Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), Wednesday 24 June 1925, page 2


from pur own Correspondent).'

. ; LONDON*. May- 7.


The Derby situation (writes Centaur, j

our racing expert) underwent a tur

tber cbanse as a mult of the Two j

Tinusand Guirvae ract-^tUe - flr*t classic race dl the-aea&on .. Zionist, (u I predicted he would do, started a hot favorite, and it really looked 4* though the Aga Khan's colt - bap nothlug to bta» Picaroon feors &e combat.' Uanapplly, tuTturried' out! to-be an abStct tailure,anJ never ^nce I in the course of the mile rtce did ty1 tprohiise to Justify his admirer*. On

I looks alone he was the-one Jiora* to

back. His full quarters wer*-clothed with solid muscle, anA* but for break* liny out a little, h$ was the perfectly [trained racehorse. Yet'he waa never {going w^U in the race, and bis (ate {was sealed Cully a quarter ot a mile jfrqm home. Carelake, his Jockey,

ftfien asked it be could «hed any ltjrbt on tbe mystery, replied -that Ziontit was never galloping at any - part ^ of the r&ce. Almost from the start he was banging badly to ttie left. He paid: vMy ccl)' chance .» Trap ab6ut three and a half furlongs 'from tbe winning poet but when I ceiled upon toy home, be wanted to dart over to til* rati* again/' tthere Is no doubt Corslake bad a very . uncomfortable ride, and -it was obvious "to ®*1 on* lookers that he experienced unusual difficulty for one so powerful In tbe paddle in trying to ti$ the colt down to tola wosk. Zionist i* never. likely-to be muoti fitter than he », was in the Guineas, and expert opinion is that be hae small chance nofr ?f winning the Derby, ' He -bas bfeen find on tbe )cnerf* slqce last year, and -this in H* *elf is UkeTy to preyent hlin from negotiating^ the Mil smoothly.

si - :v» u IH^o^ue's Rape. . ,

It was Manna,' for whom F^ed fifcrllng, on b^ialf ot Mr. H. p. Korrisi. gave 6:900 guineas as a yearling; that triumphed in th« ttiUneas; under the gkilfut guidance of Donoghuf. Manila .was about * couple of lengths behind Picaroon last eeaspn, Mia of oourse It was Just a* well-for blm that tb«k Manton cylt wM not in tbe field. Manna was brought' to the *nc«np » [very fit animal;. *ir It was the opinion of c^nneetiona -tfcai, fines iie .had hardly grown at a*l from-Mi < wo-yearold days, be would be a much mora likely prp^oaJfon in the early classic than at Epsom later o*C wb'en.ilome of the other ,colts 4iad^#hed tfcelf backwardness and >t»rdkr«ssed tb.tbe^r full 'strength. ' From *b*ftanda 4t appeared that toij^a TOad* all the-run -ning, but I dl*ooveVed lifurwairdi that

Donoghue .permitted St. Becen to give him a lead for about five furlongs. Anyway, Manna went to> the front when it plowed, and he won In the easiest possible fashion. There were but two In It at the Bushes. When Donoghue . did decide to .ask his mount foe ^ efforts

Manna<%tT dfac> JStf. Becan 'pi 4 he. WaJ never afterwards lh l$e fVgitCest San

ger. Manna won id easily. Indeed, that his people changed their minds about his Derby chance.'and Donoghue <Wt It'b>. known that "Tie -w&e ^tiet as likely to ride the Beckhampton colt at Epsom as he was to accept the mount on the French candidate, Ptolemy II. ' It all depended on how the latter tared In the race for the French Guineas. St. Bocan has not been hurried lh his training, and there is no doubt he will be a different horse: on Derby Day. There reason-to question the stamina of'this one, and! he is now regarded as the best each way proposition in the face. At thei time of writing, however. Manna holds: sway in the market, but, if Ptolemy: emerges successfully from his next ordeal, the Frenchman is certain to be, favorite on May 27th.

. Forgot the Derby.

Lord Astor has ever been unlucky ?o f&r *s the Derby Is conoerned, and h« must consider it "fen ill-fated*race for him. Buchan, Cralg-an-Eran and Tamar, have' each rtfn second In recent years, and now that he Is the possessor Indubitably of the beat three-year-old in the country, in the filly Saucy 8ue, he is confronted with

the awful fact that he omitted to en* ter tier for the greatest vace in the world! Bhe was entered all right for the One Thousand Guineas-which' she just won In ' a common canterthe Oaks and St. Leger-but not the Derby ! The description of the One ^Thousand Guineas has even to be more brief than that of the Two Thousand. . There .were; ten other horses ln the field, 'Including Lord Actor's second string, Miss Gadabout, and the Ag& Khan's Firouse Mahal, but there was only one that mattered -Saucy Sue. She started at 4 to X on, and she won by half a 4oien lengths, her mouth wide open because Frank Bullocvk was still holding her In and her ears pricked as if she were wondering what on fcarth all the fuss was. about. What morer-need be. said?.--Miss Gadabout was eeoomt, and Flrouge Mahal- third. .. When ^uljqck £ismoqnte£, he told Lord As-, tor that Saucy'Sue "was tfie most, ex* tmoydlnaiy hope he .had .ever^rtddteh.

"When the Is winning her . racfts so; easily," he said, '''she glvee" ihe the' Idea that she is going at no more than half epeed." ' The odd thing Is thgt Saucy Sue does not look a champion.! She has a pl&ip head, she Is rather too long in the back to be 'JuSge^ correct* and flltogetfiet she has not the distinguished appearance one would expect In a horse so supremely good. It Is when she Is In aotioh that she Is at her best, sweeping aiong as she does with the most ridiculously effortless action, and tbe Impression th%t she is just as other mortals among

her specie*. She (s a wonder fillythe legitimate successor of Pretty Polly and-Sceptre!



Three matches marked the. opening of the cricket season, and It was not possible to complete one! It was a most unfortunate start. ' After two flnct days, the thlrt was wet, and so, after the players had spent the time In the pavilion,. stumps baa to be pulled, it is notable that the first century-maker was Kuig, a veteran of fifty-four,-who-Aae/lie^n .% member of the Leicestershire eleven for over thirty years, and the performance was the more^remarkable .owing to ths fact that it vpas against Sussex iWlth. their two tfst tnatph' Jjow^ers,.Tat® ud <31)Utan. Klhg -whs at" the' creai® tor over four hours, and he did not tn^kv a single false stroke untu he was bowled by Tate. Since he returned from Australia Tate had not visited a cricket ground until he wefct., to 0i1|feton to take 1f>art In th'ls match, lh 'the circumstances. It took, him some time to find his form,- biit he Improved surely enough, and altogethefc took five wickets for forty-four rubSr-t reood enough performance In an inhlngs of 229.

A Promising Recruit.

Sussex, ln reply, gave a poor batting display, and tie aide was -o^t ior UU Going in again. Leicestershire made, thirteen for the loss-of one wicket, and< so won three points, for leading on the first timings,.. This was the Steward of Lahc&ahli-e agalns$ Warwickshire, $ut» if an ..hour's -more pl%y had been possible,. they tooulA, no doubt, have tfon outright, as their opponentshadoifly four wickets In their second, infilnn to fall, anfl they were still nearly titty behind. . Another bowler back from AuetraJle, Blchard Tyldesley. :'euJoyed .splendid success, captutjag five wioketsfbr eleven rims. In. the second Jqnipge, Pad£ln difl the 4&piage, and Warwickshire were corpletely -outplayed. The. third' match was at Oxford, between the-University and- Middlesex, and, of course It was not in the -county champjohehlp. The <!ounty, however,. discovered ? a useful rfcerulttn JCbrth, a professional footballer, who not'only 'trcoreQ felghty'. only., four fewer than Hendren, but t?pk five -wickets.< .'


' Tbe excellent boxing -w# saw at the

Albert Ball a little moto'thana week ago (writes Mr. Eugene Corrl) has given a ran, fillip to the game; and we are all keen to see the fight fcfetweeh Towimy MlUlgan and Bruno Fr*ttinl, trhp wai ^ue to reach £iOndon last evening. They a**, ".$* you or* aware, to meet at.Hollond Pork -oh Monday,. Of Derby for the European m!44]e*weifbt champlenfhlp, which .at the moment Is ln tn^ Jieeping -of the Italian, a particularly Interesting and intelligent young fellow, I am told. ^ ' ?

Frattinl is expected, to look lp at the National Sporting' Club* S>n - Monday Qljpbt,'. whten Z«»h Fowler Tedfty Morton are to meet ln the concluSing seml-finOl of the" competition started some' tlipe. w to disepver ih^. be4t man to put up against our bantam champion, Johnny "BroWn. On 'the followinf evening Wattinl -is to epar at a charity ^how at headquorlers, and will then go ln\o training at Brighton. W« in this country have not teen Frattini fight; but I att quite prepared to accept this view of the match makers at the N3.C. that he ie In'every way a worthy opponent for MilUgan, quite apart from the tact that he her earned the position ot being* the first middle-weight In Europe*. Ibellevti that JUd Lewi* fuui a'victory over the Italian, fcut t am assured that frattinl hat «bme on * I6t Mhce he m^t our old champion.' What I! regret, however, 1s that there does not appear to t* n likelihood ot Mllllgan trying conclusions with Roland Todd.

What about Todd?

; pie ppnouler middle-weight has eo far dropped out of the limelight that we'sel |ora hear 'his name fa what may be called the big circles. To n^e there have bewn few things so much to be deplored as Todd's ecUP>*» When he

fought KM Lewis, and in his affair with Augl© Ralner, I shared -what was & common view that in Todd we had at last got an exceptional mlddle-i

?weight-a boxer wonderful in defence, iii stylist, and one pf high intelligence. Ljsanqot believe chat Todd is indif

do hie flgbtfeg future, but 1 oxn * to sky tha| hfr frittered away ^ iuI, changes' by long period


I do not care whether a boxer Is a champion, a near to a chafnplgn, or a. jbetflnnfe'r, HI* tln*:fa'Mln««6/*o Ieng** he remains in the ring, la to fight on every possible occasion. By doing 30 he pot only makes money, but engages. In the bept end least erpensive training- I I have not seen Todd Blnce his return

llfrom America, but I am pleased to be 1 told by all my French friends, In whose judgment I have every faith, that he was unfortunate In not being allowed to do 'more than share tire honors with Francis Charles at the Cirque de Farts last 'Tuesday night

This 1s encouraging; to me it means that T<?dd is anythbig but a back number. Fot we in London know full well that Charles Is not far removed from the top $lass. When the Frenchman wa* last Jij our ring, he fought Kid LeWis under a consider: able handicap.' Kow K. as the foreimost French critics hold, Todd-was the winner at the Cirque de P*ri8»' there li ell the more rtfaaon why he should 1« it be known at Holland I Park on Monday of Derby week that he is prepared to meet the winner of ' the MUllganiJVattlnl bput.

I am looklnc to the Scot to beat th* i Italian, Wd .if MUllgen and Boland were matched, , X m sure we

I ehould wltnert a claaslc battle-cer

tainly one between a frejfcarkably I>ne defensive boxer and a great fighter.

Th^; Curley Debacle.

i And apipppp d champions, past and prftient.' the defeat of johnny Curley. Stop iook the feather-weight title <rom 0eorge McKenzle some little "jUmfc ago, by Johnny Cuthbert, ol Sheffield, at the beginning of the week iButt have come «» a surprise. Not that Cuthbert la an ordinary performer-he is a rare little fellow. The surprise comes from the fret that Curley. onfhls recent showing against »cKend* MmseV to be a* good a toattitr-aa any we have seen*or many seasons. Cur|ey, I understand, since there wts no championship at stake, did not train specially for.Cuthhert If, as suggested, he was not in

SK beat ^bV - condition; then he

must haVe blundered egregiously.

It does not matter who a champion la asked to tight It he takes

It ha.-does not ?»* to 1? that «e " thAroughly keyed up, he not only aoes an injustice to hlniselfi but to the J*®*" £g public-also. A champion roust al

iavs train ab as to take the ring u»

championship fortp. " A"'t0®. WV '

our bolte^T ."«" eettlng to'the top the tree, all prove to be Indifferent complete physical fitness.

He had nothing really atartling i

the N.8.C. last Monday. T(ie feature was the aeml-tlnal of the bantam eliminating competition between Mick

Hill and Billy RlndleyoflUrirtck.^ I was anything but a thrilling «Hah> 1 rathe* ttiyndriimln fact." As «*pec^ ted, Saul won. Thp bout was stopped in his favcir in the thWeMtb round .Hill, lam Fowler, pt TeSto Myton will b. Johnny Brown's pert opponent ior the bantam belt Bo «ar as I can see tnlngs, Brown need fear either

01 '^"foOTBAIX SINlfeHES.

UvWenfleld Champions,

After running eight ?nd a half months, the foptb&ll season has come to A. lame cod. It is too 'long lor public Interest to be fully 'sustained, bpt for financial reasons the clubs, If they thought It worth while, Would be pleaded to make lt ~ an all-thejyear* round game. The Eirop'b^fiVhajiUtfde&d been insula that the Leagues should begin in Scotland OA the Ant' Satur

day of August. The obJectTls \o ease: the financial position by lessening the summer wage bill for which tlje players make so return. Eor the second year- In succession Huddersfleld Won the chfunplonshlp of the League, finishing twp point* ahead of "West Bromfclch Albion, who In turn were a

8Dint to the good' aur compared with

olton Wanderer*. HMdderffield were a flnelybalpnoed team. The forward* Were not so suoceetful as ln.the^prevloue year, but .the defence was efclendldly eound, and th*y-4oit only five

of forty-two games. . . '

Welt Bromwlch Albion exceeded


At the- |tfrt ©Kthf season'they got

rid of several experienced men, who bad serv^d'lhfm WeU, and put younger and comparatively untried players in their places.-Itwesa(Uring ex* pertQient, hut it waf most sucoe^efulThe young men, however, did net laet jut to the bitter end. Yet .they fully,

justified themselves, ^n$ hexti season, the JUblon tught *o ^haVe ah . even stronger' side. PqHqA. Wwid^rer*,, on the jother hahdU tadiy petted their promts?. They began withTia team that was said to comprim' all the .talents,

but there, was trouble over the centre, ?forward position «and their ttwtfe to finish higher than third wae largely .due to thle fact. "Dfipmed -when. the. season wa# no snore than half over. Kottlngham Forest a^4 Prjteton ^01" find ioit their, places-, In^-the sei competition, end Ihe.yaognclee art

be filled by. l*lc*iter Clty and )&.*> i Chester United, llie 'two too cluwr of ! the Second pi vision. For the second | year ^running' Derby County mtseed promotion by the^Aarrpwest margin.

A month before the close they ap<peared certain to regain .their senior statue* but then the side most mytteriously devetoped stalaness ^nd, as they drained, Vfnchekter Unlted improved by leaps Mid bounds to'win the race on the post. The two Attorn clubs In thle section of. the League were Coventry City and iptrstal palace,* and their plaoes will be-filled "by Swahsea Tpwn, the ch«inplons of1 the Bouthem Section ot the "Third Division .' eftd Darttafton, tbe leaders of the Korthem group. The relegation of the

Palace Is i furious blow.

have just made themselves responsible for many thousand* pounds by constructing a new ground, and now/ when tney need all the money they can obtain . the gates, they will have to. .return to a lower grade of fpotbnU. Crystal Palace were not the only «luh. to hare * *iq.d ***" ion. The Arsenal were third from the

bottom of th^ First Division, and

Brentford were last but one in the Third, and will have to apply for re

election at the annual meeting. Most I successful wei'e Tottenham Hotspur, J .but, though they played very atlrao-1

tively on most occasions, they

twelfth^on the list.

The Ladles at Tropn,

The first of the three golf championships takes place a fortnight hence, when the ladles go to Tsoon, Scotland. One ot America's U&dlhg players has come over to compete for the title, and already It fe recpjgnlsed that ahe will be'a fcerlorii contender. Rha la Miss Utoane Collett, a girl 6t twenty-one, wn«*1 won the. American

champlonfhtfc.iwaiJftlMr* andL^wme' most unluckily jieaten |n the "deml

final last MMon, fnijtf Mls' Coilett la dcclareiM eolj«r

sturdily it glrtf

but confident,

of shots. BeW 'Jth*» had eeveral leledB^^BirrMy^1 Hagen, the BfatttajritaggMRgnfe

view to learning JhlSlPiWtifMiwlgi

need in this counU%><W(WEflBS.<ao*V' American golf era, \ deliberate M4^nttp»«gwr-Cg^

lett has already glvemMpDM b«0 ability in a match with 'Cpnl Twwyy Jttaelvtoe * stAft tft. half

hole) which Is considered to Briny tne

two Peres on an equality, sh» P9& on/ the last green, two. up «u;teK?iannfef£ been one down with three to play .1 She finished off the match la great

style. To a hole of oyer four hundred^ yards In length she"'had ,'a

drive, and she! then jfla66fl S waiiir* shot within three yardi of the flag. . Inasmuch as Tclley had to concede a stroke at tbls hole; be was In a hopeless position, 2£lss ColW^bqgan to play At the age of Joiwesftf >nd she received her first lesson nfa J^lec Smith .one, of the Scottish 'ftwOfifr °f golf in America. Indeed, sh^jifs a typlcal Scottish flat swing, and by turning the-dub ovef as 4tIcdtBM39'-ean* tact wife* the ball ^roduvH'*'1 Bw

flying ball which runs a rton? "way. But her supremo tea}' wiU be It the weather Is rough at TroOn. Her style does not suggest that she will be kbit to control the ball in' a CIStA' golfer though she la. It' -4s thought

that Miss Joyce Wethered -will beat .

her. Provided bo£n syrvlye. JSffli will meet In the third rbund, and tbls will be the chief match of the"meet-" liig. Miss Wethered has *i6t played so"' much golf as usual this Reason,' but, If she goes to Troon,' vkeehi<aO'd determined to' win, no; pUydi^oan

suggested as likely to'beat her;-<Sfl*s Cecil Leitch will again be a serious challenger, but Mi*e Wethered appears ' to have gained a cpipplete ascendancy over the old champion.