Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Friday 27 September 1918, page 2


The Minister for Mines, just back from a visit to the Murchison goldfield, was in/uch impressed by the, desolation he saw at Cue and Day Dawn,

where for years large and prosperous communities of resolute men and, plucky women flourished while the Great Fihgall and other mines were in their payable stages. .But while the desolation depressed him/ he saw enough shows of promise in the district to give him hope that those towns are far yet fromxbeing numbered amongst the dead in bur mining records. He. says: — '-'Despite the fact 1 that mining activities have reached a low' ebb, one cannot visit these places without being impressed with the vastness of our auriferous areas, and each month brings to light know.ledge of some more or less important features. Most of the known deposits situated within reasonable distance are of low 'grade, and it remains to 'be solved how these can be made to pay. Cue' arid Day Dawn and the surrounding districts contain a number of prospecting and abandoned shows that should' give profitable employment to a number of men if they hail ' reasonable facilities for the treatment of their ore. , The country needs this gold, and the Empire will need it more than ever when the final adjustments of war finance take place. I am faced with the serious problem of turning these decadent centres into activity and assisting to make them wealth producing, and it is one that must be grappled with. The' cry is fcr a State battery, and I believe it would be real economy to\ establish one there, even though a direct profit cannot be expected to be derived by. the State. It will be the means, I believe, of putting into circulation wealth that is now lying idle,' while we may hope' that it will lead to discoveries at depth that will cause some of the older and abandoned mines tq be re-worked on a large scale, while new properties 'will spring into existence.' ?'?????'?? ?? ??--?-From our own knowledge of the field, we have no doubt that a State

battery is abundantly Justified at. 'the. Cue-Day Dawn centre,' and that its' establishment there will not only 'keep the two towns aliye, but wi.U lead to a revival in their midst of prpspectingi which may. have vastly important re-, ?suits for the State, as well as for the Murchison. It is absolutely essential that Cue and Day Dawn'shall be kept alive. They are the centre of a great field that all who know it are convinced has wonderful' possibilities. Those possibilities can only be given a chance while the towns mentioned* axe maintained in being. Suffer them to pass into nothingness, and the fate of prospecting1 will be practically seal-r ed for at least a generation.' The. State battery promises' well. ' There 'is plenty of assured work ahead 'of i't7 and more that may follow, ' provided our Mines Department will 'embark upon a progressive policy of encouragement of prospecting. Mr. Hudson need not be faint-hearted about this* battery proposal. ' 'The only rnlstalce he can make regarding it is to turn it down.. '

Mundaring Weir Excursion. — The Railway Department advertises In this issue that on Sunday next, 29th Inst, an excursion train will leave Perth ; at 11K45 aari. for Mundaring Weir'; return train will lea,ve the Weir at 4 pan. ''A special excursion train will also /leave Perth at 1045 ajn. on Sunday next for Wooroloo (via Parkerville), stopping at all stations en route. 'It is anticipated that both trains will be largely availed of iby picnic parties. G.U.O.QjFi— The Soblaco Lodge celebrated its 21st anniversary in the Alexandra Hall, on Tuesday evening, the 24th inst, by a banquet and dance. The hall was gay with decorations, arid the attendance was large. The Grand Secretary, Bro. W. R. Mell, presided. During the banquet musical items were rendered, olf which special mention naay be made of two stringed orchestral ri umbers, contributed iby the Bros. McNair. and Allen, of the Midland Junction Lodge, assisted by several ladies. Songs were given by the Misses Moore, Lampy, Willin, Cowlmfi, arid Petti -grove, and little Miss Paisley (a clever child). The toast of the Grand Lodge of W.A. was proposed by Bro. A. Roy Mell, who eulogised the work of the Grand Master, Bro. Barrett, arid his colleagues. The Grand Master responded. Other toasts of the evening were 'The Strbiaeo Lodge' and 'The. Ladies,' by_ Bro. Woods; 'The Visitors,' by 'Bro. Richards, and 'Absent Friends,' proposed By.' Grand Secretary Mell, ?which was honored in . silence; In proposing1 the toast of the Subiaco Lodge, Bro. Woods referred to the'fact that 33 per cent, of the members were on' active service. (? After the ibanauet, dancing vas indulged

in to a late hour, Bros. Appel, Diprose; and'Ritter supplying the inusic. The singing of the clever children of Bro. Ritter, interspersed with' the 'dancing, was very enjoyable. Sale at Cottesloe. — Messrs. Meek and Richardson, under instructions from Mr. O. Kerby, will conduct an auction sale next Monday at 2 pjn., at 59 John-street, Cottesloe. A fine lot of Household furniture and effects will be sold without reserve.