Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Saturday 29 February 1896, page 7



A deputation of residents of Leedorville waited upon the Commissioner for Railways on Friday afternoon, in reference to the published announcement that the

Government had decided to build the new station at Lcederville at tho Kimberloy-street site. Mr. B. O.'Wood, M.L.A., in introducing the deputation, said that it was desired by those present that the station should bo mado at Thomas-street, and not, at Kimberley- street.Mr. Mr. Bennetts said that he understood that the departmental objection to tho Thomas-street site was that it. was on an awkward grade. The residents, however, thought that when tho line to Fromartlo was beiug duplicated, this difficulty might bo removed by re-grading tho lino. If the Kimberley-street site were decided upon, a consider* ablo amount of private land would havo to be purchased, which expense would bo obviated by selecting tho Thomas-street site, which would also servo the most people. Mr. G. Randell, M.L.A., said that he was in accord with those who favored tho Thomas-street site. Thomas-street was tho boundary of tho city, and a largo population was growing up close to it. As Mr. Bennetts had pointed out, tho line could be re-graded when it was being duplicated. For many reasons it was desirable that the ro-gradiug of tho lino should be carried out. Councillor Molloy and Mr. Hutchison supported tho views of tho previous speakers. Mr. Venn, in reply, said that the subject was not a new one to him, as some time ago several of tho same gentleman who were present now had waited on him to urge that tho Thomas-street site should be selected. On that occasion a counter demonstration was organised, and a few days afterwards a deputation of people in favor of Kimberley-street waited upon him. It was then pointed out that the latter site would meet tho requirements of the majority of the people. Tho department caused inquiries to be made, the result of

which was that Kimberley-street was decided upon. Personally, he did not see why a station should not be erocted at both places, Whore the Government could see ;hat there was money to be made it would always erect stations. At all times the Government was only too pleased to meet the wishes of the people, for, after all, it was the people who should bo attended to. They were only asking- that their own money should bo spent. He hoped that tho gontlomeu present recognised and felt that whenever a reasonable request was made it was the desire of tho Government to meet it, if possible. If however, the engineerin-chief was against a certain locality being selected as a station site, the Government could, only express regret that it was unable to carry out; tho people's wishes. Tho Government could not do impossibilities. Ho did not know, however, that there was anything impossible in the present request. When the Kimberley-street site was selected the Government considered that it would meet the wishes of the large majority. Now ho was told by the present deputation that this was not so. Doubtless in a few days he would have a deputation just as strongly in favor of Kimberley-street as tho present ono was in favor of Thomas-street. Mr. B. C. Wood— No, sir ; I am sure not. On the previous occasion the people of Leederville wero not united. Since then they have joined forces, and both parties have signed tho requisition favoring Thomasstreet. Previously, those who thought otherwise spoke without a knowledge of all the circumstances. I should like to point out that when we last saw you on this matter, it was promised that notico

would bo given when the Government had come to a decision. That has not been done, and surprise was felt when an announcement was read in the press that the Government had selected the Kimberley-street site.Mr. Mr. Venn. — I think some of those who signed tho requisition received notice. Mr. Wood — Perhaps so, but none was eent to tho chairman of tho Roads Board. Mr. Venn.— There was no intention of stealing a inarch on tho people without giving them a chance of saying what ihould bo done. Ho would ask thb engineer-in-chief to explain tho pros and cons in connection with tho two sites. Mr. O'Connor said that the distance between the Subiaco and West Perth stations was If miles. The Kimberley-street site was half-way between the two, and the Thomas-street site within 30 chains of tho present West Perth station. Tho grade at Thomas-street was 1 in 60, and at Kimbevley-street it was practically level. Even when the line was duplicated, the grade at Thomas -street could not be converted to oven 1 in 100 without great expense, and tho Government did not like grades approaching stations to be under 1 in 200 at tho very least. There wero nu engineering difficulties. It was simply a ca?o of £ s. d, When tho lino was duplicated he would recommend re-grading, but not a^ low as 1 in 100. In constructing I'tatious the Government had always to look at the matter from two standpoints. It had to consider tho inlerests of the travelling public us well as tho interests oi' those who lived in tho immediate vicinity of the locality where the stations were asked for. If two stations wero erected between Subiaco and West; Perth, it would mean an extra few minutes in tho journey to and from Perth and Fremantle. He considered ono station preferable to two, and the site half-way recommended itself as tho most suitable ono in every respect. Mr. Venn said that ho would viomiso that no steps would bo taken towards building1 a station at Loederville until tho work of duplicating tho lino was being carried out. Allowing that no strong pressure was brought to show that Kimberley-street was the more suitable, he thought that ho would bo ablo to meet the wishes of the people, if the engineer-in-chief's estimate of the cost was not too high.