Colonial Times (Hobart, Tas. : 1828 - 1857), Tuesday 25 September 1832, page 3

Sydney Extracts.

By the Sophia and Bee, we have received our files of Sydney papers up to the 13th inst-The latest English Intelligence re-ceived in our sister Colony, bears date the 9th May, consequently we have al-ready laid before our readers) informa-tion of one date later-With respect to Sydney, every thing seems to be going on favorably, the Council are actively en-gaged in bringing forward local Acts of minor importance, such as Acts for the regulation of Courts of Requests, weights, measures, &c. &c. &c.-Of the importa-tion of free female emigrants, about 40 only remained on hand on the 8th Sept. and these even, it was expected, would be placed in situations within a week or ten days of that time.

By the Lord Liverpool, which arrived yes-terday, from Hokianga, we have received the following shipping news, and other interesting particulars, from New Zealand :-The ship Meredith, of Liverpool, Captain Fullerton, last from the Sandwich Islands, was totally lost in crossing the bar of Hokianga River on the 13th of July. One of the crew only was drowned ; but the natives plundered every article that could be saved of the cargo, and even the clothes of many of the unfortunate sufferers. The Wesleyan Missionaries, how-ever, manifested great hospitality, supplying all their wants. Captain Fullerton, the chief officer, and carpenter came up to Sydney by the Lord Lirerpool, and the rest of the crew

were to sail for Launceston in the Bolina about the 21st.-Sydney Gazette.

The only whaler lately seen was the Ojfling, Captain Stavers, which arrived from London on her way to the whaling grounds, and had not yet, consequently, commenced fishing.

The schooner Speculator sailed from Car freen for Sydney with a cargo of potatoes, about fourteen days before the departure of the Liverpool.

Tue Lucy Ann sailed from Drinklass Bay, near the North Cape, for the Uiver Thames, where she was to complete her cargo of timber, with which she would proceed to Van Diemen's


The Natives of the Bay of Islands had just returned from an attack on the Fourrangee people, in which they were unsuscessful, and expei ienced such bad weather in their return, that many of their canoes were capsized, and a great number of lives lost.

Another party from the Bay of Islands had been to have a brush with the Wycatta tribe, where they destroyed all the flax belonging to Mr. Weller: Captain Payne,"and others, whom they brought away with them to the Bay.

A ship, supposed to have been the City of Edinburgh, from Sydney, endeavoured to get into Hokianga on the 11th, but owing to bad weather, was compelled to stand out to sea again, and was seen no more of up to the 19th.

There has been also a deal of fighting be-tween the natives of Taaraanaaky, on the north side of Cook's Straits, and those of Wy-catta ; in fact, the people in every corner were either preparing to fight, or actually engaged in fighting, or burying their dead after fight-ing, m consequence of which flax is now par-ticularly scarce.

Our readers may remember, that in October last year, not fewer than sixty me-chanics, with their wives and families, emi-grated from Scotland, under the superinten-dence of the Rev. Dr. Laing, then on his re-turn to the Colony ; and with the approval and

sanction of His Majesty's Government. This was the very first importation of useful arti-sans we had ever received from the Mother

Country, while she was yearly pouring forth her thousands to Canada, -and the United States. It was a trial of a system, which from recent importations we are satisfied, will secure for us to an unlimited extent, the attention of the Emigration Committee, and the Home Government Private enterprise has probably never been more signally successful. The me-chanics, with a punctuality that does them credit, have nearly to a man paid up the amount of their passage money, by their la-bour, at the Australian College; and how they are likely to benefit the community, we leave their excellent work to testify. As many of them are now about to enter into engagements for themselves, it gives us satisfaction to learn, that they have, at their spontaneous sugges-tion, agreed to present the Rev. Doctor with a handsome and lasting testimonial of their gratitude and respect. As pecuniary recom-pense was out of the question, they have with a delicate feeling of regard, subscribed for the erection of a handsome monument, wholly their qwn workmanship, and of Colonial ma-terials, to the memory of Mr. Geoige Lang, brother of Dr. Lang, who died on the 18th January, 1825, during the absence of that gen-tleman on official business in England. It is tastefully designed by Mr. Petrie, and executed by Mr. Binning, and will be placed in the wall of the Church, behind the pulpit. This is an extremely appropriate situation for such a mo-nument, as our readers may recollect that the amiable young gtntleman, whose memory is recorded, lies entombed within the walls of the Church, near the pulpit, in the erection of which lie took an active and prominent part.

This is the first monument erected in this Church, and will serve as a conspicuous orna-ment, which may in the lapse of years, be fol-lowed by many others, equally simple and de-licate in design and execution. It gives us pleasure also, to know, that we have now ar-tisans qualified to execute such works amongst ourselves. The monument will probably be in its place this evening.-Sydney Gazette

Cricket is now the prevailing amuse-ment of the day. Let no man henceforth set up for a sporting character whose name is not enrolled among the " Cricketers" of r»ydney. Let no adoring swain hereafter think to " dan-gle at a lady's apron string," or

-- feast upon the smiles From partial beauty won,

unless he can boast of excellence in handling a bat or sending up a ball-the former will re-ject bis company, the latter his addresses. Hyde Park is now almost daily graced by the aspiring youth of Sydney practising their favo-rite recreation, and respectable females looking on to enliven the scene. A new club has been formed, in addition to the one before existing, and we expect that New South Wales will soon be able to boast players that might bear away the palm of victory even at Lord's.

No less than ten sail of vessels had left England for this Colony, before the depar-ture of the Clyde, which have not yet arrived.

So severe has the weather been at Bathurst, that the snow was four feet deep.

STEEPLE CHASE. - The following

horses came to the scratch :

Captain Hunter's bay horse Tom, rode by the

owner. , . ?

Mr. E. Deas Thomson'sTam O'shanter, ditto. Mr. R. Bourke** grey stallion,, ditto. " " ¿

Captain William's chtsnut Thiefcatcher, rod1«,

by Captain Deedes. ,

Mr. Miller's grey mare Moll, rode by the


Mr. Finch's grey hpne Bogtrotter, ditto. Major Bouverie'! grey horse Ugly, ditto.

About 4 o'clock, di being ready, the word " Off" was given, arid away they went at a killing pace, Captain Hunter leading in the most beautiful style followed closely hy Mr. Thomson, the others being a little distance behind j in this manner, Captain Hunter and Mr. Thomson alternately making the play, the five first-mentioned horses arrived at Cadjee Bay ; where, iii passing the brook, a sheet would have covered the whole. On arriving'' at the top df a steep hill on the other side of the brook, it was pretty clear the contest lay between Tam O'shanter and Thiefcatcher, they having ascended the hill first. The former of of which took the lead, and kept it till within the last 600 yards) when Captain Deedes on Thiefcatcher carrie up. challenged, and won the race in a most beautiful manner by about a neck. The others came in thus-Mr. Miller 3d, Captain Hunter 4th, Mr. Bourke 5th, Mr. Finch 6th, and Major Bouverie distanced j who consequently had the honor of paying the forfeit. Had not Mr. Finch taken a line of his own, by which, in passing the brook, he parted company with the others, he would probably have been the winner. The country was most severe, and it required a bold nerve to sur-mount the numerous difficulties that presented themselves ; in fact, nothing but the most con-summate good riding, (which by byestaudere was stated never to have been equalled,) could have carried them through. The distance was performed in 18| minutes, and numerous equi-pages containing all the rank and fashion of Sydney, graced the approach to the winning post, anxiously awaiting the termination of the contest.-Sydney Herald.


With respeet to the stories which have been circulated in the higher circles, of the claims of Sir Augustus D'Esté and Mademoi-selle Ellen D'Esté, the children of the exalted individual by the late Lady Augusta D'Ame land, it appears that, in 1806, his Majesty King George III. granted his Royal license to Lady Augusta Murray to assume the - name of D'Ameland, which was, in some degree, a recognition of her affinity to the Royal Family. The alliance of his Royal Highness with Lady Augusta was formed at Rome, where they were united on the 4th of April 1793, and were re-married by banns at St. George's Church, Hanover-square, on the 5th of December fol-lowing.-At the period of his Royal Highness entering into this marriage, he wanted nine months of being of age, and was styled Prince Augustus FredericK. His consort was the fourth daughter of the late, and sister to the present Earl of Dunmore and the Hon. A. Murray. It was confidently asserted at the time that the Prince addressed a letter to his father; begging permission to relinquish his contingent rights in the succession, and to re-tire into the character of a private gentleman, rather than be separated from Lady Augusta ; but this, of course, could not be granted, d9 the marriage was contrary to the Royal Mar-

riage Act, passed in 1772, on the recommenda- . tion of the King, who sent a message to both Houses of Parliament, authorising them to in-troduce some r.ew legislative provision to pre-vent the descendants of George II. from mar-rying without the approbation of his Majesty,' his heirs and successors. Accordingly a Bill was introduced, enacting that no descendant of the body of King George II. (other than the issue of Princesses married in foreign countries) is capable of contracting matrimony without the previous consent of the King, signified under the Great Seal ; and any marriage con-tracted without such consent is void. All per-sons solemnizing, assisting, or being present at any such prohibited marriage, incur the pe-nalties of promunirt. The Court of Arches, ac-cordingly, by a formal process, pronounced | both his Royal Highness's marriage in England and that at Rome null and void, and her Lady-ship, who lived apart from the Duke many years, died on the 28th Feb., 1830.

The situation of Page of Honour to ttie

King, which ia usually bestowed on the sons of dn lingaisbed personages when they are not more iban ten or twelve years of age, entitles the young gentle

man holding it toa graluilous commission in one of* the regiments of Foot Guards, on entering their 17tk j ear. The regulated price of an Eusign's Commission ¡n tbe Coldstream or Grenadiers is £1,200.

CHOLERA -" Who shall decide when doctors disagree?"-We have taken some pains lu collect together the different arguments which hat« been advanced by the medical and dim-medical publia during the last lew da>s. andwe think that the follow-ing may be considered a tolerably fair precis of lb« cholera controversy up lo the present moment : -

I.-As to the symptoms by wbicb Eugiisb and Asiatic cholera may be distinguished from each other -" Violent spasms, rice-coloured evacuations, and bloeness of skin, are symptomatic of the Asiatic «lie-

fern," cries Dr. A.

II.-As to the existence of the disease ia tit» country-" The cases wbiob occurred in Rcitlierbitb« were undoubted!» cases of Asiatic cholera," say the

doctors at Whitehall.

"No case of Asiatic cholera has occurred," say the

doctors at Rotberhithe.

"They must have been cases of cholera, because the internal appearances were those of congestion,"

say the doctors at Whitehall.

"They could not have been eases of cholera be-cause there was no congestion, and the parish never was more healthy," say the doctors at Rotherhithe.

"The disease is undoubtedly in London, and as un-doubtedly will spread," say one party.

"The disease is not in London, and will not spread,"

reply the other.

"The woman died of the real malignant cholera," say the doctors on one side.

"The woman died of the mulligrubs," say the doc-

tors on the other.

III.-The pathological signs observed in the seve-ral cases —

" There was a great degree of blueness," says one


" There was no blueness at all," says another. " The blood was not pitch»," says Dr. W.

" I noticed considerable pitohiness," say Dr. E.

IV.-The causes-" Exposure to cold,"-" eating loo much,"-" sat ag loo little," and " having no-thing to eat."

I .' V.-The cure-" Cleans» lb« streets-feed the

poor," cries one.

I " Swallow plenty of mustard and salt," says the

Board or Health.

i " Rarify tha air-get np bonfire!-bara tar and tar

barrels," exclaims a third.

I " Fire off great guns," aays . fourth.

" Inundate the streets with water," aaya one,

" Damp ia mora favorable to cholera than dirt/'

retorts another.

VI.-How was tbs disease brought ¡ato London i " It waa brought by on* of the vessels from Sunder-

land," says ona.

" That is impossible," cries another.

" It carne by water," saya a third« v " It name by land," say* a foattb.

" It was conveyed hither by the sprats which Flo-rence Sullivan devoured for his supper."" «solaimi the , ínb, " \ * >*

ïteÀ ri *

. « y, t\

"VII.-In'Parliament i tad among.the sbn-medieal public, the unaniñiily of opinion ¡« equally remarkable.

" It will ron like wild-fire," lays one lion, member. «' It will no1 run," say« another.

" It it nat contagious," any» a third. _

.?'It is no1 contagions ; it it a mere epidemia," »ays

a foiirlb,

" The best way ia lo make every thing publio,"

atys a fifth.

" I would not allow people to apeak abool ii," aayt

'a six iii.

, [Tliia ban. gentleman himself «puke half an hoar ou the subject.]

N.B. Tbe Chapel of St. Stephen's, nail the chapel in Regent-square, lo be exempted from the prohibition against the " gift of tongues."

" " It is a mere alarm of the anli-refonoers," aays a member of tbe Potiticitl Union.

*' It bas been spread through interested motives ; »he druggists are profiting by it," »ij» tt newspaper

correspondent. '

" It is the last blow given to the commerce of Lim-den, already declining nnder the competition of Liver-pool, and the other uoilbern ports," thundcis the " lending" journal.

"The trade of London is no1 declining on aeoount of any competition ot the aortbern porls," tay the others.-Morning Herald.

WIG ANO GOWN.-At a meeting of

rredilors before Mr. Commissioner EVANS, on the Sth April last.-Mr. Monlugue, fallier of our much respected Attorney-General, appeared a» Counsel for the petitioning creditor, Mr. Montague having ap-plied in vain to Mr. Evans, for permission to act without his wig, appeared bolb in wig and KOWD, hat observed, on taking his sent, that it was the wish of the Court of Review, that Counsel appearing before the Comniissioiiei s should be without either wig or


Mr. Commissioner Evans said that be know no-thing ahunt that, and certainly no Counsel should appear b«fore him w ttiout bulli.

Air. Montagu answered that he bad only thought it light lo mention what was tbo «vish ef Ilie higher Court, but the publio could vet be appealed'to on

that point.

Mr. Commissioner Evans-I cannot bavo such language addressed to me.

Mr. Montagu-I shall use whatever language I may think myself justified fn using.

Mr. Commissioner Evans-You b.d better take


' Mr. Mon'asn-Ay, ey. Sir, I shall take care.

Thus ended the disoussion upon the suhject of the wig; ono which, perhaps, to the unlearned world may appear very unworthy of exciting the ire.of two learned and wigged personages, but which peih-ips no can a little enlighten the pu'ilio npon b3 statin,; pulling on (he wig among lawyeis is as great a mark of respect as putting bil' the I1.1t among civilians,

ay 1 vice vasa. .

Un Pi ¡day, a young lad, nppaiently about IS years oioge, was brought befoieMr. While, Qt M ir'borough-street, by Serjeant Barton, of the B division No. 8, charged wah attempting to gain admittance into St. James'J Puluce, fo. the puipose .f having an au Hence of his Majesty.

It appeared, from the constable's statement, thal he saw the prisoner at the Palace, and that one of tho tenlrjps was èudeavouiing to keep lum back, but lie still persevered, and eideavoured to force his way in. Wituess went up to bim, and asked him the reason for such extraordinary conduct ; when he replied thal he had a message to deliver to his Miijeaty, and he bad «Onie a long way out of the country lor that purpose.

Mr. White asked the prisoner who and »bat he The prisoner replied that bis name wat John "Rogers¡_; that be was by I ra J J a whitesmith ; and that be arrived in La trion 011 the previous evening from Cuicheitcr, having been two days in walking to


, Mr. White asked bim what hit business wat in ¡London? '

-? The prisoner replied, that be bad lately had a call, and'the Spirit bad come over bim. A fow da)s ago, he had a vision, and the Lord bid dircoted bim to «time to London and seek the King, and inform bim ihat al the em) of the present year, Hie world would be 'at an end ; and lo recommend him to advise the people ? to repent of their sins and wickedness-for tbit par

| oie he had walked from Cbiohester.

Mr. White asked bim how'old tie was?

The prisoner replied that bo wat exactly 200 months old last Sunda).

, Mr. White lo'd bim that be also bad a " oall," and if he did not go about his basiness and make the best of his way to Chichester, he should tend bim to . the House of Correction.

The prisoner said, that as» proof,lo the world that - < his message wat correct/ the Sprit had informed bim

"that as soon as he bad delivered it to bis Majesty, li«

(tbe prisoner) would die, ami in three days he would tómelo life again.

Mr. White told him to go about bit business, and the ollicers took bim out of the office.

Several females outsides.wbo beard tbe lad'a story, actually gave credence to his mission,'and declared that it'was the most extraordinary circumstance they , ever beard of. Some old women offered him some

. thing lo eat and drink, but he refused to take any

thing, deolaring that it «as the pleasure of the Spirit that was within bim, he could live without food.

For upwards of 20 years it has not been

lb« eostom to commet for English oak timber for the navy, bat the quantity required bas been obtained of private boases, without an open competition. A -publio contract for 0,000 loads of oak'has been ad-

vertised, and in conséquence, Mr. John Burridge, formerly in business in Portsmouth, has addressed a letter to tbe Commissioners of the Navy, in which be urges upon them the necessity of conditioning in this contiact that Ibe timber should be winter felled, willi the bark on it ; and that a proportionate increase of price should be paid for it." He asserts that up to the year 1792, it was the oustom to use timber only that wai to felled, and that the price of the bark was paid for in limber. The consequence was, that many »hips lasted fifty years. Hu asserts also, that half the navy afloat is now afleotcd with dry tot, and that the disease will continue uulebs his recommendation is attended to.-Hampshire Trltyuiph;

Air. Horace Claret, long the idol of fashionable conntrie-, lu-, married Miss Day, a diineliterof the wealthy blacking manufacturer, with of £70,000. He has taken the name of his wife.

The late King's farrier's bill, »hen

.Prince of Wales, as submitted to Parliament with his Other debts, on his marriage, amounted to the ' enormous sum of £40,0001

In the Court of Exchequer, on Thurs-

day, Mr. 'Hunt, M. P. for Preston, obtained a ver-_ diet and £50 dama^i«, against The Times nevvapapei, for a libel, Mr. Hunt ple»ded bis own case.

Lord Bolingbroke was so pleased with , A art on Booth's performance of Cufoat Drury L.ane Theatre, in 1712, that he presented the actor with tiiiy guineas from the stage-box ; an example which « ,»as. immediately 'followed bj Bolingbroke'* political


Mr. Fox, while one day walking up '

Bond-street, with an illustrjou* Personage, laid him I a wager that he would see more ca,ts than the 'Prince I in bia walk, and that be might lake which side of the j way he liked. When they gol t > the top, it wat found that Mr. Fox b ,d teen 12 oatt and tbe Prince not

one. Tho Royal personage asked for an explanation 1 of the apparent miracle, and Mr. Fox aaid, " Your

- Royal Highness look, of courte, the ibady «ide of ,

the way, «a mott agreeable ; I knew that the sunny

aide would be left to me, as cat* al wa)* prefer the j


John Sanders, shepherd and batcher

fo the Earl of Stamford'aod Warrington/ after killing1 ' at cow, for UM' «se of the family,' found in Ibe' trio» . Mf-sovèréiga of George IV.,' -totted io 18tt, ¡tod likewise ? Mil, mcasaring three feet in length.

Viscount'Clifden and Eari^ètanhope

were fined 20s. each by the Quean-square Mugistrates, for not having their Christian names painted on their carls. A Mr. Beale, of Marshall-street, Queen-square, waa fined in the like sum for not having both his Christian names painted on his cart ; | and a Air. Davies, of Brunswick-street, was fined in

thtf like SUBI, for having his miine painted black npon green, instead of the lawful black and white.

A vain and pert prater was boasting

at tils' club last week, which he made in a certain as-sembly whenever ho spoke, mid supposing that one of the persons present nodded assent, the orator quickljr said, "but did jon hear my last speech?"-" Ko/' said Ibu other drily, " / wish I had."

The Meisuger dei Chambres gives from the Indicateur de Calais, the Ibllowini; anecdote, as onnnerted willi the appearance of tho cholera inorbus iii Loudon:-0n Tnesda; last, upon the arrival of, the Jure Fly, a crowd of curious persons assembled in order to niokii inquiries as to how the cholera was going on. A man of about forty years of age, or tr< ntltiuuuly appearance, hut without either hitt or doak, with a countenance ex.liibili.ig much ttnxiety, jumped hastily ashore, without waiting for the board ta he placed, and precipitating hiius.lf into the arms of an lintel-keeper to whom ho was known, exclaimed, " Ah, now I breathe aguii 1" His fuiste, null this exclamation, gave riso to some anxiet». The «peotatois cimvdeil around him, and he lelated what had happened lo him. lie stated that, on getting nut of the Duver coach, tho preceding evening, in I'icradilly, he heard that the cholera was in London. He wits so alarmed that he immediately gol into a coach which »as returning to Doter, without troubling himself about lu« hat and oloak, or even his portiiunlean, which contained bills to tho amount of 109,001) fra», s. The gentleman in question is M. Alexis Bernard L-, one of the principal partners in a commcr. ia! house in Paris, which exports tho greatest quantity of French manufactures upon which drawback is ? allowed, and does a e,reut deal of business with Kuglaml. He embarked at Calais on Sunday, and it was his intention to hate stayed about a fortnight in London.

A Coi respondent informs tis, that dur-ing the past month upwards of 200 persons, of both sexes, brue beeii charged al the various metropolitan police offices with dealing in counterfeit coin.