Zeehan and Dundas Herald (Tas. : 1890 - 1922), Thursday 3 December 1896, page 2

North-East Dundas Tramway.

One result of the present visit to Zeehan of Mr Back, the General Manager of Tasmanian Governmentt railways, is that the first seotion of the North-East Dundas railway will be opened within a few days, as soon as the little locomotive that has been working on the line can be repaired.

The station for this section will be five miles from Zeehan, and close to McKim- mie'a sawmill ; and passengers and goods will be carried to and from that point. The new locomotive lately arrived for this line is a splendid engine, add a pronounced success in every way ; she was built to the order of the manager in Glasgow, and is the only one of the type it the colonies. The locomotive is guaranteed to draw 50 tons up a grade of one in 25, but she easily negotiates 10 tons over the guaran-teed weight. The little engine that has been used so far for the construction is undergoing repairs, and directly she is ready for work again the first stage of the tramway will be officially opened for public traffic.