Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Thursday 11 February 1926, page 8

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It hus lone; been a mutter for adversss conxiuent tha£ Axueriean iLuns hold & practical iuoiiopuly ol tae screeu in Bx+kauL, as well as 1a Au&tralia. An interestiag aanounceinent was made to-day on board tha Commonweal tli mail steamta* Ei-peranca Bay by Mr. Harry Southwell, the wellknown aim pruaueer, who returned by thai vessel from England. 'I have something whicn Australia has been wanting: for © long time,' he declared, 'a contract with

the W. and K service, the largest film distributors in England, for six Australian pictures for screening: in England.'* Mr. Southwell will be remembered as fc&a producer of 'The Kelly Gang'* and 'Tha Bells.' He left Australia two years ago for Palestine in connection with tn© making of & picture entitled 'The Seventh Commandment.' winch was filmed shots I 4'J miles from Jerusalem. After four and a half months there he proceeded to Btlgium, is? here the interior work of 'The Seventh Commandment* ' was filmed. Thia picture, it is expected, will be releasedia about six months ; time. Since leaving Belgium he had been in England interesting hunself in the production of Aasfcralian fiiina m britaiu. 'There is a demand and a bi-* market in Britain for Australian outdoor pictures/9 he said. 'The Kelly Gang' and 'Tha IMls.' which did good business, had helped tn clinch the contract, which he hopes v. .11 have me backing of the various State Governments. Mr. Southwell received much encouragement frous the AgentGenera! for W.A. (Mr. Colebatch), who declared at a vaieaictory gathering to Mr. Southwell lust before he left London that the Empire couid not afford to pour out monev for Sims from a foreign though friendly power, and that there is room in Britain for a healthy Imperial picture, particularly Australian. Encouraged, as ha was, Mr. Southwell has decided fco make Western Australia his headquarters. The ccjitraet which he has pbt&med is fo? sia pictures of Australian outdoor life on a guarantee of £3_.000 each, and a 50-50 division of business. 'Robberv Under Arms' and 'Tno Sick Stock Rider' are in contemptation bv Mr. Southwell. The first of the series of pictures under the contract art due to be released about the end o£ March, and the arrangement, which is a recirrocal one, under which Australia will show a quota of British films, is regarded ! by Mr. Southwell as a triumph for the Australian fflvn ir-dnstrv.