Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Saturday 14 October 1905, page 4


Owing to the delay which has occurred in receiving replies from the various bands throughout Western Australia, as to the probability of entries for the sug-gested band competition (although a few bands had signified their intention of competing) the committee has decided not to include the band competition in the week's programme this year, but for next

year's celebrations early steps will be taken to ensure the holding of the com-petition. BUREAU OF INFORMATION. The committe in charge of this branch of the week's affairs has appointed a man to canvass the leading hotels, boarding and lodging houses of Fremantle for in-formation as to the accommodation like-ly to be available at each, and the tariff, charges, etc, In case the canvasser fails to call on any proprietor of these estab-lishments, they are urged to call at the office of the bureau committee, Rialto Chambers, High and Henry streets, Fre-mantle, and register their names and es-tablishments. Those who fail to do so of course will not participate in the be-nefits to be derived by the bureau having Information for visitors to Fremantle as to accommodation, etc. All matters in connection with the movement are assuming a definite shape, and the committees are working very hard to ensure tho success of the 'Fre-mantle Week.' In the amusement column appears an advertisement, giving full particulars of the tug-o'-war and log-chopping contests, and further particulars as to the other events will be advertised from day to day.