Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Wednesday 15 December 1909, page 6



'-.It is as yet impossible to obtam anything like an accurate estimate of the t--tal ^loss sustained,- but . there is .no dbubf the fire is the most disastrous that has ever occurred in the Toodyay district. Unfortunately much of the crop destroyed was uncovered by in

surance and in some cases this will mean a very heavy blow to the settlers. The destruction of grass is also a most serious -matter, as in many cases it -will mean forced sales of stock that cannot now be carried. „ Mr. S. Lee, into whose paddock the fire crossed. fromihe railway, lost 1,000 acres of grass, leaving him^only about ?50 acres on which to feed 650 head of stocky He also Iost^l50 acres' of standing crop, leaving only about 25aGrcs of crop Hinburned. Many sheep — the number not yet ascertainable — -and a quantity of ^poultry were, burned1. Mr.' Lee's crop was uninsured, and his; loss ifl consequently very heavy. Mr. R. B. Waters lost '530 acres ofgrass. ^Mr. Mr. H. T. Lee lost 200 acres of '.wheat (insured), 500 acre's of grass, a number of sheep, one horse, -and about £ 20 worth of fencing. Apart from the wheat crop, which was insured, he estimates 'his loss at '£400. ^At the time the fire was passing through Mr Lee's place it was travelling about four miles an hour. ? ^ ? , -Mr. E. E. Twine lost 100 J- acres- of wheat (insured), 300 acres of grass, one binder, 500 wheat bags, a springcart and harness, antP two miles of fencing. \Mr.'j. H. Phillips lost l.OOo' acres of grass and a small quantity of fencing. Mr. G. Clarkson lost a considerable quantity of wheat and grass, but the area is riot yet known. 'Mr. Vernon Hamersley' lost 7,000 acres, of grass, but his wheat crop of 1,400 acres was saved.' He lost 'a lot of stock, but the number is 'not known,

and 4,000 jam posts for; fencings -Wbrtb. about £30. '} V--' ,'4'-'^ ?'*%' ??^~'y'' '? . Mr. E. W. Reidy 1cst^vl5p; afcres of ? wheat (uninsured), 372.. acres ;qf;.gras3, arid a quantity of fencing. ; ? v :?' ' : Mr. ; C. Fergospn ? lost '150 acres of wheat and oats ? (unlnsured)i and »' quantity of grass. .' , . _. ' . ; ' Mr., Donald Clarkson' lost 250 acres of wheat (insured))and a idfrgeiquan?tity of 'grass ..?'.:_'.';?;:??;?'?' ... Mr. Lionel Clarkson lost 'l70~ acres of wheat, estimated' aF 20 'Bushels to the acre (insured), and Uot).- acres .of . grass. - ..;? -^'.' ;;:- ^- ? ? , . Mr. T. F..;Quinian lostr'i,000 acres of ^ . gras^, three. acr^s_of,.w:h.eat,,and three miles 'of fencing,' but jiq. stock., Jeffrey Bros. lost-30r.acres . of? crop (insured),. and a quant'ity:|oivgrkss. . Mr. ? W.,P. Dempsterf.-sirstSinea some 'loss, the extent not'^eing ascertained. On Saturday afterriooii; a further' fire broke out by which' *M^Lion'el Clarkson lost 15 acres of patsyahd'.100;;aere3 - '' of grass, and_Mr. \T. ,^ Quinlan lost 250 acres of crop (Insured)! 250 acret of grass, and a little fen'cihgv- '*. ' '