Northern Miner (Charters Towers, Qld. : 1874 - 1954), Saturday 16 April 1887, page 3


LONDON, Thursday.

Lord George Hamilton and a party of tie delegates to the conference visited Portsmouth' dockyards yesterday, and inspected the tor pedo boats and , ironclads. The visitors Inncheond with 'the Admiral and witnessed

a ahamfigbt in Which eight hundred bine jackets took part. After a trip up thefJolent lite party retuijed to London,

' News has ju»t been received that one of the i^nlai rteamers rntuiing between New Haven j end Dieppe Tun ashore on a rock near Dieppe, ; and is a total wreck. The passengers put off in boats, and one of them was caps'-ed and

Daily y«^pnaMrahfc8. a leading article

in which

it expresses the hope that a discussion on, the subject, shortly to be held by. the conference, , will lead to the removal of serious grievances.

The directors ofthe Bank of England mil aednce- ?the imwrimnm 'rate of discount : from three to two and a half per cent.

Szui om: Tuden'e OoBtt.

Thb nspal weekly drill- will be held th's


MESSRS. Aekbke, Wilson, Aytoa and Ryan will hold theirusual weekly sale tiiisafternoon. * Us. BOBEET &J80U frill hold iile usual weekly sale at his inart at 2 p.m. this aftsr


Mbsskb. Mokahmt and -Go, will hold tfteir vsnal auctionsale at thnr inarb, corner of ; MoBman^tebfearitl HargiWvw I<aae *h# tfter

WB are requested by Mr. Clarke, the Mineral ogies! Lecturer to notify' student?, that the holidays being now oviejv hp has resumed his

das« at theCkransil Chambers.

Wb remind the players nod the lovers oC lMfinll.of ihe scratch auiibolitiut will take .place this afternoon between mixed teams of the Towers ~knd MJUehester Football Clubs.

A HORSE race will take place on the Athletic Reserve this afternoon at 4 o'clock between

Mr. Kent's "Dingbats" and Mr. McCourt's Nimblefoot, distance half a mile, catch weights. The betting last night was slightly in favor of


The Qefence Eorce Band willplay the iol-. lowing selections of music in Mosman-*treet this evening:-Qpick march, " Fairy foot

steps gently falling," by IS, Newton; fantasia, i " OrpiiBna," by E. VULera ; quadrille, "Bonnie Knit," by W. V, Scholes; fantasia, wim prompta/'by JL Vfflere; walte," Uight and4

Morn," by P . Bucaloesi.

As tie time draws near for the annual dis

tribution o£ "blankets the blacks are becoming, more numerous andeaucy. Thereare a nam to the i man states tfut he was stuck up by three or four of them one night this week and ibey demanded money, which was refused ; the man then"went for a gibber aniltheniggera went for tbfiir "^gunyas.

MictigpR 1,1 M~triltBMnir and fin: will hold ? their firstaactioii sale attheii mart, opposite the lloyal Hotel, afc 3 o'«iock diaip tins after noon. The goods to be offieied for sale a^e bothnnmerous and miscellaneous, and w3l "be Bold tofcbehighest bidder. Mr. MacDwnuolX; will wieild Hie hammer; bis abilities in the aoctioiieering1ine >are BO well Jkauam,:tShrti oommentwonldbeonlysupezflDOiu. . ttielve persons wej-gdrowned.


: Hakdiko's BoyalOpera Cony»nywill,open: at the School of Arte to-night, when the ''Lily of SjOianief" Witt be produced. The feci plaa. is {as usual at Walls fcab'a. 3%e|ni$e arrired yesterday after »ray roughfcrij>.from. <jj$Brberjkon toGdfens, _ utibidi occupied twelve. days, and -as £be distanceis -only about 458 miles, Hie progress they made was therefore remarkablyelow, Ms. Harding thinks, after

:But he willjnot

CkiSsiBs TomBEs ifi fllwaya jteids!^. something new. OnThms^jni^ta&ennan pntaUT^enchmen intbe ^^byawBllDwing a two inch frog. The poor bog nben he eaw tibe yawning chasm into which he hfldtotrsvei earn * dismal croak, opened MseyeBj ubobkhis: uaifegs «ixi disappeared down the gulpli. tTbe swauower of froggy didiwfcobjecfc to hffi supper, but{ntttested«|^iii6t the uumal being plIm^ ov^ wEft^tffl^acco ymoe. ' i

©« «fc onr' gqytfagg f bad <'$$w ; obeerving some microscopical qeini *>1 ?sereiai': minerals through the medium of "i'olamed light,'*'* fcave- been inrifedto" "do ; «o by Mr.

Clarke. The

.Wf&yviy-, beaattfnl, diepIayingeFeiy color df

distangoiBlual)taf^^ra.lue ja

simply inestimable mAmentafic point ofwew.

epopMty^ obrerred jthnm*h crossed pr^nu of Iceland epar, (carb. lime,) andihe rndintiong ofthe ligh^ntm bronght to bear oatiie epecitneiw mere extremely grand.

The paragraph in yesterday's isene, com monicatBdto usfjyJIIr. Thorne, respecting the *Wa«gjmg inf pmvimnnal directors of his gae' company was inaccurate instating that" the fpnwpeebis and articles of aBwcMiSoa wjere adopted." It -was a private meeting, and we. eenfc no reporter. We arc inform fri. on \ liable wdbonty, that there were only four MMMMiiwirii atadttos being "noqnb^um" this could not have taken fiwae. ®he *mly tiling .done wb ?&» appojntmenl'.oftt dcpuU.-' 0m to interview Mnwm. Hunter 4and Bute with a -view to an amalgamation. Qarinfer teats? taitsxthesefmiB i^that there was nothing d(»B A ^SSber-caeeliag, and it remaineto be seen whed*eran amdgatioh ie {possible.

W8flpap<|^&jpMpl polices of advertised

i£$isr Ot meetings whose dates are

suAaa those of tiie hosnital, School of MuE&apalSoimciL, and Divisional Board. TfateBecrvcaries ©fsome bodies show little pre qbod in finsg the date of their meetings. Sometimes two or three meetings are called for the same night. In the case of tike Divisional Board, they hotdfcbeir meeting on the eame date selected by the MnnicLp«l Council, and it is,too muc'i to expect that the Press can give full reports of both meetings in toe came issue. The MatiicipalOomcil, being first in existence, had * 'right toehoose its OK i date, said, we tiiink the Divisional Boaxd wonld consult .the

public interest by changing ite date of meeting to the nert day. There is a rush of meetings in die first week of every mouth. The Chamber of Commerce have chosen the last week in the

months, a.nd other bodies wonld do -well to: change tbeird&tes to the second, third, or last week of the month. Hie School of Arte and <

Hospital meetings occur ia the firat week of the meolb and do not clash iri& any others. The Municipal Council and Divisional Board meetings do dash; they arte not at the same hour, certainly, bufcfchey impose an unnecessary strain. on the Press.' The secretaries of mining companies take no notice whatever of the meetings of other bodies at fixed dates, and the consequence is frequent "no quorums." This could be avoided by paying attention to the meeting of public bodies at fixed dates.

Wxclivthefollowingfromtheiast Gazette: -" The shatters Towers tand Agnize Dis trict. Bcserye for public purposes. Chartere Towels. County of Davenoort, parish of.

Chartens Itowers. A llofcmenfc 2 of SMtim

37., Area-1 acre 3 roodB 17i pereheeJ Commencing at the north-ea^t comer of -tbe school'! reserve proclaimed in OoDervhik»t Qazette, 1881, *01. 2,folio 32L, <and boun3ed thence on the north |»y Aland-etreet 'bearing east three, chains and sixty-seven sod a half links; on "the east bya' line bearing south five Mu|on the south by a lioe bearing west tiuse plains and eixty-seven and a. half links: and on the west by the aforesaid teteife bear ing north five chains to the ptritof commence
