Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Monday 5 August 1907, page 3



f|^Mr,: B6rt Akroyd-Stuart leaves Perth on a'jv'lslt to 'Melbourne to-morrow by the* India, ????'::' 'iy ?;'?'? ?: ; . ^rs., Howarth returned to Perth on Friday last from a holiday spent1 at Mundarlng. , .?'.;?

,\;:|fnMR, Rolland, of Perth, Is. spend ing a short holiday at Kalamunda for the beneflt of her health. Mra. Coombe, Jiin., of South Perth, has. returned from a holiday aperi't at Kalamunda,' ? '?? -, Mrs, Ednio, Brown, of Claremont, ro turried to' Perth last week from a three months' holiday in tho Eastorn States. ' Miss Fanny Llddlard, one of Mel bourno'a flfteen-years-ago most popular actresses, 1 1s returning to Australia from a long stay in England. The Old Boys' 'Association of the Chrlstlftn Brothers' College are holding their flrst annual football match (past and present) on the Association Ground on Thursday, August 8, at 3 p.m. The second Fromantlo Cinderella dance has' been arranged. The com mittee consists of the Misses A, Duffleld, J. Laurie, i, B. Hammond, C. Mamielle, Sendey, and the Messrs. J, G. A, 'Rae and E, H, Fotherglll hon,, secretaries. ( ' , , The Qulldfdrd Ladles' Music Club will hold their next concert on Friday, August 9, In 'the .Parish-hall^ The Bishop ,'haa .' promised to be present, and Miss Ada Baker will contribute two numbers. Several part songs will be glyo'n' by the members of tho club, Lady Bedford has graciously con sented to be patroness of the Sublaco Ladles' Benevolent Society, recently formed by Mrs. Dagllsh, Mayoress of Subiaco. Mesdames W. W. MorrlBoh and Brown are the joint hon. secre taries of the movement, whloh has met

with a' great deal of sympathy. . The fifth annual publlo meeting In connection, with tho1 Home of Peace will be hold, In St. George's Hall to morrow evening at 8 o'clock. His Ex cellency, the Governor will preside. An attractive musical programme will be provided. As. tho dharlty is one that, meets, with a-great deal of sympathy, a large, and Interested audience is ex pected to be present. \ - Mr. W. E, Moxon's prlsse for la'dies was competed for on the Cottesloe golf links on Saturday afternoon. , There were a' great many entries. Miss Lowe won the flrst prize, which was 'a most handsome silver cardcase. The second prize was tied, for by Mrs.' Denny and Miss. Noel jMa8oh, tho latter winning in the play-off. Afteraoon tea was pro vided t-y Mrs, J, Price, ? A golfer named George Harvey waa killed, l^at month by lightning on the gplf course at Leatham.HIll,. nea^.Glas.r, gbw*' His companion was'rendereavun consolous. | Harvey's clothea, Including his boots, were stripped off, his head was ba.djyj smashed, and his gums. were rQ^of^a.rtoothlpss'?;';, A\.h'ole 3fi- deep waa 'made'. In the ground at theapot. It Is thought .that, the jron, golf- ? club's acted as a conductor. :?? ./. Miss 'Sylvia Forreat, who with the Misses Shall and Law-Smith, Js making a world tour, met with a painful acci dent about six weeks ago, when aboard-the'1' Teutonic, 'en route from New York to London. Miss Forrest slipped and foil down a comnanlon-wav. . her face

and eyes being badly hurt; indeed, for a time It was feared 'that some perman ent .Injury to the eyesight might result from the accident, ' ' One of the' few business transactions In which Mr, J. C. Williamson will en gage during his visit to. England will bo the dlspoaal of the English, American, and Continental rights af a Submarine Roundabout, an Australian Invention In which he is Interested, The actual Bell ing commission is in the han'ds of printer Syd. Day, who accompanied Mr. WllUamson. The' Inventor of the. ?Roundabout, of which great things are anticipated, la black and white artist Charles Sutherland, who was at one time 'Punch'. cartoonist. ? '? ? ±—~. ' Oiio of the rules i of the Weaton-, s'upor-Mare Golf Club' reads:— 'A ball jmay'bb' lifted and dropped with the llqss1 df'a stroke when played within ;the railings surrounding the powder ^magaalne.' There sounds an element, of dangb'r in this, which reminds a writer in the 'Birmingham. Mall,' of ;the gqif course on the West African Coast^'where the eighth and ninth .Holes 'lire always optional, aa several golfers have. been lost there owing to the proxlmityjof tho jungle, which, In cld^ntajly, ' .Unknown to be a favorite ;la|r, of the(, .llqn.v ? . , ??;'?.? We borrow many phrases from Ame-rica and some from the colonies, re-marks an English paper. In many cases the American productions are but modifications of old English terms. With the colonial figures of speech it is different. Australia has a slang vocabulary which is as foreign as Rus-

sian to the Briton at home. Sir Robert Reid spoke, in the Commonwealth Par-liament of an opponent as a 'political smoodger." The term came over to England. It had an unpleasant sound, and seemed useful for the political plat-form. But few people here know what a "smoodger was. It is Australian for a sneak or servile member of the gang upon a squatter's ranch. From the same quarter comes ''jackeroo,'' a raw hand now from the Old World; and there is ''rouseabout'' for the gentlemen in caps and aprons whom we are ad-vised to employ in our houses in place of maidservants. ''Sundowner'' is the pseudonym of a pleasant writer down under, and has been applied to Austra lians generally. Really the term is not complimentary, for it describes the professional tramp who arrives at sun-down and departs at sun-up, without having worked for his bed and board.

Miss Maudle Turner 'arrived' In Perth by this morning's' goldflelds express, : Mr. and Mrs. D. Maophorson will leave for the Eastorn States by tho India to-morrow. ,'?''* ' ^ ' Messrs. W. Lowe, Syd, Lodge, E,' Allnutt, and W. Garner will leave by the Paroo for the Nor'-West to morrow. ' i His Excellency the Governor will presido at the annual meeting of the Jome of Peace in St. George's Hall to morrow evening. , . Mr. K, W. Dunn, - ? who has been spending a four months' holiday, In England, returned to his home . '.. In Gulldford last week. , w' j'-' Noxt Wednesday at 8.30, p.m; Tiasly (Bedford, accompanied by Captain Sketchley (private secretary), will open 'A Model Market' in the hall, Charlaa-' street, in aid. of St. Paul's Anglican Mission Hall general fund. ; '. . ?' , T-' . ? The Mayor and Mayorwa oJ Perth have Issued .Invitations for 'a' ball 'to bo held in honor of tho visit of His' Excel lency the Governor- General and Lady Northcote. Tho ball will take place in the Exhibition Building on August 19'. Lady Bedford, accompanied by Cap tain Sketchley (private secretary), will be present at the concert and dramatic performance at tho Fromantle Town hall In aid of tho Wai to' Home, which is to take place noxt Wednesday even Ing. . On Saturday .evening .last In the Masonic-hall, Midland Junotlon, Miss J. Horton, who has been transferred to the goldflelds by the Education De partment, was presented with a hand somo writing-case by her dancing pupils. Mr. J. Wright made the pre sentation, and Instanced the many good qualities of Miss Horton, both socially and intellectually, A rustic was struck in tho eye, ac cidentally, by a golf ball, during a match at St. Andrew's. Runlng up to his assailant ho yelled, tho 'Tatler' says, 'Thls'll cost yo fivo pounds— five pounds.' 'But I callod out 'fore' as loudly as I could,' explained tho golfor, 'Did, ye,' sir?' ^.replied the ?troubled one, much appeased. 'Weol, I dld'na hear; ; I'll fak1 fower.'!1/ A large parjy ,of '.children met on Saturday afternoon i at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. North, to cele brate the birthday of 'their youngest daughter 'Blllie.' Muslo, singing, games, swinging in the high winds on the beach, and a delicious afternoon tea were among the pleasures provided by the hostess. Gifts and congratulations from Lady Forrest completed the hap piness of the recipient, Mr. Plerppnt Morgan has cabled to the owner in Dunedln of the recently discovered Wattoau asking what price he woujij accept for the picture. THo ow-hor, 'thTll^dhey?vcDf respondent ''of tho 'Mall' says, replied '£5,000.' The picture' was given by a dying 'remit-tance man' in payment of a, debt to hia landlord at a Dunediri'j hotel about 4p years ago. The landlord gave 'the painting tb-jhla daughter as' a wedding gift; but its value was only 'discovered recently through a ,local ' artist hap pening to see It. ' Tho establishment of. a children's court in New York was due to tho efforts of the organisation known as the, Big Brothers, ThiB society alms.

at preventing lads who ? como -before this court for first offences from fall tag into their old, ways. Out of four hundred boys who have been taken caro of by the society only four (the 'Dally News' states) have found their way back to the children's court on a second offence. Thero are two' hundred and fifty Big Brothers, and their plan Is to assign each boy after his probation period to one of their numbor, who takes a friendly. Interest In him and gives him a fair start. Somo of the richest men in New York are members of tho society, which haa boys' olubs, with gymnasiums, dlstrl butod about the city. Princess Fedora of SchleswigHol steln, tho youngest sister of tho German' Empress, has published her first, novel, which is described as a powerful work. It is the story of a poacher and his daughter, and is en titled 'Hahn Berta.' , The Princess has declined all offers of marriago since the traglo death of her fiance, Duke Frederick of Meoklenburg Schworln, who, while in command' of a torpodo-boat, perished In the Bal tlo with the entire crew. She might havo been Queen of Italy if she would have consented to change her religion. , Mr. Robert Andrew's chances of winning a competition at Troon re cently were spoilt, says the 'World of Golf,' by an extraordinary incident. Playing to the twelfth hole, Mr, An drew's ball landed into a lady's hair pin, which must have been sticking In the ground point upwards, as both points were firmly embedded in the ball, Ho struck his second well, but

It went no distance, and he took four to get on to the green. As there was no rule bearing on the point he putted out with the hairpin adhering to, his ball, but the latter ran right round about him, and he took six oh the , green, . ? ? 'St, James1 Budget' of July 6 says: Prlncess Louise Duchess of Argyll has consented to perform the opening cere mony of the Australasian Exhibition of Women's Work at Rumpelmayer's, St. James's-street, on Wednesday, July 10. This exhibition is sure to be crowded, for everybody who .has not yet found their way to Rumpolmayer's famous French tea-house will make it the op portunity for paying their first visit. An interesting exhibition of women's work In connection with Lady Northcoto's exhlbiton in Melbourno will be opened In Rumpelmayer's rooms, at the cor ner of St, James's-stroet and Klng streot, on Tuesday, July 9, Rumpel mayer's is crowded for tea every even ing. The demand for his' wonderful cakes apd sweets for private parties Is .already prodigious. Mayfair has wolcomed with open arms this latest Institution of Franco, and whatever may be Rumpelmayer's private sentiments about the LondonCountyCouncilhehas no cause of complaint agalrist the peo ple of London, .

Mr, Ltnton, local representative of Messrs. Mlddows Bros., is leaving by the, India to-morrow for a three months' visit to tho Eastern States. A very pretty wedding was solemn ised in St. Mary'B Church, West Perth,

an Saturday afternoon last, vthe con tracting parties being Miss Ollv.o, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Wark, of 'Falrholme,' West Leeder vlllo, and Mr. Erneat Harvey, of Weat Perth, the well-known lacrosseur, The Rov. E... Makoham officiated, The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. Lionel E. Wark, looked Qharming In a lovely gown of ivory orepe-de-chlno *ovor glace; the bodice was daintily trlmrnod with silver em broidery and beautiful Irish lace. The skirt, which fell in long graceful folds to the padded hem, was finished with long sash ends, caught at the walat with a buckle of myrtle blossom, tho usual veil. being worn in court fashion under a coronet of. myrtle and real orange blossom. She also carried a beautiful shower bouqoiet with chiffon stre^.Tiers. The bridesmaid, Miss Angel Blzant, was attired In pale pink loulslne silk, wore a drawn cilk hat to match of the Dolly Vardon fashion, trimmed with chiffon rosos and ' black plumos, arid carried a black crook, adorned with pink ro3O3 and asparagus fern, finished with pink streamers, She also wore a dainty spray brooch of turquoise and pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. Mr. John Bugall acted ao best man. After the ceremony a'recoptlon was held at 'Falrholme.'' The bride's mother, who rocoivea t£.« guests, waa attired in black glaco, with a champagne bonnet, rollev cd with violets and black oaproys, and earrlbd'a bouquet of violets and fern. Tho happy cbuplo wore the.recipionts of many ?usefiii and handsome presents, including a rvery. handsomo silver ser ylco from; the Fremantle Lacrosse Club. After the; rocpptlon the happy couple loft for ?Armadale, where tho honey moon Is being spent. Tho bride's tra velling dress' was of sapphire blue glace silk, with emerald green velvet hat, and a cream travelling coat. ' Whilst tho usual toasts were being honored num erous telegraphic messages of congra tulations were received, many of which were from the Eastern States,