Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), Saturday 29 September 1923, page 5


London, Thursday.—The evacuation of Corfu began yesterday, when tran-sports were loaded with guns and am-munition.

The Admiral announced that the evacuation would be complected, and the Italian flag lowered to-night. The " Morning Post's'' Rome cor-respondent states that the Ambassa-dors' Conference decision has been hailed as a complete and final vindica-tion of Italy' action. Almost every acclamation of Signor Mussolini's policy is coupled with denunciation of England as a false friend. Paris, Thursday.-—The award of the Ambassadors' Conference with respect to Janina has been confirmed, and the matter is declared to be settled, ex- cept that Italy reserves the right of recourse to an International Court of Justice in connection with the occupa-tion expenses. The Ambassadors' Conference decid-ed to award Italy 50,000,000 lire from Greece.