Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 18 August 1890, page 9


The manasen reoort -

ADsTSAiiAN NATIVES Rushworth, Aug U-No 1 let el west total 170ft, licef brokeu up showing

UHOKKN HI__ TBOFRIRTART BLOCK li Broken TT11I» Aug 13.-Hain 401ft. Malu _bift-100 t Level Crosscut total 92it 200ft. Lot ci North-Crosscut opposite north tliaft driven south on course of lode 17ft Crone ut opposite south shaft touched lode North bh-ilt -114ft Level-Western crosscut total 60ft. 10 trucks of lead ore containing 01 i tons for warded to Drj Crook

BRI IVIS HILL PROPRIETARY, Broken Hill Aujr 13. -Inttcrsons Mhaft -4ü7tt No 1 Level-N _. drive 4Jt M Culloch s.-No. 2 Level-Slopes producing larj.e qua tity i.ood ore. Nos. Ijr ftnd 1 Levels S toni ii«: coed grade lead ore Rasp * -No 2 Level I*, crosscut from N 3Cft Upraise from above cross cut riven lift, ho 1 Level-Commenced drive from No 1 W crosscut exton led 17ft v\ fison s bhaft -200ÍL Stations J and I levels completed Brodribb**. No* 2 JJ.l andj.ovclsproducinggoodi on flux with etliclous iron and quantity of 1 adore JamlesonV -No b 1 evel-B crosscut SSft ; W crosscut 24ft Mo 3 Level-*_ drive 4ÜÍL No 1 Let c1-Com menced U| raise for conn cotton with No. J levol from No 2ensturobS mon 0 t NaJIeVC,-w crosscut 71ft. slopes Nos J 2, 1, and _r lords producing quantities of good erado kaolin and silicious Iron MOreçors-\o 3 Level-N drive 1B1ÍL, fa, dri.e 120ft. No 2 Level-vtopes producing quantities of lead and silicious iron ores Sl'Drjdes-No 3Lovel ¡V drive, S00f_, S drive, 184ft N W drive for oon nection with No. 2 W crotseut OMt, and to conneo tion Cominenoed a No 3 \\ crosscut, extended Ibft No I Cfcret-Started a SS etottcut advanced 40ft Urodribba.-Gallows frame erecto 1 carpenters bnsj upon wood work. Wilson t» - -allowa frame lu course of erection Aug 10 (Uj Telegraph) -Struck a verj largo vugh in tho north drive of the ituOft level of M Gregors shaft, and the indications are favour

able for rieh otu

BHOKKN HIM. JONCTIQV, Brol cn lilli Aug 8 -West crosscut (rom 400ft level, lode tornmtiou carry Ing traces of t-llver Main bhaft-Total bolo» 400ft. level l&ft 300ft. north drive oxtci dod 12ft, In p_v at lu sulphide ore 860ft fntermedfatn stopes Improv

ing a* worked south \V in ¿a .tar ted 30fL south of No -wlnzo, near tho hancinj. wall Portion of lode now down about 10ft showing hîfrh grade carbonates carr vint. latlvo silver freely Promising oro body above ..00ft lovel hiring optmed up. North crosscut from wot stope of 160ft level opened out Into a pro mtsing csrbot .te ore bodj averatrlnL abnut fiOoz. per ton JLost Lrosseut from same stope in 30ft, show tug vu_.ht_ and good f-vceof 3Jo* carbonate ore At bouth Shalt stope carried up from 1.0ft. level bhowlmr -.4ft. of 2oz. silt or and 30 per cent lead --North cast shaft down 105ft, show lui; more quartz mixed with seams and stringers of low erado sulphide ore

UROKBI HiLt. SoOTti t\TBhDBn NO 1 Broken Hill

Aug 0 - t endln_r acceptance of tenders nianholt cut out where vvo passed through mill ocky lodo This has bf en taken In 14ft, vein »hows two t.ood walli with beam or soft ctig of olaj cj material on tho foot nail The total leneth of che main ero saut is 02ft

BIIORKV URI, PRoruiBniu BLOCK 10 lirokon Ulli, Am_ 0-Kellj Shaft-4G5(t Level-Fans in clean ore assajuiL. 20oz of silver and 20 per c nt of load Last Crosscut-Faca lu ore assaying 2002. of silver and JO per cent of loud 115ft Level, -routh Urivu -tace principally of silicious kaolin ana iron but at present it onlv assavs -oz. uf 6Üvcr an 1 4 percent of had South drive off crosscut east from south drive, through sllioious Iron showlnn patches of kaulm rich in nativ e silv cr Last assaj from this point ¿ave 7öoz. of silver and o percent of lead Croooout west from winze conucctimr this aud Slfilt

level thronch carbonate and sulphite ore« afsvvlng 3-!oz of t-itver ami-apercent of lead Jlôfc. Level Main cast crosscut as^aji lovir in silver lead has tra oled äouth Drive-taoa baa a kindly appearance. I ut assays low for eilyer and ha i 4 ft Lovel North Drive- lhisday s as ays aro 37oz- of silver and 0

per cent, of lend Winze lo bottom of cast crosscut sunk Jilt, at ¿21" below II.el chlorides mid iodides o' Bill er showintr freel) all ayer tho winze "_ Cater da. s assaja /ron. this point gave SÖ3oz. of silver and 5 per cent, of I tad To-da> s 112oz. of silt or and 6 por ceut of load This is the continuation of tho eastern bod> of oro t clng work-1 on lo tho Pro prie tory and Contrai mines, and its di.eovtry iii tau. mine enhince. Its vatua b) fully 2o per Lent. Aug lb - .Gift Level, South Drivu-Ore assays lu 60s. of silver and b por cuit of lead

HHITASMA UniTKD Li a! IA rat Aug 1. -010ft Level -Weet croient driven 14ft. for fortnlglit, no« lr 01ft Pas-ed through pu/ and ha\o a few i>niall veins In faco, expect cutting main bod> in a few feet 500ft Level-Weet crosscut now lu lîûft passed through eov eral loaders, and dn\o now tn nicu slato country and butter for driving Crti-hcd for iort

nlgnt 744 tons for 210oz. ldwt 12gr , including 20oz. 0d vt, from 10 tons p)riteu

Hiiu.fvo 1, Smeaton Aug 15 - West drlvo in \o Srl.o south west letel, extended 37It, total ¿Olít. A boru in face through at 20ft into heavj wash baring risen 7Íft. in 37ft., bein? 17_ft above gutter level

Had to stop Ko 2 south drivu, water too «tronar, and *ro now dru ing .Nos l and _. nortn drlvo* in which thara is good wash Drlvo In \o 1 rise now under way, and also in Lood wa.h , fair prospectshava been got from faces, puddlers will, how ctv.r, test quail tv

Drlvo In No Irise old west lcvol in a total of 40ft. Water 4 J strokes per minuta

11LAuk Hoiisp, Kgcrton, Aug lo -South drno No 12 luvul, extended 13ft., ground much better for driving with more stone co mi ne in and giving out a good deal of water Intermediate drlvo eli No 1 winze extended Oft., stoiio v.ri hard but Bhowa nice gola Mar ted to drive south from this winze in ¡,ood pay ah) 0 "toijc Clean up next friday

BURNT CREEK Dunolly, Aug 15 - Branch reef drive extended 4L ft,, ¿round favourable;, wa.h 10/t. 01 er tua drive. Started a branch wash drlvo off No 2 rho to como bade to No 5 rise west This drlvo is carrying heivy wash of good quality Northwest wat,!, druL oil No 1 rise ts in l&Uft, with roof rising rapidly Ibu two crosscuts ou this drlvo aro in gOfr and 1.1ft roapeotlvelv with good prospects Con uected Nos 5 and 7 ri*_9 with a wash drive also oarrying* payable proiptots Southeast drive off main east level itin29Jft., ground vor> hard "iield -weel, JDOoz., fortnight 2*i5oz. l.dwt

BKRIU LOSBOIA LXT&HDFD hUjgâtOU, AUg 16 -No change in tim coming water

BUMWONS PsTAfK Buninyong, Autr 15-Bl.hops No 1 ijhaft-Ercctiou of new poppet lug* and tram way conn teted New boltory at No Jt shaft also completed, and start»*, to wort- 1 iib through IS loads of stone at No 1 batter. , yield 7oz Tributcra I resumed work below,

I HAM) AND ALBIOS Ballarat Aug ..-Na 7 Shaft , - Cros-cut 1 CUÜft level oxte id_d JUft, total from

sha.- 3_bft Winze from 1,-OOfc sunk 1.ÍL, total 1 7-fe. stono Oin wido, full of minorai, no gold seen

So 0 Shaft- ùunlc 10ft, total below 1 _.0ft lovel 03ft 1 23ufL lovel north extended 23ft., totat from shaft 274ft. todo very largo and fctrong, engaged crowing lode from foot« all to hanging w All, thick ness already proved 10'u, and no indication of reach tug hantring wall, stone very hard, carrying heavy masses of pyrite, and a llttlo gold but so far not payable Trtbuter» öS tons stone for C_)oz- Odwt

Untar CONSOLS lilnoston Aug ltf - North west lovel e.tcuded 104ÍL Two lores put up , 0110 near fac« through At 4OH the oth»r 40ft. behind it through at Leading drivo* from So 1 rlio lu this level still oueningup pay able w ash Yield for

woeff 400OZ 4dwt Mu CHUM, Sandhurst, tug 10 -Started

to sink on the loth tnet

Bourru Now South Wales, Auj 10- *îtono in filat Eho*tng very fair gold Start north shaft dur

iig coming fortnight.

BAUKUS Cii-hk NoiiTii NM\ Aug 11-Total depth 177ft Wiuzo on \o dretf 20ft h__f ltlin wide shoving gold fresh and improving as it j,oes down 60 .ons>udded 73oz 12dw_

Hums 11 t-Hoki". HILL PKOIUILTAUY, Broken Hill, Amr 1J -Nu 1 Sbaf -Second Level-1 otlmbering

colfapsed portion of mino couiinuiiif. t-atisfaotorili

borne i,ond ore broken on ninth floor south of No 7 shaft. Pico of new section widening eastwards as well as west. No 1 shrift-second Level -^outb drive from No 2orossout Olft, rock much harder

west crosscut from slopes 60ff Na & Shaft,-weat oro ase ut total 00ft Driving easier this week as (J»art¿ito giving placo to .chlslobo matorial ¡south

urlve from east crosscut °0't tolljuing a shoot of carbonato ore of fair trade Junction Comrvys fcouth Shaft-Drive Houttmards on lode total

from crosscut

LOOLAKA Co A l« Gippsland, Aug ID -Con t ne tors thrown up agrcoutuut, shall start two shifts ou woge* at once

bitiERis Tis PIncarooma Tasmania Aug 12. NOZZOJ abundantly supplied with water Paddsok clovrod in northern north east and wvstorn «idea of dump shaft to the tin drift and cement ovrted out

cement band nearlv oleare 1 of its overburden of basalt and clay on south and south east sides, leavh g eenie Jit alono io be removed to boro tin drift

This Hold of cemont is heavy and »ill tal c several weeks to hreak up and to remove pondun.' its re mo vat nozzles will continue stripping southwards atom: lead and bj time cement disposed of theru will be about six acres of a compact paddock of tho lead nady for slulcim. and winning Of tin ore

ÇLAUBSCIÏ, Sandhurst Aug 10-Cut plat at 42011, timbered _lft, and sunk ehaft oft , total 4.5ft

CHALK ti No J Carisbrook Au* 10 -South drive extended 25ft , ground hard cant drive driven 3l)ft, 200fc of road laid In lo A er main level

CHAI K s TiiKKliOLu Carisbrook, Auor 10 -Main lower level extend ud 42tt distance from shaft 748ft The drive la in good looking slato country, thickly intermixed with vvoll mluurahaed vélos

CRAVENS NKW CUL« bandhurst Aucr Id-Tri buter* crushed A loads quartz for 13oz. ISJwt

Corinella Daylesford, Aug 10.-North drive on slates extended 16ft carrying strong wash crosscut east in from this drive 24ft. Wash strong, and both faces carrying splendid gold. Yield from five picks for week, 29oz 7dwt.

CRESWICK I HOSIKCTIISQ, Creswick, Mig 16 -Vorth drive extended 49ft, total distance 635ft Newshaft down jft, bottomed at 23/fc Oin

I Colima ii A Cobungra Au« 10 -Tributors cloaned

| up about & loads of dirt for 2oz. 6Jdvv c Kxperience , dilDoultj in progress ow lu,! to thouncvou character

of tho bottom

I CATIIBIIIM* BEPP UMTKD Eoglohiwk, Aug 10 -

820 tons j leid ed 135oz. Sdvvt Sunk 3ft, making 60ft from No 13 or 1800ft level Atl-MSft lovel driven 37M& At 1,140ft northeast lovel stoning away east side, there Is not as much quartz hore oto poa over lord are show ing little gold occasional^ At Ü7UÍC Jevel south shaft stone up In rise In 4Oit sandstone very poor this fortnight btopes are looking poor at No 10 north levol

CROWN CROSS, Rushworth, Aug IS.-No 3 level S04(t No ¿ level from boundary 01ft expect to break through to Try Again shaft verv soon Trj Auiiln «haft sunk 14ÍL, making 37ft from their old p at bunk lift in No 2 shaft, distance from plat, _.l/t, clean up on saturday

CHILTERN, Chiltern Aug 15 -Crosscut G7ft Ex peet to cut lode in a week from date

Cutvoatus, Insin-uio, Am: 10 -Arrangements being modo oy tribu te ra for commencing work No 2 fuco being opened up bj tho comoany

COMM ISSIOM. its. Malms bur j Aug 14-Quartz spurs very plentiful, with quantity of minorais in

til em

DURR, Timor, Aug 15-Good progress made with getting wa tor out of minc Expect water out on Saturday afternoon Companj, ïluz. Ddwt, No 1 Tribute, lOoz. 4dwt, No 3 Soz. bMvvt, total, 80oz.


DIXONS NKW NORTH CLIÏVES Clune,, Aug 10 -South drive, Na 7 lovel, advanced Oft, quart7 0ft wide, cirr}tn_.a little (.old on western wall South drive No 8 level driven 7ft, Iodo Igln wide, nicely mi ne rall ed bomb drivo, No G Mel, extended 8ft More quartz mai ing In the face

BAL/CLL cou PitiNCr. IíbüE\T, Ballarat, Aug IG -East crosscut extended 14ft for week , a llttlo stone in face North drive extended 20tt, earning stone of good quality bouth drive extendod 16ft, OIBO lu Btanc mixed with Blatt Cleaned up Frldav

DALZELL HxTßM>t:t>, Ballarat, Aug 10 -Sunk required depth No» enpazed cutting chamber

ULCHES3 OF LDIMIUROII Sandhurst Aug 10 -Tri bute rs crushod 40 loads j lol J lug 22oz. IBdwt ..old

Dow Lisa FOUFST _*o 1 Bald Hills- Auir 15-No 2 Shaft- Couimuico driving for wash as soon as lifts lo« ere I

DciiitiBTH REEI QaJTnev's Creek Aug 11-Lt poet to have cr a.cut into reef in two weeks Still I continuing driving tunnel and have seen a few specks 1 of gold in face, fen» ing all quartz for crushing

I DUKE FAST Timor, Amr 14 - started repairing

shafton Tue. lay Have, about 0ft jet to repair

CXTKMIKD OCoMxORfi Malmsbury, Am, 15-Sunk 80ft country olean sandstone and rather hard for working Shall continuo] sinking another week before crosscut-tlng west for Uubbct's reef

roEaTON, Lgcrton, Aug lb -1 uOOft Lovel-East drive extended 0ft, total 17°rt from plat. In fair driving countrj 1400lt Lovel- North cast drive extended »Otu, total ùUift l,100It Level-South

drir« oxt-nded 9ft, and rise up 16ft.; a chingo of butter-looking stono showing in lace.

BAR- or BEACONSFIELD, Kingston, Aug. l8.-Wook soarccly anything done beloiv, owing to brcakln. of fly.whool shaft of winding encino on 9th InBt It was Thursday night, 11th, before wo trot men below again. New shaft Is steel, and Ila. moro fn diameter than tho old one, and working well, hare also boen thrown back a few days from flxinvr tho new blower through the men bein, employed at other work.

E.XTKNU8D Hussa--- RKBT, Lauriaton, Au_r. IG. Bise put up 23ft on rect that was struck last wook in wostern cro-scut Reef opened out to .ft, and shows fair prospect. Decided to drive south on couria from crosscut, where it is thought rich stone exists not far away. Water still ea-inir rff.

HoTr-ms. Malmsbury. Aug. lee-Rise from 010ft level put up Tie. On iVediiesel-y broko through to wtnzo from upper level, and now engaged breaking atone at this placo on Queen's Birthday Iodo. Href li n fair thickness. Main drlvo extended Hit- Com-menced stoping, anti seo little gold ocoasloiiallr.

GIIIMT NoimiBR.v EXT-VOER, iluther_lc-n, Aug. 15. Loading drives down load prospcotln. poor. Blocking being carried on as usual with satisfactory result Lowor main drivo down lead driven 40fr. ' Western lower level 32It in this drive, ISblt. more will bo far enough for tho first Jump-up, vv Inch should be in about three weeks' timo if grouud eioiitinuss favourable. Gold-Week. 210oz. 4dwt

GOI.UKN* STIIKAM, Smeaton. Aug. 10 -Shalt oontrod and skidded. Will finish all top work Monday morn-,


ORE.T EXTRNOBO UI'STI.ER'S, Sandhurst Aug. 16. 2.00011. croxcut cut, total 149ft. Country quart«, inlxc- with mullnok. Level driven lol- north on west wall. In 1,9-Ofe. lovel, SStlft north of croaoiit, winze sunk 12ft., and Is lu cap of tcef. 0-0 tons, taken from south stope«, crushed for Olio.- ISdvvt., -and pyrites yielded 61oz. Hdwt., making total 117o_


__IU>__. GULI.V, Sandhurst, Aug.' 10.-1,9501t cro<sout driven 23ft. east, total 2_0f- Passed through 12(t. of spurry country, with loaders Ho. to Sin.

thick, -bowing gold. -Trial crushing being taken out . 1,.1-ft. crosscut driven 21ft cast, total 101ft Level to south commenced on reef at 117ft Intermedíalo lovel at 1.SC0Í- Driven 19ft toutli. total 45ft. from winze, -tonu shows a little more gold. 600ft. inter-mediate level, No. 3 Shalt, driven lSIt, making It 8-lt. south of rise. 5-0 tons crushed far 72oz. ldvvt gold.

GotBEX OATS, Ballarat, Aug. 16.-West drivo, CSItt south of shaft, driven 12(t. for'week; total, 01ft fctlll driving south on lode at top of streaky rise ; stono still showing nicu gold. Battery and onginu now delivered ; busily engaged with crea-


OAEIDAI.DI, Sandhurst, Aug. l8 -sunk 10ft In vory -hard sandstone ; total from plat, 223It; from sur-

face, 2,101ft Are now timbering up and Axing

cistern, _o.

CAV d LAND or nopu Ballarat Aug 15 -Sinking innIn ..batt and driving at 1,200ft lovel will be re-sumed to morrow and carried on simultineouslj

GOULBURN GOLDEV DYRB Alexandra, Au_r 14 -¿Iain shaft still passing through A very hard bar of diorite with Indications of more favourable country in close proxlmitj , sunk Git and put on an addl tiona! Oft teiuth of pump

GREAT bourn LONO IUNVKL. Walhalla, Aug 16 -Sunk 4ft. totol SJ7ft Water still very heavv ti ulah ed carting quart? total 80_r tens now crush lug Clean up on lueBdaj next Co ni pa u> intends opening out In »haftat 4C0ft and drivo sguth to try and pick up Alpine shoot of btone

GOLCONDA \andolt Aug 14 -2OZ 12dwt from 65 tom Breaking from west eldo and will start crushing from Parker's Beef on Monday ne\t

GREAT \\EbTBRN LONO TuwKi Walhalla Aug 14 -North drive on No J djke total Soft Count*-}* very hard groy djkc, cacrjinj, a httlo mineral ttuter uiakiut, In faco

GRAMTK BAR KXTEVDRD South Gippsland Aug 0 -hxpiucd to have been ab e to roport sluicing com mciiued, but so far no water reached minc tíxpocttd

to bo in tarlv the coiulnt, voek I

GOLDEN SPRING, Daylesford Aug 15 -140ft level | driven 5 ft. Rlse up from this level total 61ft reef much broken Now fixing plunger In main shaft Column of pumps and rods delivered.

GHTSLAND Ut.Lt* LKIU Walhalla Aug 15-Dri.o cxttitided .Ht, total llJjft, country »till favourable.

GEM Barrier Bange* iN.ff, Aug li -Con.inued sinking at a spot about 160ft south of matu shafton east lode Lode composed of splendid ironstone, and Is about IBtn thick Country favourable character

UKIULRN hsTArB bincaton, Aug lil- North drive extended 41ft, tjtal from east drivo ¿14ft, In soft vi hito reef w--*h junt above baok lath.

HOIKTUUN Sulky Gully Aug 10.-Machinery^ will be taken over from contractors on Moiidaj, &ud a &tart will bo made in a day or two

HUNTS EXTPSPFD Gatlnoj a Creek Aug 14-Ob tainedonlv Ooz. 8Jvvt Cr of gold Two shifts driv Ing north on vcrj prom ii li g looking reef Ouo shift driviiiLbOutn but reef very much broken up, will continue this a fou days longer Opened in main level where little coarse gold had in driving through , it Is ¿COIt from crosscut 1 ut two shots in roof, which

opened on nice coarse (.old in veins: By appearance of few stones brought up there must be about Joz.

of gol 1 in them

iMJicvron. AND fcunziu Ï, Batlarat, Aug 16-West drive off rise extended 13ft total U3ft South drivo on fe null veins driven lift, total 28It Clean up dur lug week

íoumUnii Crojdon Aug 15 - Crushing in full swing will havo about 0U0 tons to put through

IMPERIAL Uro ken Hill Aug 0-bunn 7¿fc totil 44í,ít Looks as if wo were getting Into better brou rid

J Evv PLLE i s RErr Ballarat, Aug 16 -Contractors commenced work on Mond a j last fixing windlass and surface works and are making good headvvuj with

shift sinkitiu

JOBSÎSÛN s ItFpF Sandhurst Aug 15-0b7 loads and lo leads of pyrites yielded 702oz. No. L engine shaft Buukl3ft , thuberod 10ft anda portion of the plat

cut at 1 406ft level Hinzu in bottom of 010ft level

sunk G_ft, and hi bottom of 1,340ft level &_ft Main levels extended at 450ft level 0ft &_0fr do,8Íft, 1 005ft do, lift 1 13 3ft do 1Ü_ft . 1 200ft tío ¿Mt, and 1 340ft do. 4_ft

Kucii s PIUNLER Sandhurst Aug 10.-Crushing fair limbered hhaft 10ft 1 ut in now plat set and 2 Oft of skids and moved SiOtt of skids in west shaft Fixed Soft ladders and moved centre timber from surface to pullov whools

Losu lim-. -iTfNDKh Walhalla Aug 15-No 12, North fcnd-Cent rae tora started on 13th »»st ho 12 «topes-Beef 4ft No 11 north eud, 5ft total Ott)It i cif 2ft tin,, ehowlng little t,oltl No li Scopes-Beef dit Gi i showntir fair gold No 10 btopes-Kastern reef 3ft western reef «¡ft No 0 btopes-HcBtern reef 2fL Gin, showing little uold No 8 North west Level-Roof 3ft Oiu , carrj(n_, pay

able told A malt, am week 455OA

LORD H A it ni Kingston Aug 10- Nal north off new rise, extended 55ft total from jump up bOft Labt drive off this extended 63ft total 9ft No 2 north extended 36ft, total 103ft Yield, 7Jw.


LLANnRiuns No, 1, Ballarat Aug 10- Sunk loft, total 6>ü7e Ground about «ann- No water

LLAMiFituib Ballarat, Aug l8 -Drlvo driven 23ÍL, total 1-Oit. W inze sunk 10ft i ield, 90oz. 13dwt

l-AZUfius, SAndhurgf Aux IO - North lovel at 2,00011 driven 2lt, total 102ft Snuk down on woit lej. at same depth stone continues and shows fair cold At Lansella md stone is from 1ft. to Sit thick containing fair gold llave commenced a winze from 1 7W/f Shaft sunk 13ft total 40ft. from i plat and 2 OIU from surface Stone lins been lured I 8ft and broken Into for 2ft (but not through) and

bhow-i ¿old si4 cons yielded 144oz Sdwt

I LAZARUS No 1 ¡.-.nabur-a, Aug 10 - Intermediate

| level at 2 cOiift cost leg totat Itóft stopp« un west

lo»-till in proprem, and very itood gold is «ecu iu ilr.t stope 300 toiiByielded l&Ouis. 18dwtgold

low roi NT llmiuULic Mitta Ml ta, Aug 0 -FftQLulpped abrupt!}, idvlng 2Ptt of wash of ver) promising appearance Lifted ¿QUA. gold from rocic Btutce and c\p.oc to get moro wbeu weather dry Ibis I elong« to last wach up

U>NG IUNNKI, Walhalla, Aug 14- So 1 Level South level driven 72ft face showing 12m of stone di-p1a>lrig fur gold No 2 I m el- North drive total lläft In stope above lode averigua .Oin wide of good quailt\ No 6 Level-South f-topo above this lovel lode 2ft wido of f-ilr quality Wln_o stope bo

low ti.ii leal continues to show a good body of stone about 5(t wido of good uu-tlty Nat) Level-South stope abovo this lovel yielding a fair quality of Btone North west Drive-Krection of winding machiner} In chamber at this level noarlv completed and all will be ready for work lu A few days. Contractor for sinking the malu shaft will break ground on ¿Ion da>

Loso IUSNM. UKITBD, Walhalla, Aug 15- Driving south on lode Lodo in fane Jit vvldo, carrying good g Id in stone on hanging wall

MALUV nooda Point Aug 13-Trial enis-hing of one ton from -baft fine tun from tunnel gave loz. l&dwt Quality of stuff from tunnel would however be relatively higher, AS quantity of mullock would maktj It not mure than I2awt really In the ton Beef taken out to Its full width from 2ÍL Oin to 4ft.

MIDAS COSUOLS Bald Hills, Aug 16 -No 1 West Shoot-llavo drive ¡.ulm, cast oil south drive, whieh U In 60ft. in goo 1 pa¿ abb eronnd North drlvo conti through to No 1 north shoot for vuittl.tlon Host drlvo on high ground lu 40ft in tau.h alij wash, cam lo,' heavy fold at time« and koppin/ level North drlvo at No. 2 north shoot in 72ft of good quillt} Last drlvo from this .hoot lu -lit. In u pro uilslug wa.h carrying a little is about 00ft higher than tho gutter North reef drive c\ tond-d JJ it (Jin, total from So 2 shoot 7dft Oin Have on I j threo parties working in tho gutter Washed y machines for 42oz. 12 tut of gold

MOONLIGHT bXTVWTD SU.Well, Aug 16 -Hop. to flnlih nHüdlmr shaft by Monday, and make a start

about the won on surface

AU(iiB, Greon Gullv, Aug Î5 -Prosp ota looking wall at 150ft level Driving on cnur»o of lode Can soo gold froely In stone Washed somo good pro epecU from both north and south drives this morn ing

Umsisu list. Drummond North Auir 15 -Lx tenUed fconth drlvo at 110ft level HDÍt Uoef mudo . split but still corrib g % gool prospect Still stoilng over bick of this lovel Gold showing freely, can (,ot a good pro.pi.ct in dish btart to crush on M on a ay from this. On reef on hill cx-tiidol drives 4tlít Uc-f about Sit) IV-iit. tom yl.klod 4 lor


MADAMS DKKRV, hingston, Aug 10-No 1 Shalt--ield include. 40oz of void from ~atUr_ No 2 Shute-1 ho west intermediate has beni ox

tended 120ft from «tartina1 point wash at the point

o( laths A oro-.cut started south of It Ibu two north crosscuts aro ina heavy wash that gives a little better pro.pto.* \ Ield tor week-No 1 shaft, _U7o/_ 14dwt, No, 2 shaft, 317oz., total, -Si o A

14dw t

Mimnocfc REEP Buokland Aug 15-Carried back stope 7tt I odo in present face averages 15ln wide. Driven aft on lower lovel Lodebt-re averages Oin., and prospecta vary fair I It to whian out in a, few feet About 22 tons of quartz broken Am afraid shall not bo able to start crushing next week, as the river is verj hurh

MAMMOTH I_.DI.AUMC Snowy Creek, Aug 0-Daj's Oulh-race showsslitrhtimproveinentand dipping with moro wash making Depth of faco now about -Oft Nozzle wnrklnirwt.lL

MOWAT I/HUVAIB, Londoc, Aug D -Tunnol IDSft Cut small border show in., "ood gold Crosscut east from shaft BOft Ground slate and sandstone with veins of quartz. Crossout west SSft Grouud very titbit with liars of sandstone

MOUST WILLB l'Hoiui-rriny, Omeo Aug IL-Tram road lu four weeks more vhoufd bu finish .d runnel part) travelling fast Countrv is slate and soft sand stone The tribute» havo accepted tenders for 20* head battery Nelson wheel

NEW SPECIMBN REEF, Tasmania Aug 12.-Hod two underground men tn plowed in Dickson s btapo N and S of No Irise , two men repairing race, making fair


M»w ST Mrnao Sanlhurst, Aug 10-Winze from 1 020ft level sunk 12ft. total, MIL «tono widening out, show lug galena and mundic, \\ic_o frouil,15JÍt crosscut weet sunk to tv total depth of lift, and dis continued Have started to rise In centre country on Devonshire ret f from tho 400ft cros-CUt, and bave risen Mt in apuro countrv

NEW CHUM Cona, LUI A reu. Sandhurst, Aug 10. Intermediate level south, over 1,770ft Iov.l,3l>Jft Cruihinu about 4ft of stone from weet si le of reef lovel south at 1 blOft total 125lt, reef 3ft wide Bhowlng a little, gold 1 810IL lovel (Gtvrlbiidt end) extended 0ft, total 7^ft stone from 4ln to Hin thick Level north at Sou ft has been extended 171L, total 7üáft 000 tons viclded 3.5o_, lüdwc,, including I *20oz. 15dwr from lltons p>ritos

1 NFW Cutí« V\imt ^a. dh i st, Aug 10 -Crosscut

cast from _outh end of 1 000ft level driven 12ft tn han! -mid J tone and q urt¿ stopiug coutimied nt i l.SJ'.ft level and a little gold is been 410 tons

yielded 80uz 51wt

NBW UA.IIU.UIT. Truukc>, NSW Aug 15 (By Tele graph)-Struck vein in crosscut with «oil

1 NEW MAQI)__.A Stawell Aug 10- Dave o.teuded

8ft,, total 2S2ffc; country carr) lug strong quartz


Nsw CnOM AND VICTORIA, Sandhurst, Aug 16 -Sank 18ft, total 2,2o2lt. ground hard sandstone with a little slate In eastern end , timbered 20(t 1 SJO/t crosscut cast driven Oft, total 101ft., .round sand


i>isvv Cutta IUiiwav Sandhurst Au? ia-North level on west lo. at 2,025ft, 101ft, stono in lovel and stope« averages from Elt to Oft. in thickness and Bhowspavablugold Crosscut cast at Bains depth Hit, total 190ft, cut oast leg 12ft thick, but poor Will prospect this further vv lion oom onfent « into sunk Bit, total 74IL stone making lancer and show iii.hOld As the water la heavy will wup'nd work hero until shaft Is down Crushed for trlbutcr«, 23 tons y ictdln. 0«. lOdwt and lor coinuanj 4G6 lons violdlnir SOOoz. lldwt, also treated lo tons B sand

for 2toz ISdwt cold I

Nnv Bro WHITE, AND Bios Sandhurst, Aug 10 -680Í«. vi eateru croticut now In 60ft. 70011 north drivo extended 20ft, total, 190ft from crosscut '?tono shoainga lítelo gold iiouth, 13ft niaklinr lOafL Crosscut from end of «outn lovel oxtondol Tit making 20lt Stope,« look iBirlj well S-llft north driven Oft, total Gift from crosscut. South level Olt, makin); 4alt ihe crosscut ID tho south new em-lno shalt extended Mt, total, lOlt SOI tous

Jlclderl jMnz. lSlwr

NBW VICTORIA OvTiiKai-itt, Sandhurst Aug 10 - i Winzo sunk 13tt total, 3.1ft Oin Ground noarlj all stone which varies from lit to 2ft in thickness, an 1 shows y ery sllehi gold Intermediate level south, at ho 8 driven 13ft Ground n neh broken up, and started to stono on tho east tide of tho lovai No 2 level south driven 8ft, total li,It ho enante to report Crusho 1 75 Ina Is for ISoz. lOdvv t

UKW HoNci MHAO, Majorca, Aug 15 -V'iold-Com panj 74oz. lodwt tributen, 29oz. Gdvvt

MM» VicTotm UNHID liallarat Nug 10-Con. tractor for removing and re erecting pumping uiaehinorj making lair progress Meantime baling

as usual

Mt» GOLD!.') SHAFT, Ill«oocks, Aug 10,-Shaft opened out and clumber eouiplotod at 270ÍL level Started to repair drive from pump shaft to old wind ing shaft to make Uain for water vvhilo sinking


Mw BMJB jAChrr Gippsland, Aug 14 -No 2 Levol south drive-Ground djko anil quartz veins carrying pj rites, ivo 1 Level-Amalgam trom plates,


hrvv LOCH FYSH Matlock, Aug 14-Stoplng reef avenging about 2(t SI» Commence crush m uext

week ti wood Is delivered

Mtvv hon : NOOK. Ballarat, Aug l8 -Sunk SJft. for week, and water lodtrtnent almost completed, total depth l.OOSft Nortlidr'uoca western ero.icutacfvo 0 levol still driving lu orosseourso Passed through a lea 1er Otu big during week containing mineral

South drivo OlOIt level-Lodo oontinues of averago size and quality Stope« over this arlvo lookiug well, sir Henry Loch end etopes over 903ft levol without chance 1072ft Level-Lode in umin drive 15m big and iniproviugln appearance Stopes over this ilthe producing psvnblo stone Battery will ba cleaned up on Prldaj

¡Sorra Kussn. s CONSOLS Lauriston, Aug 15 -Weat crosscut, total dUtauoo lOJIt

hourn io\a .DINK. Walhalla, Aug IB.-South level at l.GOOIt, total south from crosscut Safe Urcken down stono, which shows gold freely Ilavu about 36 tons iii paddock In driving southhavo met a orosscourse, which throws tho reef about Sft to tho oast, stono !B a little smallor at the crosacourso, but think vv III ornoo again to ita original tizo as ive get further south, how -Oro of Btono, ami showing lair gold but atone going north looks by far the


NORTH CORMSH, Daylesford Aug 10-700ft Lovel -No ö rise Is up to 030ft level the vvholo distance through a lowe hotlj of pajablo quarts. West cross cut ox tend ed 24ft, total trom No 1 shaft 130ft now Into the reef Crushed 1,11)0 tous for 2Ü6oz., pj rites dJSoz., total gold, Of tor

/NORTH O L-NHORS, Malmsbury, Au¡r 15 -Extended bottom crosscut total S3 ft laca iu good drivti>2 countrj, and making more water At 2ß0ft lovel winze total depth 17ft Reef continues strong lu the bottom show ing cold weil In the solid stone

NORTH ROSE OÍ DP. MI AUK Sandhurst, Aug 10 -Extended the 300ft crosscut 10ft, through saiid.toue countrj, from shaft 87ft

Noimt/KinSBLLS, Lauriston, Aug 15 -Totil from surface *6Mt loot wall coming lu ven hard Did uot sink so tar as expected Stone prospecting very well as we are gobur doun, and making stronger Expect when (lucan and loader Join will make a lanre body of stone Got (rood pro-,poeta of coarse, uold

jestorday Timbered totil 150ft

NORTH PIUNCB EXTENDED, Ballarat, Aug 10-Shaft dowu 6E>ft in good slnkino: country Tendera will be accepted on Monday for further .,00ft

NORTH UOAH lUwr, Ballarat Autr 10.-No 4 Level -Stone In gsuth drive looking fair No 3 Level K\.tended 2iit- for week other parts of mino looking .

fair throughout Crushing operations retarded hy |

bad rood

NORTUSUAMROCK, Sandhurst, Aug 10 -Lovel north from shamrock Company end extended lOfc, total 17ft stone from 4iu to lOin thlok.

NORTH PRINCE HTQENT Ballarat, Aug 16.-Placed opening set in position, now engaged cutting out chamber preparatorj to puttiug in crosscut vv cat

i low of water decrea.Inr

NORTH TonNSo\, Sandhurst, Auir 1C-Sunk shaft 0ft, total 1 a>tltft Winze on western stone, total ÍJJÍt Stone from lMn to 2ft thick, showing a few oolours of golü A winze started and sunk 4ft at l,20.ift level Stone not broken j et Cleaned copper plates and shaking tablo for 4So¿. Sdwt of gold also treated 4jloifi. of pvrltesfor 14oz. 17ivvt. total gold Ottos. fidvvt Trlbutcrs crushed 57 loads and treated 2 loads of pj rites for 2Soz 7dwt

NORTH DitoKSs HILL Broken Hill, Aug 9 -Main Shaft-btarted sink i nur ou Tuesday Now lr.(t below the 400ft level 300ft Lovel-WInre from north UriVd f« down ISft Preparations being made for breaking oro where winze carne through from 200ft lovel VVtnzo started in Eonth drive. 200ft Level About 11 tons of No 1 oro forwarded to Dry Creek from stope Mill machinery rapid I j Letting placed in p witton Hope to be in full »whig before the end

of month

No 1 SOUTH QUERNS BIRTHDW, Malmsbury, Aug. 15-bunk prospecting shaft *7ft Country slate and eau duo ne bars U 115ft level now up J. ft Lxpect lo break through early next week when wo shall commence to break down stone ami put through the


No. INORTHCORMSU, Daylesford, Mig 15- At770ft level notth drive extended to 03ft Ucef «till broket

Stones over back of dru« improving, tJiouing botter gold Crusho 1 600 to s for G2oz l_dwt smelted (.old New battery working weil

NFRUIOUNÜAII NSW , Ant: 11 -Froctlon of machi-nery being advanced as far as possible, but at a sion istitl vvaitluiï for teams to bring ni timber re-quired Started two muu driving in Nerrigundah tunnel on Friday

NORTHERN :>TVR Ballarat Au* Id-Completed 8ft

of chamnor, also taken out penthouse, and cistern at 700ft level, and reiKed them at OO^ft Ceutrod and skidding shaft, and will have cages working to 000ft

level on Mondav

NAPIFR, Majorca Aue IS -Yield, lOOoz. ISÍut

NAHER ANiiaouTil WELSIIMVN Lauriston, Aug 14 -Fx tend ed crosscut 7ft, tight countrj, mostly sand stone , quartz leaders met with running flat

NKVFR DKBP.IR Malmsbtrj, ALU 15-^outh shaft sunk lift, to tul 10 ft started to open out chamber at 100ft Sunk winze 7ft in root showing coarse uold Timbered up top of north mein slutt ¡started baling,

water down SOft

Ncvrn CAN TrLL Omeo, Aug 0-North shaft sunk S^ft and underhand atoaos to face , will uow drive further north as roof Is making larger now Oin , and prospecting over loz. to the ton In the uorth lease havo started to sink ou the reef Suuk Sft , reef small but showing gold

OMAR PASHA Ballarat, Aug it-Will have malu shaft baled out bl Saturdaj, mid on lion day »lil resume siukinu* in No 4 (the new h hu ft) which is down &7ft hhould roach tho lode in a few weeks

cn EN ä BAND OF tia. et Ballarat, Aug lo -hrection

of new poppet loirs ouergetlcallj proceodimr with re j niovnl of ol t set and making tood progress. I


315ft level extended drivo 8ft, lo le showing signs of A pinch, after which expect au Imp rove wont At 375ft lovel drivon south on the lode lGft total from crosscut 200ft lode continues good in _ize and shows gold In breaking North drlvo in, tended 14ft, total from crosscut 102ft lode fair size, but poor at pre sent Crushed for three woeks 420 tous for 276oz.

PHAR.., Sandhurst Aug 10- 850ft South revel Total -1ft Stone 3ft wide Broken through lava to wo-teru wal) bione on this wall small, broken nono of it down yot 1 OOOIt eastern crot-aout driven 15ft total 030ft Ground vory hard sand stono full of iikeh looking spurs showing galena and minerals bome of thom 1ft. thick Intermediate luv el below 1000ft driven north 0ft, total 117ft from wliuo. Spurs driving on show a little gold Broken further into west on the_a spurs and have found others show ing fair cold \\ o think by the indications that as i w o drivo north the stone will i ni pro v c Crushed 160

loa 1* fur 0-oz, 3dwt

I Pitisec OF WALKS AND OLD TovriiTV Tarnagulla

Au. 10 -Timbering of plat finished and shaft sunk* 0ft for week, total 9.0ft Ground good slate, with verticil quartz veins and a little more water Good headway being mad o with construction of plunger


I AUK Sandhurst Aug ia-Lovel south at 151ft from winze, 2_-3ft, west of shaft total l-l ft Crosscut total 27 ft

Ps INCE OK WAHI AMI BONSHAW Sebastopol Aug 16.-Contrttcblct for sinking »haft 100ft from present deptn (7JiHtj Meantime north drive ou cou mo of lodo will Do ..topped A croweuc west will be put in at about 4S0ft from crosscut from shaft and 200ft back from face of north drlva

PRINCE KEOHST Uallar&t, Aug 16-Very llttlo work done in wo.t drive at 500ft but now in full work face tn good slate country and may como upon stone any time S ton in i, and driving going on ni usual tn levo a above 6001t Gold occasion* ty soeu in breaking Clean up for fortnight on b rldav

PiMiACLP TiinuTK, Silverton Au/ 12.-Uand picked oro ba^wod Ü1. tons value J-S40 oro raUed during past weer 276Jf tous H nd plo-tcd oro despatched 65 tons do on hand, lift tons. Con cintrâtes made 21 tons value £-40, do on hand 05 tons do despatched Oír tons valuo £70 Sto) es In -00ft, level continue to yield fair nroportion of oro suitable for dc.p.tth to am.ltdra without drc-t&lng llavo over 2C0 tons roady for t tams

IINSACLP CONSOLS Silverton Aui, 12.-104 tons hauled and 3« tons bairgcd value A, 50 DeHverlc. for week amount to 25} tons North driv G on course of lodo 101ft. level total 14».r good ore full width of drlvo Drive rorth at bottom lovel total U __._., oro improving on foot walk

IIIOT chiltern Aug 10 - «hall opon out at 130ft inwahh Do not c\poct any further troublo with drift but find it veo dillieu11 to j,ct miners Water decreased great ka)

QUEEN s HiivriiDAT Malmsbur. Au«' 15-Extended wo.t crosscut at 150ft level Sift Lirlv.u south on reef lift and also started driving north --totie still shiws gold both ouds, but small DtivculSft inca.tcrn shaft

HIMNO SUN Broken Hill Aug 13-Escapo drlvo driven 14ft Water got out of shaft and timbered up within 4ft. of 1 ottom of shaft

l.tMNcifcUN ExrtsoBD Broken Hill, Aug 13-Total depth squared 3_iSft Ground favo urabi o , no diili

cult) with water

Rob» OF l>Eh»AKK Sandhurst Aug 13 - Crushed 10Ü loads and treated 11 loads p\ rites for IBOoz. lldvvt gold 1 ixcd tramway to bottom of winze stone hero 2ft in and still goiun catt 000ft. worklugs utill show payable quarts.

KUKSILLB KEF? AMALOAMVTED Lûuriiton, Aug IG -Cros cut west at 100ft total 00ft, country slate a d sandstone in term iked ulth.codors water nbout tho Billie At 271ft lovel vviuztr sunk I-f t., lode about ISIn Bhowlnggull freely btoping as usual at this lovel, -\t310it lu vc I north drivo 10ft,, total fro al crosscut 15úfc havediscoutluued driving north for tho present until the winze is through, tho air not being very good Have driven 18ft on western leg In the rise, have not met with junction of saddle jet Tho lodu will av «rage 2ft and thaw s good cold Clean up Chillian mill to-morrow arid battery aa usual noxt


1!LSSM.LS AMALGAMATE» NO ] Lauriston Aug 15 -Driven western crosscut lftt throuuh tight saud stone bar whieh wo have had so long lu the whait and aro now In poft ¡slate country , small quarts

leaders sho vlng in tho face

Russ. LLSUFFF CONSOLS Lauriston, Aug 15-East it extended Hie, total .SOU , lu clean sand


lti8i\o STVH, Aug lu-Sinking re BUincJ an 4th Ii se, Wttcr very heavy sunk 8t I resent depth 171ft I utting in a pump to the

ball e

STAKOFTHKGLFS Doon Au» li-Manager recom men is tlut lower tu mel «1 ould bu started as Boon M possible and tramw ly puahod on battery working i first class. In m nuit, g alterations to table cleaned

out veil which gave ÖJJOZ. aiiMlwam

[ SHAWS UFKF Havelock Auj, 1J - Sunk 0ft, tofcv!

from No 0 plat 1.0ft Um , uud from surface _U0ít,

Oin Br the end of next week shall commence to cu* plat and drivo for tho croisent lor the reef

SANDHURST TIN. straits Settlement«, July IO.-Out« put of oro tor Juno 07 tons.

SKBVBToro. I LATRAU ¡vo. 1 Sebastopol, Aug 1C Sunk 6ft in hard sandstone total depth OMIt,

sunni STAB, Sebastopol Aug 10.-»halt sunk 7ft, cottl i 47SÍÍ. Croisent 1,1001t lovel extended 20ft, total malt

SOUTH BURRAMHK.0. Young, Aug 12.-Ko 2 mutti drivo extended 10ft No Jsouthsft, cut cast off this 12ft ; Na 4 south 10ft, two cuts cast Sit and 1011

respectively Tbcro has hoon but two dava' work: dono unlurgrounl for Illa week, hiving run out of laths From two vvashin.-i thoro is about -oz. ob-tained Cannot olio cxaet result, as 1 have noa cleaned it up.

-otTii DvizEri, Dall.rat Au." 10 - Iteglatration of tompany e impl ted and scrip mil Le reatlj for issue about Wednesday nott Chairman and en.U uocr onuae ed iouking for a suitable winding plant

c0lTII VVOAir IIAVVI», Raftnr-vt ¿ug lit-Cronctifc out to wo tern slate , little stono in face, lettiu,r out hexvj ftaw water

Sotrrn PLVTEVU Sebastopol Aug 10-Sunk fift, country very hard rotal fl«f liass crosscut ab bOOit. lovel oxtenucd tilt for w cok Owltu. to aonio cistlngs not being ready contractors not quita com-pleted batterv.but expect to luvo u;er> thing lliiished

early In coming week

SUUKMAN Pasnv Billrrat Aug 10 - Cru«hetl for fortnight J03 tons vii Id »Olea Olvvt uood progrc»d being made opening up untie, vviiieli continues ta look well

MWASTfiroL. "-Ti. Sebastopol Aug ia-South drivo on No 1 lulo extendí! 17ft total, lillie Lode In face 1ft weil miuorAliie i Stopped north drivo for few ilajs. South ilmo on JNo, 2 lode oil western crosscut oxtended lift, total 81ft l,odu continues broken up ovvinir to passing throu.h Bllfio fast crossout extended ?.(t, total, lCSft Country state and vvoll settlod

SAto>t Coxaoui Waterloo Aug 10.-Tributors hnd two fices lu »»sit Yield from tour machiues, 20nz lOdvvt Intermediate drivo south end now in 207ft Iroin balance shaft uith vvnwh at poluta of laths

tin UKMtT I ocil, Heelan Auvr 10 -Sunk Sft, making depth 03ft from 1 l«lft level Lodo is of avenes value Amuream for ««ok, lOooz.

SOUTH Loira TUNMU Walhalla Aug 14- I ovil driven ahead lift Intend driving another 12ft, io as to slarfi another stope as thoro is spleudl I (.old ut tho face 1 hu stope« aro still looking Well liavo abiut 12 tons tlrst alass stono at grai.«

SoeTH H.w Moov ba.lcbavvlr, Aug l8-Drova south lovel Sft total ISS t from 116ft. cross mt From this level and Btopea crushed IOS loada forodoz. Savvt Drovo north from tau o ero sout Ort, total 70f t From this lovel and slopes hay c crushed 47 lea Ia for SToz. 4rln t Total l63 loads for DSoz. 7el» L gold Havo sunk winze from tile 100ft level 5ft. total 21ft Cut a «ii lr Oin thick hut seen no gold in It South shaft sunk 7ft total 401ft seen a littlu gold in a stono bin thiel, iu tho bottom of tho


SHAMROCK Wood a Point Aug 0 -Started to cloar away to surf ice in order to i-ink underlie shaft to connect with tho tunnel

SllAMltOeK Sandhuist, Aug IA-Sunk 20tt, total 141ft from plat totil 1 OtiTtt DeulJod to o|ien out at about l,S60ft and drive to reef Crosscut front wlnio driven .0ft At Stitt met with reef Drivcu Sft in atone but nut through it

SOUTH Î>IÎW Ctiuu Suidhiirst Aug 15-tunk Sft, total depth from plat DUft, from surface 500ft lliev north lev el driven 30ft, total _2Q!t Put On thir 1 shift ill alni ing

soLTii WATTLE Gut ir Chewton Au», 15- Vlmsbrl ..(ikiütr shaft Ts-iid*n? called f r cwi-ciitliiu. fa reef Tributcrs breaklnj, st ne Will ctcau up 1 ri

dal next

SHENANDOAH Sandhurst Aug lil -Centro countrv wlnzo below UWOit, crosscut total 46ft and timber I 15ft Ground quarh: intermixed with sandstone an I hoavllv ohirgoi with mun lie nud sho »Ing A littla gold The main livcl south on west leg of reef ex-tended 1 íft total -Oöft Stone lu face 2ft Bin thiel, and shows col I The Btone on the first and second stope» over this lovel aro sho « Ing a little more col I

The stope« north ara nil square 1 up to the North Shenandoah Company ?> boundary with the oxecptio i of tho top one which baa 17ft moro to iro Crush oil 30' tors for a yield of H Coz. 4dwt i»old.

Tri but« rs'eru shed l8 tons for 21oz. 4dwt

ST M US a O Sandhurst Aug ll>-5t>S tons yleldot 41oi_. 15lwt gold oast at 1 300ft oxtended 10ft total 68ft. y\ hore the loa ter was cut tho reef le solid and well mini rohsed and in driving north on it about Sft aast of tho back a little gold has been Boan Crosscut west same level extendc 1 Sft, total, SOft There is a large body of stone here inters, cte 1 bv slides one bearlnL eist and ouo west Ulso a. 000ft has bpcn put up 13ft an 1 holed to winze from intcrme itate level Crosscut west at 2S0ft. has boen extended Oft *O_J.1 J4Oft,

SADOWA Laglehawk Aug 10 -No 14 or 1 lflOffc _ S'fi Very hard sandstone in the fate nt present 280ft Lovel-Crosscut driven 55ft Ground sandstouo and quartz. H»vo not peon nn> cold In It

SOUTH CATHKHINB REEF LaUnhawk Aug 10 -. Crosscut at No 20 or 1 «00ft lovel 5Vt Cut two sim ra In crosscut ona Giu mid the other lin thick Wo havo seen several spool ? of gold in the Oin spur Atl6«0fr the winze his boon sunk 6ft. making 27.fc There is a irood bit of stono In tho winze at present,

but no gold seen

STAU OF TUE BAST Ballarat Aug 15-No 1 Shaft -Crowcuts at 1 0 Oft and 1 7X)_ç lovnls startod At

1 520ft lovel south drive on 4_r^rfi0 of Star lodo 400ft foco carn 1 g Sft of stono showing coo t gold No 2 Shaft 1,100ft Tevol-South drive in 60ft Au the 1 000ft level lift a lied to north drive o i Guid ing Star lode full length %9ft lode hu« tipleudtd np pcaranco and contains cool gold south Drive -Ntopes ovor 1 ack of both levels Are In good stone 000ft Level North Lud-Gold is seen freely In thn stono and mineral Crocsout for Prince of Wales's lode stcndil> advancing Crushed 8°0 tons from star Iodo OOOoz D10 tau» C nidi rig Stir lode 70)oz 17dwt ?fi tons pvrt-« f oz Odwt Total stone, 1,730 ton» liar cold 1 483or uiwt

S< uni Drvov Uushworth Aug V-Finlshcl hreAking up coll bearing loader and could seo gold in Btoiio started to sink winze over drop down 10ft and just cut reef thlnl It ¡J th_ht titano, bub

will kim v more in a dav or so

SOUTH I UhBpn H Lauriston Aug 15-Now cn

traced haul! ig mullock from the 130ft plat Will start sinking ns »oou u_ wc get the plat oleancd


SOUTH CosaiiuMî, Brol on Hill Aug 0 -cros«cut Totnl DSft from i lat or 10¿»lt from «haft

sour» CA nu rear)**, Now outh Wuk* Aug 11 -.Started crushing on Ueduosliy Decided to ceaso working on eastern sidu of river and to work ntl i ig roef on western side and get out a trial crushiut, as boon as po*siMc from the 3ft lode

Sit \ pit HELL Mount 7eehau, Tasmania, Aug 14 (B¿ Telegraph)-As.i> from H corni class ore car honatr* Iron, gi lena III oz. 14dwt 0_,r silver to tho ton -2 per cent of U1.1

SILVKK Cm-.CHVI PioPiUFTViiv Broken Hill Aug 10 (By Telegraph)-'?unie 6ft., total 200ft Still in loda material h it a little har 1er

SlKciMKS h ILL Lat. Ich wv I Aug 10-464 tola yielded Iöloz Sdwt South Lovel-lotal 175/t North wori lugs coming south showinc _,ood LQ.d No 4 lovi-l south-Total 02ft At No 4 level show Ing nice caarwe «old

rrivvoLK A\n NORTH BrtoTiiRirv HOMP A M ».LOA MAT.U laemanm Aucr 12.-Trim road completed to pan d tick aid vvashdirt going t h roui, h sluices of average qualltj Inclino drlvo extended 25It pro-grès« slo v until drill agu drive completed First class tin underfoot will he stoped back Wheel and pump startod, and workliiL well General prospects

of the mina « ncouragitig Sandhurst Aug 10.-At 700ft lovel western crosscut l^Oft. vvhuro eastern back cut but

there is no sign of stone on ft Are now encased ¿inking a winze below the 700ft level lu centre


"VICTORIAN ST MtiNon «midhurst Aug 10 -Crosi cut ea*t ut Jöüit total UÜJft (.round sandstone and slate Intermix-J with three Is of quartz

VICTORV ANDPANDORV ¡sandhurst, Aug 10-KÍso from 2 -butt ha. been put up 18ft , total 4blt lecf Oin thiele, and innre water niakluh Now taking _t crushing from little reef at ti70fG

VICTORIA CROSS, Broken Hill, Aug. 9-Present do pth from 2J_ft ptat OS ft Country contains a Inn, ii percentage of quartz ititi is of a ver> hard nature

\ icrroRiA TOWFR Manna Hill, AUK 11*- Prospect* obtained dally show on average pajablc gold fruin stono Sinking through in the shaft Am, 14 -Lode ii early Sft Prospects washed to day are highly

poya hie

VICTORY, Chartern Towers, Qu eon si and, Aug 11 (By Telegraph).-Contract about finished Making arrangements w Ilh contractors continue sinking shaft Will have to 1,0 deeper according to present ap


WALII.ULV DFKP LFAP Walhalla, Aug 15-Sunk 6ft totil _.70tt Also put on one pipe and one rod Walcrirort-usfuga little

W BLOOM.* VUIUJIISH, .arra Glen, Aug 15- Driven ]3ft, lot_vl loft On w estern ftidi of tunnel there is a. vein of quwrt¿ coming in about 3in tbiok but broken up Nut eceii tttij (,o Id so far, but stone 'ooks pretty


WrLflHitvsB HKFP Lauriston, Aug 15-«toping over lÜOít lovel north andover intermediate level south Both stope« chow ^ o Id freely öholl start! driving north drive next week Tweutj tons bagged, from w hi.h I expeeb a geo 1 return

WH«AL BVJHRI FRISO, Eurlow lu Aug 11 - Lode im proved much softer drvvlmr Hu showinc In fico to-day nn 1 more water majtinir

WOHKINO MINERS IIÜMVUUHH Avoca Aug 15 -Main north drive extend d 4£ft About ISin of Ma»h in the face there Is a little fine trold in It, bun poor lurty prospecting on «.st aid o of this drive lu drive driven by the New North Homebush Companj. Titi* j.round very poor, and no doubt outside ero und Water Shoot-South drivo extended 120ft

In vorj poor ground No 4 Shoot-- No 2 eist drive

ex te ade 4 lOilt all in reef Iii roo rises have been

put up to vva*ih vurjlng from 7ft to ¿ft overhead ft little line ..old was obtained from each but nob payable Laut drive In deep ground c-itended 13ft,. which passed through a narrow vein of gold btl6 dide/ ti> gone it J opened n drive south off it, which has been driven 40ft. tam payable t,old of a better sample than anj other mot with north ot tho b-vlttiice «haft Blcckh g tarried on oU north drivo ten little done on hiji urouml Held Week b<>o-/ lld*r , fortnhrht I10o¿. lldwt

Wununa Mist-lie, Homebuüh Aug 1(1 (Bv Xele« graph)-Yield, I-ridav nud bafurdav, 1-íoz 12dwt

..oz piece lu to daj a vubhiu.:, o su ¿o¿. piece picked out of face South eit>t driv e dit off bottom

WAI KULOO, Waterloo, Aug 10- Gold for w eel ISoz.

13d vvt

YAM>oirURAM>Juiscrioj, Yandoit Aug 1&-Work going on as u.uul