North Queensland Register (Townsville, Qld. : 1892 - 1905), Wednesday 30 September 1896, page 21


From the latest files "of the "San

Francisco^Oal'l" we learn the following news of tike great Qieat experienced an Chicago tand other places on Sth August 'last. In CMcago the .heat was intense and almos t unbearable. A . dull copperisk etui early sent thousands to the parks and excursions on Lake Michigan, and to resorts across the lakes . About 9 o'clock In the morning a good breeze sprang up from the east and the temperature tfell rapidly, this coalition obtained 'until 11 o'clock, when tv»»* minimum temperature of the day was H: degs. About this hour the thermometer again began to rise until 96 was reached, and the sun, unobscu

rod by any clouds, was most scorching; a fall of" about one degree per hour, was. however, experienced from four o'clock, until the mercury registered 90 when it fcecaice stationary. ii< Kansas City 102 degs. were registered, tie highest point Reached for upwards of eight years. Many deaths have occurred from prostration, occasioned by ta» great lieat experienced in the St. Louis district. Vegetation was burned up, and in many localities a water famine was anticipated. Aft Alton the rno<-cury ranged from 105 to 112 dees. !n taie shade. There was much mortality among animals', and many horses dropi ed dead in the streets. Only absolutely necessary work was done during the day. In Detroit a terrific rff i stonm (broke over the city, at night. *»fter a day of intense heart. The i-tcrm was accompanied by a liigh

wind which broke over 4'he river and Lake St. Clair, upsetting a. dazea yachts wfiidb were on tihe river at the time. Fifteen deaths were recorded at Baltimore. With each day's irecotd of the terriible hea.t experienced in PiOlad«slphia ttoe mortality increased until 21 deaths were reported by the po1!ce. The thermometers registered a maximum of 93-2 degrees. wMcli was the highest point readied during the summer. Besides the deaths there we-re about fifty persons taken to the hospital suffering from the heat.