Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), Wednesday 12 December 1894, page 2




The monthly meeting of the Mount Gambler Branch of the Agricultural Bureau was held on Saturday afternoon. There were present Messrs. J. Umpherston, J. P. (Chairman), W. Mitchell, D. Norman, sen., T. Edwards, W. Barrows, T. H. WilliamB (Stock Inspector), J. Watson, J.P.. J. C. Ruwoldt, M, C. Wilson, J.P., and E. Lewis (Secretary.)


The Chairman eaid that before they com* menced the regular business he would like to refer to the latest removal from amongst them.

They had an announcement in tbat morning's

Eaper of the death of one of their oldest seUlerfl

ere, one who had always taken an active pari

in agricultural operations and pastoral affairs, and be thought it would be proper for them to take notice of it, There were tew perhaps in the district who had done more than this gentleman-he referred to Dr. Browne-and he thought they should take notice of those that had done so much for the country at large. Dr. Browne was an old pioneer; ha was an early settler, and had struggled through all the difficulties of early settlement, which were vaBt at one time. He (Mr. Umpherston) knew him slightly before he came to Mount Gambier, aud afterwards they became better acquainted. He knew of a certainty tbat he bad been an energetio, pushing, straightforward colonist-a thorough gentleman both by nature and education, and always conducting himself in that way. He was still amongst them by his representatives and his family, and it was well, he thought, to take notice of his death in this way and sympathise with the family in their bereavement. There were many old colonists who would sympathise deeply, and they in Mount Gambier were more intimately connected with the family through the property beine so near, and through knowing the family and Dr. Browne when he lived amongst them, He might say that for himself he valued him as an excellent man in every way. He was a man energetic in his own business, he paid great attention to it, and was successful. With others, some of whom were still amongst them, be went through the time of the bine shirt, the cabbage-tree hat and the bullock whip, and they fought their way to their present position by their energy. At the same time they were any> thing but backward in assisting the colony. Their late neighbour had pet his shoulder to every thing that was required in the district for the benefit of the colony at large. Nothing had been started scarcely but Dr. Browne assisted, as many of them knew. His liberality amongst the neeidy was well known, and instances of it must ba in the minds of many. In other things also he had been liberal, and those who had been under him could testify to him as an employer. He had not heard a word against hiin from any of his employes, on the other hand be had only beard them speak in eotnpli* mentary terms of him. He had managed to conduct his business without any law cases,

and when brought into connection with oom> mercial men it had always been carried out in ft straightforward and businesslike woy. What* ever might bo eaid on the matter of large estates they might say that his estates were honestly gained by his own exertions and in a straightforward manner and with oppression to no one. When he (Mr.. Umpherston) was la England about 25 months ago ho was sorry to find that Dr. Browne's legs had failed him to much. Otherwise ho was all right and they had a few hours pleasant conversation in which he expressed himself in the old way with regard to things. With tha oxoep* tion of a slight difference over an election he quite fell in with the viewo of Dr, Browne, He was liberal in Gentiment( and not faddish, and he would not upset thtngs by any rasa measures. He WAS a man of progress, and ha (Mr, Umpherston) looked upon his docs&se u

another blank in the old oolonists.

Mr. J. Wataon moved that they record their sympathy on the minutes, and that this ex preasion of sympathy be sent to the family, Mr. Umpherston had spoken so fully on tba subject that there was very little to add. He knew Dr. Browne when he lived amongst them, and knew he was in sympathy with tha progress of agriculture, and in every way took an interest in the improvement of the soil and in making the most of it.

Mr. Wihon seconded the motion, and it waa



A report of the recent Host in Wheat Con ference held at Brisbane was laid on the table.

The General Secretary (Mr. A. Molineux) wrote, saying that the Chairman of tho Central Bureau (Mr, Krichauff) was desirous of having some of the green beetles sent down* and it would be best to sand them in a tin box. With regard to the Canadian thistle it was stated a short time since that pulverised brim atone killed it, and at the Bame time prevented all vegetation for two yeara. This thistle was not under the Act, but he sincerely hoped that no latitude would be allowed either to the thistle or to those who neglected to adopt means for its destruction. A few pounds spent now in eradicating it wonld save thousands annually in the future. - It was resolved to Bend some green beetles, and Mr. Watson promised to obtain soma for the Secretary. In reply to the Chairman Mr. Edwards said Mr. Gardiner waa doing all he could to reduce his patch of the Canadian thistle. He was gradually reducing the size of the patch, and he did not allow it to run to Beed. It had been found that after the grass bad died oQ the sheep ate it.


The Secretary reported that the acoonnts in connection with the conference of bureaus held at Mount Gatnbier in March last had not been settled. There was an understanding that Dr. Ockley, who originated the conference, wonld see that the expenses were paid. The aocounta amounted to £i0 Is. 2d., and the receipts to £7 15a. Id. There was thus still a deficiency of £2 103. Id.-It was resolved on the proposition of Mr Watson, seconded by Mr Wilson, to make a levy of 3s. 6d. on the members of the Mount Gambier Branch. The members who had been elected since the conference expressed their willingness to pay.

Tbe Secretary suggested that they should arrange at one meeting what should be dis cussed at the next, so that members wonld have an opportunity of looking up the subjeot. Tha Chairman said he would like to learn of some preventative for the depredations of snails. They completely destroyed his peas time after time. Mr. Norman suggested Lime and Mir. Wilson hellebore powder, and Mr. Watson said they could not stand salt, but it was said salt did harm to the vegetables. In reply to Mr. Williams the Chairman said that in the day time tbe snails took shelter in the hedges and shrubs, Mr. Edwards Baid he had used lima and soot mixed successfully, but the difficulty was to get enough soot. Mr. Mitchell and Mr. Ruwoldt complained that they were also a great nuisance to them. Mr. Watson suggested for discussion at next meeting "The most profitable cow to keep for dairy purposes," and it waB agreed that this Bhould be the subject.

The Chairman read a cutting from a Scotch paper to show that they were still pushing oa with tbe milking machine at home. The cat ting contained a report of a trial of tha "Thistle" milking machine at a Bhow in Ayrshire. Tbe trial was said to be a great suocess, and tha whole operation was carried out without the slightest hitch. Everything was very clean and no damage was done to the cows, some 30 of

which were milked at once.

Mr. Mitchell said he thought Little's sheep dip would kill the harlequin bug, or soldier beetle. He had experimented with it and noty intended to try Cooper's dip to see which wa% the best for tbe purpose.

Some sisal hemp plants of tha shipment re ceived by the Central Bureau from America were laid on the tabto for distribution, and some well preserved apples of last season were Bent in by Mr. JaB. Bowd to see if any of tbe members knew the variety. None of them, however, could give the name of the variety.

The meeting then closed.