Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Thursday 29 September 1927, page 4


Tenders for the undermentioned 'works will dose on the dates shown:— September '30. _ Alterations' and additions to Shin -Hotel.

cusseiton. (j. L. 'Ochiltree.) - , Erection and completion of residence, ?Darky-street,, South Perth. *(A. RosenOctober 1.. . Renovations to Workers' Club, Fremantle. -(Particulars from secretary.) ? October 3. V) Construction of additional latrines at City JBeach. (Perth City Council.) ? , Ereetion of 'brick homestead at Burekup. (Eales and Cohen.) . » ? ? October 4. Salmon Gum School, removal from Horseman. ? (Particulars P.W.D., KalRoorlie, .Courthouse, Esperance, and Police Station, Salmon. 'Gums.) o, '. /Kortnam'Scho'ol -Teachers'' Quarters, renovations.' . (Particulars P.W.D. Office, York, and Courthouse, Northam.) m -Yealerins: -School, and quarters, renova tions. (Particulars P.W.D., Itatanmnir, and Courthouses. Narrogin and Wagin.) ** Winchester, New School. (Particulars ,P.W.D. Office, Geraldton, and Courthouse, Moora.), 'Buckland Hill School, 'new store, lavatory, etc. (Particulars, Courthouse, Fiemantle.) ; _j .? iJ..'.' . ? October 7. , ' ' -'*. - ? - ?' Erection and completion of concrete block residence at Mooliabene. (H. Parry.) t v October 10.' v Erection of fences, 'buildings, etc., at trotting grounds, East Fremantle, for the vvW.A. ''Trotting Association. ? (Allen and Nicholas.) ' October 11. Clackline School, renovations. (Particulars, Courthouse, Northam.) P.W.D. *? ' Claremontf Teachers' College,' additions. (Particulars, Courthouse, Fremautle.) P.W.D. ' . . ' ' ? Drywell,' Cduntrv School and Teachers' Room. (Particulars P.W.D. Office, York; Courthouse,' '.Merredin, and Police Station, Corrigin.) ' / _ ? Rumors that a new house was to be built for the Prime Minister had been officially denied until recently, when Sir John 'Butters, on'Leing interviewed by the Melbourne 'Herald' at Canberra, admitted that plans were being prepared. He referred to 'the present house as x 'the

Mr Brace's 214,000 'lodge' at Canberra

Prime vMinister's. Lodge.' This 'lodge' is two-storied, has 'five reception rooms, is surrounded by extensive gardens in the making, and 'has one or two tennis courts. It cost £14,000 to build, apart, from the cost of 'making the garden and courts. It is: said Mr. 'Bruce is not satisfied with the house, because there is no accommodation ^ for entertaining in a big way. 'Sir. John Butters said no decision has been reached as 'to when the neAV house would be built, but he left the impression that it is not a far-distant project. A site has been chosen within a mile or Parliament House; The present house maj

be used later for the Speaker or President of the Senate. A permanent Government House is also on the construction plan, but it may not be built for several years. The site is a mile west of Parliament House. The Prime Minister also . has a small suite at Parliament House, including bedroom and bathroom.