South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889), Thursday 5 August 1858, page 3

VICTORIA THEATRE. — "Belphegor the Mounte- bank," was performed last evening for the last time during the present season. The piece affords ample scope for the display of talent ; and Mr. Holloway and Miss Marie Nelson, m whom the principal characters were sustained, fully main-tained their reputation. Miss Carry Nelson was deservedly encored m the songs introduced into the piece; and Miss hara as "Henri," made the most of the part allotted to her. Hie evening's amusements concluded with the far-famcel

comic drama "To Parents and Guardians." The per-formances to-night will be for the benefit of that universal

lavouritc, Mr. Greville, who will no doubt have "a bumper



man who arrived in the Blanche, from Kangaroo Island, in-forms us that he shot a magnificent wild cat weighing upwards of 16 lbs., the skin of which he preserved. He states they are very numerous, and are of the domestic species, running perfectly wild and of enormous size. They

are supposed to live on the wallaby.