Singleton Argus (NSW : 1880 - 1954), Saturday 26 February 1916, page 7

A man was fined £100 for having an illicit still in his possession at Paddington. .ATTACK SUDDENLY. Colic and diarrho.ea always attack suddenly and must be stopped promptly. Consider the suffering that must be. endured until a physician arrives or medicine can be obtained. Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy gives immediate relief, and it seldom takes more than a couple of doses to completely chock the attack. Sold by all' chemists and storekeepers.*

WANTED, Strong Lad for Butcher>' ing Trade. ApplyS. .Jensen and Son. __ \\7AjS t TED, by Experienced Hand, *' .Farm or Dairy on Shares; used to Horses and .Stock"; capable of taking charge. Good-references. Apply "Argus" ' _ WANTED, Person to do. Billposting . when required." Apply "Argus," Ollice. ' ? ' '' " YXTANTED, a- Married Couple for * Dairy Farm, none but , an cxpcricncc<l Couple need apply. Address, "H.R.,-" Post' Offlce,' A'damstown. TY7ANTED Known" —Samuel Brookcr * will be in attendance, at Mr W. CJowloy's,' Gleiiilon Brook, on THURSDAY, 2nd .March, from 10 a.m., for purpose of" Emasculating Colts. Horses from outside owners' carefully attended -to. ' . T OST, Eight Jersey , Heifers, U -"-* months to 2-years, branded 0 (roversed) fc over bar and'dot. £1 per head' reward, or £25 for information if stolen. C. Harris, 'DnnoUy. rp6 LET, Cottages in Kelso' and An-X drew streets'. Apply W. Chapman, Maitland-rond.'' QTYLISH Easter Suits—Latest Suit-ings, Trouserings, Vcstings. Maguire, Expert Tailor, George-street. rpo LET, Butcher's Shop and Dwelling , and Shop and Dwelling, Georgestreet. Apply W. J. Cragg, /Goorgostrect, ? Singletonv- - ' TRADESMEN'S BOOKS ACCURATELY WRITTEN UP.

Terms Moderate. ??? " ' CLARA R. SHADE, George-street. FOR PEIVATE SALE CMJBNDID Vail and ADHc Ruir (one of the beat paying in the'district), including Hooded Van, 10 Horses, 5 .Sets, of Harness—till in splendid order. Por particulars apply'to. W. BAILTCY & SONS, ? ' Auctioneers Singleton. .. NOTICE. ANY Person or Persons found Trespassing on t.hc Arclierlield . Estate will be prosecuted with tho. utmost rigor of tlie law. ? .?> All previous permissions cancelled. A. R. & I' 1 . BOWMAN,, Arclierlield, Singloton. " TENDERS TO LET FOR A TERM OF YEARS. JiyfAGNmCJENT JLURY FARM ut A Reedy Greek, containing 100 Acres, now occupied by Watt Wood, about .12 Acres of Cultivation, '1 under Lucorne, nml -Cottage of Sevon Rooms; ALSO GRAZTNCr PROPERTY, at ' Cooper's FUifc 420 Antes, ? securely ; i'oiiu-eil aim well' watered. Possession, given at an' early date. " ... Tenders close Kith March, with Mr? Louisa Wood, C/o A. B. Shaw, Solicitor, Singleton, with.whom all tendors must, bo lodged. Further particulars apply to Watt Wood, Reedy Creek, or'A. H. Wood, Glen'don Brook.

WAR CENSUS PAPERS rpHE attontiou of those who have not yet sent iirthoir replies to the Prune Minister's Appeal > (lircetcl to the fact that thoy shoulil ll ? *?, ? March, otlionviso thoy will be liable to a heavy, penalty. i'ixtva Papers inav ho hail on application to'the War Recruiting Committee, Singleton. . J. M'LAC ILL AN, A. D. HUME, Hon. . Sees.;. Recruiting. ..Committee. I 22nil .February, 1916.

(!?/ ) is ? E life FASHION -It requires eternal vigilance to keep pace with the movements ' V of Novelties ? ? . ', ' -across Fashion's -rapidly changing kinematoscope. But, ' ' this Store never ? < sleeps. In every centre of Fashiondom its representatives are N on the '' Qui vive '' securing the best for our customers. Thus are GRAINGER & FALKINER'S always able to show the Novelties when they are novel. : The new CAMISOLE EMBROIDERIES are an attractive group, of Novelties. ' We can picture Singleton Women making them up into delightful Camisoles in a few weeks' time. But before then the best of our stocks will be gone—bought by the early birds. Come and get yours. These EMBROIDERIES were bought many months ago. We secured them at old time prices, and while they last will be sold at Big Savings to you.. See Oiir Special Line of CAMISOLE EMBEOIDE.RIES' At 1/6 per yard GRAINGER & FALSER, LTD. "THE BUSY CENTRE," CORNER OF JOHN AND PITT STREETS SINGLETON. I I.!?? Mill Mill -ml ??a?EM??COr?-lM?YWJf?wre<Mt??7*^

BROKE PATRIOTIC RACE MEETING Saturday, 11th March In Aid of Allies'' Day Fund. Stipendiaiy Steward, Mr A. E. THOMPSON; Haudicappcr, MR, CHAS.

QUIRINDI SHOW 1916 TUESDAY, WED., THURS, APRIL 4, 5, AND 8 LIBERAL PRIZIi SCHEDULE. JiJG HUNTING, JUMPING, and TROTTING EVENTS.* Entries Close SATURDAY, MARCH 25. . SCHEDULES li'iay bo liiul ill the Ofli-o of Tliis Pnpor, or direct from x A. N. POUNTNEY, .-i Secretary. SINGLETON PICTURES. MECHANICS' J [ALL. TO-NIGHT Two Star Programme: HER ROMEO—Comedy. THE LIMITED I'ERTL—Kiilcin Driiina. LITTLE CHRYSANTHEMUM—Drama. I JANE WAS WORTH. IT— Special Still , Comedy in Two Reels. AUSTRALIAN ANIMATED GAZETTE —270. THE BEAST--A Sensational and Thrilling Star' Feature by tlio Lubin Co. TTIE RUNAWAYS—Comedy. ' WEDNESDAY i\ T EXT, Sanson's and, ?Mechanics' Hulls, "HOW WE BEAT THE EMDEN," or tho "SYDNEY.EMDEN FIGHT."COMING, COMING, lotlr March, "THE ROSARY." Look out for tho "CLUTCHING HAND." . ?. SINGLETON -DRESSMAKING AND MILLTNERY CLASSES.-r pi!E 1016 Session of tho Singleton *? Dressmaking and Millinery Classes will commoneo on it re I March. Tho Classes meet in the Oddfellows' Hall on Fridays, at 10 a.m. and' 2 p.m. Foes, which arc pnyablo in advance, arc 15/--por term for'Ono Lesson v wcok, and 25/- per turm for Two Lessons a week. Knll particulars may bo had .from the Touchers', Misses Bertha D. Crutch and Zita Smith, during class honrs. JAMES NANGLE, Superintendent of Technical Education, Sydney, 10/2/10. ' ? 3b-29.

WAR Recruiting Committee RECRUITING MEETING A R ECRUITING MEETING will - be hold in the MECHANICS', HALL at 8 p.m. on MONDAY NEXTpthe 28th instant, at which Sergeant Tickner, , D.C.M., Returned Wounded .. Soldier, will deliver an Address., Roll up and assist , to-encourage Recruiting in defencc of the Empire.;. ,T. M'LACIILAN, A. '15. HUME, I-lon. Sees. 'Rccruiting Committee.;,. 22nd February, 1916. WEEKLY STOCK SALE ¥T YORK & SON will sell ljy public auction, at the Shire Yards, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, Ist March, , AT 10.30 A.M.,' 12 PRIME PAT CATTLE ..for Camden Park Estate. ?': ..????. 'J 2 PRIME FAT CATTLE for H. G. Simpson. 20 PRIME EAT CATTLE for Owners. 25 WELL-BRED, YOTJ'NG..'COWS, and . CALVES for W. Schmierer. Estate. 25 FORWARD CONDITIONED GOOD/ i QUALITY COWS for "W. Schmierer . Estate. ' ? , 50 DURHAM STEERS, well-grown, 18 months to 2 years,-.for^W.-.Schmierer? Estate. 50 EXTRA CTIOTCE HEIFERS, IS months to 2'.years, for W. Scliinierer Estate. ?!0 GOOD " QUALITY STEERS, 2 years, for .T. Boyce. , _ ,'!G FORWARD C'ONDITIdNED LARGE FRAMED COWS for_ J. Boyce. ' ISO FOR WARD CON D I TJL ONIO D BULLOCKS, IS and -i years, for W. Cowley. 40 MIXED CATTLE? for ;H. G. Simpson. 50 JUXED ? CATTLE - for T. and 11. Martin. f - ? 1.00 MIXED CATTLE for W. E. M'Taggart. . 100 STORE CATTLE for. Owners. 20 CHOrCE SPRINGERS for 11. . G. Simpson. -100 PRT.ME 'FAT SHEEP for W. | M'TagjjarL, Sen. TERMS CASH. N.B. —The above lots '.of- Cattle - are of high quality and well worthy of theattention of paddock-men, and are for' absolute .sale. -CLEARING-OUT SALE AT GOORANGOOLA T_T YORK &? SON have received .??.in-' strue.tious from t.lio Exccutors in the. W. Schmierer Estate to soil by public auction, at the-HOMESTEAD, 011 MONDAY, 6th MARCH ; ; AT 2 O'CLOCK, The Whole of the FARMING IMP Ll3-MFNLS VEHICLES, and HOUSEHOI D 1 URNITURE, as follows Dray, Cart. Mowing Machine, Hay Rake. Chaft Cutter, Com Shelier, Iron Ploughs, Cart and Plough Harness, Tools, Anvil, and Bellows, Quan? titv of Furniture, and numerous other; ... itenisi . ? ..????-"

MITCHELL, Son. ?, PROGRAMME: ' -J.— BALKAN STAKES—£S, 'Second Horse £1 from Prize. To start lit. .12.45 p.m. For liorses never receiving nioro tliun £15 out oi' any . race. Minimum weight lOst. Six .furlongs. , 2.—GENERAL JOFFRE STAKES—£S, Second Horse £1 from Prize. To - start "at 2.10 p.m. Special weighty: 2 yrs to carry i)st, 3 yrs 9st 71b, 4 yrs JOst, 5 yrs and over lOst 71b. For maiden liorses.. Five furlongs. a.—ALLIES' 11ANDI0AP—£10, Second Horse £2 from Prize. To start at 3 p.m. For horses novor roeciving - more, than £15_ ont__o£ .any. race. Minimum weight lOst. Ono mile. ?I.—EMPIRE HANDICAP—£S, Second 'Horso £1 from Prize. To start at 3.45 p.m. For horses novor receiving inorc than £10 out of any race. .Minimum weight 9st 71b. Six furlongs. o.—GENERAL (JARDONA HANDICAP—£S,. Second'Horso £1- from Prize. To start at 4.30.p.m. For i horses never receiving moro than £15 out of any race. Minimum -weight lOst. Seven furlongs. ? gj@F~ Patriotic Luncheon on Ground. CONDITIONS: J. A..1.0..Ru1es and Regulations. 2. Entries for all events close on FRIDAY, 3rd March, at noon. -No ontiy accepted unless accompanied' by necessary fee, together with age, sex, color, and pedigree of horso, also colors of rider. Eutranco foe 0/- for oach rfieo. ;'.. All horses must, .bo registered before being nominated, ! 4. All riders must appear in correct j costume. J 5. Only, amateur riders allowed to ride. (5. Bookmaker's foe £1, and only those known by tho connuitteo or thoso roj pistbrod by a recognised club, will bo i allowed to bet; ) 7. Tho winnor of any race aftor doj elarntioii of woiglits to carry 71b extra; ? two or more wins, 101b penalty. ?? F. J. DORRINGTON, Hon. Secretary.

AVc wish to draw special' attention to this Olearing-out Sale, as the Executors aro : winding up the-Estate, and every-. I thing is for absolute sale. ' TERMS GASH. . TIMBER V - " . ... Y\7"E have for Sale a Large Number of ? - ... POSTS, at Nalloon, near Singleton. Price and particulars from . H. YORK & SON. WEEKLY STOCK SALE SHIRE SALEYARDS.

\\J BAILEY & SONS will .sell ,by. unction, at the Sliiro Yards, Singleton, 011. WEDNESDAY NEXT, ]st March, AT 10.30 O'CLOCK,-"20 PRIME FAT CATTLE ior J. tlra" ~ ? ham. , s -lii PiUMli PAT CATTLE for IT. M. Bailey. s 20' PRIME FAT CATTLE for Owners. ' 00 MIXED YOUNG CATTLE for. C. H. Lynch. 00 GOOD CONDITIONED STEERS, 2 ? to !! years old, a good colored lot, for .Tas. Wilkinson. GO CHOICE DURHAM STEERS, 2 to 2A years, for Frod Lynch. - ; . ? -10 CHOICE BRED' STEERS, 11'.; to : 2 years, -for T. A. .Moorman. .... 20 CHOICE SPRINGERS for Owners. 100 MIXED STORE CATTLE for Owners. " ' . :? .'v ' ' . ALSO 1 Very Quiet ami Staniich BUGdY or SPRING CART MARE, 0 years, . guaranteed good, on nccount. Goo. Prior. TERMS CASH.

[for auction sale. SPLENDID HOME AT REDBOURNBERRY, SINGLETON \lj BAILEY & SONS have been fa' voretl with instructions from the Executors in the .Estate of this, late George Gardner "to sell, on tlie Premises (Redbournberry),' on : ; Tuesday, 7th March AT. 2.30 O'CLOCK, That SPLENDID and COMPACT PRO-. . ?;? PERTY, comprising in all ;'3v Acres 2 Roods 11| Perches of splendid rich - alluvial soil, suitable to grow Lucerne, Fruit, Vines, or any other crops, and specially suited i'or producing Vegetables, Poultry, etc., and erected on same is a nice Comfortable Cottage of 5 Rooms, Kitchen, Pantry, and all necessary Outbuildings, and within easy, distance of Railway, the main part of the Town and Schools. This property is al-, ready subdivided into allotments, and could be sold at any time to advantages. TERMS CASH. N.B.—As the Executors are winding, up tho Estate, the whole of the above \ will-be for absolute sale, and the pro?perty is ? an ideal home, ' conveniently situated, and in good 'order.. > . . Vfr., ? W. BAILEY & SONS, ' . Auctioneers.

FOR SALE BY AUCTION v' \ ' One of the Hunter Valley's Choicest FARMS, OAK PARK Situate on GLENNIE'S CHEEK, 1\ Miles from Glennie's Creek Station, handy to Public. School; 9 ? Miles ? from SINGLETON. xy. .BAILEY" & SONS ha.vo- beon-iiu' i . vored- with instructions from? Mr. ? Fred. Turner to sell on TUESDAY, MARCH 21 AT 2.30 O'CLOCK, His MAGNIFICENT and COMPACT J! 1 ARM, .of 2do Acres; sx)lenilidly suited for. Luccrne, Mixed Fanning, .Fruitgrowing, - and Dairying, and . has . a ?/frontage to Glennie's Creek of $ of a mile;' subdivided into-convenient'pad? docks; the;cultivation equals anything vr.. on tlie Hunter, and crops of Lucerne,-? Corn, Potatoes, Cauliflowers;- Cabbage, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines in perfection are*to be seen now growing, on this place, and irrigation is now very successfully carried out. Tlio Grazing ? land is good, and the, Improvements comprise Comfortable Cottage, Outbuildings, Cow Stalls (new), and Upto-date Yards, Bails, and Dairy. Also, - on opposite .. side of Creek, Grazing ? Paddock ?of 327 - Acres, thoroughly cleared, well-improved, securely fenc-" ed, -and permanently watered by run: ning. Creek; ? 100 Acres ? stumped . and ready; for. the and.will grow - any crops. This property will mako an ideal dairy. INSPECTION INVITED! ' V-' ' ?: ?W. BAILEY & SONS, ? ? r. ?? ? ?? Auctioneers. PARTICULARLY GOOD FARM PROPERTY FOR AUCTION SALE

Q.RA.INGER &, FALKINER, LTD., have received instructions from Mr Fred. Tacon to sell by auction on FRIDAY, 3rd MARCH AT 1 0 'CLOCK SHARP, On .the Property, at MITCHELL'S FLAT, 8 Miles from Singleton, His FARM of 104 ACRES, with all Improvements. About .25 Acres are good cultivation, about 8 Acres. now .undor Lucerne, and 12 more eminently suitable for Lucerne. The balance of the country good grass land. The / property is divided into 5., Paddocks, and watered by the Glendon Brook Creek. School handy, also Telephone. Vans pass the door every day. Comfortable 6-Roomed Cottage, Bails,. Dairy, 'Barn, etc. Everything in tip-top order. * TERMS AT, SALE. ALSO His Ohoico DAIRY HERD, FARMING IMPLEMENTS, etc., comprising: 24 Tip-top COWS, in full 'milk and springing, i 2 JERSEY BULLS, of . exceptional quality. 2 HEAVY DRAUGHT MARES. LIGHT DRAUGHT and SPRING CART MARES. Dray, Spring Cart, Harness, 2-l |l ui , row Disc Plow, Mowing Machine, Hay Rake, Corn Shelter, Harrows, Corn Cracker, Roller, etc. ' His DAIRY UTENSILS, comprising: GG-Gallou Separator, Cans, Buckets, etc. As Mr Tacon has purchased tho old family property, stock, otc, ho has , decided to put his Farm on the market. It will bo offered first, and tho Stock soli iniinediatoly afterwards. Wo can recommend tho Farm to anyone in search of a property of this description as Jbeing a tip-top place. Tho Stock, otc!,~are all in good condition, and of good quality, and buyers can attend with all confidence. For fuller particulars apply to the.Auctioneers. ' TERMS CASH. . '

WEEKLY STOCK SALE SHIRE SALEYARDS. pRAINGER &. EALKINER, LTD., , will sell by auction, at the Shire Yards, Singleton,, on WEDNESDAY NEXT, March Ist, AT 10.30' A.M., . 12 PRIME PAT BULLOCKS for Capp Bros. „ 12 PRIME EAT CATTLE for V. J. R. . Diglit. S PRIME EAT BULLOCKS for E. Lloyd Jones. I 20 PRIME- EAT CATTLE- for "Various -Owners. , * 110 WELL-BRED DURHAM STEERS, Now England'bred, 2 to 21 years, for J. Campbell. 50 GOOD CONDITION STORE COWS [ for M. J. Wilson. I 50 WELL-BRED MIXED CATTLE foi H. J. Gardner. 100 MIXED STORE CATTLE for>:Vari-., ous Owners. - . 35 CHOICE MILCII COWS and . SPRINGERS for Capp Bros., A. L. Stacy, S. Kime,'J. C. Maync, E. ami -PI. Moore, and otheis. ' 100 PRIME FAT SHEEP for M. J. i - Wilson. . -TERMS CASH. :

? : , IMPORTANT FUOITDRE SALE; - & FALKINER, LTD., will sell, at the Farmers?.-. Central Markets, on Tuesday Next, 29th liist AT 32 O'CLOCK SHARP, ' A Large Quantity- of .Good.EIJRNI" TURE, including: . Double and Single -Bedsteads (complete), ChilVl's ' Cot, "Dining Table, Sideboard, Cliairs, Occasional Tables, Overmantels, Blinds, Younger Stovo (equal to ~ now)," and- a Sun- .... dries. 1 . , TERMS CASH. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. EXCEPTIONALLY FINE GRAZING PROPERTY TO LEASE BY AUCTION p RAING.ISB & PALKIXBR, LTD., - have received instructions . Mrs Margaret Waddell to sell by auction; the LEASE of about 2000 AC RES of well-known . BENVENUE ESTATE, in 5 Blocks." ? - Full particulars in - future issues. CLEN INNES SPECIAL CATTLE SALE Tuesday Next, Feb. 29 ' : AT 2 P.M. 500 HEAD MIXED CATTLE. Locally Bred. Brisbane Mail arrives 7.."!1> a.m., departs : 9.5 p.m. Glen Innes Mail arrives 1.20, p.m., doparts .4.45 p.m. DUNCAN M'INTYRIi, r CONDOR & SNOW, > Selling Agents. 800—HEAD-800 STORE CATTLE. I muswellbrook.

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29 2 P.M. rpiNDALE & CO. wijl soli, lis above, v " ? A/c Ex. Trucks, Guyra: v 250 BULLOCKS, 3-4;. years, good condition; A/c Ex-Trucks, Morec:. m 70 DURHAM COWS few "Calves at foot. 25 STEERS ami HEIFERS, good - quality. - * \ 4 10Q MIXED YOUNG CATTLE, good .quality. ' '"A/tf C.-Bo'winan";"-Manilla: 125 DAIRY TIEIFERS, H to 2 yours. A/c-Tindalo Estate: 25 STEERS, 2* to 3 years. 15 'MIXED CATTLE. A/c C. Leahoy.: . ' ?????.. 20-BULLOCKS, 3 years, good quality. A/c Messrs H. Englebrceht, Solos, Cardo w, M'Gouldrick, Cmniuins, and ? Others: . 170 MIXED CATTLE. ? CLEARING SALE DAIRY HERO, PLANT, &c. A/c JAS. WILKINS. MUSWELLBROOK. FRIDAY,Ird MARCH At His DAIRY. 2.15 P.M. SHARP. r PINDALE.& CO. (in conjunction. IIIG-: X - GENS, PARKINSON & CO.) will sell, as above, -35 CHOICE DAIRY COWS, in full jnillc. . 3 JERSEY BULLS, lit for sorvico. ?1 JERSEY BULL CALF. 5 LIGHT SADDLE and HARNESS ?HORSES (2 unbrokon). Alfa-Lavnl Separator (88Gals.), Cream Cans, Buckets, etc. , ?" - We desire to specially--draw ? ,tlic attention ol' .dairymen and others' to this sale. ; Mr Wilkins has Ijeen dairying many years, and tlio; Cows offering are the, progeny of careful brooding. Owner lias won nearly. 100 prizes with iiis Herd 1 at Local Shows. .