Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), Saturday 3 March 1934, page 3



Date of Spring Show Fixed,

October 24 and 25

A special, meeting of the Mount Gambier A. and A. . Society was

in' the secretary's .office] Jyesterday afternoon. " The President (Mr. i>. A. Collins) presided- over an attendance of! 25 members.

. The secretary read a letter from the secretary of the Adelaide Royal Show Society, stating that the date for holding the Royal Sho'w in Adelaide "had not-been definitely fixed, but it ;w&s alrii'dst certain, that it would be held from October 6 to 13. Since re ceiving the letter he had noticed in the - "Advertiser" that the above dates had been agreed upon.. ; ;

Mr, A. Coutts^anoved and Mr; B. J. Bodey seconded that the Mount Gam bier show should be :held* on Wednes day and Thursday, October 24 and 25.

,-Carried. : , *

1 The resignation of Mr. R. J. Stafford, .arid as Mr. J. F. Holloway had only; iattended one meeting his seat was de clared vacant, left two vacancies to be filled, and the chairman asked for . nominations. The following were nom

inated:--Messrs. '. A. C. Macmillan, A. K Liockwood. and W. E>. Vears. As more than the required .number were nominated, a. vote by ballot was taken. Messrs. C. W. 1?. Crafter and J. R. "Wlatson were appointed scrutineers. The ballot" resulted as follows:--A. C. Macmillan 20,' 'A. EJ. Lockwood 18, and W.. I>." :Vears 12., The chairman de clared ? Messrs. Macmillan and Lock wood" duly elected; .

The secretary (Mr.. H.vL. KennedyV retired, Mav E. W. Tollner ; proposed tliat Mr. Kennedy be re-appointed




secretary at the pame. salary as last year, . yiz.> £ 100. Seconded by Mr. W. Pearce, and carried unani mously.

The chairman, in declaring Mr. Ken nedy duly elected for another, -year, said, "I have much pleasure in declar ing Mr. Kennedy elected for another year. X have now worked with him. for four years and I have always

found him a willing:, arid i conscientious ? officer. As I have been re-elected for another year ,1 am very glad to kriow that I will again have tlie assistance

of JlS^rJ j^nn^d^ V It would .be hard to [

get a better man." - ^

: .The '|secretary reported that he had, i spoken to Mr. A. J. Milton, who had stated that .he . would be unable to attend the meeting-. . He wished Mr.. Kennedy to thank the ' committer for

appointing him a! vice-patron, and said . he would do his best for the good of

the Society. . " ? ^


The follow irig : members Av<ere elected > -Agricultural'^committee--Messrs. R.; i Smith (chairman), B. W; Tollner^ W. . D. Mitchell, R. H. Edwards, F. A

Stafford, A. C. Macmillan, W. Manser, -

C.; T. Major, E.. J.- Bodey,^.^A.-l&hi;;

J; E. Jarrad, ;N. A. Macintosh, R. F. : Willi to, A. Patzel, G. E. Collins, W; S: . Coornbe, A. C. Bigham, E. S. Aicock,

and R. Flett. ?;/..'v'? \i-::-.IJ

Pastoral committee-Messrs. II. Pick. .

(chairman), G. Hv Kilsby. J. Pick, i>.

A. ColUris,' A.. Coutts, J. O'Conuor, ,C.;

J. White,. A. E. itilsby, R T. R. Mai-! , seed, K.Maero\v, H. Li. Pasfield, ;C. N.;' AtcArthur, J.. W; Barry, J:^R.; Watson, J. F. Nieholls, A. J. Milton. h{

Horticultural committee-Messrs. ifi. v J.; Price (chai rman), S. v Bailey;?>! G. Bailey, W. Pearce,' C. H. Hirth,, J. K.

Foster, W. C. . Milton, O ; .Taubner,! C. ?> W.'< F. i Grafter, A.1 . E.: Loeliwood/ drid.; J>r..J. R. L. Willis.i, - , Ni

: Executive cOmmiltee-fThb President (Mir.: D.« A. dollins), :; M^sai-s. . G. J.:

White, A.vCoutts,- W. Pearcfc, ,J. W.-l Barry, iW'. . C;oMUt'on> iC;: T. Major, E. W. Tollner,: S. Bailey, C. W.' F. Graf ter, J. R. Watson, and J. K. Foster.

Finance committee-rTlie President (Mr. D. A. Collins), Mfessrs. WV Pearce, W. C. Milton, A. Coutts, and "C. W. F.


Reference committee--The President (Mr. I>. X. Collins), Messrs. J. Pick,

W. Pearce, G. Hv Kilsby, and E. J..

Bodey. -r

. Ground^ foreman-Mr. ^ k. . Coutts.

Supervisor of - ground - Mr. J. W. ; Barry. Hon. surgeon-Dr. J. R. L. Willis. Hon.'treasurer^Mr. , C. W. F.

Grafter Gates committee-Messrs. W. i C. Milton, E. W\. Toll tier,- C. W. F. , .'Crafter, and J. E. Jarrad. ;

The chairman pointed 0ut that the constitution, of the Society, printed in 1912,: was out olj date, and he would . like to see a new, book printed.

Mr. C. T. Major moved and Mr. W. Manser seconded that a new constitu tion* book" be printed. Mr. Pearce said -; that it was only the names in the

/ front of/ th© book that were out of

date -s'the rules, with the slight al

terations, were the same.-It "' cided to_ give each -..member, present a book- of rules and at the next meeting . decide whether- a new set were re .quiredv


;Mr. J.-1«. Flett said that the Hunt . Club proposed holding . another : rodeo

shortly.' He would like to know if the Society would let them have the ground, for £2 2/ again.

JMr. Tollner, considered that there should be a charge on a percentage basis for the.;, use of the ground. He recognised that the Hunt Club was very useful to the Society in training jiimpers, but at the same time lie felt that they should have a fixed rule. Messrs. Crafter and Major also dis cussed the1 charges for the ground. Mr. Tollner then altered his motion to read that, excepting the Hunt Club for the next rodeo, the charge for letting the ground, be on a percentage basis. Mr. A. Coutts seconded. charges and report at the next meeting.

The Finance committee were in structed to decide upon the percentage and report at the next meeting.

The secretary reported that Sultan Aziz did poor business with his camels on the show ground. He only took 6/. As agreed he handed over 1/6. Mr. Kennedy told Aziz to put it in his pocket, but the Sultan said, "I promised; a bargain is a bargain." (Laughter). The meeting then closed.