Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Thursday 30 January 1890, page 10

Jn-lclnl and Xs-tir Ifotlàoi.

AFTLR tim expiration of fourteen da) « from tim

puolleatlon hereof application will bo male to the hnpremo Court of tlio Colony ol Vlotoria, in tho ' ."róbate Jurliidlctlon, tlttit LETTKUS of ADJIINIB

'J KATION of, tho catato of MARIAN OLOWRd, wife of Jo«cph Clowe«, of tho Melbourne General Como tory, In tho said colon), resident clerk, ilndeagsd, iiitestite, may bo granted to tho «aid Joseph Clowestho husband of iho said di ceasod

tinted this ÎOth da) of Jammr), 1(30

WlsKWoULD, UIBBS, and WIsEWOLLD, M ' Vi illlain stroot Holbourne, proctors tor the _tealt JosephJUowcB_

IS the Sbt'ltKMB "cÖUHt of th» COLONY ut VIC

TORIA lu Its Probate Jurisdiction-In tim

lístale of I'A'i ItlCle M Al SI J, Latu of Mora) stioot. in lim Clt) of South Mclbouruu, InthoColouy of \ln tori« Guitleinau, Deceased, I n tot tata - Notice is heruh) glion, that attar tho expiration ol fourteen days from the publication hereof application will ho made to the Suprimo Court of the Coloite of \la-tona, in ¡is Prohato JurUdtotlon, that ADMINISTRA <?!()/«. of tho estate of tilo abovunanied Patriot. Wiilsh, deceased, intestate, bo granted and com inl.ted to Johanna IPnok, of Moral street in the said eltj olbouth Melhourno (wife of Andrew Black, of tim Moori Ohlef Hotel, cornnr of Mori) and Vork streets, in tho mid clt) of South Melhourno, hotel beeper), the eldest «1st r of the sahl dccoaictl

Dated tins 29th da) of Januar), 1S00

1 HANOIS GILLMAN, Victorin, 127

| Queen street, Melbourne, proctor for tho said


IN tho BC'l'IiElIE COUKT of the COLONY of

VICTORIA In 1" Probat« Jurisdiction -in tho JiaUtu of ULunOK NAUULL AUIIUSTU3 ItfY JvOLUS, late of llathdowli stroet, Carlton, in tho Colony of vlotorlu, Unekloyur, Deooasod. lu tustnte -No'.lco Is horeb) (¡lien, that after tho ex. fnrution of fourteen da)« from tho publication

Iii no1 application will ho mudo to tho bupremc Court ol tito Colony of Victoria In Ita Probité Jurisdiction that AUHINIUTItAllON ol the estate of tho abai onanted dcocased may he grantod to tho Irttstces Kxecutor«, and Agency Coln

administration hy Charles 1 hoinus lie) no11«, the brother and onti of tho nott of kin of Hie said deceased

Dated thl« 20th d»y of lanunry, lcoo

DAYMB, CAIIl'UKI.L, und el v. VI I«, 207 Collina_«trcet, Heluourne, nroetor« for tho anphcinc

1 fi theSUPHEMI COURT of the' COLONY of VfC1 TORI A- In It« Prohato Jurisdiction-tu tin Mill of JA.Nh CHAI LOUhPAItlli rl. Lute of Haw. thai ti and Mmtoni in tho Union) of Motorla, Mtdull Deceased-Notice l« horeb) given, that after the expiration or fourtoeu da)« fr-im tho publlcitlon li weof application will he tumlo to the Silpreh o Court of tim Colony of Vittoria In It« Piubate Jurlidlo tiou. that fttoil» in ni the LAsi HILL and 'JKMAUleNrot tho abovonatnrd dorcascd lim) ho granted to John Jamos Parker, of klulu street, Haw« thorn, gentil niau, the sole ovcutoi named in and a) pointed hi the v lit of the ml I th cca>ecl

Dated this twentv ninth dm of Jnilttan l^OD

DA\lt,s, CA1II lilSLl, mid DlVIL of Hil Collin!,. _Btreet, Holbourne pioctom ft r tho qppliitint_ IN IhtT^UlltiijilTluOUlU of tho COLOtH of

\ IclOIll A Probólo Juris liction -In the listnto of JAMES AtilllUilO'lll. IIUNll'lt late of Inker «naif street st kilda In the tolonv of \ letona,Gentío man, Deceased, Intestate -Notice is hr-roby tivoli, that after tue oxplntion tf fourteen tin)« from tho Eutllicaticui hereof application will ho made to this

'inonrnhlo Crurt that Lfi IICIIB of ADMINISTRA-TION of iho tstate of tho nboiouolilot) d»uca«Ld lusy he-granted to Louisa 11 «mitt Humor, uf Ink mianslre>ut fct hilda ufOre«alil, the widow of tho laid de

ccned |

itacod tills ¡nth diy of January, IfcOO

F 0 n I A11 le I It, of Nn 6 >t lame««,

Mi Hum btieet, Melbourne, proctor for the sutil _willow __,

Î.N tho SU1 l.h,llt. cOUKl of tho COLON e of , IO

TOHIA In It« Prolate lur s liction -In tho ,tato of 1 L /. IBLTII 101.-.. TH Lue of al ieton setter, ballarat in tho Colon) ol Viotorii, \\ i lou

JVceosod, lntctate - Notice I« horeb) given, that after thu expiration of fourteen da) s from the publication hereof application will he mode to this

bmontable Court th« APMIMsrhATUlN of tho I *^tate of tho ar-oveilnnied deceased tim) hu granted .0 John Ulijit, d Ijdi-rdsrcot I mlarat, lu iho luid colon), eouiuil-fllnn ûttent, a brother of thu said

dieeaspd I

Dared tins twenty ninth do) of tanuarr, 1S90

.jALlLll ant IMVhElllON Lvulard stroet, Bal _larftt pro tors 1er th- « Id tppH »ut_ ~i N Uni »uPhi lit COU ni ol tne ceiLuSï of VI

I TtiftiA In its Prohato Jurls-Motlon -lil the Will of OCÎAVIUS POLLAHI), Late of nicholson mutet Dallntut, lu tho Colon) of Me'oua, M heel

wright, Docetsod - Notice is heribv ebon, tlmt t ft*r Tit cxptntlon of fourtcoii du)s from the pulillcalioit ¿«roof upiiliíatiori will ho nude to this honourable

Court that PI'OUtrfc. ol thu HILL of tho nhoi« mimed deccotid um te granted lo Man Pollard the wife of tuart n lollnul of Allnnelnl-, Iii the mid colon), storekeeper and Jauo Opio Polltrd, of Hal

lorat, In Iho sahl ootony, spinster, rho oxeoutrices vained In at d appointed by th« 8>lii u ill

Dated this twenty ninth da) of Jannali IS IO

SALTFP. and 1INKLRTON. lydlanl street, Cal

larftt proctor« for tho sal I tippllc tuw_


_ In the

LlMtel'D-Bl orilor if HI« Honour Mr Jusrlco J'olro)d,datod thoîsth Jatvuxr) ian the ti Ml'far lirlllviiig In til» LlaT of UOhTMBLTOItlKS nf tend for Proving Debts owing b) til« ahovetiamcd, Tito Ki W Valu E«hito Limited, Is fcXlKhDhD to SiOlh February, leOO

_HYMAN LBUKSOV, Liquidator_

-vroTicit to CREDITORS -LALI.PNCI I ALLON, Jji Deceased-i'tlrsuint to the provisions of (ile .' Statuto of Trusts 3SÖ4 " notico Is hcreb) given that all person« havilar anv oialins niralnst the eslato of laurence tallon, lato of Haul.m near Doiiillquin, in the colon) of -Now south Moles «rho diatl on the elxth da) of Tobiuarv. lt>S8, oí whoso estate in the oulunv ot ^ lotoria was grntitt d hy the Supronio Court of tho said colony in Its Probate Jurisdiction, on the thlrtconth dav of Vtiroh, 1S&) to 1 liornas Jamo« Kin lav, of Vi llllnni ntn et in tin 1 Ity of Melbourne, In the colon) of Nu tuna, stock ant elation agent, th. cveoutor of the will of tho tuld I aurctioe tullun de ceased aro hereby required to ¡sKND the PA'i

T1CULAH3 In writing of suoh CLAIMS on or bofore the twentv first flay of t.bruurv. lguJ, tu th paid ti homo« Janies TlnU) at the oIli"os of the under buned And notloe le liolehv turehor iriecu that after the «aid last-mentioned date th« «aid 1 homes Janie>« Hnlav will proeocd to distribute the assets of the «aid Lntironue tallon, deceased, which Bint!) have como lo his hands »s mich executor a« aforesaid ntnotmst tho pirtlea entitled thcroto, liniiug ncard only to the claim« of whlih shall then haiu h id tiotioi Anil the said Thomas Jatuirs Finlay will net b« llah'o for tho asset« «o dlstrllmted or anv part thsreof to ait) pur.oit of whose olahu shall nut have had nuilee

Dated this twenty ninth dal of Januart, loftO

hLINCIMsDLIt, DtCIvSllN, and KlDDI.r hank

place, Mclbjurno, proutors for tho said ixccu __ tor._ TV.TOTI0E to OnnnlTORS- JAMES UUaOETl, _M Doo.'osod - I urnunt to the proil>lotiB of "Hie fjiatuto of Trusts 1MU, ' notice is huron) given, that nil persans having any olaims uuaiust tho eetsto of James tllitractt 1 ito of Queenscliff, In the uolon) of Victoria, deceased, who (Mod on tho 18th d«) of Iiovombor, 18S3 ( ' of «'nose will was granted h) tho buprenie t onrt of the snld coloni in It« Pro bato jlllbdlction on the di) of December, 1880 to The irll-rocs, Pseclltors onti Agenc) Co-ilpii) 1 iitilto 1 of IJ leen etriet Melbourne) oro fteieuy re

l| tired toSI-ND the PAKTIl'tlLAlls, In urllhiL' of such ULA1A1S on Or Infor« tho llr«t dm of March J MO, to Iho Irustce« tnecuturn and Aueuev Ciinipan) 1 hnttcil, III d notice is li reto furn ei given, that uffol tile said »»t-muutlniiid ilitn the ?sid tiimpaui will iirucecd to distribute tho uiscts of tho suit! James llu^erett dceetts ii, which r-liAll have como to li« hands ns «uih rvecutor a« nfori

said, aluonust the plirtlcs entitled Un ruto, hating ngari! cul) lo 111 claims of w hie It It shall li» 11 hu vn hid llotlio, and the' said 01 tlspai ) will not ho liuhlo fer the os«ct «0 distributed, or ant part thereof, tu mu parson of whoso olahu itshnll not then luve

bud no1 lue j

Dated tho 10th di) of Jamtari li» I MADDLN mid HU I Li 11, lill Collins tlreet, Mci

_bourne, proctois f ir the said evcentor

KOTICT Is herd) civ en that after tho CM ituf on

ol fourticn djvs t-em tue ) uullaitioii lu not appllolttlou w 111 ho n»de to tin SiinrMiw Court of tin tJllOli) of Victoria, in its Probitc Jurisdiction, that I'lli 1 HATE ni mo WILL sud Ino Colhll« of NI II

JI'I.VVN, late of Hawthorn in tho «aid cnlun), ituiitlouiuil, decensi d, he grant d to Malcolm M I osn uf Mtiaiihtoti stretr. Molhourne in tile «old colon), »Ino anil spirit merohinc end 1 Hen id eau of flaw thorn nfutes^id, «plnslor olio of 1)10 CMOIII ir« anil cxiilttrK nutueil 1 1 an I appointed in the o&id will

lisctviug leivo lo Null Malcomí M Lean Iho other «executor nppotut'il hy the «sid will to eotnt In nt 1 pr wo the BSUIO w lion he shall haiu altiihiotl tho age t f

ininti; one )tais

Dnt*d Hil« J1HI1 dnv of Imtlnrl 1BK0

OCDtlll.Y ant I*IJl.i (., . uti («ueeii streit. Mel

hnirue p- ctors for iho teni oxoiutor and iixoeuirix___^__

"VTOTIChls lu relu "un, thit after tho etplritiun X\ of foiirtiiu rtat 1 horn tho pithltcatiöh lurcof ¡ii plleatinu will be III 1 h w tim iMIpieuie Court of tira lolom of Vicióme lu it« frohste juriilictltui tint I HU HA I Tnf thl lAsI MIll.nndlhirAMFM pf ALI1LH1 LlhDLKY 11 \« Kl.NN hltu of Cllreliiloti ¡lUie south South Mtlhollrui, In the coll 111 of Me Torlu, phut «rai tier dcicisi I, ma) lui e,inntut ti riorums) Pratt ii iivklns of tile ssini plsci tho widow of Um «al 1 deceased, and ih 1 solo executrix named in »lid app inted hv tin sal I will

Dat id this '¿.»Hi d i) of Jatillsn, 1S00 >,,lt«T Ii,)| I, ? 1 s e« l......,.'u Uoil


exotutrlx_ .\TOTICi. ia heroin giwn, that after the oxpin li tlun of foiirle-ii d 1) s from thu publication hi roof ?j plication will ho made to tho fuipreuit Court of tm Colony of \ letorin, 111 Its Probate Jurisdiction, Hint J I I'll'HH of ADMINISTRATION if tho utan of I IIAUI.bS hl.llüliOFF HAitl'Fll.latoof Hast Uti. 1 ntirno, in III« Bald eiluuv orllctorla, uotitlomui, di ci ann), Inttstite, msy ho grnutod to Llicubelh .Nmlth ff«rii 1, of Caumelil, In the salt! colon), the w dow ut tim said tlooe n-tsl

lulof thl« »Uli ii») of Jnninrv, 1B0I)

C JlAIIHIOfr rtAf^ON', f» Chotiiory lane, Mel«

Imlirne agent for Vi Molah, Silreitou ^evv couth Mai s, proutor for tho Biild Elliaiieth r-mltli Harper _ N01I0K Is liurom gil on, th.tatter tho expiration

of tottition da)s from the |uMkatioii lionof application will he made to th 1 Supremo Cotnt of thd Colon) ot \ litoria, In Its Probntu Jurisdiction, that PltnilAllt tf thoLAVl WILL of MAUQAI1I I HANNAH SARAH LB GOULD (In thu »aid will miuctl .Margnret Li Gould) into of Dan I) street, S'L Kilda, In tho -flirt colon), widow, douoasetl, he f.tanlul to Henrietta Alury Ann la)Ior, of Ctlutei

«Hunt, St, Kilda ulorosnld, v Idow the tno'hcr 6t tho «aid dor-eased, and tim solo exsoutrix namod lu and .ppolntid by the said will

Uatid this «lth dav of lanttarv, lttfX)

O H. M, Wll.KlK, W7 Chancorylane, Molbourno,

proctor for tho ««lu executrix.

KOTtOK Is heMby given, that «(tar th« oxplrotlon

ot tonrtoon day« from th« pnulloatlou hereof application »III ho mad« to th» Supreme Court of tho Colonv of V mtorla, In Its Protnto Jarisdlctloti, that l.KTTKUB of AÜMlMHrilAllON ol ti» «Ut« of JOHN WILLIAM PAWCltTT, late of Oloniowor, In the colonv of \ lotorls, gontlotnan, lUoctisod, Into«

tute, may ho »ranted to Joseph Paw ault, of Glengower alorosild, itrorler, the lathor of the «aid decexsed

Dated the CBth ila) of January, lbfJO

D It, URAÏSI1AY, SCI) Collins street west, Mci

bourne, prootor for the applicant

iVtCHAUDltOtt'DKN SKAMP, Aslltig «trect, North I ti Urlghton, Woulbiokor, Docoased -All CLAIUs «ValliBtthl« eitatu must ho DLtLIVKItliD In writing tu tho nmlordjnod on or bofore tim «oventh of 1'obruary next

Dated this lath day of J annan, IBM

A. Al. UILI.IAMS, «olloltor, tit) Lbanrjory.laiio,


-natos-l and _Aw "otic*».

NOTICE is hereby given, that after the expiration of fourteen days from the publication hereof application will be made to the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria, in Its Probate jurisdiction, that PROBATE of the WILL of MARIA CLARK, formerly of Emerald Hill, but lately of Garden-street, South Yarra in the colony of Victoria, widow, deceased, may be granted to her Son, Samuel Clark, of Gaffney's- road, Coburg, in the said colony, coachbuilder, and Robert Clark, of Clarendon-steet, South Melbourne, furniture dealer, the executors named in and ap- pointed by the will.

Dated this 29th day of January, 1890

WEIGALL and DOBSON, 454 Collige-street, Mel-

bourne, proetors for the said executors.

"VI OTIC- le hereby given, tfiat after lue oxpirotmïï X> of fourteen da) a from the pul llcatlou ht roof application »lill be made to the ?.iipriiiiio court of the Colon» of \iotorls, lu Ita I robato lurl-illcllou that PIlOBArF, of tho lAbT WILL al ti .liHIAMLNT o: RICHARD UOWIIKN MvAilP, lain of Aslhlg »trccl North llilghton, in tho colon) of Mctorla Wool

brokor, dcceaicd, liuy be granted to Jatio Sttamp, of Aallng «troot atorotkld, widow, and lidnln doge, of (.titubent eil, In the saul colon), doomed iloluallor, the n\, t ntnx and executor respeotliel) named in aiidttn mitcd b) the said will

Dal I nils tiiont) ali th day of January, 1S90

A M WILLIAMS, lib chancery lane, llelbourno,

prootor for the api lloanta_ ?VTOriCh Ia hcrcb) gnon, that alter the ga _,! ilratlon of fottrtcon dita from the nibil

.non bere.t ftpiilltiatioit » III be made to the buprcme Court of the Colony of Victoria In Its rrubatc jurisdiction that Lh/1T_H$ ol ADMINISTRATION of the cstati of JOHN UALL, lato of Mortlake in Ula colon) of Motoria, osrpuittr-r, di Ceas d, intestate, ma» IIB granton to Kobi re Kdtn Hall, cf Oreen streot, Wind or, dell One of the heit

or Lin of the salt! doccnudd Intostate

Dated this .»tit da) of January. 1»00.

M'FAHI. IM, and TOCIIUIl.l, «is Chnnoer» lana,

Melbourne, prootor. fur the auld hobart Kilon Hall_.

NOTICE - After the oxpiriiion of fourteen d»a

from the publication hereof application will ho utado to tho ¡suprema Court of the Colon) of Victoria, Probate jliilsdlctloll, Hint 1'llOUAll! of tho WILL of UA-UitltlNb HOWSI lato of Rulla road, lullamarltic, la the Bald colon), ivirlovt, de ccised, may be granted to Jamea Howse, of Tulla utarltie aturusnttl, farmer, tho sole executor named lu ann appointed b) the said will

Dtleil lids _th da) of Jaimari, lsfio

CRISP, l.BWI-t, nuil IILDDERH ICIi, 414 Little

Cullin« htreet, Melbourne, pruotors tor tho _applicant_ NOTIOl Is hareby given that atlor tho evplratlon

of fourfoot) tia) s from the public »Mon horoof application will bo made to the Stipri mo Court of tho Colony of Vlctoila In It« Probate jiirlidiutinn, that PltotiATIS of tho LAST WILL and -EbrA HUNT of aLoIlfifc, SIM late of Albion sttoot, Uox Dill In the colon) ol \ letona, tctltlenian, di ceased, ma) ho crintotl to Catherine »lui of Albion street, Uox Hill nfonsalil, ulduii. tho ctccuttl. named in and appointed hythe »oitl will

Dated this 2Jth da) of Jrmltrj., IsiM

MADDOcl» and JOHNSON, An-tral ohimhors, D7 _and i)r_Quieii «truol Molbouruit, pt out ure

NOTICE I« horeb) clvoll, Hut after tim cpitatlOn

of fourteen day« from tins publication hereof application will ho made to the supremo Court of the Colony of \ litoria In It« I rubatu jitrlsdlutlou, that LEI runs if AUAllNl-.llATloNoftboe.taloot WILLIAM 111''I'D. late of south Hamilton lu tho ootiiit) of Normanby, in tites anton) uf Vio'oila, farmer, deceased, intestate, ma» hit granted to sarah Reed of Mudd) I reek, hoitlti Hamilton aforesaid,

tho widow of the said docensed

Ditcd the thirtieth tia) ni Januarv, ltfK)

AiNUl'L. C PAI Ml It, lllrimo t street, llaullltoll,

prootor for the sat I applicant

Sill-UK Notiocs.


HILI1Ï Urokcn Hill, ,N - W.

All BHAItla tiiiiitlcnd from 1 to 40 003 upon which th.- fih call of Id per share tou_itiaunpaid vlll be »OLD I.) lubilu auction, b) Mcs«r« HaUtoh aid Sou at the bompa») n tilico 427 Little Collin«¡tfot, Molboiirne on Mottdty 10th Fuliruar), l_t)0 at 12 o clock noon, tluluss preuousl» paid ou

_AJ_i\__lllI_LS_Maliag ir__


PAfsY NollAlllllrY, Neerim

A CALL (Ihn lit t)of twopeilco per thura on the uncalled capltil of the cumpati) ha« hie» MADE duo ltd po) title at the loillpan) a li f-Uturetl ellice. 104 Queen itroul, Melbourne, oil Wedneeda), l.lh I cbrmiy, IBJO

_li l> SMITH, Manager

CllOlV'.N-C»'!«l UllblJ.MINlMl COUPANl^ÑO

I lAllll.m, llat.l lilli« I.tuhuorlh

All SIlAl.l.S luiliin.'red from 1 to ,l.,000 upon which the l«t call of Jil per share and machinan call i tari per »ham rtmal.i« unpaid will ho-OLD h) public» I.) Messrs Wal-tab and Son at the compiin's ooloo, 4!7 little Cilllna itmor Melbourne, on Momim, luth 1 .bruin, 1-tiO, nt 12 o clock noon, unless protlousl) paid on

_AI t ___!____. Maii_g_r._ (IlluW.N CIIO-U "OLD jll.NINO CuMPAN. NO

j LIABILITi, Hard Hill« llusbwerlh

A fALL (lim 2nd) of threepence pur share, alao a Maithhior» Call of tllre pt nee per ehare, lia« been MADE on the capital of the cnninaii}, (lue and pa)

able at tile coull atti a odloe 427 I Ittlu ( ollltis itroet, sltlbourno, ou Wednesday, lïtli lebruary, tsnrj

_AlAX. MILI S, Manager


LlAlllLin, Ballarat.


A GALL (tho Itth) of ohu penny per share li»» beru M »Dit. dim und pa» able to the Malinger at the Ollloo of the Cotttpuii), Drunuiiond-streot Nortli, Ballarat, on »lodnosday, the 12th Feoruan, 1.0J

_tllnMAS ttlCHAllD, Manager.

OllblM) fOlthrJt liblAltt QOLD-MIMNQ


a lie undcrnictitlQlied bllAllLS lu the alioicnamtd oompaii), forfeited for noitpa)ninbt of 8Gth call of tltpenc« per share on tho Increis d oapltnl v 111 bj SOLD lit public auction In Mr 0 C »»hito at the oompati) a otllcc«, 104 Queen atroct, Mvlboutuo, on Mondo) lO'.lt FobrUarv, ison at 12 noon, uniría colls aud e .tuñeca uro proiiousii pal 1

ISo« 1 to23,ClO, osuluslte of thoso already paid

_ '_D D BMlTn. Manager

DOlV^IKG FOItlt,T _-IAI-~GllU> MfisffiJC


A CALL (the 37th) ot threepence per ih»re on the ncreaacd ciiutal of the oonipnii) ha« been MADL, Jue and payable al tho compati» « ollloo 104 Quooli street, Melbourne, ou \Wduo"ny, the 1-tll I «bruer),


_ DP SMITIl.JIanoger

TMi-i'iAi, Biuífri'Ñ une iíiTi _ii MIITNG


liarrier Raucos, N t \V


All SIIAllkS ni tho abotenameil comptny, from -OB 00 OJl to 1G0 (lOtl inoluiivo ii) ou which the ninth arah) p»ovl u» call» remain unpala am forfeited mil «111 be »OLD b» public auction al tho register« 1 office 6f tim cotiipaiti, I'rcll's huiltlluca corner of Quean and (-11 its stn et«, Melbourne otibatttrdi»

tha 12th dar of robmar», 1S10 at noon, unleai thu _ calls anti expenses thereon bo protlousl) paid

A C. MACDONALD, Manager.

_-tourna Januriv.. IM'»_ _ MIDAB »NO. 1 CO-PANY NO Li-UH-li

bulky Culi)


All S1TAUKS forfeited for noiipa» mont of the 42nd («ill of ttritpeiico ]icr slioru will bo SOLD by public auction on lii»«ila), 4th Februar), lbsl), at bail past 1J o'cluc) p ni, at tho Minitta; Uxoltatige,


_o of share«, 1 to 24 000 o\chli|tc ot t'loio Bltares

on winch »aid cull shall li« paid

JOHN V ItUUHllts, Manager.


PAM NO lUllllin. I.urliteti

A ÜAI L(elm first) of one peiini per a-ru on the iiiicallcsl capital it the eampstiy ha« been MADL

iudpa)alilc to tlie leual manager, at the com j « reiii.tiri-tt ulllec lui (Jticcb .trccl, Me'bouriu, llctliiesdal l.'li I ubrilai), Ulli)

lt_HN IIAIIKM. Iu_, legal Maingor

VfOhTii llllltlfNuriA- IJUAll./Hl'J'lNG LUM"" 1\ PANY .NO LI IB 1 UV, blaVht


llcbrctoiiotlfl thtit Ihn UHGISlrilED OFFICK oi tho aloio m ntintietl i-outpait) lias ht un RKMOVIvl) fr HU io (lal 17A) Chum «UOet, iUlbouriio, lo 17 Ot!_li ttlctt, Itclbciirnc

») 1 MOORh » _Iroclot_ 1" /IM-IMAN) D'«010"II iltor.D 1!, Manager Melliotiriie fin "S l61» _ _

VIL"_Ul.U\ll_l|lh COMI'AN. NO Ll\llli-ÎT 1> -Notice-A Cil I, (the 121h) of thrtupoime per adare has been ti AUK up ni the cap ttl ol this (ompain, due and ]>,»>ntilo »tihuottitt, lorilau's liil'dlnc», »nidiiurst on Wctlnesda), 1-tli February, 1SD0 O O M coll, »lunsgoi _

OCIlUAllll UOl.ND CONsOl IDAÍlíll SILM.ll'


Ilia ki ring«, Non »oath »»nie«

A OALLitm tnithjof «m p nu» per ilnro lins hoon MAliF, due -ni I p»»oblc< to tim miitoger, at'the rcidstve I ollie j m lllc ooluptni, I'll Queen street, I elbuurno, on Wednesday, Fobrusty,


JOHN UAIIKl'It lim , I.esi.1 Maliocer._ CjoLlII PbvlhAÜ MININO coHl'VrTl »\o!u ¡"5 binn. Sol »stopoi


AllSlIAItle-i lorfeltcd tor notipa}tno'itol tlielistli call or threupciMitt (or hare will be "OLD I.) ptlbllu atiollon on lus« tar, tollman 4 Is io at half past 12 oilock pitt, ot tim Mining t stehangi, llilhtal

,No- til »lint, a J lu iO.OOH, ii lu.n.) ot tiloso

ellar»« on which ««lil call »hall I o pult!

_ JOHN I» IltiliFhlN Manager

uUlll llOsb l I ? 1 Util Ü MINIMI euMl'ANÎ

.NO IIAIIII 111, I earlston

A CAi.I (the Ural) of thretponoo per i-liaro on flit uncalled capital o! the o ti pt.) ha« bien »IAD1 lilli "ml pa) able to the legal manager, at the oompaii» i regi-wretl olilee 101 t} leen troot, Molbulilni ol Wednesday 12th Februar), 18.0

IOUN UAllK-ll, Jim, Legal Minn »er


LlAlfllITi, Rushworth-A CM,L(tlu> sib) of lil por »hare has boen MADE on tim capital of the uoniptini, dun arid pijablu ac tho ctimpaii)'« ollloe, 4- I lulo Collin« »ttcut, Malttotiriiu uti \\educida),

1 _tlt robttnr), liillO Alta Milla, Mmlsgcr._ miir. uitoiti'N irii.L iiit)p_iiírA_v~uióTí¡ri4 I COMPANY I.IMITIÏD.

Notlt.1 of Dividend

Notloe Is herein glion that a niVIDPND (tho ninth) ot one «hilling mid al\|!oiiro liar »haro, aniotmtliig in all to i.7üO0, lina boen DltCI-Alll-1) on tho aliarua In the abo»o oompaii), and ia pajablo on Wudnusd«), February li), ISfli), at the Panic of AUBtraíanla, In Melbourne, Adt luido, Port Pirie, Sydnai, Ürdltti lilli, Silverton, mid Hobart clinreholilu« ard also desired to t»kn nctioo ihat It Is iucis«ar) to pro.luco »cilp certllliatea or be olhcrtiliu astlifuo

torllt ieientllled

The trainier nook« will close on Ihuiaday, the tlth da) ol r.bru.r), )bt)0, at H o clock in tho uiicriioou, for the puntos« of «itch dividend

Dated at 3D Queen street, Melbourne., this 20th tiny ot January, lb »J

li) oid.r of the board

JOHN 1II1AND0N, Secretar)

N U - Shirelioltcr« arc also requested to uko notice that all uualaluted dividends ate returnable tu till« ollie« Iroiu the abatuni.titlouod baillis, on or before the l'Jclt day of Match, 1830_ milB -KIIAHT01'Ol7bfAll UOI.Il MlMNU COI»" J. SA14Y NO L1AI111 ITY, b.bastopol


All snAllUS forfeited for non payment of lite Joth call of threepeneo per »haro will be HOLD li) pub lo auetloiioli .uc«d»),4tlt kobruaiy, "ntl, at halt patt twelve, u'ulook p in,, at tlio Mining llxchanga, llnl


Nos ot Phare« -1 to fi 000, exclusive of those

ehaica ou which aald oall sluttl he paid

JOHN p. HtiliKUT-, Manager rniI__du"rrA"T^ÔUÏ__L0"H0-TTJWK_b^^ J MININO COMPANY NO LlAUILllY,


A CALL (tho Mil) of Jil per shara on all »hare» In tho above compati) lias till» dot been MADk, pa). atlilo ot the oompaii) a ellice"», 10 and 17 Templo Oodrt, on Wedneeda», 1 Jill Foliniar), 1800

LOUlh W l-CUAIID, Manager. Milboutriu Jautiari 28 lS'jn ptin) i

Hlmnfr Notion«.


Milito llora« Rainre«, Ballarat.


All SHARKS forfeited tor nonpayment of trio "Stn call of threeuenco per «tiaro will he SOLD b) nunile auction on lund«}, 4th tcbriun, 1800, at half past twelio ocloclc pin, at tho Mining Exchanec, llillarat b h '

Nos. of 6hnroit-1 to 20,000 «.»lusHo o! tiloso

thins on which sall call shall bo paid

_ JOHN P Rollt 111 H Manaicr



Potftnononiont of Nillo

Notice Is horoby given that tilo SALE o' Mt UTS forfeited tor nohpaytnout o( nr.t roll ha« liocn postnt>iml front I aturda) the 1st liai of Pel run), 1SI)0, to Saturday, the 15th da) of Kbruary, into

11) order of the board

^ , _ THOMAS nolLASON, Manager

muí' NoiuiTTi'coNNOhs coi u MININO OOM X PASY I>0 I IAIIH IT. - A Oil I (thli ¿ill)) of tnnueuoo por shara nu the napltxl of the ah ve com pall) has horn MAllK to he due and pavnhlo at tho comí am «oflloe, «»lindum, on llidnesdoy, Iho icth dnv of ttbrttary, 1810 _t ¡5 Aclritnpr.ii Ms meer


PANY NO ! lAtllLlT.

Moondarra Mond u« I reehold

A CAl L (tim nth) of Cd per shnro on nil «haren In tho above tit tnpatiy hn« this du hoenMvbh psv ablo at Hie tninpxii) 6 oIlioeH It! am! 17 letup u

court on Mothieal» lSih todman 1MIU

Louis witluiARD Manager Melbourne Janttaiv £B 1S10

Utoolcn and Shoros



(John Aithttr, Member of tho Stouk

Kxahsiurn of Molboiiriio)

SÏOOIÎ mid MIAItl linoKMlS and


_07 (¿noon stree_


1. (Member of the Stool Kxuhango of Molhourue)

btookbro) er Latid and titlanclul A.eiit,

leo Ouoen-itreet

Lotus negotiated on fruoliold socurlti_

ïiOftM mo tiller Muck l xiluuce of Melbourne


_ btook aid Miaro broker Queen Insurance

UlllldillgsJ, Queen Btruet,_ ADVANCES MADE Ullis Discounted, Comluerolal,

National, Culonlnl, City, Australian M-echoids k3 Minimi Story bOCO til' M »hieran i Co

Bl t C M I c L I A M,

Stock «lid siiarc Urokor

lfjilraiillo; Hool Estate Dahls Russell« Heel, Osntrals Hills souths Vo 1 Tram«, Dlook

HU belli or SOLD on eommUsloii II lj collins stroot, or I solíanlo Mall onrnc_

Î N h I K Is C O 11 h Is (Member of Stock of Melbourne) Stock mid chare Uro! cr 1 inaiutul Agent,

Vaughan chamber« 08 Queen street

Trust Mono)* ti Loud on i o teluro

DTrnîïi.«) «OCILTIts- Vit tartan lornianiii» Ulli Moderns Victoria Mutual« tiitorurl«-» County 1 ourke, Melhourno Uyiiraullo BOUOlir

M littler at d Lo

_ _ nil Co , »8 Dollin»_ I.>lli)KI N HILL, IliiKk 14, hoilth« JT> Jtinitlons Centrals, Silverton Tri

militerai d CO Cohlh« stroeL


A li le L and



no (uto so) ELUADPTii stitmr,


COLON! \b INVhniin-f.'f Lorn: Tulumi« ïx

tended« Mount lliiohotf HOUGH!' Vtllklor

an 1 Co Collins «trent_ _ CP SOMHtloN ami Co farociC mid S1IARB

, URuKKRS. Member« of btook lixohatine

Molhonrnc, 12 t ullina «tteot witt,_ DkliUNTllIlke limiiratle , Co onlal Munni,

Coffee Tai oro«, Natlunsl Unftod An.rlo.Vus

tiallan, Northcote llrlck liOUOHl. Minder ami

D'ONTATuoUN'SINVF-SlOÏÏ-' OiriuTHorTatïnar}

end ho o itatned on application Qt SJ1 Collin« struct, or HOI t pn.t free______

FM P S _ It b and Co

a (Member of tho Stook 1 xohatiue of Melbourne),

Bl OCR and SHARK Illt0tiiil'.\

04 Queen street.

171. T HARDY

1 . (Menibrr tiio »took Fxohango of Mclbourno)

CO Ouiien street (Prills l ullditije).

SHAM S UOUOilT and NO1 D on commission only

IjillKU KNIOHT Moolt and Hlinro flrokor (Metnbor

1 btook 1 «change of Melbourne, HO Queen street ' bourne_.

Iñoii SACIÍ 100 Uralten nins loo commercial

! Hank« 100 city Hank« Minder and Co, J35 collins itroot_______ ÏJiOll RALL, Qvo bnnlrldgo 5 pur cent DhHKN

1 TU Ui S long dates. Wilder and Co, S9fi

collins Htro«.


a o ii i r i i i ii SlOCK and HIIARI' nitoRElt,

Si" Collins «trent

Í 1st of Select Innsuneiit stoat« I'reo Momhirof the Stuck t xchuigo of Mclboun

G Ah Mctropjhtan mullion, M ( raoKou «.UreAiug

Maltluc IVest-ond Tankard« Fltxgerald 1er »in«. Moncotnsnr« BOUOUl Wllllier and Co

"ITAHlL'fON and Da LI TILL (Janie« Hamilton, Member of llio «took iixohange of



100 Queen street, Mclbo irnc

Jamos Hamilton

A T D« Littlb._


Sith K killi Bil A1115 MtOKPRS

uiucsfl-4 ' lillttlieth street horner t linders tatio

DlKtOTOIlS-Hon J M Davie« UI C (olialrniau),

of the Stock KKohange of Melbourne)

This coiupanv act« soldi as brokera bein? pro du led bv its artioies of association from deahu0 iti eton «and shales oh It« omi behalf

Letters and tulohrrarod prumptl) attoiulod to

Telephone No 1160_.

UM~ Y I IÎ 1) I. E i 11,


462 Collin« street


On oonimlssloti only

V|pphmie_8t! _ nÂRÏÏV'TÎÎJLTI'S'5 "btook nilli Share 1 roltöT

MiiiiborUtoil rxohanco of Melhitimc. Oifless I j-Kxehinto VeitlbmV _Tflet_ono lOJf_

ntíÍHtTÑ MOU1.K and 11*ACL1 (H> itoelt and

, Khare llrekers. l'xoll inge Members of tiio hlwCK Lxciungo Of MelüOltrno_^^^ T V PATIKHSONS Monthly Auction HAI k of >) , STOCKS aud slIAIIhM, Mond») Jrd 1 el mary, t «levon o dock «harp, is Athcinuitin hall, Colllh«


J ti PATTHl«ON I« Instructed to St'I T, In lorn to suit pinela« r», «HARM In tho following barn >

coihttvllci leo -

Commercial Hani.

Lill of Mtlbouuic Dank N tiuml Hank

Haul of I iocorla

I nulhblo Di i mil mid Mortgago Uank

ït tronolltatl Hank

lint erial Hanking Compiny Shire of lalb t Dolieuturo«


Melbourne Storage Compnii) T itnltod

Fourth Victoria Poimauotil Building Soolety \ iotoi lau Pertuauont Building Socluti Kxiolalor lerinxnent liulldlng Soiloty Metropolitan Ons Coinpsii) Qucctisehg Gas Compui) l«raud colfoit I alaoo

ltlchniout! tufTeo talaeo Violarla CofTeu Pillât»

Trust« a, Hxooutbrs, «nd Agcnoy Comp-i

I lintuit

T li Heimat, and Ooinpvttv Limited

1 itrrov Itefrlgerailiiucompati) limited Vi oo i'« l otitshlro Urower) Loinpsiiy

' ""iioiisoiiaiiil Bon«

orsun Stolnhorg and ck and Sons Limited

. address- "obCollins stnet


STOCK anl bllAIII. l),

331 Collins «in« Melbourne

Tho cnuiinlii Is preclude I li) It« article« of assoola lion from dealing In «to It» and «hare« on li« own behalf, au i acts »oíble as agents, thus Oonsorvlng tin host interest« of its oiinnt«

Moitthl) Investor« Outdo forwarded post free (Mblu AUdrosi-" Donaldson« ' Telephone No lins

11 HAMILTON' KltH, Secretory


0 H C P II T II t) M h O N,


00 Queen ttreot

J' Ä ii P *~~~~r~A~Y T, O ¡

(i ato Chairman Rend go Stock Kxoltatigel

Member of til« Mool: t.xiihango ol Melbourne,


Moroan Ile chatnbets

146 Collitis street, Mtilhottrtu_

LA A It 0 N S,

Mock «ntl Shar« DIIOKMt,

77 Pitt street Sitlno,,

Mombor of ill« bl duel Stoi K Üxi Itatigo

tnniiurli of lim Stcolt Itxiihmgs ol Mellionrne

11 J t N~ le I N b, . alum! or of the Stock Kxohni go of Molbourno,

blOOK »lid NUAllK I1I.01CIÜ!,

ltothsohilH chambo»,

"ilu Collins «treot,

Meit onriii_ fc A D O .V h ah i Ô fTKn' A ST, '




> Member« Stool tixohango of

ii« /

A J II Meadow« ! Slolboitrno

rempornry I likes-12 and U (4th Moor) l'roll's hulldli tr» cornor < olllns an I Qtuin »frrtt«_

"ffV RUSsTeLL, M lust 0.1. (iiiombir stoolt I'x

li I. ohalico, Molliotlrnc), Proll's-bitlldlngs, uoruer Ct illns Qtucii street«

Ml'llCAN nut t'liiauoo, Koni Pvtatce, Victorian

ProohnM. Union Finance, Royal Dank«

OUT! WllliloraulLo HUB (.olllns stn et, _

SLADE) mid W O li II b II II U II

(Moinlicra »took Cxotiane« «f Holliourue),


No. a"B Collltit-itrort weat (corner ol Qitssn itreel) _loletihoiio 14Ü8,

rpllOMA» LelX'lON", late of Handimrsl, ¡^foClTañil

I , SIIAltl, UROKblt OIHte, PedoralilUlldlngS Cullin« itnot, Melhoiiruo fiUtuhar of tho Stool! (Cx citai «col Mtlliburne.HailtlWirst Mid llallirat Slack tuhMige Clients onlers ixi tilted with |iroiliptltudu

and larelul allenliou.

Steel» und S__r*_


C II UBS Ft.!» and CALL (Members Stool, Hinhange Melbourne),

Corner Collin» and Queen «ireetst,

Tilephouu No 1402.

~ii~JO 1ÍNbtöN*and _lllltll|.FS (T K John'

Bimi men.bei Stocl Lxchauco of Melbourne)


. (Member of S toe li I «chango of Melbourne)

lus UI.MoVlCn ID No-i 1 and _ ((.round Floor)

Mureantllu Hank Cham burn


(ronnerh with Air W T Iones),

STOCK und MI A Hin IfltUKhU

Menil ei of the Stock l-\cInti_eof Melbourne,

Universal Lhamben, U G í oilim btiert.

lelunlinne No fO.

V\T II (¿UIU. HIÍAK_,ÜUÓIvftitt>Titmbr,r Of the

Y > . hutk K_ .hange of Melbourne), lEoth_uhlld _. chimbor* I _>t_qlltn< ntrnct___ \TSTtl I I J Uli and Uu K Monthly Investor* Uilldc*, > V Jtiiiuarj, now rcadj, cuiimliiin^fiill infornmiluu trniuua\i« ^(_ratt»i_oii api>ll< atlun _______________

"\\rvMM and ( HA! \IA\, Mock und ¡share

IV 1 roi crs No > fctotdfloor Ü0 to70 Quo.n st.

Board and Loaring.

A lC.rantown home oppomt. exhibition bull lui..*, 1\. biNichoUun ntrtut, fitiroy, superior ACCOMMODAllOS, private suite» hot and oold baths pi o Í i*_ifniftl oool J 1 ft hain proprietor_^_ Alr Mrs Uapperi, Sili.hurj hoiiso, «Nicholson«

street lit/Dj, RUierlor A-COMMOUAIION,

v_ oyiohn profrnslonal conic_ Al lalhot lodLfd, Or. v streob, Käst Melbourne,

SIIILIO and doutU KDOlIH, very moderate, (food lai li* jrnrltn_

Ï. Uniiulhurst 4 OeorKß ht« Fast Melbourne, ftk

bl Lib IS I fe, ueritlitiien -infrio doublo, bale-ony

|l'1ü»-i|'tfui aurronn lintr» _ fardons, and tram*


Al Cordon house, Groav.iioi urraca, 2011 Drum

inmd Uroot, tarlton »interior ACCOMMODl HON hutmill cold luth« Bilioltlturooin, _i

A- Mr« Do!coi a ltóclic»tcr lod-fc corner hAhll 1

linn and Little Hinder« street« Select ACCOM Ml ION for ceutlcmoil 111 o minutos Troasuri

Al Gatilcnhurst 112 Oro) street -net Melbourne,

AlAIITHiNrb »ac-nt, hot baths, prlinte »Ultu« an I otu tiquee_^_ Al s I nuce« »truel i It.roi, luurih lint«« Nichol

EC li -erect attpotlor UOAllll UeSIUItNUt, bulcott) room, married couple, Ltanllomon_eultic-_

Al 311 lotorla parade, 1 ji»t Melbuitrne, \ ACANCY

tor two -cutlctucii, single rooms, gus. per weil, llwar tram __ ^^_ ALtlCla I Alta, 42 se »¡noon« Piuco ¡south -

superior Al COM MODA I ION lar^o balcony routtl throe minute« statlb i near balli_ AMimt.lI IM (Iconic, street PistMclhouine -

^uprnor VACVNCI1S iluuble silicio, oloao r lei « tutu hit hinoilr iiro VI ir-ntc " ceo «ii üb Al i tjNi hie li t



hot baths 1 ami . Westbourne

tcrrnt l,io» jar J__l_Jiiltl«_

turee tul otu Huon to LF1, Itiriit.licil or li

itlrni«hcd also «lítelo rooms With board 1)3 tt tr ct La_ Melbourn t ^^^

A-Lorcu luniished front IIOOM, Bait gentleman,

at 20(late 107) Lollln« strut

A MTTINGROOM and two Bedroom« balcon}, for

cclttleman and livnlatllt« I OAHU "00 1 pott ion_1 erins, Í.C ,_C J , Argus ofllie__ I >0 Mil) and PbSIDl NP! for one or two con* I > men in ) riiatc mu« eil lamil» homo oomfort«,

term« nod rate on mil uto from Biatlon Oscar

lilla Ooirhl »tie t li 1 I ,i t_

BHIAUsIA lillian!, ut nouai - tust ti s s

litt litt) _o, diaivli)i,rouui, smoke room

litIVATK SU1TF __ "ORKIII ION o HT K1LD V -hupurlor UOAlll) u ti


¡OMrORTABI b HOUR Olio gentleman, aeparato

r otu, moderate cloeô truite 1 Osborne trect,

th Yal ra.


niedioil, surgical attd monthly Appl) Ml«s M nantie), Ruin1», 72 Hotham se_Toloihoii _]0i0

EASl HriBOUIlNK f)_ Potiictt,trece-Well

furnished DRAWING end Dltilii. ROOM, bal . it) and Blnglu ltooni« »at ant_

"17111 G oommolciil gentlemen desire BO «.RD mid J1 RF«IDI,NCl Past »lolliotlrno or any »ul urb on tue Caulllald or i tutlalu line« Blato terms Seitlpor

Illili« Aren« of« i

liop»toi!!i, P O Cistlcmaille _ _^^_ FOURTEKN 1 arllalneilt t lace, Noxt DöoTOermon

Parionago - iloini aumf ort-, but and cold haul«

few VAOINClhS_ GLNTLI'MAN reipltroa Coiiltortoblo BOARD an 1

LODGING lire» »Ingle room Heir train, state te ni». C II, Ar.usolflor._ GILNTILMAN »»tinta BOÄltÜ mid REbUJliNCL

I" lriuitu lamil) No other bnardor«. llrlchton

Hu prcfcrrotl W lu larr Arçlls oPlua. _ G1 NlLEMAN~dcslres (pilot HOME In private

ftimllv, close city etate terms Retirement,

,-r.uB olllce


MINT I'LACk 171 Latrobe slrcal -Superior AC

C0MM0DA11ON, «Ingle ami double roon s, pi i to hagat, Ile Terni« ou t guinea._


l)-1 binrd ¿1 lw 4- I e etit strsot Htzroy_ MUMiUUUU 4 J( Hill mt -Qtmrn lohlit lit-U< ¡O o ptl-imlly omfiirtoUo HCblDl NUK buslneis luntlouion sin ii le, double rooms, dollßhtful surround mir« moderate_ ________ ________ C1T KILDA - ETltihelatB ACCOMMODATION, IO li omi rod Can tur bur. roa I opposite rallvvny, sLCOiid hou.e below a Itali nu rink t f w vaeau lew

Si MUM - inporlor LtOAKDand utsiut-MK

tiloso to beach, train , (fentleraen Card», Mr .rranclc ehnnJBt Hourlte stritt_ SI hi! D^I-iKhcrTTtii^Vlf-toria str et - VÄt A«N

CISsiperiar HOAUU UKbltiLVUv, front in» elu»f tr In an 1 n.platiale-_

, ord.r, oleanline,*s ni rt .omi_n. no ohU hen_ rilo I LT, alaise iront I 00_l two windows als) X ncdroom, furnttiiiui or unfUruUbed -No _. Lol I lil ? ïtreet_ rimo [renthmen re juiro ÍIOAUIÍ LUDQISO, willinif J sbaro roo n Xerm_ Xo, to Adelaide, Argus olhce __________

rr\\\ O O »tluti en roipiíro 1 OAttOltríSTD-SUR J nour Univ-rt-iij 1 nnic dar« Student Carlt-onPO


Btrcet last Mrltin


aid I





IUAN_1__ (Mrs Thonpson) for luniile« and

gentlomoii Weiroonfl corner 1 itrro) street rark r ti I near trihi, luina 1st K11 ia _______

of MllllhOltuO»! , leniiiLS with

ANll V 1*0 »tti.lo HUU1IS, for la ty, baby, and

1 ast Mell ottrne or bt hilda preferred terms I IV , Arc ti« olHos_^__^ A'fll.U a.lOllf lorTllllo girl with «orno prl

»lite tamil) 1 most, Arcas

Houses anil _r_id to Lot.

AT S O U r H ï A II It A.

fit ititi two «tun RhSIIirNCF

leight room», our) t otsib c coiiieuiencc, »cry tarso

)arct new flu«.

BAU I 1 mid Co

tra ritanel »treot South Yarra_


Tuostor) llliSIDKNct

,cn rooms and lonioulenucs larg«)m 1 asphalted,

J2s «JJ per »»cclc free of ratos, grand order


_102 Chapol a root South Yarri _ AT¡iiTiX"l~ifAlllí Jl Albert roai -til si or smo

eicht ROOM-, modern requirement«, .tablea, balcon» spaol jil« » ard_

il M A UA I, It Adjoining Station - spiu, roomed

\ illa Rl'SIDICNC- _76 Hook Ireehold Land

Co flmltwl lill Collins street_ Aloui roomed COU AUB., oxtonslv. .tabling,

Parado end, George street, |ApplV .1) Gore

tlrctt Ularnt_ _

IllllllTciN - I articulara 01 I ROI I »Tilia lor

word d ou ai plication b P Simmonds, Bay

htrcet North llr chilli_-atabllshod ISbb_^

Bulli li TON -Two seven roomed COlTAUL-.tlosa

batt tt anti near Iraltt, modérate rent John Pern 1601 on» late street __ BURWOOD I OÀD - lo I f'T, (llrnlalicil ilosn Cam

I erwill station, brid VILLA 10 rooms, piano, uti l_incii_ Ham_

IORI! li V^LXA »olcn room» good otdcr, highest Yj position tlvomlnutta st Kilda station clonithilien ni vt linn hall (llenferrln _

1>lll)N_WICIl «lllhl'l,

f House 101 rent 00«.

HobsOli'a Ba) llalltvnv_ C\UI I II 11) -To bri furnish it), for al«, months

or imfunilshcd for lunger i erlod, well appoltttutt VII I A Boten rooms hath (hot water) kitchen« <va hnlf acre of lan I with nell »tal llshu 1 orchard, within K inimités i »lit of I'WteruwIck »tatlou A|t|il) W Graham (14 Fllirdi ra street, 1 G uargon 1, 210 lillitlrra »trait_

10 1. LIN- STUB !» - -AST


I-rgo Ground FLOOR,

lmtuodiate Potieision


lill, SMA-Io, lût Collins street_ C«S-Ï1NS STltl'ltT WHbï, Untral-Iront »lolT

I lichte 1 OH ICItS on second floor Yeo, Brentill till Merrill 08 Quena HrfoL_ CILII ION llTLL, Queen's-! arado -l'tio »tori Ittltk

/ M1IOI «ultablu for prlntlnif business or boot factor) H liiatc _ Cll\ _^iow fltoaioriid »» Aithliooseor 1 nioii,

bAsomont llaiil ileltjUllin oppo Ito bt Jamosa Churoh, 1 lltlo Collin« «troet

( \\t\ - »Itinnfactor) hlOiTl uiana.era du tiling \j luto Di Ion HtirrowsN iionfoutionory works, AMloekott slruet »tilt an) liii>liiem_ OUI S lol L, lour fl*t» IO x 2. Iront title on

tram «a f.SO Rail i tin I Cu J s Collina at

CAlfniTiN'; li) posit« lion ling creen - Tirloic

lltiUSK, eight rooms, all tMitvonteiic'ci Ila)lee and Co , J25 l ollln» «treot.__

CAULION-Ltrgo SHOP und »wcïïîng, oiinlrâli

«tilt manutactiiror, rent modtiatc Brenan, ' ,-ittiu nut Driliumo'i I »tri.t. ( arltmi_ C(oll"vGhs »t "Allans uni liter pirk, fsj tis l cr

; ne I Lo tuopolltaii Land -ault. Normanby, ohambeis Chanoir) In

LOU IA lioilst, 11 loft) room« every otinvo» V nlcnce lavatorj, largu }ard .3 Young »tract, non Ocitrittlo itreot Fitrro»_ _ I.-ifSlFltNWlOK.l lui road,Nevin »límites Station

_-t argo 1 rick ¡lulls!- 14 largo morn« ovorj ton» violet co nice large garden, A.c. Janie» B. M Quio, 3Ufi Collins tttcot _

I.-iri/Alllilirß'rilWl-WeTtTrJToTiier.'ratil Ipi Jil ttnoL-Doiiblo fronted SHOP. L bander«, corttor Bourke a_ml Htianstuii an eut«

],-|LH'l.R»iffluiC^.Tlilol< VITLA "tight rooiiii

J over) comonlcitoe good loealit), £78 per «untim -tlllninti, JKlMtasrn« lok__. 171 UsTritNwiou _»vu \iLIÂTIÎlno room« con

_ »iiilentiallnoy station, _7t) per annum -tilltuan and Company, M.toruwlult _ -ITlUltMblll U"\'lfil Arr5eTtiIdâ~t!TcïrooThrc bail J' nlic r oms, all«« Dalle», High«trcot ht KU io_

IjTll) IfS lill rib, baiitlrltigliim'i hrlnli VILXA""11Í¡ |. n,m m nl,"n ..., .."lima) route, loVil) coiiiilt)

._-.«nuca and -reina ta _B_ _ TTiIN-K'S.Bc!! _ D I N O S,


'Hie grandest advertising «land lu Melbourne.


O T F I (J K S,

onlv a few morn loft, which can he divided and fitted up to suit tenant«.


which has jual bcon olahnrately docorated in tho most modern Trench stylo, with a grand receptionroom, ladle* and geittltimtm's tlresiltigrooni«, and every otlior ooni-enlcbco, is now ready for occupa-


Rtisv and Comfortable ncooss to all flour« is obtnlnod hy tinea tafo and fo«t travelling An«tral Otis elorators,'running early and late, and In charge of a eompi'tolit cittrhioor.

Apply Mr. LI'IBNI'lt, rinkVbulIñlng«.

TjlUKNISUI'D FAMILY IHiblDENCU, Jj K1 room«, overythhte; completo,

Closíi to ûovernnie-nt'honse.

luiiuoiliite possotsion. ? Moderato rent.

____SI^N_.n_J___pN, Sou Colllns-stroob

]'~71UIIN1"S¡ÍEU" couiplotoly7~\vrP. VILtnlTstiitio.

J throw b'lstomwlotc ststlon, sevon rcoins, every couriinirnop, Kapn's grand plono, for a short term, £_ lu«, weekly. Stillman and Coutpuny, Elsternwick. ITHJllNTstlKD "thôrouuhly. l'OlTAÛKs,-Villas",

; lecBldencos, Immediate possession, reatoiiahle luntals, eliokie-u localities, Holt's Tourists' Bureau, M4 KlhtaJwtIl.6tro.it_ pURNl-THUD HOUSE or Apartments to LEI', Jj - three minutes station, bathing-box, Kelvintrrovo, Ifsnlxnaile, llrluliton Rcath,

JriUHMsUKD lloU.iii, «.»ii "«inmuno, 10 rooms

! and oonveniencos, family leaving for Europe. MllivllI and Co., Qiicomstrci't._ _ ITilfRNisitlCDr St. Kilda- tlriok-VI I.LA, nine

J rooms, handsomely siippllrd every necessary, hot wn tor servioe, _4 4«. Lmninii, Payne»,

T|tUltNl5"il"ED lfO'Ö ¡(MaTËâit .Melbourne,


ff. TAYLOR aud Co. Will LET tho PREMISES

Just vacated by the Mercantile Uinl¿;



Now In their owa occupation,

_fini OnlHn«.Btrc«r._ / 1llA.\D UUNI'ltAlj 1'OHlllO.N'.-SHOP FRONT, VJf Ml sevnti«ton->ireot, Whitehead'« Fine Art Ucpo.ltory. Apply Corney anti ¡Colly. _ «pjLKNFKlllllh., Main Hiisuie« Thoroughfare. Close

V5T Station,-Capital opportunity ««w HUjtN'KSS, âoe. webkly. llntoii.r. »notioneor, Colllns-stroot

HA M' ~ T H O It N.


That very destraillo and mihatsntlally built


Known a« Cnrrleal, and oontiinlinr lil room«, with

brick stable«, conchhonso, do.

Tim grounds comprise nearly threo acres, and aro taitolully laid out in flower, rruit, and Vcgotahlu fir« don«, shrubbery, and uravelled wallis,

Ordorsto v low from

CARNEY and KULLY, auctioneers, 64 and CO Stvaiifitoii-strcot,_ rTAV'TUORN.-MANSIONS, Villa«, Cottairos ill li tills ilcehubl» locality, ovuly dosorlptlou, to suit all ollents. Inspouilon Invitou, Walter II, Ratten and Co.. Uurtvoctl and Morang roads, Haw-thorn ami Auburn._______ HAWTHORN, Tooronga-road.-To LU'., Twyford,

brick VILLA find ill Aero« of Land, laid out in fruit, dower, and vegetable garden, and paddock«. Ham.____^ UAiVliiolfis\ Ulenforrlc, Auburn.-Furnished

and Unfurnished IIOI'SKs. Inspect our list. Ilnokc and Hill, opposite! Town-hell, Ohltiforrle._ U AM'KshUfíS.-.W olgllt.rootueil IIOUñlTñud Jl coiii'e'iiicnces, liiluony, rent uls. llliiard, 864 cii.ipol.stroot, South Yarra._i_ HOUSE, u~ loam« ;- Villa, 7 roon», outhouses,

ereiinrd, gurdon, every QOuvuulcnco. it&plten, b4 hourke-strcctenst._ KBltPKRIMtOAD. Soulh Melbourne.-To LBV,

furnished, detached brick VILLA, containing six rooms, bathroom, mid pantry, closo brach tenet

du j PQ«80selon at oneo. tlithi, Htvatistoti.stro"r.

LAND,and Uuildlngs, 09 x 1,1a, half of proporty

latclv occupied by Thus. Henderson, iuiplmueut ni mor, Khxabcth-strcot north. Apply to John Dauks and Son Limited. 401 Itnurke-itreet. _ Y~AltUri bl'Uf(E,~two «tarie«.' KlliSbelh-sïTcôÈ

ATôiFwo'RltîioïiM~co/trir2elcr^p|11y"^iimc« J Eglinton and Co. Limited. 23 Modcrinolianihrr«. MALVERN. - Six and nnvon roomed brick

HOUSES, honllhy locality, «table ami coachhutlso, from î!7«. Longbottom, *.larcer-roacL______ O'" X 1* o"~it n"-"o ii "A U B Ii it B,

liourko-strect West.



Bluglo Itooiui,

Largo, lofty, mid nell vonfllntoit. Splendldlv ll.htotl on all lluors,

And flttad with tbo latest modern improvements.



New prcmiaol, overy convenience, nearly oomplcted.


No. 17 Qiioon-itrcet.

Flltod up willi thro» Maygood flatoty Swift Potent Etovator«. Strongrooms, wntor. ga«, find all tnodorti Improvements. Telephone exaltant.'« lu building. Sihglo rooms or suites. Pariltiou« re-urrarigcd to ault


Apply UALFOUIt, ELLIOTT, «nd CO. LlSilTr.D, 0 Queim-streoL_ OFFICES »nd Miowrooui«, Nlookon's Corner,

opposite lawn-hull, lacing Collin» mid Sivallston ?trcotB. 'ibose offioe* aro very Inrcc, h«t'o sploiidlil light and ventilation, and approached by ah Otis passenger eiovatur. For partfoulnrs of rent«« apply

JOHN VALE and SON, Mr. Colllin-atioet._ OFFICE«, flrrt floor »nd «eeond floor, Kr«mer'«-liutld.

Inga, Queeii-struet, Fraser and Co. Limited, ii Qnean-st._p_ OFFICES, best position, well-llahiotl, every «uvaii.

tage, next Poot-C'lce, llourko.ttrost «vpply iiiïii'tin and Watts._ O'FFiÖEäiö L_T,~^<ñrop'olltaTfTüüík Chambor«,

eton ml floor. A)iply Metropolitan liullding

Sochttv, Colllni-«tt«iit._ __^ Of'f'lQÈS, rniiituVstroot, bt«t pu«ltint, splendid

lliht, «Hite« singlo rooms. Baylee and Co., ¡1*5 Colline-'ttreot,_ OFFICES, oottlr»! position, from 7s. Dil', nock,

good light, long lusses. Uayloe and CO., 825 Collins-street. ^_ __ QFFIOES, ColllnsTtroöt, William «trott, Flltideni.

latto, from 10«. week, lliylc« and Co., 826



OFFlCr.M and Sample Ile

Thoniai Warburton, 1181 II

OAlil.r.lGII.-It» AOHKM, ivoll-fonood, Water, two

orchards, house, eplotitlld arszing. part oultivatod. Longhottoin, Moroor.road, Malvern. _ Î)ORTSEA. - To LUT. furnished, Charlotton

HOUSE, «ultablo for laren family. Particular« I'rnotig, Aclaiid-tnrracfl, Itoba-Btroft, St Iilhh^-__ l)ItlNÏKrt's'lrRBMfîlES^ two floor«, OÔftT x 40ft.,

X centrally »Ituatod. »olby and Co., DI) QUKKN-STRUET, Cloie ColiTn«.itrtiot.-OFFICE3

on gruuiid, first, and «eoond floors. Yeo, Uretittiall, and Merrin, 05 Queoli-struetj_^ QUEE.VSTIÛ.KT, near" ArlIc¿kett-stroct.-New

twostory IJTOÜK. Yeo, Urontuall, and Merrin,

0S*ciiiectt.Btroet._ Çtry KILDA,-Ftirnlshsd or utifurnlelieil, lartro O HOUSE, cloie «cation and bath«, modern style, oloctrlu ball«, tiled grates. Furnished. £0 ; uulur* nllhcd, ill It* LooBcc, Park-road, St. Killin,

§T."T<lLl)A, ¡liiTistroet-Oratid nesTSlTOpo, host

position, finit iinv limitless ; reduced rent start toner, auctioneer, opposlto terminus. i_ MTncTCUÄTTlänii' in Irain.-í"W"roo¡iiod brick

0 HOUSE, furnished, £4 1". od. wooli. Lookor and Sons, 102 Collins.stroot_ ST."KILDA.-Sovén-rooñicef brink MdooñyTIOUsK,

over/ oomtort, near tnlni ; £90. Cledlilll, 815 Co_lln»-éj__oti, _

SlTKtl.DAlîÔAD.-n»nd80lilely.|uruli.lied VILLA,

nitto rooms, all conveniences, »tabling. Dalley, Illith-Btroot, St. Kilda,_ SOUTH YARRA. Drontliy.stroat, Closo Mt Ribla

road,-Two-story UOU.E, «even rooms. Itotf, South Yarr« station._ Si3ïrîTr"YAlllUe-N«W brink hllOPS, llttlngs,

liandBomo window«, vciatidai), ooutral position, model »til. Seymour, agent __^ _^ SOUTH SIlíLIlOUñSU.CeoIRrroet.-Somi^tlchíd

brick HOUSK, containing eight room«, bath

oom, ami pantry. Hani, Swanston, itreot_ OOIlltliNför^TÖTE'I1, hay IroiiU.c, VILLA, conIO talnlng «ittttigroom, dliiliicrOom, bllllunirooui, 'vo bcdroomit, ltltchon, ¿to., bo«thouso, Jetty, batliiug nclosl te. tnrillsherl. IlMil, SWan«ton.strt*et._ §ORREN IO.-Ëlgllt rôoVuT^ïûrnlsned CO'ITAOI!;

alter FobrUsry 10. Apply Mon«, Johnston.street,

lllngwood, Or O. Stonner, Sorrento._ QORRKNTiX^slVrooinVd I'urnlshed COÏIAUE, j^ piano, large ttarden, hear pior »mi baths. ?Siena«», Coventrystrcot. Soulh Mj_llit_urn___ ZjWANSTON.srttRlii', oppositu Library.-huitaine K_ UKS1DESCE or Wholosalo llushiO'S, ostil, *tc. Morton, ¡d7 Collina-strcet, ourucr Swanstoil-itroot.

fNWÂ^ÏÔls'-iri'TlE'EiToii thôbloolt, crntrarMIÛP. ¡_ or Shop and llaieuiout, to LET, luunedlato possoisloii.^ flam. _ S_5iiliTö~Lläi, near olty. lMlft hy "¿OTtTlOV" _Mould, Orant-atrost, South Mulhonriie._ S To It It, threo Tiit«, ohio«, »uri liit7"Magar«.l»uo,

Apjijy lhirk«i_Jewollor, 1B7 ElltahoUi-stroct._ el HOP to'LErln tTHniSrs-Btreot/opiiosltii Hobson'«

) Use ilaiioii, Apply A. Ulbnor, Finlt's-bulldlugs._^_

QliSP atiil I'rcnil"««, liest "part Cíinpofñítroetí Ö Prtlinu, suit any builnos«. Apply 171 Chapel* street, WJudrot.__ 'OllOP, »ewrwltirnnldencc, «nod t!ioroii«li7»rö7!05 0 Uortrnd«-«treut, Fltiroy, Anply Jos, Kgllnton and Co., 88 Moderii-chalulior», 817 ('olllli«-«lreot.

yiIÖPn»ii"^oüblo trout I)ih)~l;ii«ai7eth.«irciit.

C1 HOI' to LKT, ohuap rout, In Ellxaboth.street, nour

¡3 Little Colllttk iitroot. ApplyjK^L. Z.ixvColllin-st, SHOP to LE'r, good sliowiiig Window«, opposite

_Kirk'« llnzlmr. 4X7 Uonrko-stteet wost _ ?f HoW'-ïlbUMil, Sample-leooîus toT.P.t,"srilKllviîlôd 1 to suit ; paasengor «ntl good« olevatois. Tilos. V*«rbtirton, 1184 llourko-street trost._ Sfjrró'ilíBs, "t^ô«"«:"!!»!!«'«)' HnitTôiT- lu-i-iiulnt'd

brltilt HOUSE, aero land, 41(16 ) ctr. lluchan, 1)1 ejilcoti-sttect._

O LU T, _ ßllOI'f. (now lu cottrso of erection), In Rourke, titi oct, near Post.nllleo ; niso Utile««, Stim)ile.rooin«, and Stllte«of Rooms. Fast olovator« for good« and

pas«engers. Apply

IIIOIIAH M'AItlIUlltON, lint Rourko.»treot weit

rpo LET, fumlslied or unfiiriilsliiiil, Comfortthl«

1 Famllv RESIDENCE «ml lanroground«, delight, fuilv Blttinti'd, can he rouomiiiriiilfil a« a voiy cool ltoii»o tor summer. Fur full partícula! s apply to Orclg and Murray Limited, 80-i!. Quooii-ituiot._ r'no LET, StIOP and iiingnllluoiitlr-lielited llasu.

I mont, best posititm In Melbourne, suitable for light rofroihnieiit mid fruit mid ooulootlonory bust. líela. Apply Mr.____l.elhner, t'lnk's-liulhllii»».

rlîo Liff, liowly tuñn«hi'tl"TfvTcl513:"bo«li part Kail X. Molbounie, drawing, IIIIIIIIL', throo bod room«, servant'« room, anil usual outbuilding«. Particulars tit Strutt'«, chemist, 105 I'owlott-itrset, K, Molbourtio. mo _(4T,"',lY'AltEII0üri. lñ^VtloT361l¡Tñ>«ifiTot ni j, moderato rent, Apjily A,l.iiliiimr,FinK'«.bu»dlnc'« ,11 'O ÎTi'ltT'nlitlit-raonic'd VILLArrivoll-rnsit, Stiutti

1 \ urra, £110. Windor mid Co., Collin« slroot.

J-ohses and Land ia Let,

SHOPS, ÖfFfÜfcS, _c,



Chapel Btrcot best position, now in ooline of erection

Early aopllcation uccessar) Plana and particular» from

-HI VILI nnlCo

Auotloneers I-anil and Lstato Agents

Corner of Queen «trcot nod I lindt rs lane.

Branch Olllce JJ Chap I strcpr South \ m ra.

mOOltAK, Mathoura road-VILLA «oi.u main I room« or tor »ALU Ollloor and Smith, 164

Clllii» «treat


_it iO(ICollhi«_

ILLA Mell «tri et Knutll 1 re« ml Mai oil

oroltard, pia luckB, low rental B. J ot i-lliabcth »trott.

Eousos and -mut lot* Halo


ThoBO desirous of Itl-NTING or PURCHASING


DI SOI with tower, three Minute» walk railway

stattuii train pa t door cottioniontli sitiiatotl for medical man drnwlngroom. dltiingrooui catii -.1 x lf> brea'cfatt 17 x 14 children a room 17 - 14, I Itclleti 17 X M with ittntry an 1 cloakriom on ground floor eight large bmlrooins, two balli«, and

overt modern totlVcmttnou

Pi Ice, ¿37u0

T B Our ST and Co, ' William street.

AUBtlltN ROAD, Cornor of Harcourt-itroot, Haw

thom - MrloK ULLA six rooms and von

vcitleiices. Haul Swanston atrcet _______

i Hit I VALÍ- l'or SALS- I oaiitltul conntr) l 1 si "v DFNCIe »oí oral acres lovely garden Home, Caatlclllhihe_ ADV ICh.-S cure our Proport) I 1ST Bl) lou and

_Co Ti Collin» st_14 Chapel »t Sutli_i_

AN INVIiStllIrNl - suburb tit »tatlon two brick

SHOI's anti Dnctlinca pal 8 per cone Buchan, Qtt en »trecr_ _

ALUNOSÍUr Norm road Stitlon t_tilll_.l_7700Tt,

sClOOl oran) frontage proportionale!) ihcap L nnoit flf, Queen «trott_ \~Del ION, sai urda) - Uniesen ed SAI I- thrte __, rootucl COn AOL cloie oit) Buckhurst mid Hutton sun), M0| , mm




¡1IJ2 AOltlS

logclhor or 111 I ot«

boll unsurpassed lu th i onion) for ogtiiulturo or


75 minute« i>r Melbourne

G M TAI I OH and Pt. ¡188 tollina Btrcot

M W M MI llnllntl nil

BROPHY, I om, and DtilVI INO Ballard_


Close to Station anti Be«

Hot-had Villa lirHIDFNCr

Coutalnlnjf c1 lib gool rooms two icry lar-e

livo bathrooms

ferneries mid outhouses

Largo lawn

Kltnlisn gar len, ) crfrot ordttr

Tanti Mix .11 prie« el ISO easy terms roll partlciihrs mid orders to litspetit from

Meesr« L I lind T HV.M 70 swtn»toii Btr et

pillUIIfÖN - I irtlonlars of 1'IIOPI uni. for

j_) warded on o| pllcatiuh s p simmonds, UBI.tieet North Brighton h«"lill»h«l 1800

B11AN HltOUlv 1UNCHON -Stmrnl chfap LOW

and grand I nmers olote to elation II .Nor niMlb) chambers Chanoer) lune_ BtlRNLfY N*ear Bullion -Commodlnus VÏÏÎ3

It] billi NCI »mt medical milli, Blubllnc golden,

co __oturlti__ii I Cud _on_Sti an street _ BAIIOAIN -Turnisltoil VILI A clDit room« best

patt M Lilla ( cull-uuii vUliltt¿ bnglaiil wtslios to soil ho lui] and furniture, stabling Dalle-),

HILII street St Killi c


Lo II I Oui In« »hour

0 Illili ItnrLl -ririsAIL DI lar.o Indi Mill

filiSllll NCI wlthtlltl icratidah Conslatlng ol ilraumgrooiii Ulfe \ lrlt, ilnlngroOni 2llt. x 17ft, and Boten bedroom«, pantri, t io litthrooin« spacious lohl<l ohin i mut llttoil 1 ro»»o» fte , 1 Itchon »or vants room two cellar«, enclosed bael icrviidali, detached launilr) with boiler ti oil.'lu o-c btanil« on about an acre of latitl laid out lu garth n an I oroharl Ulli lo sold with Hole x -OSIt, or the whole lOOie N 20Slt App i to


Marnoo Wuterino street Camberwell__ GA »I ill lill7! I L, UM biatlon - oiip rïûr lb

looinsl W l! MILA, 45 x "1, _l_& tllltd

cash M Kuan, 71 Swanston btrcot_ 0HlilbTMA8 -Iii lb-One of "the best Building

til IKS on till» magnllluont proport) tor bA-f Apply Q»orgo VV Jtlonr« foTnnul. tot if_ i^jOUNlllï 11101 HU Ir-.- lunn» Ora/iug tro

\j pertloi, Private 1 states, 40 pago printed list free M'fwan and Co_ 71 Swanston »trece_ C HANOI- to U| Itallst« 1 iveetors -One and a

i|unrter ACIIICH aljohiltti» oil), euendoo, easy

terms Bailee and Co J.6 Colllitit streut _

1Y bill! lor »toro« oi factir) liftle iruntaco A lint lett street., o 1 argait__ Hammil! 1 orrostir "pXLCUTOnt.' BALE


8 Allotment- Maribyrnong batato,

Cloae Epsom road.

Near Show grotm I an I Itaccooutao

Auction "aturilay, 1st Februar),

On the (iroutid

Tortni-Ioaah, bilsiica 0 I. IB and 24 months,

Interest (I per outtt per annum

10WFRS, RUrtlLRFOIlD and Co ,j_.ont«__ ITILs.r.liN'ftlOK - Ixouutors Bale ~lisiidaoino

li VILLA main real oloso «tatlûu soven room» cinlett «table coachhouse ,to, land Co x EJD a iarguhi -Müll £,10 0 tai remain on mortgage, «oicn pr cone Appl) lillie ant bit its 72 l.ll.-tbotli street, Molliotin o, anti Itlttetntvlt It opposite «tatlon

TlLbTKHNWIOK -Superior two story brick Rl'sl




_f*"ltlIS Vr im pricatlon

ttinlog broakf«st l-uitta a, «-<_>>--.,- .>?.,,, ,",_.,;, iianti», anna its room Itltclien, «uullorv, hack anti

fiout v, rai ila!) ant halt onie« lookout cood allot

mont *_0oo Dr n or at d ( o Qleiitinntl) road

1,1 A B r M _ L U U U H A

li Choice position

Two story Brick laintly RESIDENCE,

lit room» stabling ko

I and 00ft, x ICÜft Bargain _"M0

UTI M »IAN and i O LIMIIFD, IIS Swanston street 1,1 AH- MM IIOUIINF - Desirable Imcslinent

_ Three haiulsunio Btibstanilal R_JII)FNCi.S elevated position, near r Itiroy gluten», fraser, 47 Queen stroor _ _

"PQUirritZÖTl_'llöT7-wi^^ lo J- turning 9 por coht, tor _4t Baylee aud Co, 3._r_>llln_Btr_)t_

TTIOk BALI'-Splendid lamlly llKslULSTOP and

' tlrtmndi dellghtftilli situate I, and oau he re

ooiitnu titled os a tory oool house for Bummer For full particular» apply to Greig and Murray Lui lied,

201.4 Queel) strooe_ _ 1710R SALL-BticiTViLLA.cnntshillig illili roihl«

' »tables, to situated Anburu road, Hawthorn Apply Jlsttii _iialiBtoil_BtTcot_ __ "TTIORSAI It,-One two ortoiirS"Fnrcri(JVíriiioiio V sipiaie hloolt pial, of Mirboo, Gil island, well improved pTlitclpals on!) It L Manton _lloolorra F Jil sAl"RT»ltia Rpslbhscli, Landa «ircetrisorili

llrlilllon, eight room» Ham, or loauo and loy

|JtTl-ilOY NORTH-I or BAI 15, LAND 1&1IL

J' (routage Hotilon »trout two uifiiutes cast of tram nest Mr Laug, in lots to stilt purchasers Terni» A OTfiotua« »oll_t_p__!___Qiiooit_»troct

17tOulKinuY~^ihorson"»troB! ^Tl»«t 1lñ"»lu_«

1 Sill close tUtloii, banks, chctp ll«)lec and Co 121 Collin» «treat. _ _

JTIAOTOIIY HUBS, «Bli ratlivat eldmcs"

' boitrtio Cosuiopolltaii 1 and Bank,

ohambora, Chancer) lane_.____^_^_, J.1AUÍI, 12 acre«, rich potato land rlKht-roamoil

' houso, bathroom, all FugllBh gras« permanent «pring, ail joining largo Oippsland to »ushlp «0 miles from VIolbotirne, surrounded lr> four trued markets

house omi fenoo In perfect order /.1201) Matthmv« tttd Corni_tt), -UM litnlttr« st opposite» 1 l»h Market

TITIÎU, I'stutes, anti Hubiiriiiil I loportlc« ovor _' lnon all »In» and dhtriut« Loulter and flous, Melbourne and Oakleigh __

SLA.NLt-I-A1ISH Catato», TO IO DllflO nore« uudrtrl« to choose from Irlutetl list« on op plication Win Hamilton anil Co 70 Queen »treiC

Gil ISLAM)-Moilol I ARM, 4lM aurel (or less

land), oommoilloua dwelling, all neceisar) out building«, creek frontnee magiilllcoiit soil, good road One of tho most highly improi eil farms In South Gippsland Matthoiva and Compaii), ¡"' Fliinlersjitreot opnoalto H»h Markot__ Gicrplnua UKüNHlB, PARK UslAlinitpoitt «.

hiliince 12 jem» Ilajho nu 1 Co , » n_^J_i__at_ HAWniOlIN - » cry etipTrlor brick I ILL V,

Inrco ruotn«, bath itantry, washhouse, «ltutrio bull« uiarblu uiatitols, tiled verandah, ami giatus

pin hid right of na) Fine ii position Near station I and l8 X 140 Bargain, .CS'D Doitoilt C76

1 LIItlvaiid co, auctioneer» Auburn «tallon

nAW.ITolirT^l'er) »uirorTor brluk IIKaiU_-__;

six largo rooms, vost!uulo, bath, pantr), wash house overy itiotloni iionionloiice, two »tall »tabling, nice gardin, splcmlldl) lilgb tholoo position, lan' loo x 100 fronting wide made street, great bargah -1C0O 1 loro amiJCo , Buotloaeirs, Auburn station

nAW'lllORN-1 hat clasa VlbCnT flto loomi.

decorated throughout, ever» coiivcnlonoo, latid 4U x 110 4.510 I'lurc _Aiiburii_»_it_.oii _ ]l AW ílloiltÍ -Now Mr-It Vii tÁTclgíit rooms,

L coin onlei era clahoratoly flttntl, iiiarblo mall lue tiled grates »ntl hearth». Hinton tile verandah live tight gaeallurs enriched cornleo«, two hall« Iront and »Ide entrance», hamliomo portico, garden titi I nsphultcl onrncr lot, a.1400, easy tonus llklmril'on, hirr Auburn »tatlon_ KAW HORN -MAM10N8, Villa». Cottlgo« 111

this dtslrablo locality, ever) dosorlptloti, to null all cllonts, luspecllcn Invited W,lur It

nation anti Co, Hunt omi and Morang road«, Haly, thorn and Auburn_ _

HAWTHORN ~»icar Station -Majiililccntlirlclt

»ILL», HI room» l8 \ 111 22 \ l8 lil \ lo bllllanlroom '.i x l8 pantry batlirooui, over) pnwlhlo cotivinloiioc 03 x li., a!. Ml Real bargain Hooke

and Hill 11 po Ice» lotvn hall Oh morrl v_ I f A w I Illili."! (Uletitcri te) -ruin laom.i now I Heit JLJ_ VII I A, »even moms bath i atitry Wa«hlioti«e, oten mo Jim louioiiloiife 40x120, near station , "12011 Hooke and Hld Plant«»- _ JT AlYrliOltN', Auburn road, coiiieitlcut lllicrs

L dale roitl Irani-Siloiidlil liulliling ALlllt mont DI) x 2 '4, £1» foot, terms M'liwuii, 71 Swan «ton »true _ ._ HAW"l-liltv, llurwoosl ruotl 20 x IBJ -llrlck

rlllOl' «ltd Diulllug, a.2^00 Koogh Bros, I) ibcth slroot _____ ______ ii AW ItSIlUllR^-ÖöTTifortaluin'lLLA, lillie rooms""

1 three stall sttililit, ( oaulihouttu, close atuiloi) iinttoii iilawan«tou »trout_

AlÜiHllÜlfNT^TSmvei h ht Ntatiiiii -tljli».


_rooinod brloltVILf A 47 x 107, 2.1070, i.176 ottsli M Fwaiii 71 HiianslOit street_ IIAMlNHs- Auction I r di) nuxt, business, »lila

L 81 IF-, 100 aire«, Jocloul V J. lox, tiuu

tionoor, t iBiiltstoii

UANTI^Ibb -Auction, lVlîây I o'ulook Gat

lilaila bom aiiolluilcor, C J Fox, Fraitliitou litttettlns __. _ Till _lT¡ltlMUbktl_, Clos« Station - ALI,--. Ill MtiNIri lliirriimbeeiia, Leila Oakleigh toni». Lone terms 12 J ear» Ballee, J Jo Collins sir ot

House» ona Land for Sale.



Auction, on ground, II o'clock, ftattuilar, Feb-ruary, lit, Mansion »mt Villa SITES, one to eight .ore«, fronting main mountain road. Every lot ofiorod will hu absolutely «bid. NoreserVo. Pernianont Water sprlnir. Adjoining Vlco-rcgnl resldenconml nillo of Mclliniirne. Free passt*. Train Raves 12JDMarquoc and rcfrosliineuiie


,TALVERN, Four .Minutes from Station.-Nino

plolc, land nearly halí-j

10. Collllis-slreot._ "]\,I ALÎisïlN.-Illulnm« si CUS, Glenferrie road, the Jjti nmlii «.trees, cln«e «tallon ¡ apee'lal chance. JinlTov Uro«., Bil Ellriboth_".tre'cr._ \/rARKEf-oARDiäS LAND, close to good market, _Y L «mill deposlt, tm'anco Up to 111 year«. Richard li)re, 111 swanston street. _

Mi'l.HuURNh and Mihiirnali l'ItiipCRTlKS, all

prioop, overv suburb ; bO-p.igo list free. fe'Ewqh and Co., 71 SuanBtoi_-_trcot_

'¡l'rANbllJ»lN,"'Vlll»sT lllllltllllg Aiiotiñoñt«r'ii¡í 11X suburbs. Property lins on application. Still-man and Cn, I.ltnltml, (I3__w_ttst0n.Htroot_ _ OAÍÍLCIGÍL-ÄTI.OIMETN.H, CotTogo«, aiiifiirtre

Ulockafor subtil» winn Looln-r and Sons, loi Collins street east, and Onklaiglii_ ORCHARD mid Market Oanlull LAND, uiligllillculit

«t ii, plcniv water, tlilm« vcrv oa>y. Richard b) re, JlljMvnnfiton.street. _

J" joli 1/flïVrafMri und Ortihan! i.nid, grow any'

thing, caslti.t tarma ever offered, Richard K)re,

111 Sivsnsloiestroet, Melbourne. _ _____

p IDDKLI.'S CRBFIv,-Sl ACHES, fiighlv Improved,

J v «'tunnel resldeticti or pcultrl farm, 6000 straw -finrrV, ourrant plants, good house, outhouses, creek j -UM), tonn». M'FWIHI, 71 SiVnit«ton street._

RICH MUND - bornes nml sons, ouctlonecrs, estiro

necnt», t aliter«, lo. Hi ¡die road. Established lbiin t'ariet) Cheap PliOPfcltTIEa,

C¡'f Í 0 1 A L N0

0 Corio Ittvv.

Wo have Just hftil a iiiagnlllcent block of LAND, coliipriilu.fiS acres, placid lil our hinds for prívate SALE, The land is situated on Corin Ray, within easy dlitntioo of tho Gadang l'iml-iirtloc, ndjolnlntt tho railway Mm-, and command« n picturesque view 01 the town of Geelong anti tin) wholu bay. There is cood beana, ptitl for n luialtliy unirle« mansion situ It «tamUiinrlvalUd lit the colony, Water and gas s convenient,

M o commend tlia attention of anyono in quest of tho Uko lb I low thin spot.

Tho wholu or any portion will bo sold at so much

p«r ntire.

A lill AH Ait SUTHERLAND, Dalgol) ohamhor«, Güf._ng._ __ ¿ti. KILDA, Cou del" O MEMS, 47 x 112

and n_Jilirilirtli strict________ PT. AldlA.N'tf mid (ïU.iM'AltlC, Kororoit-COT\J TAOI.S, JC10 dil| iislt, luiliuifooier Sjcur» Cosmo, polhill Land Hinii, Notti)aiili).eltamhiirs, clisiicer)_U. ÇU'OllE, iirTje'lur).- lliroo luriro I'LAIS und Yard O tot 'IA LI', or to Ut t r uiltlln iLrotit, Aided Sh-iw nml Co., DHU Little Collin« stroi

TI"! O O R A iv. T O O it A K.

Tlio Executors of lim late Sir Jiuios Lorimer,

K.O.M.O., oller tor

1'rivutii SALE the liatidtouio MANbtON known


M'itli tU acri'B of l.fiml or moro,

Sitúalo lit Albany-road, 'loorik.


TOOIIAIi.ltOAD, Toorak, adjolnlnir St. John'«

Clinreli.-Chsruiliig lasliioinbto brick VILLA, 10 rooms, every t'onv cub nee, dullirhtfnl viow, tci

.to!u!_Tnriir-r, li t.ilron's-vviilk, Mollioiirn«._ mcioliAh, Near Miiilun-Two Mtorv IVnllv lll'SIS Dl.Ncr, in moms »tabling, l'lokoring Jo lill H ¡eli. treet Esst Prahran.

rpnOliiK, choleo position. - Two.ktory li

J HOtlHE, sei.n rooms, cunvoiileiices, £í"'éO¡ terni«, Iteinisle), ngciit, Mnlvern-road, Malvern,

rilOtiTlAlt.-It.lf-aoro IlLOCIi'l "to ~~¿í."íT~ñoru. X Orrou.ant Orantr« ramil, tti!i>mlld position« i h"»p, li ni Hamilton and CK, 120 elllcen-Btfeat.

rpooiiAIC-Jlunalon *-ITI" 00 x USO, two frontage!

_ fenced, phut d, magnificent Hews, gilt. Ila» leo and Co , MIS Oolhus-streoi. _ _ mbOIÏAIC -l'.I.OClís, corner Glenferrie Toorak L lon'ls,. acre rob acre«. Oiilc'sr and Smith, 4Î.4 Colllilk-ifrrir. _ _ _ _

m i MA.NUFVCTUHKIIH.-rxTcllent lllooit»""

1. LAND, wltn railwaykldhig«, al St. Albans. Comm, pohtan LBIIU IlatiKi Ntirtnaiihi -thnntlior«, Chütioory-In, WINDÍIOII.-"IKNNION and Ground«; O'O¿¡. truth«

ami tallwav «tillon. all latest luiprúvetne'iits ; cheap. Hldbller, lill Colllns.slrest,

Jiouscs. anti -Anti. Wru-turL BRÍOHTONT or St. Kilda,

WA Ml El), by two gt'l L.U.A., Amil«._

mo llli.N"!.-len roomei IlÔUsK, siiutnërn «iiiinrli; '- _____?-___t__E,t^__J_*-___**' _"_' "u__a* _____ ___'r __

WA M ii I). Rent, term, sitptrlor VILLA, «oiiiheiu

Btlhurb, «tnliUmr. uncxorptionahln tenant Purtieulnr« Ylllathkiiia, Hall and Co., 1-Itsroi-streot, St Kilda. ____ __ _

WASTED, Rent loree MANSION, íuruiíllod, with

gardon nie! puldook. carson and Oorduti, E

Honour«, '.'til Collin«! street._ WA MM), Itont two largo" FLAT'S III clt) for

Ss'odtitlon. Particulars Trcviitcus, 370 Flinders«tr^ot west._____________WÂNTKD, WÂNTKD, ftirnlsliisl COTTAGE, near boich,

Hllflitnn, St. Milla, threa room«, Michell, «in ant'« roan. Wtitloiitta, Areusollbo.



Houvorlo-stroet, Carlton, Melbourne,

tiaiiuficturor« of ttood-vvoiiiiin, Machinery, Diamond Drills, the Improved "limn" Well'boror and Rockilrilhhg Matlhliiss, " Althuuse" Wiuiluillls, Pumps, l_n_irili_«_ Rollers, kç._

A USTItALl IN7" M'AYCOOD kLEVATOR CO., A Hydraulic atid Oenoral Enaliieer«. Specialty, Hljh-spoei! Patsnc R.ilcty LHTs, eoiuiuuted to .Mel-bourne Power Co.'« mains, or witti Independent pumping plant 1 Ifts, cranes, mid holst« erected tr «hlineM notke. Iliad iiilk-i. 2,17Colllne-street._ AT^Qllauis's Yarra>lianiriVcrKs, nar of Oas

mirk«, \ustrallsu IVbarf, Mooilwtirhlug and ItouworkltK MACHINERY, suluhlo lor build in u( railwa) rolllng.siook :-.0 hor.ciKiuerKiiulne.Weiitlibinlgo tor clr.-.i«, Anierloan Hoist, slmftllii', Piillie«, BelUllg, Har and lind Iron, Point« undi ni«slnp___


__ .."«.."".itreflt, engliu.,., ,,o...»,,

Piinchliig. and bhiurlnir MAtMIINES; Olle

oilier Tonis, rectititlhsnd. lu e-nnil order, cheap

A~ LbtrtAl7eilla kLKVA'ïôlt and le.NOlKKEitÍMI

COMPANY LlMirtD (lato lluitlle«, l'y«, and, ctiglnoors), Uvdrniillu and otuaiii MACHINLRY, NIIW und Stooliil-tiaiiil Lnuitic«. Muray* streer. south Melhoilme.__ AL»lT.ALl)U«"klciatjruTmTini¡1ii.orliic-Coiiipiiiy

limited (lato lliiuhe«, Pic, ind Itlitliv. cuglneir«X-ll)drinlio and Steim MACHINERY, new and «econilhand t n«inns.__ Mora) .sc_ S. .Holbourne.

AltllCsIAN M'KLL.IIOttl,NU PLANTS, Canadliu

s)«tmu, complote outfits and tuba«, for imme-diate deliver) lelllclent drillers mmrauteed. Ocorgc Kniifmann mid Co , 17-BT» Rlnir-slrect_ ] vol I.K11 (Uortilelil, «troii., l'8|ft. long, tijfc

_> fliuuiutoe, six Osllnwii) tube«, ne v ; Ooiorniliiut test, lfiUlb. «nuire inch, liniiiitllatu délit cry. Appl)

Horwood ati'lbons Smidhurst_ __ BUiÑcih'.N OÛArTCUlÎLlts IlortCiiôrit», oTrn

t>rush«rt, nark-cntturs, and Dhlutcgrator«, lituit Improvenieiits, new dosigus. f'arksldo iron VVor"i

GASU.NI.INI., 4'h.p., Heany nuw. gunratiuod Iti wurklng order. W. 11, UltUle), 110


For making ICE, For cold chambers for storing Meat, Full, Fiutt, Rutter, Kits«, Poultry, and for (tooling, » ¿listing, and storing fresh Milk, Fur Rail-way Cars, I'lshuig-boat«, Intercolonial Vcrsnis. For cooling mid ventllaliuir Ilti-pllals and other public building«. For Prewcrios, elacoieotulng, Ac.

Taylor'« machine« cost tors, and the working expongos aro lower, than foran) otltor machine.

The undersigned aro now prepired lu cxeottto order« in »uy brit'iolt of tho rem¿«rating trade.

Prico-llsls and further partluulars can bo ubtalncd from tliu sole nu! era.

liUilhl.l. and NICHOLSON,

\u!rn!i I'ounilr),

OKI'.LUNn, i AI a li-, «or other Ktiitlnecr

John Dank» ami sou

T" ATIIEs(lna«slliil»hers'). llro««.polldilng.Muehliie

j Mnih'e worKliig Machinery, clnap. DouttUi bon. HIS Collina street. A. O. M'Cninhe, l,


ErîtilNCKI!, Ao,



alnfitttaoturcr of

Wroucdit friin Pipe«, spcolally adapted for

Watimui'plV. Irrigation,

Mining pilme»"*, xas, »mltii'ii, culvert«, &o.¡

Forktisoii's Patent Joint,

Cheap, «imple, and souuru, liiadlinr. and bolting

dispensed with.

Gold Medal Molliournn Contonilial Exlllbltlou, Silver Modal .sandhurst show,

First Priro Orand National and other show«.

Water tinks, Imcatlon machinery, rnltvva) con-tractors' Ironwork, bridges, gilders, bolts and nuts, rivets, agricultural ironwork, heavy forgluit«, and

ichlner.v ofeuirv demolition


Leatlisr, and Grinder). splendid klock at new warehouse, 11 D)non'«.building«, Wrlgtit'a-iiiio, oft LolliddtinltrceL^_

"(KTNO ifÔl'Ks. Noivall's, Rosiomor, CruoitT.v, _ and Iniproied steal and Cuarcoal Iron. 1'ricei reduned, Weleb. Perrin, and Co._ 130RTAHLM IINGIKES, 4 to 30 h.p., Cla) ton uno

. ShUttUworth's. Prlei» rctlticcJ, Wcton, Perrit' and Co., Moravstrnet, Ifoliiotitne. ^

"O ANhdTiriäsT SIMS, "and ,lEPPiTfkai""l,ôrt«hl«, Xii Traction, t'lsod, and SBiill-Qxod BNOINES, Threslilug Maûhlnes, Ac John Dank« »ntl sou Llinlteil. «ol« agents, 401 Hat« ii) Honrltf.streBt ivost

STliKL-RAILVMÍb., l'l«ll|ll»t»sand Hott^ Utool

Sloopers, btool Tlp-truok«, lor contractor«, brlok-, t «rile, quiyrrlei, nttd mlnimr, M'hoals, Axles, Axlelioxos, nnrrovY-galtgo Railway Plant. Engines, 6 to W li.u, on haul, and indents taken. shadier, Koeiugor, «-ami Aron, cvcoutlvo irpresohtiltllos for Hocnuni Union M'ork«. 170, lal, «ml Ha (_i_o_n__rt__ ni' Í L « r'u o « F." N~o, i



Eiiglticom, nollermskets, Iroiifoundors, Cotipof

euihlH,' Dnttifvuiidors, Um«« Fnlihors I'lumberd, rJiilet Lead, Load anil Compo, Pipe Miniuactururs, and Maiiuttotururs of all Dcsdrlptlon« of


Ofllees : 5.1 Collliib-slrcut, Melbourne, »ml Nor, Sotlth Molhotltno. Wallis : Normatihyroad and Lotlniortitroct, Bunilli Mdhamm_i_ m "Ht)T)INs6"N"*aiidcbsiPÂrÎYÎdMITRD, Maniifao. I . tnriTs, linportois CIIArp-CIITTEHS, Horno Geiira, M ins I'rvssos, (inpo Mills, Steam - "-?'

lloxpors and lilmler«, Hornsby'« I'orUbl«, Traction, and other Ktiuliuls. Kllrabetlentriiet _

^rlüV01llA"dlíem.lÍeTl.i;iMl"^Ü\ll'A.N¥~_ni: V ITEO, Holbtiurnc-Iron _anultitii(en. Forger«, Itihrlnticra, lllaoksuiltlis. Dolls, Nut«, Rivets, Controtitors' Mlndrliii. __ WTvTüTOT'aTtnrsKii'y (toó'¡ióuí.a»iwKuiir«

INO-MACIIINKS. RIO potlllils Oil boam. J.lllli'S (loll and Co., 45 eiticeu.street.

A WÖ- O ERP U t. -RDIOlNa.


Are universally adimttud ta be worth a unlnea a Rox for bilious and Nervous Disorder» «null a« Wind an 1 Pain In the Stomach sick llcidaone Giddllio», Foi no»« and Swelling after Moals Dinlness atid Urowsl ne««, Cold Chilla I lushing» of Heat, Lo«« of Atn.etlt

Shortiicti of breath, Costlvcnei« Kourv) find Blotch i ontli-bklti Disturbed Sloop t rightful Dreams, an I all Nervous and Treml ling Sensation« tia. Iholtrst rio=e will i/lto rollet In 20 minutes I icry »tulonr Is euriteatl) invited to try one flux ol those I'M» anl the) will bo auknoivlcdged to bo


For female« ot All ages tlwso I 111« are mialtlahl«* at a low dose« of them carr) off all Humours1 and britt about all that is rotpilrod No female »haul 1 ha with out Them liter1* is lio medinina to bo found equal io lleccham a 1 ills lor removing am obstruction ur Irr

gnhirlt) of tho system It talton acourding to Hu directions given with each box they will «o m ro«_re females of all agc« to sound an 1 rnbil»t health, ria« hoBbecu piovcd by thou«ands who have tried them and tainui the banoûta which aro onsurod h) their u«u

lor a Weak Stomach Impaire 1 Digestion and til Disorder« of t io Liter they aot Uko muelo and a f tv dose« will ha fmiu 1 to it ork wonders on the moat hu portant oican« In the human machine, rh y »troiicthcn tho »vhnle muscular «) «tem restore the ,ong lo t complexion britt/ bnok tlio I con odgo of appetite and aratiHO into aotiou with Pie roaoouj. o ncnlth the whole phtsteal enorgl of tin human frime, llictuarc Foot« teatlllcl coutinu-lly bj members if all clttHso» of eooittt) ant one of the best guarantees to tho Ni i voil» and Dominate Us Ubini «.Uri l ILL-J liai o the I ireest salu of uti) 1 atcnt Mc Illino In the

W orld

Prepared Only, nui yulti Wholcs&lo and Retail hf the Iroprletor, Thomas Hecoham St, llolena, I_n coshlre England In Boxes 1« Hil anti- JI

Sold b) nil Druc.istB and Pa.eut Medicino Dillon

c1 cr) where

.,,_ -I ull directions are given with each box


A DUO- to MoilIFHS - Mrs.' WINSLOW _

BÜOTI11NO SYRUPshould alwaysbouse 1 wile i children aro cuttlnc teeth , It relievos trio Utils BUlfcror at onoo It produces nattiril quiet hlcep b) relie» in; tlio ohlld from pain ami tho little ohorubawakis 'as brl-tit as a button * It i« perfect!» harmlos« ahd »er» pleasant to taste It Boornee tho ohlld ant eoftcna tin gums allays nil pain relieve« Wind icgutttcs th bowel« and is the host ttutiiii raimáy for djrscnteiry and dlnrriitaa, «bother tirlstng frym Icclhittc of oth r cause«. Price, Is lid per bottle oi Mllohotalst« mil I _ all w hulea-tío dritccl»'« lu Colbourne

ADAMANTIN!'Artlllthl trhTII guaranteed I(7s

tooth |sot,_D 1 nilli. Bil tilinto Frud lttltell, din 1st 117 Siva ist in Htrocr tpuorsite lawn hall, Mel bourne unil Mb.'Willl.m »trtut Adela! le __

Allsoiuit. Ill rUVHANtKI-U-Atttll lil

rUKTII highest n rar I« llllstl itinn natural atnearatiou pcrfeut Laughing ga«. Coopur, Iii Russell stroof _ _ AOOllRATI l,Y ttlTID Artificial r_Ktll~lpr;

sets from _4 , tiisortctt pulnlossly , superset'« n ititi, dtlrablllt) Coopor, C8 Ktiss.-ll street

AltllllClAi TU.tfl upp r or~loi»ir, vul_tïfto7

superl ti cnam Ile I gums c4 te and £i 09 II les »ntl Uinjt HI- date 100) swanston «troce

AD MlrrMAN, "jiNilllnistriet nearly oimoiito

. ' Ago olllco Artificial II Lill latestitnpruie me it« I ».traction Dahli«:,« 1 luc.l aniesthitsi 1

"TiÑ_d roTrcJi li» «ician will »rnllTro"57inw lo CUiTl, /__NKllVOUN I) lill II», ric PO 110x70-B) Intl

LBlLlTY andM HVOIIN \U AKNl's - UjUl I

led b) 11 lone s i-orcr Address A Miner,

"1 O S) lucí_

LMlsl -Mr MADIHK KS HU Collins street e»»r

-poolrtlt!, Utting nrtllleial teeth and extraotltic lambing g is_ OW to till UCNT aid CURL lU'UOID au 1 _ Olllrit 1 rVI£ns_U4o ContUs Guaranttel no Aojl_Tri it_ HOW to hi bl' COOL,-hpottgo the boil» with

Couti«« Voelto Al ti_Uclrt »Jlltig _oolillg

MASSAlir-Mc »r« A m 1 A 11 TI IIS hale

pi istin In aiinitmolht* Hut at the requctt of mau) patlciitt anl for tit« lonit nlcuccOt tilt ptlnlln gunuralli, the) have opened out room« at ita Collin« »tract (Marun 11, 1 Pleaaance Building») uhero tho Mi»«neu Tnatn eut (so «ucee«»fulli practico I hy th 111 tor th last twelio month«) will he Cirilo I out on tho most n lo ttllli principle« Mali» 1 roniuicut men In Mctorli» hue signified th Ir wish fir Ibu Mt «r« Peter« to u 0 their 1 arno« a« ri urentes anl ai)one dca ring those haines eau havo tile ii mid a gre it man) tc«tlliionlals, b» n| pt» li g hy letter to Messrs A and A Ictcrs IS0C01I1 is stro t jlclhuuruc Consultation«, by appolnttntnt Ma««age uuro« rhctuna l«m, g tut »clatl ,, lumbago Dentalgia consll) tillo 1. IndlccslIOi astlnna aphid coin) lohit« «tiff at d oofunncd joints »pralns, and eel »ititi forms t f piral) »Is_

"fl/fll flAMr-Olll» Doltlst ha» BL MOVÍ 11 to HO _71 Kxhibitioii «tro t a fen dour« from Collin» streut, next I rutcslaitt hill Artificial tctth fit teil in a proper utaniiir and w uti the crerttost care A tooth extra-ca tindiir the iullueuco of nlttous oxide (laugh lug gftl) foo MM _d_

MKSsltS CUMMING atti DOWN Sur.eoti Den

list«, Mclhoiirnc l.d Collin» «truel cast, four dour« fiom llusoill htrcct





Dot tor 1 4 LthllltlcustriBt

_ .... " Marier. Melbourne - »II kinds

of DUeas S treated specialist lu diphtheria and ti 1 huí i flor rases Personal consultât! ina kiatl«

r|1A\LIR BROS, Dottal SUItOhON« Hig, 77

Collin« street east M Iboiirne Hours 11 10 6

YAT UABLE DIHCOV 1 III for tho II AIR -If tour

hair is turning gre) or w bite or f tiling off, mo ' The Muxlcail flair lit te» 1 for It will re«tore lu eioi) o»so era) or w hito hair to its original oolour, without leaving the dlsigrechluimill of most


yoiirtliütiiisi ...----. prepared I) tim Anglo American Drug Compati» llmltri 1J I at 1 In« Ion toil london Sold by chemista and pettit 1 ors oior)wliero ntl« 01 lisr I ctttlu W holoaalc b) all wholoeale dru.gls.s lu II«I



Wnntod to Buy.

HliTsTl l-l "ANÑOÍÍNCI Ml Ni -nu highe«! .__. cash prie a git cn fnr nil Ithitls of ceitttHiiiens lelt.ou"11 OlllINU 1 ttcr« pr »itipttv attended to. Qnltt nton Bro» _llJtll_iBll » r . I oltl_

ALL should know thit Mr nu I Mr« II I) Hiatus

late of Ila lllut nil I Adel ildc 1.urella 0 la ti I ami gentlemen« lilt oil Wuirlng Al I'M I L niche- price.« eliott I tier« prumptl) attended linmlcrunl« IllggJgo BOUQttr Adtlioss lol) -till bltomtr el ilti_ Aec no» tiimuii« uf fiiTli» and gentlemen «

CLOTHING ROUOlll Mr» C Woult, 47 Unite! ctr t South \arrt_[titters attende I_ ALI, llttl« la lie», Uunts, Ohldieiis WAIHI

ROHUs PUBCII \SKD highest price» Mr alid " , D__oc0r« "5__llrllci re«' J_h liuiond _ ALL desert, tiona I tile«, Lentil mon« Jin nile«

L It nit WAIIIlUOIIKS I ni C1IAS1 I) I otten uticmlcl Mmltttiti _1 mill _70crtrulc st I llrr y ALI loll ull turpins »llitlulrig (Lo HUM! thank

full » BOUUlli by Mrl »lay, 171 swan »trent Rlthmo___ _ _ _ _

AIL killis getitTtiiiÑ?» luit off-riiiíTTiNa

I1ÖUUUI high st 1 rit« 1 otters attended Mador and lilli holt 1UI Lxtilbltioti .tnot_ AUOTIOsTM lill 042 Cullins street opi oslte

Common lal Beni - l.OOD-i KhCIIUCD for

BALISjiccolliltsiiaxtda» 1 r"u«i Scott J care_


_ Hork, corner Klug mil Dudley street«, West Moihiuruc_____________ LI 1 roll- UIOÎH1-0- Wotitnito Inrohasc all

kind« of Ladies, Gohth mon « Children s lett oil Llothln. lu coot) or Inlotior 0011 Htlnn

he«t irltta 11 1 utters ] tlnctilally attended

and Misa Mitchell, 112 Llttlo 1 Undera atreet,


Wnntod to Soil.

ALCOCK HILLIARD 1ABI F Mnnufaitllior«, Rill

«eli street t-ei nihill I Billiard table, Cues Ualls all r tpiUlto« billing room_



_Bpeulal colluitltm 1J varlt Ho« 1» , ikiitid Is 11

Swanston, m ir 1-listlilo »trtoe__ _ BLAS1INO loW DHt »111 D) rannte lipatOtrnu

Steel Hails 7 lill) En-lne» C 'O li p His h 11.lue« 1 4 It p shadier, llucllli,cr and Aron 17« lal lbJit 1 en «tro e__ _ BAlll Uh.AH Rs -Douglas« pitetttsil|oraeilc«all

other« -.uolher coll it id ii Safe »luipi», eil ttlvu Rhowii wiri lug Uli I ulllns strPit

ill Hue»

11 Peril 11

j," ?


Hiiitpllcd it lth full Instruction« No «oldlrlng up nor string nor paper require I, a lllrlo wax rim litio groove In Hil utaKliig thom air tight, and au Ink line uudor tin narnu on Uti notes ttui contents

1 t'unit 3«, 1i quart« 4s ß quarts otc dort.


W lth setow tops for horuietlcally Bealing up. 1 1 Int I quart, 2 quarts


lANs, all »1/c«


M »rrant"d lo keep li« colour for twont» »ear-»

Tcasiotii« ti», 7s lloren , tal loipoon« IK dissertBpoons, 12s dos n Iori s «onie price na si aons

CO^FNH anti HAlt\ I.Y,


get) Ellrohoth stielt, Melbourne


ÏTÎTftSI CLASS slncttr bstct» 1ÏÏOÏCLT Apply

. ttftur 6 p ni, 02 li ghetl »trcot Itlelnnonil

GASALIFIts and Baths.-Don t HU) poor quail»

The best designs, lint olass goods, at lowest price« at John Dank« and son Limited, 4J (onl)) Bourkel »treet ivost,_

AL\AN1SH> IRON, Has llttTng«, Spouting,

Baths, Tonks I ta I, sink«, Cast clutters upli KIM« an i_¡on» .lu 1 Inders lanu_

LAWN Si RINULl Rs -Dam s now patebl oontrl

pot ii water 1IIOJI C1UR 1« th» bo«e It ha« no wealing parts »end« the »vnter out in a beautiful spray, only 8s. each Bold li) all Ironmongers and plumber» ___ LPADFItXAAfrTTTi1\VKRs,nll«lBc«.oh»o|ist mid

lto»t, M1 Robinson and Cuuipaii) a Limited .1' nitaahoth «trooe ___ I" -VLLnmlStnît'.irood lorSAt.h Knlglit, 1)0 Ko«»

J alreut two dour« olf llruiijivloU stroee_ MAN'Tl Ll'IKCI «\ Grats« Ga» lùtlliga ile,

elle ipiHt liuitao In low 11 Bl rue au I co , bet mi ia « ImlltUi c Collins »trcot next Ace _____

1)UMPs- hvor)bo(v"R"nowa lint DauFs «I Unnisar«

rcllabloilitletfaotltu First price« Paris I'blla delphi«, AiilBtoulaiii Caluntta John Uauks and sou 1 Imlti ii lol (latelJ) Himtke streit nose _ ^>Ä"rTbOMS_, STÎÎ8, anti J ft- Uti lî»1 Portant«

'Vi 1 motion, Fixed, and Semi llxod LMGISIi'l, ira«hln¿ niaeihlnes, in John DanPa and bon LI I, sole aceites, 401 (lato |J) III.unto street west_, §1 Al I.s, «cení Hi ni lire atiTtliTl pnof »Hiller»,

) I err» « Ihllllp«« from en; Olli« Table Cop) g Press, 28« Jt milng», 272 Post otiloe plaie

enjillí, el, Drawliigrooui KURNirUltF, t»|cilr) Ö and plush, good aa new Prliate houie, SsS Welllngtonjitreet OMJlngwootl_ .,,_,,

YiclLA, fliio'liiltriiuiihï, scion iriilne«. Strati,

-»«.na olllcv