Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), Wednesday 12 February 1930, page 4

Dalrymple Shire Council


The monthly meeting of the Dal-rymple Shire Council was held in the Shire Hall yesterday afternoon. Coun-cillor A. Shepherd occupied the chalr, and others present were: Councillors G. Woodburn, T. J. Salmon, J. Rollin-son, W. Byrnes, and the Shire Clerk (Mr. R. Russell). Apologies for un-avoidable attendance were received

from councillors J. S. Swanson, N.

Surgeon, H. M. Clark. W. O. Brown,

and A. Black.


From Assistant Under Secretory, Home Secretary's office forwarding copy or Order-in-Council: (1) abolishing the Shire of Ravenswood; (2) altering the boundaries of the Shires of Aramac, Belyando, Dalrymple, Flinders and Jericho (a) by including in the Shire of Dalrymple the Shire of Ravens-wood; (b) by including in the Shire of Dalrymple part of the Shire of Flin-ders, and by excluding the said part from the latter; (c) by including in the Shires of Belyando, Dalrymple and Jericho, and by excluding the said

parts from the latter; (d) by including in the Shire of Belyando parts of the

Shires of Jericho and Dalrywple, and by excluding the said part from the latter; (3) re-dividing the Shire of Dalrymple as altered into three divi)-sions; (4) dividing the Shire of Flin-ders as altered into four divisions.

From Assistant Under Secretary, Home Secretary's office, furnishing replies to questions submitted by the Council with regard to the alteration of the boundaries of the Shires of Aramac, Belyando, Dalrymple, Flin-ders and Jericho;—(l) The new Coun-cil of Shire of Dalrymple will consist of seven members. (2) The Council lor representing the portion of the Shire of Dalrymple included in the Shire of Flinders will continue in Qffice after December 31, 1939. (3) It is sug-gested that the Clerk of the Ravens-wood Shire Council be asked to com-plete the financial statements and sta-tistical returns for 1929. He might also be asked to carry on until other

arrangements are made. (4) Arrears of rates ere attached to the land and to go with it on transfer to another shire. This matter will be settled in the ad-justment of accounts which will be made by the Audltor-General. (5) With regard to the sanitary cleansing plants and pumping plants in the part of the Shire of Dalrymple included in the Shire of Flinders, I desire to state that the Auditor-General will deal with these and other matters in making his Ad-


In reply to Councillor Salmon, the Clerk said they took over control of Ravenswood from January 1. There will he no representation of Ravens-wood until the elections; they would just go on as at present until then. They had got practically everything they asked for in connection with the re-arrangement of boundaries.

It was stated Ravenswood Shire business would be carried on from Charters Towers, and the office there

would be closed.

Prom Under Secretary, Home Sec-retary's office, forwarding copy of gaz-ette notice declaring that when a poll is required to be taken in the Shire of Dalrymple it be taken in the mode prescribed in Subdivision 111 of the Local Authorities Acts 1902 to 1929.

(Postal Ballot).

Prom Marsland and Marsland. ac-cepting appointment as the Council's


Fom Mining Warden, Charters Tow-tre, re Miners Homestead Perpetual Lease 9297. lessee Frederick Charles Turnbull. The Council was asked to advise whether a road included in the survey of tile lease was now neces-


It was decided to reply that Sehheim being a meatworks and trucking cen-tie, the Council required the road 1n question left open.

To Minister tor Agriculture and Stock in reference to complaints re-garding straying pigs in the vicinity of Macrossan. The Health Inspector had reported that he had no power to take action, since impounding was im practicable. The Council asked the Minister's Department to take some

action to remedy the trouble. Besides

annoying graziers, 95 per cent of the population of the Mocrossan district use the Burdekin River water, which was being polluted by these animals.

From T. P. Stephens, P, M, Costello,

and T. Bullock, Macrossan, complain-ing of the straying pig nuisance.

The secretary raid the Minister had been on tour, and no reply could be

expected until he returned to Bris-


The Chairman said their solicitor had advised them to hold off until the Department took action. A man had shot p pig, and the owner got the police down. The inspector had ap-plied for further powers to compel own-ers to keep the pigs penned all the time.

Councillor Salmon said pigs were be-coming a nuisance all over the place.

Councillor Rollinson said if a man wanted to keep pigs he should fence a piece of land for tbe purpose. He fur-ther stated that hungry pigs would pull a cow down.

The Clerk said one woman complain-ed that pigs had been eating young goats alive.

From North Queensland Employers' Association, advising the annual meet-ing would be held in Townsville on February 27.

Prom G. C. Stephenson, Danby, Charters Towers, drawing attentlon to tbe bad state of the road from the city boundary to Little Sandy Creek. A few loads of metal would put it in order.

It was decided to attend to the mat-ter.

From W. Strabow offering to put the road to the Broughton, from where the Broughton Road leaves Bluff Road to the King's Gully School Road, in repair for £30.

The Clerk said Council men were do-ing the road.

From A. Holmes stating Mr. Lewis Williams was prepared to repair about three miles of lane Joining Bluff Road, about half a mile from Hogsflesh Creek Crossing, for £20 or £25. The writer was cut off from Woodchopper Road through a block of land being taken up.

It was decided to reply that the ap-plication could not be entertained.

From Queensland Main Roads Com-mission, advising the handrails on Macrossan bridge were to be omitted, but provision for erection of same must be made in the kerbs, as as done in the first section of the bridge.

Prom Main Roads Board, forward-ing plans and specifications for the making of the approaches to Macros-san bridge.

It was decided to approve of the


From Lands Administration Board, enclosing copy of notice relative to the application of Bartholomew Heery for the closure of a road in the parish of West Burdekin.

It was stated the Council had no ob-jection.

From the District Land Commissioner asking whether the Council was agree-able to the cancellation of the reserve for agistment paddock (Chick's) on Sandy Creek.

It was decided to reply that the Coun-cil had no objection to the cancella-


From District Land commissioner,

advising application had been made for a lease of ten acres on Mount Cooper holding to include Cooper's Waterhole, on the stock route inter-secting the applicant's holding. The applicant (A. J. Costello) intended clear ing, forming a dam, erecting windmill, supply tanks and troughs, and to fence the dam. He was prepared to let the travelling public and stock not exceed-ing 50 5n one mob, water free, but mobs of more than 65 head would be charged 3d. per head per drink. The pro-cedure would be to establish a water reserve of ten acres and contain the water hole, which would fall under the Council's control, and thereafter made available a special lease of the reserve The Council was asked for its views on the application.

Councillors thought a penny a head a reasonable charge, and it was decided to reply that the Council had no ob-jection to a nominal charge for the

use of the water.

It was stated that when it was seen what work had been done to improve the water supply, application for a re-vision of the charge could be made.

From Town Clerk, Bowen, asking for the support of the Oouncll in repre-sentations made to the Director for Education for the alteration of school hours to suit the tropical climate. The application also included a request that there be no physical drill for children

after 9 o'clock.

The Chairman said the present sys-tem had always given satisfaction, and he did not think the proposed change


It was agreed that the letter be mere ly acknowledged.

Prom Home Secretary's office, for-warding copy of memoranda with re-gard to the proposed alteration of boundaries between the Shires of Card-well, Dalrymple, Etheridge, Herberton and Hinchinbrook, and advising that a conference of interested parties would he held at Ingham in February.

The Clerk said the holders of pas-toral lands in Cardwell and Hlnchin-brook wanted to come into Dalrymple for the sake of the low rate. As things were, pastoralists were being charged the rate rate as for agricultural land.

Councillor Salmon said the re-ad-justment of rates was the duty of the Shires concerned. Dalrymple did not want to have to build and maintain roads in far away localities that would

be little used.

The necessity for representation was urged, and it was decided that the Chairman represent the Council at the proposed conference.


The Health Inspector's reports for December and January stated only one case of notifiable disease had been re-ported. That was a case of diphth-eria at Pentland. Otherwise the Coun-cil's area was free from disease and the general health good.


The finance report recommended for payment the following accounts: — No. 5, £108 6s. 7d.; No. 6, £46 5s. 8d.; No. 7, £61 0s. 9d., and No. 8. £30 1s. 7d. The receipts since last meeting amounted to: General fund £300/3/4, cleansing fund £32 6s. 4d. The bank balances were: Genera! fund (cr.) £485 16s. 9d. cleansing fund (dr.) £276 1s. 10d, and after allowing for outstanding cheques drawn that day, there would be a gen-era! fund credit of £402 12s., and a cleansing fund debit of £315/3/5.

The Clerk said the financial state ment for the year had just been audit-ed. It showed No. 1 Division had a debit of £1011 3s. 1d., No. 3 a credit of £439 17s. 6d., and No. 4 a credit of £782 11s. 5d.


The Clerk reported that the Merry Monarch dam bad burst during the heavy rain. Some years ago, he said, people on the goldflelds petitioned that the dam be cleaned out, but this was not done. It was presumed what had happened now was that the dam had silted up, and would not hold any large quantity of water.

Councillor Byrnes said the break was about 10ft, wide by 10ft. deep, and another heavy fall of rain might wash the embankment right sway. There was a good deal of water still remain-

ing, and he considered it well worth repairing before the damage became greater. He said the same thing would happen with the Mount Leyshon dam very soon. Cattle had worn pads in the embankment, and he suggested the fencing off on the top of the dam.

It was decided that the Council's men repair the Merry Monarch dam, and that an inspection also be made of the Mount Leyshon dam.

Councillor Salmon drew attention to the washing out of a turntable about four miles out, beyond White's Gully, and it was decided that the matter be attended to.

In reply to the Chairman, Councillor Salmon said the site for the aerodrome

had been burned off, and now looked

very well indeed.

The Chairman said there were num-erous places up the line wanted at-tending to, but it was useless consider-ing them while the wet weather last-ed. However, there was one matter. From Pentiand to Cape River there was only a two chain road, a selector having fenced off, and this being all gullies, would be very expensive to put in order. On the other side of the line there was a five chain stock route, and he thought this would make a far better road.

This concluded the business and the meeting.