Queensland Figaro and Punch (Brisbane, Qld. : 1885 - 1889), Saturday 10 April 1886, page 15

15 Hours a Day.

When the baters in Brisbane came to the conclusion that their hours were too long, they went out on strike. So have acted on occasions artizens of every kind. But there is one class in Brisbane who are not powerful enough to trifle thus with their bread and meat, and these men work fifteen hours every day, save on each third Sunday, when they get off duty at 1 p m. !

Think of this, ye workmen, who have so lately been celebrating the 8-hours movement.

I am now talking of the ferrymen, who cross and recross the river without intermission for 15 hours

for 20 days on end, sitting under the blazing sun, toiling on Saturdays when the whole city takes a half-holiday, and resting on every third halfSunday.

Truly this is the work of galley slaves with a vengeance, and a disgrace to this democratic öolony.


The Tiaro shire council are going to build a shire hall in Tiaro. The ratepayers protested against the wasteful expenditure of their money in a><ptally unnecessary work, but they omitted the nari^e of the president from the petition they pi esented against the building, and addressed to the councillors by name. This was an insult not to be forgiven, and as the council had made up their minds to build the hall instead of mending their ways, it furnished them with [a fine excuse for refusing to receive the petition, the nature of which they said was painful in the extreme to them.

At the Marburg public meeting, on the Rosewood district railway matter, the other day, it was stated that the returns for one month from the Pine Mountain railway showed two shillings an! sevenpence half-penny as receipts.