(To the Editor of tfye Border tyafcfy.J

SIB,--I notice with pleasure that efforts arp being tabes to perpetuate the mempfy of the Australian poet, Adam Jandsay Gordon, by erecting an obaliBk over the spot in your town? ship where poor Gordon made his memorable leap. As a very great admirer of the man ajid his poems, I have much pleasure in forwarding you a couple of guineas to assist in defraying the cost of such memorial; and I would suggest to those who have the matter in hand the desirability of having the obelisk made in the colony, and of Kapunda marble. This marble is admirably suited for ths purpose, and it would give the memorial the character of being in every sense " South Australian,"

I am, air, eto.,

. -. H. W. VATtLEY. ^avraoufch-Btreefc, Adelaide, Sept: 10;.

fWith the above we have to acknowledge receipt of £2 2s.-ED.]