Clipper (Hobart, Tas. : 1893 - 1909), Saturday 3 September 1898, page 3

Political Kicks.

Sir Fyah : 'My old colleague (Mr. Bird), who has ever been with me in the front rank of progress.' Oh Shemiminny! * Ulverstone-Burnie Bailway,£88,000,paued : Assembly by b 20 to 10 majority. 'The estimated Iobb is £8000 per annum/' reiterated opponents of the measnro. Bat the House simply said ' Pooh I' It was necessary to 611 the trap in the publio railway

system. Moreover, McKonzie crew pathetically eloquent to an enthusiastic orowd of fifteen members (mostly asloep), so the Bill simply had to go through. MoK. lives up that end of tlie island, and knows all about the need for filling gaps. Cnptnin Evnns i-lrongly advooaled the Ulverrtnu-- cxt.nbiou. 'The n'ttlars up iliutwuy would derive incalculable benefit from huviug their gap filled up.' An eloquent Southern member appealed to the House to exhibit no ?' parsimmious ' spirit in the matter of the Ulverstone railway. The House barkened to the appeal. 'Railways make the country,' deolared Sir P.O.F. ' Tbe expenditure may involve a loss to the Treasury, yet be a very great gain to the people.'. Hear, hear 1 Especially some people. Sir Fysh shouldn't be so cooksure about the benefits derivable from railways, It ia only a matter of opinion after all. For i have we not a Tab. News correspondent ' writing from Campbell Town (where Brown i comes from) that ' What we want hero is ! the abolition of the railway and a return to the days ot busy roads and full coaches.' And Campbell Town ought to know, you know,' -This paper considers the language of Fysh with something akin to awe. Sample; "Oxen lending their willing shoulders to the yoke." Now why couldn't he say: "Bullocks pulling like blanky ——? Fysh, like a lot more of our politicians, is evi- dently too old to learn Australian sentiment or Australian slanguage. At last, at long last. The House of Refuse carried the repeal of the meat duties on the k voices. The climb down was performed about as gracefully as an elephant descendin; a ladder. And how the elenhants iiin

tified their tumble by protesting tbat they would have coiuo duwn before, and more lomnrely, but for their desire to defend the blessed constitution. Good old constitution. The will of tbe people is nothing, tbe constitution everything ! Dobeon: 'My friend the Minister of Lands is a fair-minded gentleman, but his arguments are most silly.' floif courteous !Henry Henry D.: 'The railways are not paying because of thu bad financial legislation in the past.' Crowther: 'Because of the roguery over the main hue!' But Henry 'cocked a deaf 'an.' Crowther ought really to know better than to stir up such unpleasant matters. Hoggins, the Hero of the Native Born, lifted up his voice in the House the other night and demanded tbat the Government should take a broad national view of the Ulverstone railway proposal aud 'go flow ' What, already P iion-erer, the Native Bor. spoke up for a removal of Customs Dot' as, and if he doesn't want to 'go slow ' on that point, good luck to him. The two sea captains in the Assembly are given to illustrating their w.tighty remarks by means of nhartd pisnedto the wall of the , Chamber. Miles lately pointed an immoral and adorned his talo by means of a gaudy map of West Coast matters, and Emus used a bimikr aid to the understanding of' Mr. Sneaker' ou tbe suluint. nf fill

ing that Dlveratone railway cap. Come to think of it, these two fearless mariners probably know better tban any other members of tbe House the advisability of sailing strictly by the chart. Thore ought to besomnlawto prevent the advortiserbofFluukey Brand Pills that won't ? ' wash clotuee, or 1'iul; Soap for Dirty People, cunuaturing '? 'orrible members' of our Uppor House oo tha city lioartlinirs. Couldn't 1'urson Woollnougu'a Desecration of Uoh-y PlaceB proposal bu made to n't the situation P Waratah Hall nuthoritively declares that the increase in the Ilaoriland population is due to the railways. Possibly. Though most of the M.L, Hues are siugle, the rails * are lnid in couples. Questionable, though. whether tunse wobbly gridiron erections of -Stout and Vog.-l (the Midland Railway for int,tauco) nvrerebponsible lor much increase of population, though there have been many bibles for the country to hold. Several M's.L.C. who perforce somersaulted on tbe meat tai proposals were I careful to snow that tbe cououmers owed them no thanks. Eor Instance, one of the pachyderms said be ' wan certain the repeal of tbe taxes would not make meat any cheaper.' Alright, we'll see. No thanks to tlie Grubb-Uellibrand push whether it does or doesn't. But what prico the boasted ' backbone ' of legislators who vote for a measure which they believe will not aohieve : its object? Gordelpne! Wo really should have a Taamanian I1AN8AKU, for, under the present ulipshod luiiunor ot reporLing the speeches of 1 ornble members,1' tbeclectors can never ' net even a remote idea of tho stupendous | stupidity and incompetence of their law- . makers. And they oogUt to ba able to get tbat information Only occaBioually do we ' i get a glimpse ot the long ears. This i. from \ ? a M.LRCUKY report of Collins' speech on the i Constitution Amouduiont Bill :— '-There had I beou introduced into thu measuro this clause I reducing tbe franchise and giving it to 4 women. ... He was iu favor of grant- .-ing the franchise to women, but ... . He doubted whether tho women of 'the colony wanted tbe franchise ... It ,'^ would be a good thing- to ha»o a referendum ' to see if the women of tho colony as a whole ? I really desired tho votu. Ho noticed that ? ' women took a deep and intelligent intere«t ? ?'* in tho federation question.' What prioe? '' He believes in woman suffrage, but won't 4 give thorn a vote until tbey declare by rote '*' tbat they won't have the vote! Ureatffodi, . (? theseof ours, isn't 'em P ? ? ? ? : -? Attorney-General Urgn!i»rt it gmig to '?- -r' ?' try itheoan pilot Ins Jabor bilJa liirotLjh ' . 1 * both HoueoB of Parliament tttu itrmtfrmj- ??? r ' ** ttpeoitUythtWrngetAtoLolfueutBiU. ^ . ;' . 7 ( '*~ V *,',*'? ' ' «