Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 16 December 1892, page 6



BYADUK, Dec. 14.-A draught of 82 splendid Durham heifers, part springers, passed through here this morning-, travelling from Ardachy Station, near Branxholme, to Warrnamnbool, drover Bishop in charge, owner T. K. Lyons. The weather continues rough, rain falling heavier each day for the last five days. The glass is still falling, and it is bitterly cold.

A flood is feared.

JJSMOIIK, Dec. 11.?This has been one of the best seasons for wool and grana ever known. The clip was heavy In tho grease and very höh rid, and though the prices realised vero not e<iual to expectations, still, through the extra weight, the return per sheep was more than equal to some other years. For the last week a strong galo hau been blowing from the not'th«west, with many, cold «bowers. Uvcr two inches of rain. tins fallen. This will keep the grass green uni 11 after the New Your, but as most of the'crops, oats and barley, aro cut, they will bo damaged. Store sheep are very low m price, and great ditliculty Is ox* perienced hi selling old ewes. In former years, from the bent station«, they were eagerly bought at from fin. to 7a., hut thisyear about 40,000 were sold at alwut one shilling per head for boiling down near Uee* long.

WAIIGUNYAII, Dkc. lö.-Stock CrossInga-iO fat merino wethers and 7 fat bullocks from Corowa .market for Wahgunyah,.). T. .Martin owner, A. A. : Plgglu and Co. agents ; 185 fat merino wethers from . Corowa, New South Wale», trtickod to Wangaratta, J. Maynard in charge ; :322 fat merino ewes and wethers from Corowa, New South Wales, trucked to Newmarket, Joseph Webster owner, consigned to G.

Howat; 1,015 fat merino ewes from Kentucky, ¡ Oorowo, New South Wales, trucked for Newport i Freezing- Works, .Jnmc-» and Gray owners, A, L. Jones

In charge. The weather continues very cold and stormy, with light showers.