North Queensland Register (Townsville, Qld. : 1892 - 1905), Monday 22 July 1901, page 8


The following is the petition which is to be prepared.



The petition of the inhabitant householders and ratepayers within the area jof the No. 1 Sub-Division of the Division of Dalrymple in the State of Queens


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That your petitioners are desirous that that portion of the Division of Dal rymple which is comprised within the boundaries of the No. J SubDivision thereof, may for the purpose of local government be constituted a municipality and be called a Shire under the provisions of the ninth secton of the " lioeal Government Act of 1878" with the name boundaries, wards and number of Councillors as herein after set forth. That is to say

Name of Shire.-That the name style Or title of the Shire shall be "The Queenton Shire."

Boundaries.-Thai the area and boun daries of the Shir-3 shall be the same as the area and boundaries of the No. 1 Sub-Division of the Division of Dalrymple. 1 j j

Wards.-That the Shire shall be divided into three subdivisions or wards, the boundaries whereof shall be as follows. That is to say

No. 1 Ward, commencing at the point of intersection of the middle line of Gill Street .and the west side of Boundary Street, thenc? northerly^ bounded on the west by .the east boundary of the Municipality of Charters Towers, thence by the middle line of Peek Street and of Prior Street to the middle line of Macpherson Street by the middle line of that street to the Waterworks Road, by the middle, line of that road to the Burdekin River, by that river to the confluence of the Broughton River, but that river to the crossing of the road to Rishton, by the middle line of that road westerly, the middle line of Millchester Road and of Gill Street to the point of commencement. No. 2 Ward : Commencing at the point of intersection of the middle line of Gill Street and the west side of Boundary Street, thence northerly, bounded on the east bv the east boundary of the Municipality o£ Charters Towers, thence by the middle line of Peek and Prior Streets to the middle line of Macpherson Street, thence by the middle line of that street and the middle line of the Waterworks Road to the Burdekin River, by that river to* the confluence of Dillon's Creek, by that creek and a line to the head of the Broughton River, by the north bank of that" river to the-intersection of Mt. Leyshon Road, by the middle line of that road ,the middle line of York Street, and the west side of boundary Street to the point of commencement, exclusive of the Municipality of Char

ters Towers.

No.. 3 Ward: Commencing" at the point of intersection of the middle line »of Gill Street and the west side of Boun dary Street, thence southerly... bounded oh the west by the west boundary of the Municipality of Charters Towers, to the middle line o£ York Street, by tlie middle line of that street, and the middle line of Mt. Leyshon Ro$d to the Bfsughten. River, by the north bask et that river to the crossing of the road to Rishton, by the middle line of that road, the middle line of Millchester Road, and of Gill Street, to the point of


Number of Councillors.-That the Si\n-e ^haii be governed by a Council of nine Councillors, of whom three Councillors shall be assigned to each

sub division *>r ward.

Arid vonr petitioners as in duty bound will Crer pray, etc.