Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), Saturday 23 August 1884, page 11

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Tlife Working Man Feels it. : ,

The workidg' M&nihi -M&6kay arb^gaii&ihg ibi understand their, present, unsatisfaetorjrposition better. One of tW most telling evidences of this/ fact is the attitude now being adopted by the local organ of the working men--tfie m.&6ksby: Mercury. That journal<c earnestly entreats the working men to consider how inimical it-will be to their interests to advocate any views which will widen the breach, or add to the difficulties of -some amicable arrange^ ments being come to with their employers;" Just so. The shoe is beginning to pinch all round. Sugar-planters have reduced their expenses and dra^rn in th^ir horns. Hundreds of men are out of employment^ o£hay^|lef£ the district. /This^tellsion the retail tradesmen and the small capitalists. Business is at a standstill, and the town of Mackay ; is facing slick for ruin. Thepig-headed partywho

formerly applauded, the GhriffitMan ravings to the echo, is bitterly ze^h&hg i£of i^s foll^l • \ H1 V\ }r&

It could scarcely have a straighter tip than tlie

adyice^iyen it by th<y&ackay Mercury, and it really is.vhara. to believe one'B eyes when one sees that paper boldly declaringwhat is evidently an un |pleasaiit truth, thusThey (the working men) may doubtless have honestly believed in the Minis terial policy at first, for promises made in ambiguous phraseology, never meant to be and consequently never fulfilled, are too common an experience to need extended comment; but when a house is on fire., it is too late to consider theoretical means of extinguishment/' The Mercury further prognosti cates that the result of united action between the planters and their employes will be " the tolling of the death knell of the Griffith Ministry, so far as the public sentiment of Mackay is concerned/*

Unfortunately, the cloud brought into existence by the Griffith policy, is only juBt commencing to overshadow Queensland. The history of Mackay will be repeated in all the Northern towns, and un less the Griffith Ministry is speedily hurled from power " all the land will be dark " in a very different sense to that used by Griffithian wire-pullers during the late elections. ^ :

In Townsville, grim want is beginning to be felt. Every one is complaining of the scarcity of money, and many men are out of employment. The Towns ville Bulletin says that the community generally has not yet recognised the cause of this depressed state of things, but will do so before long, when " the real battle over Coolie Immigration will commence." Adds the Bulletin" Residents of coast towns and settlers in North Queensland will not submit to ruin because it suited Mr. Griffith to raise the anti Coolie cry for political purposes last year. His doing so appears likely to hasten Separation; by binding Northern centres of population together, to protect themselves against being robbed of their right to develope the natural wealth of North Queensland."

Another poetic comet has arisen. He illuminates the Australian, and styes himself "Hotspur." This is how his rhyme carries him over the hedges and ditches of diyine dreamland :—

I'm very lonely now, I ween,

Since he, true Mend, is gone, My boon companion lie has been,

But now I'm ileffc alone!

'Tis sad to see s6me lovely flower

Plucked rudely from its throne, And cast, by ruthless hands, aside,

It's tint and beauty gone!

The pathos of the "pome" is rivalled only by its weird rhyming. Let me try my hand at banging up "Hotspur's" Hyperion locks :—

It's sad to see you act the goat,

With such a frenzied moan;

Dear "Hotspur," you are not a "poat,"

In head you must be " goan." Your rhyming helplessness would pierce,

The sternest heart of stone,

'Twould send a softer man to tears,

Like grief on errand gone.

# ?# J' ^

. An unusual number of; black costumes were worn at the/Toowo)?mba Show. This maybe accounted for by the fact that black is very popular just now and always looks well. ■ A fine-looking woman dis played a handsome black ..broche trimmed with chenille. A very elegant costume worn* by a young lady, was deservedly much admired, it was of black silk , with loose vest of black satin, andtcascades of black lace and jet down the sides' of the skirt. A pret^ littlev blonde was | attired in navy-blue trim med with old gold ribbons. A handsome married lady in brown satin and velvet. A noticeable cos tume,, though not a pretty one, was of sage-green ' trimmed with maroon velvet. A bright little girl looked charming in seal-brown cashmere andpinkv bonnet. V- *