North Australian, Ipswich and General Advertiser (Ipswich, Qld. : 1856 - 1862), Tuesday 10 September 1861, page 3



(From the S. M. Herald.)

We are indebted to a correspondent for the follow-ing particulars of the chase and ultimate capture. On the morning of Sunday, the 25th ultimo, of tile blood thirsty miscreant "Black Harry," at Borah Station, near Melville Plains, by Mr. John Hnmphries, whose tact and cool determination in bringing Harry, to bay, merit the warmest commendation. The writer

says:— General excitement had existed for a considerable time past in respect to this scoundrel, more particu-larly as it became known that he would pass through tills |-art of the cnuutr}-. en route tn (lid Ualonnr Uiver. Many inliabitauts of this place, amnngst whom may be particularly mentioned Mr. Cluef Cnnstable }fniTay, Mr. Alexander Tlmmpson. and brothers, with uiany more, were on the look-i-ut for him. and bavin? accidentnlry learned, some fen- weeks btck. from a German lad whn n-as nut in the moun tains, that a blackfclioir had passed along at the' hick of the mountains, near one of Mr. Johustnue's slicep stations, snuth «if Gunnedali, (hey. in coinpahy v-4th a man uaiucd James Glendinning, repaired before dark tn the sheep-station Imt, distant six miles, expecting that he would call there and tliev wonld have hUn; they were, hnwever, diRAnpointed, as he liidbeeb there sonic few hours previously, and mblieil theliut, taking away, amongst nther things, aninm .nit|nn. &C - Shortly 'after this. Me. Chief-Constable Weston; «f Cassilis. arrived with a blackfellnw. and constable Scully, of Mcrriwa; also, Mr. GliiefCon sfaule Tliorjie of .llurrunindi. nnd a nnm.-roos band of volatrtetrrs, and constable Birkbr of Mnrrnnindi/ Many, of the**. lKi*«»er. returned, 'as any chance of Ins cautllre.«-n»ed hopi:lesfs. owing to the time that 'hsrt.rfapsed since. Harry had 'been -seen about here. Mr. Cliief-Cuustable Wes'tnn. it would appear, boir evier. did nit give up the chase, lint made over tire country in lhe direction in which it was supposed Harry tiart gone. Since this, *\r. Chief-Constable Murray and Mr. Alexander Thompson, innkeeper, here: have be-i nut search of him, and I must confi-sK; cpnsi.ieriufTtlie very inclement state ?if the weather, --«ind the privations tlicv endured, great praise is.;due to tliem for their estha siasui iu the matter. It would appear that, after -Harry had left Jnbn ntnne'fi' station he went to Wandabah. nliout ten miles farther sonth-west. aud. stayed all uieht at the sh--ep station lint, where there was a solitary shepherd; from here he made his way unmolested to a sheep station rf Mr. George Cox's, at Mnllnlla mountain, disunt eleven milesfrmn Wondniinh— fliis was about the -lldi instant (Saturday). Here he stole 4liree twves bread, some tnhaoen, a glased cap. and other articles, leaving- -lns cRbba^e-trre hat in the lint, which was afterwards fnand hy Mr. Chief-Constable Westnn. From.berehejippenretoriavEloitercdaboiit tli«t part of thecsaiitry unheard of or B«n. until he west to a lint, .where there was- another snlitary shepherd. witliiBAinile and a half from Borah head elation; here he-camped in the hut with the shepherd, taking off. liis idoth'-s, and. placing, bis doublebar relled pistol on_a stool. : He .told tlie shepherd lie was lonking fnr* stock-keeper, and told him he belonged to the MMntyire Kiver. The shepherd: was not «tf«r«ttrf anv murder baring becneoaimitted : Ijy a UftcWellpw. 'then-'fore did not suspect him. tir. II«mphdan[awin£.at- Gnnnedah. mone -of tho shepherds «r oilier fiersnns on the stafisa had heard anything shout the «ff«ir in «ny way- Set «n1y ?stayed tlris uiplit, the IStb instant, »iid then -took: the* main rond -to Ymninr^inh. tea miles' «C in a spntherly ?dtrectian, Meeting two. men on-hnrsefaack on tbe road, aod^tinnked his pipe, nnd«tayed talking *V them; th.y,.irflrc iguoranttliithe was a murderer M4n2ard nothing «l«Hit it.. Han-v purled with the Ho laeu, aud Jiursoed his way to Messrs. Orr sstatiou.

where he met witii a half-caste girl, aliuut thirteen years of age. whn was shepherding ; be took her away. Iiut not vi ilhout great resistance, for she hore uicrks where he had beaten her and dragged her along the jrrnund. He drove her before him. in a direct line buck to Borali. careful not tn leave any tracks where he crossed the road. He made his way hack tn the shepherd's Imt, where he had been the ni£ht«l-cfnr-\ robbing tlie hut nr the whole «f the rations — this is proved by his tracks, and those of the girl he had with him. Two days after this (tlie ICth. Friday), the pirl pot away from him. and vie muting back for Borah during the night, while Harry was asleep, when slie saw the shepherd of tbe hut Harry had robbed, who toIJ Jicr to make baste; and thnngh she was within half a wile from tlie bead station, she did not reach it. Previous to this Mr. Humphries had £ot home from Uuuueilah. and had informed all the shephrrds on the station that Harry was likely to pass that way. On the night that tlie shepherd's hut was robbed by Marry, in company Vith the srirl. Mr. Hnntpbrim: reccivi-d intimation of his (Harry's) \iAas there, and early next morning started in company with .i Llnckr.llniv in pursuit, and thinking Hint he (Ham-) would make for the Bingalnw scrub with tbe girl, scoured the country iu flii dimeiinu «f Mr. Orr's. Tlw foUtiKiag day, Cuief-CnnsUble Westnn. Mr. Humphries, and a num

ber of blacks tracked liim from one Borah sheep station lu another. On SumUy. the Igtli. he rohlHid another station at Borah, called BerrcmlniUa. while tb« hntkeepcr was adsent. taking with him nearly the whole of the rations. I forgot t-- mention that when the girl was rc-taken by Hairj-, after her

Hie hut lie first went to. and r..l',hM'. an Itis relam Troin Vamiughah, taking complete possession «f all the rations except a portion --!' lh- flnnr. After tbix he ivss not seen again linli! 7'Jiarsd.iy, the 22nd, when he ag.nin went tn llern-inbulia Imt. stnek up tlie Chinnmnn with his loaded pistol, taking from hint £3 -ta. Cd. in ua«li. a d uuper. anj a butcher'* knife. S.1111C evening lie left ?I'imng'W Articles, afterwards fnuml by tiie fahrlcs wlm ven: trieking him with Chicf-CnustaMe U'eston ana Cnnstahle Gibson, nf nnonnliRrrAbraiv, and unw iu their possession. Find in!r n dn-? whicli lieloiiged tu tlie girl making to him and tlie gill through the liusli. he. suspected pursuit, and bolted, leaving tlie jnri. who found her way back tn the station ; Hiirrj- taking his way towards Mrl viile, cx]]ri at a statiao with tbe cvjjrut intention of siickin? up the she]Herd. nim, however, having heard 'f liim. bad a broitd axe pre|mred. which h«i wielded f-innidably. Hnrry decmnned -juicklv. and went to M.-lrilleCuall^GniliuiladdceJ.and was seen by n sliepli.ul on the way. At me of the stations here he robbed the shepherd, and went nn towards tim lt«ck Inn, »n the Xamni Itiver, which lie reached ou Friday ni^lit. and camped at the comer of the dimmer «V Mr. leather's fconse.. along with a blackfelb.w of' Mr. Grovw's. named Jemmy, and an other bclnii£in£ to Mr. Kather, u.iiued Combn. Hanj' * -lit t;umb» t» the iu» kept by Mr. Wiliiam Gusfier fur a bottle of grog and ja box of sardines; when Combo went up to the inn lie told Gospcr that tie thought Harry was the bliiikMlnw that com mitted the murder: on hearing this, Mr.Gosper and a number of men went duwu to where the blacks were crimped, mid on Harry being pointed out to him lie struck some matches, inoVedjat his countenance, and asked him if he were a hiiHnck-driver? he re plied V'.s, and a-niild hire in that Capacity. Mr.Gns pi-r ssid. - Vcrj- well ; come ainVg with me, and I will hire you. and you Bleep in tbe house to-night.' Tbe blncfc'fcllinr said, -AH right* took bis coat «ST. tliretv it irver his arm. made a|b«ilt (though sur rounded by a considerable unmbfr of men), swtun the river, got to the lint uf a man samed Carter, and snatched up a single-barrelled ^unloaded with shot; here three men in the hut attacked'him. nbtaiued the (tm,- ftiniit liim nnii #]innirli ncn^lip «t-«o Harm 4l,»

abiriKinal referred tn. suffered lim to escape— be taking to the riv-T again, which he stvam. One of the men fired at him. lint missed him. On next day. he was seen hy me nf Mr. Humphries' men at l)o~w station, robbing it. wlm immedi*tel}' galloped iu to tlie head station. This *ta!io» is Let we™ thirty and forty miles from where he swani the river, and di rectly back to the place where !?: left to go to the Bock Inn. Mr. Humphries, nn hearing of Harry .i£ain having been seen on the station, collected a number of rucn aud sent them «nt in different direc tions, going «nt himself, bntsaw nuthing of him until Mi.rat !O o'd.ick on Sunday niomin? (25th) when Mr. Humphries, who was scouring the hush alone, happened to espy him squatting iu the grass, and. having a double-barrelled gnu concealed in a cloak on his horse, rode np to him. pulling out the gun ; nn si-tang this Harrv juaiued uj-. *ud as he was making -off Mr. Hrnnflnin mid. 'You aro just the man I want ;' he replied. ' No b ? y fear any one having me, I'm going about my own business ;' this he said -bounciu^Iy, .-md tried to make for the scrub a short distance off Mr. H. galloped np to him. presented the gnu at him. and ordered him to tnni round : he kept the sm; at his side, facing the gnu, and submitted. Mr. Humphries then told liim tn walk before him to a small plain, keepiup him under aim. When he gut on dcarground. Mr. Uum phries made Irim torn out all iris packets, then dis mount**?, torched him fhoronjrlily. afu-r landing liis hands behind him with a saddle-strap, and marched him hi to the head-station, distttutisevcii uiiies. mak ing liim cairy his swag round his neck, which was very heavy. Mr. Constable Gibson came up, aud Harry, after being chained and secured by Mr. Humphries, a pair of handcuffs put ou bim. and beiu:; placed in a cart and secured, was brought to the lockup at Gunned.ili, ulicrc be n-as safely de posited nnii leginmed. He will he brought up before tic bench probably to-morrow, and. after a hearing, firwarded down to M-Tri-ra — tlie district iu n-lucii the murder wascam inilted. When fhc prisoner iras brouglitinto Gnnnedah the n-bnle ^niru titnuj ' unl ?hum ««hm am) a!-!U-hi

to see him. and great was the cxcilcnieut and expres sions of satisfaction at his cantnre. After three cheers for Mr. John Humphries, his captor, the crowd dispersed, well pleased that this monster had fallen iutn tlie hands afjastiee. It k wnrtliy nf remark. iHuKtntlveof the canning nfthis villain that he liad a telescope, with which -he viewed closely his pursuers, and wastherdby enabled to srerete fciuiseW. Guimedah. Angngt 2S.