Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Thursday 29 July 1880, page 3


(From the Echo. Herald, and Evening News.)



[Herald.]-The weather all the week was very fine, but piercing cold winds prevailed throughout the day. There were heavy frosts nightly, and occasionally ram threatened, but

passed away.



[Herald."}-A. number of people are leaving here for the Temora goldfield, and some who left here a few weeks ago are amongst the most fortunate there.


[Evening News.']-The crushing of the Mountain Maid, last evening, returned 1016 oz. of gold for 238 tons of stone, and about 30 tons more of the same stone has yet to go through the mill. This mine has yielded upwards of £22,000 during the past

two years.



[Echo.]-The resignation of another alder-man of the Grafton Borough Council is con-sidered probable. General disgust is expressed at no action being taken to impose a fine upon the aldermen resigning, as provided for in the Act. As yet the Council has done nothing this year, and the whole affair is in

an unsettled condition.

The delay in calling for tenders for the new bridge at Lawrence causes considerable comment upon the dilatoriness of the depart-




[Echo.]-The nomination for the represen-tation of Windsor in Parliament took place at the Courthouse, Windsor, this morning.

Mr. J. B. Johnston, J.P., proposed William Walker, solicitor, of Windsor, and Alderman Smith seconded the nomination.

Mr. W. Moses, Mayor of Windsor, proÎosed Henry M'Quade, of Windsor, and

oseph Onus, J.P., seconded the nomination. After the speeches, a show of hands was taken, and resulted in favor of Mr. M'Quade.

A poll was demanded by Mr. Walker, and will take placo on Thursday next.



[Echo,]-Great numbers are leaving here for the Temora rush. Mining affairs are quiet. Jones and party of Currajong, have ¡had a very good crushing. They cleaned up yesterday 111 tons for over 120 oz. St. Croix and party, in the adjoining claim, struck a reef at four feet sinking on Saturday, show-ing splendid gold. Medlyn and party are now crushing. The prospecting party assis-ted by the Government are prospecting ground about 12 miles west of Parkes. They will bottom the first shaft to-morrow or next

day. Tho locality was highly spoken of by the Government geological surveyor when he passed through this district.

The crops are looking splendid, and the weather is beautifully fine.



[Echo.]-An accident happened to the boiler of the engine belonging to the Great Extended Company's works, connected with the washing department; but a number of horses and carts will be put on to keep the boxeB going while the necessary repairs are being effected, which will save the mon from being thrown out of employment.

The Golden Band (Messrs. A. Pepper and Co.) commenced to wash on payable ground on Saturday.

The Perseverance (Messrs. T. IT. Alley and Co.) are making great progress with their covered tailrace. It is expected to be finished in about three weeks when they will strip a paddock preparatory to washing.

The price of store cattle is still ruling very low, and small mobs of two and three years old are realizing only £1 per head. Draught horses aTe, however, in great demand, owing to the number requirad in the various mining


The weather is now fine, but the snow has not yet disappeared from the mountain tops.

A number of miners are preparing to leave

for the Temora rush.



[Herald.]-During the past day or two nothing in the shape of mining discoveries has occurred worth reporting from Temora. There are now fully thirty claims on payable gold, but want of water is the drawback, and extensive preparations are being made for water storage. Cook and Pollett have fifteen spadesmen at work at an immense dam, which when finished and filled will provide washing for all the rush. They have two and intend to have four puddling machines. Much satis-faction is expressed at the prospect of a daily mail. At a monster meeting held on Satur-day (Dr. Browne in the chair) a petition waB drafted and signed, praying the Government to provide storage for water for sanitary and domestic purposes. This ÍB urgently needed, otherwise an epidemic must break out when the hot weather sets in. The population has greatly increased during the last few days, and hundreds arrive daily. Three newspapers are being started.



[Herald.]-Eather Hennebery, the temper-ance advocate, ÍB at present on a mission to Mudgee. He holds services three times a day, in the Roman Catholic Church, to large con-gregations.



[Evening News.]-A sad accident happened to Henry Hopman, a maintenance man, on the bridle track-road, on Friday, through carelessness. He was warming dynamite by the fire, when he heard it fizz. He went to pull it back from the fire, when the explosion took place. He is cut about the hands, arms, face, chest and legs, but not very seriously. He had to be brought on Saturday from Brumbin, 20 miles distant from Hill End.


._ Monday.

.[?HeraZá.]-The Havilah (s.) left to-day, with the first consignment of tramway cubes tor Sydney. The trade is now assuming large dimensions, and the punctual dispatch of the present contracts, amounting to over

30,000 tons, will keep the vessels buisily employed. There are large quantities of stone on the wharf awaiting transit.



[Herald.)-The Sunday School Centenary was celebrated yesterday at St. Matthew's Church, by a service of Bong by the children of the united schools, numbering 400. All the Protestant clergymen assisted in the ser-vice, which was highly successful.

The agitation for the abolition of interest on conditional purchases is spreading, and several public meetings on the subject are




[Herald.]-The attendance at the Exhi-bition to-day was meagre. The foreign exhi-bitors will be entertained at a complimentary ball on Thursday.

Mr. Thomason, director for Ibbotson, Brothers, has arrived, and expresses his wil-lingness to give all information in his power

with reference to the steel rail contract.


[Evening News.]-A large meeting was held at Toowoomba last night, and a strong feeling was shown against the Government proposal of establishing a new mail service, at any rate before the Treasurer had made known the financial state of the colony, and his proposals for raising the additional reve-



' Monday.

[Herald.]-A strong south-east gale has prevailed for the past 36 hours. The Azela, schooner, from Normanton, is anchored in the roadstead, and is expected to go ashore before morning unless the gale abates.



[Herald.]-Mr. Justice Higinbotbam com-menced his judicial duties to-day.

A man named William Woulte hung him-self in Albert Park. It seems, from a paper left by deceased, that he had made away with some funds of a Druids' Lodge, to which he belonged.

Mr. Bailliere, bookseller, is insolvent, with

debts estimated at £1500.

Mr. M'Intyre, late M.P. for Sandhurst, has brought a libel action against the Age, with damages at £5000, for attributing to him Corruption.

, Charles Travers Summers, son of the sculp-tor, has arrived here en route for Sydney, where he is to erect the statue of Sir Edward


,A meeting of the Exhibition Commission was held to day, but nothing of Bpecial im-portance transpired. It referred principally to the working of the various committees.

At an Opposition caucus on Monday, it

was resolved to move a vote of want of confidence as an amendment on the Address in reply.

There has been considerable excitement, to-day, in regard to the outrage at the Opera House on Saturday night. Mrs. Greer and M. Soudry will probably recover, but neither is out of danger, as inward hemorrhage may

set in. Mr. Greer's case is believed to be hopeless. Mrs. Greer asked, this morning, to be allowed to write to Soudry, which was re-fused, and then she said she supposed she must see her husband if he was going to die, but did not want to see him if he was to live. The affuir has caused quite a pain-ful sensation, and it is thought that Soudry cannot continue to hold his position in con-nection with the French court of the Exhibi-


At the champion pigeon matches, at Caul-field, to-day, W. Sayer won the champion stakes and gold cup, and also the handicap. He shot splendidly, and only missed one bird during the day. Mr. L. Lord, of Sydney, was 2nd in both matches. Henry P. Weston, of Sydney, also shot well.


[Herald.]-The Governor's speech at the opening of Parliament was very brief,» and comprised four paragraphs. It called spe-cial attention to the state of the finances, andfalling off of the revenue, and the esti-mated deficit for the ensuing year, nnd ex-pressed a belief that Parliament will provide for such deficit. In regard to reform, it Btated that several proposals have been sub-mitted and the matter fully discussed, and a hope was expressed that the House will be able to arrive at some satisfactory solution of the difficulty. The speech then briefly called attention to the other measures requir-ing consideration, and enumerated the Railway Construction Bill, the Water Conservation Bill, and the Land Act

Amendment Bill.



[Herald.]-At a meeting of the City Council, to-day, Mr. Buik moved a motion in favour of the erection of a now Council Chamber. The motion was rejected, as it was thought that the work would be too costly.

At the Police Court, to-day, William Milne, jun., wine merchant, was fined £20 for having in his possession labels for spirits

without the words " Bottled in South Aus-tralia" on them.

A deputation from tke Chamber of Manu-factures waited on the Minister of Education to-day, to urge upon him the desirability of establishing a system of technical education. Mr. King said the Government would con-

sider the matter and render what assistance they could.

Miss Lizzie Lloyd King, who is supposed to havo murdered Mr. Goodrich, in Brooklyn, has composed

a curious letter, in the insane asylum, by cutting 6cpa-1 rato letters from a book furnished by the American Bible Society. These were arranged so as to make a readable letter, and then sewed letter by letter, word by word, sentence by sentence, until two fu.l sheets ( both sides ) wero covered. Even the direc-tions on the envelope wero wrought in the same way. She resorted to this method in order to carry out her purposo, inasmuch as the inmates are prohibited from having cither pens, ink, paper, knife or scissors. Tho letter was prepared as a petition, asking that the Con-gress of the United States would repeal tho State law authorizing persons indicted, but not convicted of a crime, being sent to an insane asylum, which law she declares ex post facto. Governor Cornell has

the letter.

Senator George Brown, of tho Canadian Parlia-ment, who was shot in the thigh on the 25th March last by a discharged employe, and whose wound at that time was not considered dangerous, has now died

from its effects.
