Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851), Saturday 13 December 1851, page 2

BENDIGO CREEK DIGGINGS. To the Editor of the Geelong Advertiser. SIR,—I feel much pleasure in forwarding to you a short report of the proceedings of a Meet-ing held at the Diggings, on Bendigo Creek, on the 9th instant, respecting his Excellency's pro-clamation of doubling the licensing fee next month. The meeting was well attended by the miners; every man that was not engaged in the tents were to their post, and, unanimously deter- mined not to submit to the new regulations. Capt. Harrison presided over the Meeting, and the scene that presented itself was very imposing. The moon shone in all her beauty; a large fire was lit up to give light to read the resolutions, and the hardy pioneers of our new resources assembled around. Captain Harrison spoke at great length on the subject, and was loudly cheered by the people. He was followed by Mr. H. Frencham, who proposed the first resolution; and I must say, that his speech was quite to the point, and by his eloquence and peculiar style of address, commanded the undivided attention of the Meeting. I have not time to moot more, except the resolutions, which are expressive of the determination of the miners to resist the oppresive measure which the Governor and Exe- cutive are introducing. Moved by Mr H. Frencham and seconded by Count Lanloski—We, the gold miners, assembled on Bendigo Creek, having learned that the Lieutenant Governor and Executive Council of Victoria, by proclamation, have intimated their intention of doubling our license fee from and after the first of January next, we considering that it is unjust and extremely oppressive, are to a man, determined not to submit to the whole-sale robbery which is contemplated by such proclamation, all to the uttermost, will with- stand its imposition. We therefore solemnly pledge ourselves to resist it in every shape and form; and will aid, by all the means in our power, those who will do the same elsewhere, we wish to be understood as not objecting to the present heavy tax of £1 10s per month, although we consider it too much: and as a proof of it, there is a large surplus fund arising therefrom amounting to thirteen thousand pounds. Moved by Mr Ross, seconded by Mr M'Donald —We hereby take this opportunity of testifying our unshaken loyalty to our most Gracious Sove-reign Queen Victoria, and deeply regret being forced to resist the unrighteous tax with which her Majesty's Representative and Executive Council of Victoria are about imposing upon us. Moved by Dr. Russell — Resolved, that if any person be brought into trouble and expense by the persecution of the Government authorities in his or their persons or effects, in consequence of withstandling payment of the heavy tax about being imposed upon us—we hereby unanimously agree to assist ALL such with pecuniary aid if required, and that no man shall sustain loss or injury without being recompensed by us in his efforts to promote our rights. Seconded by Mr. M'Grath. Moved by Mr Sandbado, seconded by Mr Regan—Resolved that the thanks of this meet-ing be given to the Editors of the Melbourne Argus, Daily News, and Geelong Advertiser, for their noble advocacy of our cause with which they have hitherto assisted us, and earnestly request the further aid of their mighty engine in the struggle in which we are about to engage in resisting the Government in their present unjust and arbitrary proceedings. I remain, yours, &c., BENDIGO.