Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 4 June 1883, page 6



Ilion Watbr Tuis Dát-Mo-nlng, 1.H, saltar

noon, 1 40

JunoS-Oam MlndN frosh,rroAtbero>oudy, Ino Barometer, SO 90 , thoriuouiour, 64 1 p m Wind M strong »weather cloud}, tbroateulm Baromvlor, SOBO, tbormometor fll 4 |i m «lud NNW, frrsh, weather cloud), throalouuur Barornoter,

.0 01, thermometer 6b

Juno 3-y am Mini] NNW, fresh, weather clou ly, dull llarorailer .0 88 thermometer, OS 1 pin Wini \> , (run »oathor c oudy, «ne. Baromolor EJ 03 , ihorinomctrr ej 4pm Wind M N \V light, marner cloudy dull Barometer,

SO OS, thermometer D'


Taramune, 6 B, 1,281 tons, Trios Sanderson, from ttoncastlo BOlh ult Ja. Patorson and Co , agents g s 000 tons W Maul, from Newcastle 80th ult. two passengers Jauges Patonon and Ve,


Shannon, bg, 20Q tons, R IXayoi from Mago Island, vlft Suva 0th ult Pigott Brothors and Co ,


Lass of Gawler, bg, 212 tons, J O Dixon, from Chortlwn, Java, April Ï3 Victoria Sugar Company,


June 3

Chimborazo, s.s. (Orient line) 3,847 tons, J. F. Ruthven, R.N R, commander, from London, via Ply mouth April 21, Naples April 29, Port Said 3rd ult,, Suez 6th ult., and Diego Garcia 18th ult. Passengers. -Saloon: for Melbourne-Mr and Mrs H C Hal lowe,s Rev Dr Dunne, Rev Mr Maughun, Rev C L Handcock, Mr Douglas and Miss Douglas, Mr R Cousens Mr R.G.H. Cooper, also 32 second saloon and 88 In the third cabin and steerage. For Adelaide -Mr K. Hosking, and nine in the third cabin and Steerage. For New Zealand-Rev. J u Kerina Rev. A R Cox, Messsrs. C. N. Swabey, H.C. Lance, J D Hugbes, and H Balfour; also IO second saloon and two in the third cabin For Sydney-Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Wesley, family and servant, Mrs. Spurling, Misses Spurling (five), Miss Banahan, Miss Bergin Miss Fitzpatrick, Miss Hands Mtss Hayden, Miss Allen Miss Aylwin , Miss Syrian Dr T Lane, Rev. M. O'Brien Rev. F. Donegan, Rev. J Lonergan, Messrs P. Aylwin, A. Humphrey, A. Cochrane, H. J. Bedford, E. W. Wallington, Shepherd, J Booth, B. M. Mackay, and M Laren also 33 second saloon and 132 in the third cabln and steerage Mr. Thos. H Cunningham, purser. Gibbs, Bright, and

Co., agents

Rubicon, seh, 01 tons, H J H'Arthur Irom Waratah Buy 20th utt Wlscbsr and Walker,


Julia Percy, s a, 660 tons, II rluRh, (ram Portland, Boltast, ami Warrnambool Passongors-saloon Mrs Florestcr, Mlserm Alston, Dowling, Meters J H Morris V Howard, lloonoy, and It in lbs steerage Thompson, agent

Cheviot, s . , 1 420 tons, W Donaldson tram Stoney June 1 Paasougere Baloon-Mr and Mrs Levy, Miss Wood Messrs W W Ison, U K. Bail Lnpbon R. eregan H J Smith St. J mt do I! M'Kay,and20 in the stoerago ffm Uo«ard Smith and Bona



Sierra Estrella, 1,130 tons, - Murdoch, for New


Florence, 70 tons, T Hughes, (or Dock Blror


Redondo s 715 ton» E Johi son, (or 8ydnoy Wm Botvard Smith and tiona amenta

City ol Adolaido s a 824 tons, A M'Intosh. (orSyd-ney Poesrnt,era-saloon Mr and Urs W M'Georgf., Captain and Ure \\ Ulis Mr and Mrs L h Freeman Mr and Mr* Jut frletr-her, Mesdames Blake at.d Ohlsholm, Misses Ty eon, Hotelier (three) Ulilies M Gillies, Allan, Robortaon, Brodribb Podtnoro und Willis, Moeurs. W A Cooko, W H Warron, J Hone Q Hope, H M. Williamson, Wm Bead, Cookson O Q Parker Peter Olaj more li W« Ho, M E Collins, JI H V \\oavis,J Dui,an, _ HomphlU, P Neilson H Topping, and 27 iu tho sleerago W Siddeley and

Co asenta.

South Australian, s s , 412 tons, T W Lockyer, (or Adelaldo Passenj,ors-saloon Mosdames A K. Samison, Egglnstono Mooro Murphy W Jordon, Sarah Cassidy, Misses E Tnis« A Hunter, P.voj, -gglostono, Claylld, Goydor, Sónico, Kelly Russell, Fitzgerald, Prisb>, Morara A II Terrell, T ii. Wilkinson, Klapproth A. M'Loan, G W Oreon, 1 II Williams, L Brookman, M Kenülo II. W Bick (ord, Stuckoy Stephens Ballan, Matter Ihomaa A Janies, and 35 lu the steerage James h Ogdou,


Oingtleo, 837 tons John Pringle, (or Fromantlo. S do Beer and Co., agents

IMPORTS - Junb 2

[A apodal charge is made (or consignóos' annouueo

msnts Inserted in this oolumn ]

Taramung, (rom Newcastle-1,600 ton« coal Ka&by, Irom Kowcasvtu -1,700 toas coal

Shanuou Irom Moro Island, v aSuva-94hlscotton, COIbgs colton seed, l,8c0 bgs copr\, 10,000 cocoa, nuts

43 pkga sundries

Loss o( Gawler, from Java -031 bsktfl sugar

Jula 3

Julia Percy, (rom Portland, Belfast, and Warrnam-bool.-1,273 bgB potatoes, S03 bga grain, li bia wool, 4 bin skins, 1 pipo tallow« 140 Bhoep, and 20 tuna son*

dries. .

Ruh i con, from Waratah Bay.-1,100 uga lime.

Included In tho manifest of tho Loch Torrldau ara tho following couslgnmonto :

1,000 ca Dunville'* old V.M, whisky, 8 qr.-oika vory old, and 22 qr -esks ordinary Long John's Bun Novia

whisky.-Hiwry M'Oüioak akd Co.

EXPORTS -Junk 2.

South Australian, for Adelaide -10 ca echo apps, 4 ca varillan, S pit ¿s glass, 15 es btfcntta, 12 bars lrou, 8 pkga nails, 46 colls rope, 3 pkga prluthttr materials, 10 coila wire, 10 bus tapioca, 1 crano, 13 pkgs telephone materials, 0 stones, 10 ca lard, 60 ogs. onions, 8 bskta Kamo, 5 pkga o>Btors, 6 cka soft »mp, 825 bga oats, 170 pkgs tea, 113 bga rico, 3 qr >cha wine, 7 pkgs drapery, SO m champagne, S3 eft ale, 15 pkga groceries, io be» coffee, 5 pkga fancy gouda, 40 qr .cka brandy, 77 pkgs machinery, S3 pkgs rum, 6t> bgs potatoes, 7 pkgs cigars aud tobacco, 7 pkga hops, 0 pkga stationery, 13 pkga tr< ca and plants. St. ska oatmoal, 47 ca cheeee, 21 Ïiktfn dru tra aud medicines, 8 pkita, 5(10 pkgs

rait, 8 pkga whisky, 8 pkgs furniture, ISO pkgs mer-


Clirgaleo, for Fremantle,-7 ca stone carving, 5 ca baking powder, 80 pkgs hardware, SO kga hatter, 0 pkgs drugs, 88 bia pressed bay, 80 bia chatT, 12 bga rice, 6 tons potatoes, 602 pktrs sugar, 06 pkgB hlscufis, 85 pkgs tea, l8 pkga tobacco, 723 bgs oats, 10 tres beef, 440 bgsll'nr, S40 pkga ao*p, 200 ca oil. 350 cs kerosene, 20 bl« woolpacks, 5 Cfl wine, 170 ogs bailey, 200 v» jam, 14 pk^a Mindrie».

City of Adelaide, for hydnoy.-SO pkga paint, 3 ca i oleos. 6 bis woolpacks, 0 cn mur, acid, 30 bxa tin

plates, 21 colts rope, 8 cs cakes. 28 ca collup, 1 crano, 2 I chaffcuttera, 2 pkgs ostrich feathers 5 nkg* cement ornaments, 10 C3 BpuUtlng, 0 ompty tunks, 110 pkgs Bynip, 42 pkgs biscuits, 535 liga flour, 300 pkgn potatoes, l8 bua onions, li bcku game 8 cratea vegetables, 0 homes, 30 000 mata, 0 bgu Iwrsefued, 121 pkga machinery, 50 cs galvanised Iron, 811 pkes toa, 200 bga rice, 16 pkgs hardware, 25 ca whisky, 0 pkgu tobacco 10 pkgs groceries, 11 pkga drapery, 6 pkgs Stationery, 25S pkgí manufactures of niutnlj, 21 cs jim, 6 pkgs glasBWKro, S pkgs cigar*, 20 drums oil, 4 trnka bout*. 40 ska oatmoal, 40 ogs barley, 0 pkga

books, 24 pkgB merchandise

Hod one! o, for Hydnoy.-14 tins lard. 3 ploughs, 8 o vi; na, 6 pkga cement ornamenta, 4 pkgs (gaa-maklog machino), 7 cs Millard gooda, 14 plena agricultural implement*, 50 bdla wire, 23 pkgs zlnewaro, 50 b<s

woolpacks, 523 bg» flour, 47 cks currants, 3 to ka malt, i SOO bxs candles, 2.550 bgs eli»17, 40 cttos vegetables,

10 bia bair, 8 oka camtlng«, 9 bgu sawdust, 50 b#s scale, , 100 ca whisky, 10 ska oatmeal, 4 pkga moil c1 net, 420 ' bgfl potatoes, 282 stones, 410 bga onions, 20 bgu carrots, 400 cs fruit, 126 pkga tea, 21 ox« soap, 806 bga bran, IS pkga planta and seeds, 6 pkga stationery, 03 pkgs drapery, 49 pkgs merchandise.



Arrived -Jone 2-Rubicon Bch , from Waratah Cay Jane 8-Ohlmborazo b b t from London (¡Juuih Channel) Cupley, eh from Load n tMouth Oh&unel) ¿Moora, bq , from Sjdnoy (anchored). Mavis, pilot tch , from outsldo station

Hu I lud -Juno .-Apollo, k » for Circular Head , Vivid bq for Newcastle , HaRonlla ach for WQbteru Port, Oily of Adelaide Sydney Smith Ans trultan e fl, for Adelaide , Fiore oca Klllott, k, 1 r K1 vor Cam Judo 8-Mb via pilot Bon , for outeide


CAPE SCHANCK. Inward -Juno 8-7 a.m Sch


Inward-Jm o 3-0 30 am Cheviot, as 3 30 p m Ga7ull>, 8 8,5pm Martha fore and aft uch

put Into Waterloo Bay ,1pm Maffra, fore aud>alt



In wird -June 8-116 p m Bon Volrllch, ah , bonod to Coolong all well


Outsldo- June 2-Sir *V Law non and Abstainer Inside -June 2-Muffra


Arrived -Jane 2 -Julia Percy, from Belfast Sailed -June 1-Truder for Tasmania


Arrived-June 2- Barrabool from Mol bourn o Ju e 8-Sapphire whaling- bat quo from Hobart , Th.rn, from Tahoo , I/ich Lee from Humboldt ßa>, Belén» from C1 ruo ia r Heart Blrtmatu, front Ado Iaido a-Iamanff, Kellawarra from Brisbane

Sailed -June I-M L Lit cb fluid for Manilla, via NeHcattllo Juno 2-Wakitipu for Wellington

Neuitfele Ly eo*mnon for Melbourne Victoria, City of Melbourne, You YanK?, for BrlBtane Aberdeen, tor Shanghai Juno 8-Caroline for B-txvla


Arrived-Juno "-Menmuir from Sidney Oover nor Blackall, from Kock) am j ton Him (»booler, from Liverpool Juno8-K«m ut fr in 8>d ley

Balled-Juno 1-Derwent f>r Maryborough Juno 2-Katoomba for Cooktown , Merkara fir Nowcaatte, Corea, for Sydney . Menmuir, for Hong Koog


Arrived - Junol-Boomorang Phillis, and Doornail

from Brisbane

Balled -Juno 1-W Turner, for Suva, John Nicholson for Manilla , Confuiente, for Nelson , Wjatana for Wallaro), Kmperor, for Rockhampton Juno 2-Ti lu a, for Melbourno


Arrived-Juno 1-Tmttnnia from Molbourno, Urlhes, from Natal, Franklin, from Wee tero Aus tralla, Coorong from uutporta. June 2-O lan cut tiom NowctBtlo, Investigator from Mdbour e, C}ßnet from Uiver Le »on Alert from Geograf he Bav June 8 - Ravenaliddale I1 ritz Kouter, from London, Kndora from Barrow on Fumosa, 8yd noy

from Melbourne

Balled -June 1-Penola for Melbonrno via nu» ports luno 2-Victorian f r Melbmrne, Lutiitanla, for London Juno 3 - Bydnov, for Marseilles


Lat 87deg iOuüp 63sec S . Ion Oh SOujId

64 Ssoc. £

Timk Bam*-Timk of Djiop

At WUliaiuuiown Juuo 2.-Hi

Corrosponding to

Oreonwi'-ta Moan Tluio June L-16b. ÏOoi. 6*2«. Oat« ani Hour

tlarorootur Se« Luvul

Attained Thcrmo

tenu, of


Jur» 18pm

Juno 2 h a.m .. Jnrifl lian

80 040 2D 07« ÏBB07


47-0 d10 ess