Queensland Figaro and Punch (Brisbane, Qld. : 1885 - 1889), Saturday 3 September 1887, page 15

Anti-Chinese Congress.

The Anti-Chinese Conference has sat in Brisbane and, after passing rotes of thanks to the South Australian Government for bringing in a £30 poll - tax Bill to operate in the Northern Territory, and to our own Premier for his reply to the Chinese Commissioners, has passed a resolution to the effect that the Government be

petitioned to immediately impose further restrictive legislation in respect of Chinese coming into Queensland. Messrs. G. W. Keith (Ipswich), Rowland (Bundaberg), Annear (Maryborough), Isambert (Brisbane), Potts (Clermont), Ferguson (Gympie), A. Walker (Trades and Labor Council), Dr. Bancroft (Brisbane), and J. D. Keith (Maryborough), were appointed a committee to prepare the petition. A deputation, headed by J. M. Macrossan, Jack Annear and Isambert, Ms.L.A., afterwards presented the petition to the Premier, who received it favorably, but could not promise that the legislation desired would be introduced this session; neither could he state what form such legislation would assume. John A. Clark has been appointed permanent secretary, vice Potts, who is off on a lecturing tour on the
