Western Champion (Barcaldine, Qld. : 1922 - 1937), Saturday 12 October 1935, page 2




"1 am not in fllniB," said Robert Donat in an interview in London recently, ?"merely to try to make a quick fortune out of them. I believe in them very sincerely, and 1 want to remain on the screen for as long as possible." Donat is next to star in "The Laying of the Giourie Ghost," which London films is now completing for release throughout the world by United Artists. The famous French director. Rene Clair, I 'a behind the cameras for the first

time in England. "I have my first dual role," continued Donat. "when I appear as a shy, young Scots owner or an old castle. I alBo play the part °f ohe of the present owner's ancestors- swash-buckling and vigorous, as different from liis descendant as you can possibly imagine. For financial reasons the castle has to be sold to a rich American, who has it taken over to the States brick by brick. The timid young owner goes with it to supervise operations. And the ancestor goes as well. As you can

see, it is fantastic coined}'. ai><! ilie | two parts I play are so wholly different from each other, as well as from anything I have done before, that I cannot possibly complain of them making me fall into any type category. They offer much of the, same contrast as there was between the two aspects of my pari-as an unkempt prisoner, and later as a polished, well-to-do young man-in "The Count of Monte fMsto." It looks as if I shall have one or two amusing, but difficult, scenes to do In "The Laying of the Giourie Ghost." On board ship, when crossing the Atlantic, the shost finds himself all at sea. figuratively as weir as literally. A pari from fright

ening passengers, he pot6 some . frights himself. Tn one scene, for instance, he haB to walk unwittingly

[ Inlo the sea, only to find himsel^Jn

the furnace in the very next

ft Host I cannot, at tbe moment, lay definitely, though I have several plans' in mind. I have learnt that, in the film business It Is net" sate to predict your' actions even in the following 'week. One picture that 1 shall do for Korda will, almost certainly, be a talkie version of "Precious Bane;" and I am particularly looking forward to this, as I made ray first success on the West Bad stage in It.,

What I shall do after the