Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1901 - 1936), Saturday 2 April 1932, page 12


The "bridge was officially opened by His Excellency the Governor, Lieutenant-General <Sir John Goodwin) who was accompanied by Lady Gcodwin and Miss Madgo Macdonaid, Colonel L. E. C. Worthington-Wilmer, Private Secretary, attended His Excellency.

The Vice-Regal guests were received by the Chief Justice/H-ori. Sir James Blair, and Lady Blair, :the Premier, Mr. A. E.'Moore, and Mrs.

Moore, the Loi'd Mayor and Lady Mayoress, Alderman and Mrs. J. W. Greene, and Cabinet Ministers and Aldermen of the City Council and their wives. Sir John and Lady Goodwin werg conducted to a raised fla^--aciosed dais where in addition to the official party other guests included Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Harding Frew, Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Eomil)rook, and

Bishbip Dixon.

Lady Goodwin "was presented with an exquisite bouquet of pink roses and orchid mauva dahlias by tile, Lady Mayoress, Mrs. j. \V. Greene, and Mesdameis Harding Frew and M. R. Hornibrook received choice bouquets. Mrs.

George Bolton made the presentations on behalf of the contractor for the toncge.

Lady Goodwin wore an ensemble of silk jersey in ash-rose and a small droop shape hat to tone. The Lady Mayoress, a delph blue

spotted voile frock relieved with white satin revers and a white panama hat banded with black ribbon. Mrs, A, E. Moore, a white frock patterned with a small design of almond green and a shady fancy green hat to tone. Lady Blair wore a black morocain frock patterned with a small design in gold and ivory and a black cellophane hat. Mrs. Harding Frew, a fawn figured crepe de chine flounce-d frocs and a rose-beige polished straw hat. Mrs. M. R. Hornibrook, a navy crepe de chine ccat and skirt and navy yedda straw hat.

Included in the gathering were Mr. W. H. Bame?, M.L.A., and Mrs. Barnes, Mr. anil Mrs. K. E,. Nixon-Smith, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Herring, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Vidgen, Mis^ Mary Vidgan, Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Travill, Alderman and Mrs. Lanham, Alderman and Mrs. Moore, Alderman and Mrs. M. P. Campbell. Alderman and Mrs. A. Faulkner, Alderman and Mrs. E. P. Decker, Colonel and Mrs. F. M. Lorenzo, Colonel and Mrs. Stoddart, Mr. and Mrs. NT. F. Hetherington Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. Griffith Oxley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clark, Professor and Mrs. Cumbrae Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Watson, the Minister for Railways, Mr. Godfrey Morgan, Minister for Labour and Industry, Mr. H. E. Sizer, Mesdames Henry Robertson and W. J. Strachan.