Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), Saturday 18 January 1941, page 3

M%' Water ffeflfe

tions. Situated within 100 yards of the Glenelg River, this new

beauty spot is easily reached by a good car track and a boat landing has been built to provide for those preferring to approach it by river. Many fine examples of stalactic beauty and other fea-tures are revealed in a delightful subteranean corridor, which has

been electrically lit for a distance of more than 500 feet with a

powerful generating set.

Although the cave was discovered four years ago, it was not opened for

public inspection until early this month; but the visitors' book already shows the names of many who have expressed their amazement and


Mr. Jack Hutchesson, who has lived all his life at Caroline, and knows every inch of the country be-tween his home and the Glenelg River, together with Mr. Keith Mc- Eachern, a property owner adjoining the river, also a good bushman, were the discoverer's. It was on the 7th; September, 1936; that these two men chanced upon a slight depression on the top of a thickly timbered rise, about 100 yards

from the Amphitheatre, one of the most picturesque spots along the Glenelg River. This is about two miles down stream from Sandy Water Hole; and six; miles up the river from

Donavan's landing, or 11 miles by boat from Nelson.

Further investigations revealed a hole apparently going deep into the earth. Mr. McEachern volunteered to explore the natural shaft, which was several feet in diameter, and was, let down on a rope for a distance of 50

feet. The sombre light of a candle was sufficient to reveal a very fine cave, and no time, was lost before, itwas thoroughly explored with electric torches. The discoverers, who had seen other caves in the South-East

were satisfied that their, find could be

commercialised, and set,to work to obtain a lease from the Victorian Forest Commission; and as soon as this was secured they commenced work to make an easy approach for visitors.

Winding steps cut into the rock was the original idea, but that was abandoned in preference to a flight of steps in a new shaft' sunk at an easy

angle. Mr. Hutchesson has spent the best part of a year carrying out this work, at times assisted by his part- ner, Mr McEachern. Mr. C. Hirth, who has had mining experience in West Australia, and now resides along the River, has shown much interest in the work and his advice has been very valuable.


Some weeks ago tenders were called

for a suitable engine and generator;

to provide the electric powere. Mr.

Geo. Tostee secured the contract for wiring 40 lights over a distance, of mdre thati 500 ?fe% ^.^cH'''wofk>tCHieu9 y&~tfr Ve*36r<e t6"jpr6yide tourists with all conveniences; ? tirid one' '6f' tfie'eon* ditions "of the lease is that' an Attendant ini^st; reside, on .the (.spot, "Which ni'eaiis,,somethingc bkter tlian a. tent; in which Mr. Hutchessbn has lived for almost a year.

A clearing, in.the; timber [has;been itidtie ''for sparking; feats, rustic* :leats~ aiidr 1i^Ve7^e^ ^Webted, and stfeps &iid hatiQ.' faihhgs. have ; been provided to the Biver, where a bdat

'shape. :.<.

. I'hose wiio travel %jr r^d' takethe Sandy Watfer .Hole itradk,: feut turn' ttf to. the right: about' two ttil6s' '"bfefbre | reaching the; river at that "point.; ?? A notice-board ' has . now bem ! erected 'at-1 the turn-off, aiid\the ;cave is slightly I less' than . a mile from ,t1ie; notice.


When Visitors, reach the -floo^ 'of the 'CaVe they' enter;' /first-section, which is' BO to ''60*feet -long, . 20"feet

wide, *Srid:. a similar': height: ..T.Tfre. fa?, end ls v rich in stilactfte 1 foirmition; With 'a fine centre coliimn and a

cluster which Has ^efen 'risimed " TM 'Waterfall." . Passing through a:pisBEtge of : r^dtic^d; sifce with : a slight ttirn, fche/hfixt' icqr^idbr is : enured; whete "Victofia (Statue" is the', deiitre; feature. St. _Petfer's-Grotto is also^si unique and'.beautifM fotftiatifcn' Whikh is'much'admired.

The next section contains "Th£ Piano," surroundedby rich*fofirifttfoiiS of stalactites 'of vmiqne de^gn/ Many of these are slightly crdoked, aR though only ;as: thick as 'a jpe'ndil . and up to. a yard in. length. This would indicate slow, movements=of the earth Many stalactites have outJ&rowiftg and up-growing off-shoots, which only "geologists: ciduld ^explain.

The far end known as "Potters Stop," is perhaps' the iribkt b6etutii!ul of all. with its scrolls, shaWls, A'&hd dainty stalactites and other feiOtutls/ This, being 'furthest' away from the air, ; has been > best prfeserv^d,; and : a few" coloured . lights - s"how it up to


::' si&£iJtons:Aito'll-iTs.' r.

^fhe' . esttaated >(date is JESpO,sojthe;"Ca^

as'tHe #iscoverers^ar^ to _' have

part^s' <jyer

somej pf; ttieir i[<i^i>ital'.; r ^-'I'pe VCav<e;%a$ named after" P^nbess'Ma^

by , .a ^ small dap|hter- of^ the^^erj'arid

^written "to ;L tftePrfn'ceBs /asking fo? liier approval. t . .;'"F^?';

* VSrfiei^' t^eV Cav^e ^jbls 1 ;flrst ^isqbyerbd it Va^the hoine'pf t'housands of 'lJa^ but ' tnefee vft&Ve

Skeletons' of numerota'&nfifials '"Save

been^j^ai^ed^ijv^tvof jg^nia^yhicli has/ been ltiu!laing' up for 'icentuiito^ Kangardo scratches apevvisible;.on the ^alis.'whictiw tliatftheji did ndt all: get knted'Wlth ttetr '40 |to 80'feet-fall. doWn -' the c;sh&ft \WflfcH nature provided.

The Cave,will be dpen to the public

''day-7- Hid-?-TOghtj-.:exc6pt iMdajs,.' 6n paying a fee off

^esabii:^it^M^^iern-M6:v^p!pyfaa& 4a£ie. 4Kcflr§£^^^

paying a visit to the cave to see for themselves its many and varied
