, Miss Grode, Mv. K. L. Goode. For Bom-bay-Mrs. V. 1\I. Newland, children, and


The** Advisory 'Board of Agriculture on Wednesday conferred the honor of life membership of the Agricultural Bureau upon Messrs. W. J. Venning. of Crystal' Brook, and W. Johns, of Forster. It was mentioned that Mr. Venning had been as-sociated with the organisation for 20 and Mr. Johns for 19 years. Both had rendered notable service to the bureau, and to Che farming interests in their districts.

Our Stockport correspondent writes: The wife of Mr. Richard Thomas, an old and a highly respected resident, died at her residence, near Tarlee, recently. She was 73 years of age, and was born at sea. She had always been an energetic church worker. Mrs. Thomas was first as-sociated with the Kapunda Baptist Church about 50 years ago, and after-wards became a foundation member of the Stockport Baptist Church. Ten years later Mrs. Thomas was transferred to Tarlee Baptist Church. She was an ardent supporter of foreigu missions, and will be greatly missed by her poorer neighbors. She was a sister of the president of the Baptist Union (Mr. D. G. Stribling, of Tarlee). Two daughters (Misses Bertha and Laura Thomas), three sons (Messrs. George, John, and William Thomas), and six grandchildren are left.

Sister L. F. Smart was to have left to-day by the Mongolia for Egypt to resume duty, but she has been prevented from going by illness.

Our Stirling West correspondent writes: -Mr. T. Win Wey. who was for many years a local preacher in the St'rlung Methodist circuit, and vrho a few months ago removed to Unley, went to the recruiting depot to enlist recently. He is 73 yeais of age, and hoped to be accepted for home service. Much to his disappointment, he waa re-jected.