,: ''WE8T'8 PICTURE8. V ;

The new Princess . Theatre,. Freman-tle, wihlch . was opened on Satui-day by Wost's was again filled last evening. The, great'.dramtt, 'The :French Spy,': which is trip' star j film or the picture 'programmp, delighted; the audience, and tho many exciting .Incidents were closely. followed throughout Its screen?

Ing. Miss Elsie M'Gulro, the ; chorus sJngcr.' flgaln sQoro'd with :hcr songe, Jjicludlng/.the- coon crazo, ''Bomboa Bungalow,'^ ' To-morrow evening thero will bo. a change of ; the 'programme, , and the .leafllng picture wllj lie ontitled, 'The. Ghargo, of. Balaclava.' On Thursday dftbmoon, .'(Boxing' Day), a matlneey. entertainment will /bo Jipld, and overy ohtld present will be. presented by the management with a toy; Tho programme will be the same as at the evening performance.. ';? ; .'