Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Monday 14 March 1927, page 4



(By 'L.'')

The Fair, which was held on the frozen Thames, at which a whole bullock was roasted some years ago, is probably well within the memory of some who are now living. Still, many more will remember the days when the Serpentine, at Hyde

Park, and the St. James's Park lake, Lon-don, were the exhilarating sport areas of the skater. Those who have reached near to the allotted span of three score years and ten will agree that the climate of Aus-tralia, during their lifetime, has materially changed to what it is to-day. Our own weather during the past week will, per-haps, add slightly to the evidence. Students of geology are satisfied that there have been, not one, but many glacial periods. Those who have followed astro-nomy are aware that the eccentricity of the earth in its orbit round the sun, and the change in the ecliptic are constantly altering. Calculated over a period of no less than 4,000,000 years no uniformity has been discovered, and consequently no for-mula on which to base an exact calcula-tion is available. The traveller to-day sees with his open eyes how, all over the world, land is either rising from or receding to the sea; or, perhaps, to put it more correctly, how the sea is encroaching upon or receding from the land. Those who have followed the reports of the Arctic and Antarctic explorers, will lave endeavored to assign some cause for the existence of coal measures, and the presence of the remains of tropical and semi-tropical flora and fauna, which have been discovered in these regions. Scien-tists are now keenly investigating in order that they may discover a cause for the climatic changes which are generally admit-ted to be taking place. A new facts came to light only last week, when it was re-ported that icebergs had been seen approxi-mate to the route between South Africa and Australia. According to the teachings of many emi-nent geologists and physicists, the earth, in its path round the sun changes its posi-tion both in eccentricity and eclipticity once in about every 26,000 years. Thus, within this period, there are alternate cold and heat epochs, in both hemispheres. In this range of time the summer, in the Arc-tic regions, is lengthened from the cause mentioned by no less than 34 days during the year, and conversely at the Antarctic. Due to the lengthened summer, obviously, more ice melts, more water is poured into the sea, and more land is encroached upon until the level is found. As, however, the ice increases in the Southern Hemisphere, the water remains at a higher level in the Northern Hemisphere, as it has no outlet to find a lower level. That such changes do take place and are taking place may be seen by anyone who cares to walk from Fremantle along

our coast northwards. The sea has re-ceded. Whether the presence of the ice-bergs, which were recently seen, is indica-tive of a break-up of the ice at the South Pole, and with it a return of sea encroach-ment, must be for scientists to declare. At the same time, the phenomenon is worth consideration, especially in view of the cli-matic changed which we have experienced during the last decade. Another point of interest is how far the earth has proceeded along the path of the 26,000 years, when the complete change between north and south is said to take place. Theoretically it should be felt more gradually than is the case in the light of the facts which are constantly presenting themselves. It may be, however, that the calculations of the scientists have been falsified, by both natural and artificial causes. We know, for instance, that in all parts of the world the rock matter of the mountains is disintegrating, and the debris therefrom finding its way to the sea in silt to the extent of millions of tons daily via the great rivers. Precipitated on the sea floor, this debris may be the means of altering the centre of gravity. The change of axis thus brought about, even to the smallest extent, might possibly work a great change as regards climate. Again, within the last decade, the Panama Canal has been opened. It would be interesting to learn how far this has changed the course of the Gulf Stream, and brought still greater heat to the climate of Northern Europe, and, conversely, a milder climate, such as we have recently been experienc-ing in the Southern Hemisphere The subject is full of interest, and one upon which an exposition from qualified scien-tists would be welcome.