Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), Saturday 20 May 1916, page 7

MECHANICS' HALL. SniGIaETON PICTURES; TO-NIGHT Special Three Star Programme. PICTURESQUE CHlNA—Scenic. THE SECRET CODE—Star Feature. JANET OF THE Co~mcdy in Two Reels. L*ATEST AUSTRALIAN GAZETTE. IT "WAS TO BE—Magnificent Feature by the Lubin 'Co. FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE—A "? Screaming,Keystono Comedy. WEDNESDAY NEXT, the William Fox Photo-Play Supreme—" THE NIG-Coiuing, TUESDAY, 30th May, '' THE JOAN OF ARC OF LOOS," in five acts. "[(-OR SALE, Second-hand Buiek Car, in good running order —£60, or offer. BARTROP & SON, Motor Garage. 9 O'CLOCK & ALLS WELL SATURDAY, JUNE 10 Watch the Clock ?pilE 6 O'CLOCK Extremists want . New South Wales turned into a land of gloom and darkness. The Extremists are trying, to J'orcc Earlier Closing o£ Hotels iv order to v show: —' I.—That New South Wales is not a sober community. ' 2.—That New South Wales people arc not-progressing. ."..—That" Now South AValos Savings Banks arc not prosperous; .j,—That New South Wales Sons "and Daughters lire thriftless. ."s.—That drink has prevented .New ' South AValos doing her share for the. Empire. VOTE THUS: - , _ l'T( ( EIGHT O.'CLOCK . fll :l NINE O'CLOCK And : Repudiate these False Charges. TO LEASE' BY TENDER. A LL THAT 800 ACRES, more or loss, -*?*? situato at Stanhope, Branxton, known as tlio Back Paddock,-and being part of AVoodvillc Estate, for a term ol Two Years, from Ist day of Juno next. Tenders close May }??>--191(5. For particulars apply to ??Oll*n .JOHNSON, Stanhope, or Ai.X. fa. LINDSAY,'. Moss A'alc. SINGLETON MUNICIPAL COUNCIL rpENDERS are invited (endorsed), and ***- will be received by the undersigned nt. till MONDAY, the 22nd inst., for the 'Purchase and Removal (under Demolition Order) of the Materials the Building!" known as DUFFY'S, m Church-street. The highest or any tender not- necessarily accepted. A.'D. HUME, Town Clerk. ? I Municipal Council Chambers, J 2th May, 1910. TM POUNDED at Clydesdale 'mi the ?""" l 17th May, .1010, from Rosodalc l'"s-, late, by T. Burns,"" . . . Ono Red Bull, no brand" visible, about 18 months old. / If not released will bo sold at" tins Pound on tho Bth Juno, 1910. D? EDWARDS, I'oundkccpcih -TMI-OUNDED at Cnin'berwell on the *-*- 2:.rd March 1910, from Graiibalang, by Mr AY. A. Hewitt, One Yellow. Bally-Cow, branded liko 3 JD (conjoinod) near rum)), near car marked; and ? Oue Red Bally Bull Calf, uiibraiided, orogeny of above. ' ?3f not released will be sold at this Pound at Noon on THURSDAY, the

St TlioHo'X , iitUc woi-o rclctisud.m mistake.] 'byVH. A r orlc anil box, AuuiiQiit'Lis' ,T. 'T. DUNK, l'otiwakofeiwr. ? ART CLASSES SINGLETON GRAMMAR SCHOOL Instructor: ELLIS KUSKI. TNDIVIDUAL or C'iass Instruction _ in A (11 Bi aiielioa of Drawing ami Painting,'' including: Mechanical and Architectural Subjects.,

MALE VOICE SOCIETY- * rp]lE ANNUA!; MEETING of the 1 MAVJE VOICE will bo held in the Presbytaum .JU" TUESDAY -EVENING next, 23ul mst., ufc S ii.m. \ . Suliacribing . ami. intending uionvbors. ' cordially ?invited,:... j cOJjE . Jlott. f>oo.

WANTED, Two Good Carpenters. Apply Mourn and Co.'s top I'roduco Shed. " - / WANTED, Good, Strong Boy, 10 to 17 years. E. J. lleail, John-street. ? WANTED, Good Lad, for Dairy. Apply "Argus" Ollieo.

WANTED, to Buy, a ,Light Harness ' Horse. Apply J. llorno, "Railway .Ktation. TO LET, from June, or FOR. SALE, Cottage, Toronto, adjoining, Jlosiiloiu-es of "Messrs A. 11. ? Clapin and_H. Newton; water frontage, magiiilieeiit view. Apply (J. 11. BADDELEY, Aust. Hank of Commerce, Tamworth. TO Let, G-Roumcil, Comfortable Cot-, tngc, at Bedbournberry. Apply XV. J. Cragg, Solicitor. ? TO LET, Uomfoi table Cottage, noar llailway. Apply .Tallies Mooro, Kelso. rjJUND Juvenile Concert, Mechanics', 2.'!i(l May, Janson's, 25th, 8 p.m. Halt proceeds Hod Cross.

"PATRICK PLAINS SHIRE COUNCIL, TENDERS TOR BRIDGE. ?TENDERS will bo received up to 1 "AVEDNRSDAY, 7th June, 1910, tor tho Construction 'and Completion of a Three-Span High-Level TIMBER BLA..M BRIDGE over Bulga Creek on the ron.l from Singloton to Putty.. , Plans £nd "Specifications may be seen at the Pub c AVorks Oflice, Newcastle at 17 Grosvenor-streot, Sydney, nnd nt the Patrick Plains Shire Oflice, Single-. tO TI.O lowest or any tender not neowisarily accepted. ... G. V. DOYLE, ?-" Shiro'Engiiioor.

OTYLISH Winter Suits—Latest Suitii.RS, Trouserings, Vcstiugs. XV. A. Mngulro, Expert Tailor, Goorgo-stroot.

TTELLOI a Gathering ? of:the Macs. A Come one, conic, all! ' Children Half-nrice. -.-'- ' "pOR Coal, Coke, ana General Carting, apply Hassett Bros., Park-stroot, Singloton. Tol. 137. ;. LIQUOR REFERENDUM 1916 TITE Electors of Mnoraimie Crock ,uro notified that the A'oto will lie taken nt rUBLIC SCHOOL, .Tiii'io 10th. A. SIMMONS, Returning Officer.

WARM AND GOMFORTABLEg^-g^ UNDERCLOTHING 1^ LADIES-We "have always been noted for the SUPERIOR QUALITY and STYLE of our LADIES' UNDERCLOTHING. . For the DAINTINESS and COMFORT of it. For the very REASONABLE PRICE of it. , So it is not surprising that Ladies needing these Goods make straight for bur Store. - _ " ? No need to * 'wonder?' where they will supply the* wants in thoso lines. * ' CHOICE UNDERCLOTHING NOW SHOWING WOMEN'S , OSMANETTE PYJAMAS, Assorted. Colored Stripe-, 7/0 and 7/11. NIGHTS,'Cream Flannelette, Magyar (Jul, J rimmed Lace—/ ?WO FLANNELETTE NIGHTS, Tucked witli Frill— 3/11. CREAM FLANNELETTE NIGHTS, Tucked and Trimmed Lace, also Embroidery Trimmed -5/S) and 8/11. „ "BLOOMERS, in (Ji cam Klaunelctte,'Frilled, Trimmed Lace—3/11, . 1 . '. -„ . BLOOMERS, in Ciroy, l'leocy-lined—3/G, il/11, 4/0, 4/ 11 -. BLOOMERS, in Navy, Fleecy-lined, with Elm-Lie ?"?/<?? DRESSING JACKETS, liipplo FlaiiTieletto," Warm, Trim-, nied Oriental Braid 10/9 and 12/9. ' DRESSING GOWNS, Hippie L*li.iii,i>?lolte7"\Vuriii, Hody' " _ lined, Trimmed Dark Oriental Ti-iiuiniujrs, Shades Navy liiid'Winc 13/11. .' '^ COMBINATIONS, Cream Flannelette, Lace f aiiil Embroidery trhiiiued 1/9, 5/li, and U/6. ; CASH. COMBINATIONS, Thela l"rai:d,_ljonjr Sleeves— * 10/11, 12/11, 13/11/14/11. WOLSLEY CASH.. COMBINATIONS, Short Sleeves—--12/11 'aiid 13/11. JAEGAR'S ' EWE BRAND CASH. COMBINATIONS, Short Sleeves 10/11.

- YELGA L.S. COMBINATIONS- 8/11. . ? ? VESTS, Jaegar's, Short Sleeves, Double-breast, Cashuiere ; ?' —13/0. „ ? MERINO VESTS, Katuinl, Short Sleeves 3/11. - CASH! 'VESTS, Xttlui'iil', -Long Slee\ es—o/11, 7/0, tlml '7/11. . ' ' * . -' „ LONG-SLEEVED COTTON VESTS,White or Cream— 1/9, 2/-, anil 2/0. COTTON VESTS, Sliapetl.'O.S., Heavy \Make, v Long -Sleeves —I 2/11. i WOOL and- COTTON VESTS, Lous-Sjeeveil, Closed or Open Front——2/-, 2/11, 3/IJ, a/ul 1/0. . KANT SHRINK ALL-WOOL . VESTS, Kibbed, Long " 'Sleeves— —3/11, 4/1), ami 5/1.1. - \ . v . CREAM and NATURAL COTTON SHAPED VESTS, . Long Sleeves, Fleecy-lined—t—-2/G .and ; -/0. .. ...... , WHITE COTTON VESTS, Sliort Sleeves—l/ 3, I/O, and .1/0. , " ? - _ O.S. WHITE COTTON VESTS, Button "Front ——'-/<>? ALL-WOOL RIBBED VESTS. Short Sleeves, White— y. ? 2/0, 3/0, 3/11, and 3/0. , W"OOL SHAWLS, Cream, Fringed—r3/'ir, 7/14, and 13/11... INFANTS' WOOt CARRYING 4 COATS. Assorted Lengths-—-7/0, -, 10/0, and 12/0. ' WOOL "JACKETS ;3/3, 3/0, 4/0. . „ WOOL PILCHERS 1/0,1/9, 2/3, to 3/0. KNITTED WOOL PETTICOATS— —3/0. „ WOOL HOODS J/3, V"? -VJ "'/?'? , „ WOOL CAPS !)il, V 3, J/0, 10-/ O. -v? :. - . ? COLORED WOOL HOODS, l ! or UirlsTT-—£/0, ,1/!), 2/3, 2/0,"2/9 y BOYS' WOOL ROMPERS, Navy and Brown—7/11 and " . 8/0. j CHILDREN'S CREAM FLANNELETTE PYJAMAS—2/0 and 2/11. JAMES MOORE & CO. Limited, UNIVERSAL, PROVIDERS, SINGLETON.

HAVE YOU MONEY TO BURN IN PETROL AND TYRES? OF COURSE NOT Then—BUY A FORD, The Lightest and Cheapest Running Efficient Motor Car in the World TOURING CAR £245, Sydney. , RUNABOUT , £230, Sydney. JOHN W. B. WATERHOUSE, MOTOR CARACE - JOHN STREET, SINCLETON.

THE STATE ELECTORATE OF SINGLETON LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, V ELECTORS OF- SINGLETON. ? v At the last General Election. I stated from the public platform that it was more than.likely I would not bo a Candidate ot the forthcoming General Election, and, further, I promised that if Mr John Searl decided- to* contest the seat, 1 would stand down and - render him all the nssistanee.-possiblc. ' 'But, ho informs mc that it is not his intention to do so, and -a large' number of: my''-.well-, wishers have asked .nie' to reconsider my, decision to stand; down,' and-to again contest the selection, which-1 have-do. cided to;ilo.i : -.->'"'-'-'"-.''?.?''."-'-..'. .??':-??'?/?? .''.'? ?.-/;',? '.--But wo live iii ;jd period.of/inachinopolitics; aiidi.however', opposed- wo v may be to that systeini'unless wo follow with; it, w'ejiave no success!: Each ? candidate contesting the soleetipii 'ih tho Liberal interest,;agrees to; stand down, if not selected,;and to assist the;successful man. No selectioii" any country electorate unless there aro iiOO members* in_tho'eonihihcd..Lciiguos; of the,.(listrict;*:~Nd candidate 'is allowed to".solicit| votes on. his"own account, or use any influence to securo his selection. So the' whole matter 'is left in. : the .minds' of the; peoplo to ( make ..their, choice of .candidates. " — ; '.-.-Hi' I. were allowed; to,; canvassfor' votes,' I would have no difficulty in securing my' selection, but, eyon if allowed; to do so, the ."method is repugnant to mc. Tliefefore, if hiy friends wish mo to be, selected, it will bo their .duty.-to join the Libernl Leagues in,numbers sufficient to do so, and for the information of: anyone who may not know how to get em-ollcd, so as to ? take part 'in ali that is necessaryyfor.'theiii-to do is to; send their name and ??address, with tho yearly/fee' of 2/-, to j tho Secretary,. Mr Saunders, Photographer^, 'John-street, Singleton, and he will forward them their roc'oiptof lnoiiiboiship. V One shilling is; forwarded to '-tho;.;-'Central.-'Office, which will entitle'a niem lior,; to a:,;|rcOieopy:of "The Fighting one 'year. -''^ I have nbvdoubt that thore ariv so liuiiiyjcandidates in tlio' field, through'?.'iiiy-''statenibnt>;'at'. v tiio last, election that I woiild'nbtbe a'candidate. But as there i tioii' for at;]oast;v';s'even ; 'nionthsj.there is ample tiiiieJbr.,'iiib;to i ;, i explaiii.,wliy,:l have altered;iny:iiiind, :: -notwithstandihg; what I said. , I; still belioy'e. I have tho confidence of the peoplo of Singleton, so am leaving ntvsclf in thoir hands, believing'they will do "the right thing and select tho man of their choice, niul, if T should be'the foitunatc ono, the electors 'can icJy upon nic to do all possible to advance the best inteicsts of the distiict, il -.uccossful at the next general . election. , I am, and Gentlemen, ' ? Yours faithfully, JAS. FALLICK.

CH GOOD Second-hand Bicycles, ia first-1 class '''order.':-' Call and inspect thorn. BAKTKOP & SON, Motor Garage. ? PATRICK PLAINS SHIR IS COUNCIL. TENDERS. ri"iKNDfc!HS will bo received up to X AVI'DN.ESDAY, 7th June,' 1910, for the following Works: — Contract No. 1(5/7 —Supply of ' Culvert Timber on. Wostbrook-road. Contriint .No. i(i/17—Supply- of, 1200 Cubic Yards Gravel,' etc.., on road Siuglcton to Bridgmaii. Contract No. 16/18 —Formation and Gra. veiling, road Broke to Payne's' Crossing. * Specification-! may be soon at the Sl.ii o Ollices, Singleton.' The lowest or any tender not necessarily nccoptod. - -

SPLENDIDPADDOCKto LEASE BRANXTON FOR THREE MONTHS. W BAILEY & SONS have received * instructions from Alessrs Spinks Bros, to sell by auction, at the Snleyards, onWednesday Wednesday Next, May 24 AT 1 O'CLOCK, ?10 ACRES of Splendid Feed and AVntor, being part of the well-known AVildwood Estate,-for a Term of Throo Mouths, commencing from ' the Ist .Tune, 191(5. Possession on 29th Alay. TERMS AT SALE. N.B. —AYe have been ovor this property, and can guarantee abundance of feed and running water, and the country is the. best of fattening land. * ' AY. BAILEY & SONS. __*-- : . —4— WEEKLY STOCK SALE SHIRE SALEYARDS. pRAINGER & FALKINER, LTD., V " will sell by auction, at the Shire Yards, Singleton, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 24th iust., AT 10.30 A.M.,, ' I 20 PRIME'FAT COAVS-for J. Campbell. . I 2*5 PRIAIE FAT BULLOCKS for AY. ] Dutton. \ ' N , 20 PRIAIE FAT .CATTLE, f ' " Owners! , ~ * -3 ycais t ~ ' for .T. Campbell. / - - s-40 AVELL-BRED STEERS, 2 to 2" years, for .T. Campbell. 140 AVELL-BRED HEIFERS, 2 to 21 yenfs, for J. Campbell. t * 20 CHOICE JERSEY HEIFERS, many pine, 18 months, for E. H. Simpson. 10 AIIXI3D CATTLE for L. Hopkins."* IJO AVELL-BRED NEW ENGLAND CATTLE for XV. G. Bninbcriy. 100 AiIXED STORE CATTLE for Vaii-OUS OwllClS. 33 CHOICE AULCH COAVS and SPRINGERS for E.* and H. Moore, A. L. Stacy, J. C. Ataync, A. Mooro, S. Kime, and others. ( ? £ JOO PRIMI3 FAT SHEEP for' All'ord Bios. ' . . „. ,_ - < " , TERMS CASH.,

G. V. DOYLE, ' Shiro Engineer. MOORE'S FARMERS' UNIOfi AUCTION SALE. 3-F- TUESDAY NEXT, MAY 23rd, 1916. ' .- i. GENERAL- PRODUCE and * FRUIT 10.30 a.m. PIGS ...' ; - 11 ?"?'?*-<?? POULTRY ' : ? ? 12 Noon. CALVES " .' 12.15 p.iiv. ALSO , t ALPA-LAVAL* SEPARATOR, 130 Gallons "-(nearly new). \" . . I JO CREAM CANS, in good order. I MASSE Y-HARRIS MOWER. >~ 1 MASSEY-JXARRISDISO I*LOW. And SUNDRIES. ?*. , TAMES MOORE & CO., LTD. (W. 7 Bnilcy, Salesman), will sell, at their- Farmers' Union, ..TUESDAY. NEXT, as al*>ovo.

WEEKLY STOCK SALE . SHIRE SALEYARDS. \\7 BAILEI* & SONS will sell by "'.auction, at the Shire Yards, Singloton, on AVI3DNESDAY NEXT, May li-lth, - . AT 10.30 A.M., . 23 PRIME FAT CATTLE for Tom. /? Ball. 10 PRIME \FAT CATTLE for J. Graham. ? ? 20 PRIME FAT CATTLI' for Owners. 100 MIXED-STOHI3 CATTLE for Owners'. 20 CHOICE SPRINGERS.for Owners. TERMS CASH; ,

HIGHLY* IMPORTANT PROPERTY SALE TUESDAY, 13th JUNE At the FARMBRS' CENTRAL MARKETS, at! 12 O'CLOCK SHARP. i _____ pitAINGEU aY I'ALKINER, LTD., VT and 11. YORK & SON (Auctioneers/ iv Conjunction), have been favoied with insti tuitions iioni tho 'Ailininistiatiix, Estate Ileniy Gould deceased,'to sell by auction, as above, the following highly desirable Town Lots and Grazing Blocks:— > ' '

LOT. I— s ALLOTMENTS OF "LAND in Viow-streotj having, a f rontago of ' 132 ft. to that street, formerly used as a "?oultiy*run. LOT ?.—.l ACRES 12 PERCHES,',situated at-Kclso. - A Splendid Block of Land," in a good position. LOT 3.—685 ACRES Ot 1 LAND, situated at Carrow. Brook, 171* Acres of N ' wliich are C.P.,"and oia'/l* Aeros C.L. LOT 4.-327 -ACRES ' FREEHOLD -" LAND, situated about 4 miles from . Singloton, and known as "Tho Retreat."' A very conveniently situated paddock, securely fenced, well watered, beautifully* cleaned up. _* ' The Auctioneers can, with confidence, recommend inspection of the above prolioi ties, as tho Administratrix ia desirous of selling out in order to wind up the Estate. . - . — TERMS AT SALE. ,I.',' A.-B. SHAW, ~ .Solicitor for the Estate. COMFORTABLE HOME FOR AUCTION SALE. HYOBI* & SON have been favored * with insti actions from Mr Geo. ilindc to soil by public auction, at the Co-operative Union,'on

Tuesday Next, May 23 AT 2 O 'CLOCK,

His Wull-situati?d Comfortable-"HOME, ' ' Trafalgar,'' erected upon .? spacious grounds, and-liaving.a frontage of about 193 ft. to Victoria-street, Kelso, with a depth of about 198 ft. The House is a faithfully built Two-Storey Wooden Building, with Verandah on front and sides,* containing 7 Rooms and attached Kitchen, Acetylene Gas installed,, Commodioua Stables, Buggy Shed, Garage, and other necessary improvements. j I We strongly advise anyone in search oi a Home not to miss this opportunity, as the conveniences aro most up-to-date, , mid cverv care hns boon taken of the ouse. 'Mr Hindo is placing his homo on 1 the market through ill-health, and is leaving tho district, therefore our in-Ist.uctions nro to sell. I ? Inspection invited after 10 a.m., with I.order from Auctioneers. I TERMS AT SALE.

WEEKLY STOCK SALE HYORK & SON will, sell by public * auction, at Iho Shire Yards, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, 24th inst., AT 10.30 A.M., 12 PRIME FAT CATTLE foi Mi*. Al P. Dangar. 10 PRIME FAT CATTLE for AY. At. Xoder. - ? . x 20 PRIME FAT CATTLE for Owners. CO EXTRA CHOICE DAIRY .HEIFERS for H.J. Hawkins.', ~ -GO MIXED CATTLE for W. Al'Taggart. _ " ', ' 100 ? STORE CATTLE- for Various Owners. "TERMS TERMS CASH. CHOICE BUILDING BLOCK FOR AUCTION SALE TT YORK & SON havo icceived iv-structions fiom the Mortgagee to selLby public auction, at the Co-opoiativo "Union, on TUESDAY NEXT, May 23 'AT 2 O'CLOCK, ALL THAT PARCEL OF LAND, having a frontago of nbout 13of t. to York-street, and a depth of about 290 ft., adjoining AVhito Swan Hotel Property . and Polico Station Paddock. AYe diaw special to _ the abovo sale, as it is the intention of tho Afortgageo to wind this matter up, and our instructions aro to sell. TERMS AT SALE. 150 ? HORSES -150 AT SHIRE YAfIDS TT YORK & SON will sell by public auction, at the Shire Yards, on THURSDAY, Bth JUNE AT 10.30 A.M., 150 HEAD OF HIGH-CLASS HORSES, Comprising: HEAVY DRAUGHTS, VAN, LIGHT HARNESS, aiid SADDLE HORSES, also'a .Number of , PONIES. Aye strongly advise Owners to yard, as the inquirj\is good, and values, sine* toAbe satisfactory. \ TERMS CASH. ' 7 TENTERFIELD - ; : -SPECIAL mrriE, sale

T ENTER KIKLD SHO WGRO UND YARDS. Friday, 26th Instant AT 11 A.M. 1500-HEAD-1500 INCLUDING: . 120 BULLOCKS, .'!-and 4 yeaus, Moogoon Station biod. "* ' 2SO COAVS and lIEII'KMS, .'i to 0' yonts, Moogoon Station bied. -ylO STEERS and BULLOCKS,- 2 to 4 years. , . J2O STOKE COWS. 200 HElli-EBS, 2 ycais. " J 113,1' AT COWS ami*BULLOCKS. ; Balance MIXED all good i-iiu- _ lity'niid in gieat condition. Trucks seemed to,'load 2!) t h% Competent ""Droveis in "attendance., WEAVER Js PERRY, LTD., 'Auctioneers; SPECIAL STORE and FAT CATTLE I ? SALE. '

. 1600—HEAD—1600 \ , "MUNICIPAL YARDS, AKMIDALU. Thursday, 25th May - COMMENCING AT 11 A.M. TVrALTER J. HAWKE & CO. will sell, -as above — A/c A. A. Menzios, Guy Fawkes: '. 80. HEAD, chiefly FAT BULLOCKS. ' and FAT COWS.' . , A/c Geo. Bower, Tontorflold: 180 MIXED. CATTLE, li to 2 ycais. 'A/c A. G. Finlayson, Bonnio Doon: 70 MIXED CATTLE, good lot, good condition. ~ , A/c A. H. Cartor,'Nymboida:\ 240 HEIFERS nnd GO COWS, good line of brooders. - . ? -A/c .1. A. Mitchell, Long Flat: L'SO MIXED CATTLE, well bred, good condition. . ' A/c XV. C. Hillnrd, Blink Boniiio: 100 CATTLE, incluiirng 20 Beautiful v Hereford BulloekSj 4 years. A/c. H. W. Cuitis,- Brooklyn: ? ? u0 BULLOCKS, splendid quality condition. „ ' - A/c W. T. Moffntt, Hillgrove: 100 MIXED CATTLE, chiolly Stoors*in ' good condition. > s A/c T. F. and J. Giills, Aborfoylo: " 330 CATTLE, chiefly Steers, 2 mid .". ? years; also GO COWS. ' * A/c 3?. Cliisholm, Arniidalc*. *50 MIXED CATTLE, nice lot. ? ' A/c Breeder: 80/ SO STATION - BRED BULLOCKS and COWS, fat,and forward. A/c S. Maiiuol, Tritla: 22 BULLOCKS and STEERS, good r-utility anil condition. Trucks'soenrod to load 2Gtlu Open destination.-. ? ? .-' ' :^ A LL Sizes of Motor Covors and Tyres r** til ways in stock at Sydney Prices. Givo vi a trial. BARTROIT & SON,, Motor Garage. ? ? ?