Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), Saturday 27 October 1877, page 3


, A m<»u named Janies Bishop, farmer and dealer, residing 'at Weerangourt Creek, near . Macartlinr, was brought before the Btanxholme ! '"Bench* on October 20, charged with stealiug four

horses, the property of Mr. Johu Officer,' of' Koroit, and which had been sold by Bishop to various persons in the neighbourhood of Branx

holme. Prisoner was remanded for eight days.,''

The Mcdical Examiner says " Dr. Johneon has reported another case of poisoning by '' honioopathic camphor, the notes of whioh were

furnished by Mr. Grubb, of Warminster. A ;!uyo"UHg gentleman, aged eighteen, wishing to cure ,!\aoold,>took on sugar, in the course of sis hours,

geven doses of homoeopathic camphor, each dose ,, containing three drops. Within five minutes of ' taking the last dose, without the slightest warn

ing, he had a severe epileptic fit, which lasted more than a quarter of an hour. Since the /.'.attack'he had been feeling ' queer,' and :at\the .time'of Mr. Grubb's report, a month after the

acoident, he had not fully recovered. The uso ; of camphor for the cure of colds is rapidly, ox

tending, and the people who use it have not the slightest idea that they are playing with a .poison."

,.... Intelligence has reached the Fiji Times of

the. discovery of a cave at Vuna Point, Taviuni, : in whioh have been found the remains of 17

Sersons, supposed, of course, to have been of

le native race. Nearly all the skeletons were

lying upon flat stones, shapped something like tombs,'with the heads upon stone pillows. The cave is situated about two miles inland. Its en

trance is about 10ft. , wide, its height about 38ft., and thereiis a passage running through it of 810 feet long, by about 70ft. wide.

" A'telegram of Tuesday states that a fearful ' conflagration occurred at Wellington, New Zea' land,'whereby six houses were burned to the

ground.' The fire burnt furiously and irresistibly, n Thirty' persons narrowly escaped death. One . .'widow and five children were found in the flames > .burnt to .death. The excitement was fearful.

A man named Sperra, supposed to be insane.';

has been arrested lu Melbourne. Over £1000. .j \vfts found on him. He tried to kill his shop

mates with an use. He is said to be suffering fronv religious mania. . .

? i < 'i The rumour that the Victorian Government -.''intended to adjourn the Assembly instead of

proroguing it, to secure payment of members, is 'utterly wrong, as suoh a step would be uncon,v Btitutional. The Government', will !ph\o6 the ;'.".'.amount on the Appropriation Bill.

On the night of October 2Q, Mr.' Davis

watohmaker, of Rindley-street, Adelaiflej! saw. , sawa man in a crouching position behind his

shop counter in the act of abstracting some wawhes from a;case. Mr. -Dayis once madei ;>... forth,e fellow, who ran . off and was lost sight of '

1 by the Norfolk Arms. The man dropped four

gold watches on the floor, but managed to carry off four silver watches and a gold guard. On ? 's Sunday afternoon Councillor Bigfora's house in

Waymouth-street was entered, and £8 or £10 and some jewellery wero taken from a box. The deteotives having heard of the lobberies, pro- ceededtothe Norfolk Arms on Sunday night,

and arrested two men named Barrett and Burt, . recent arrivals by the Hosperus, on whom they

found the stolon property.-Advertiser.

The directors of the Colonial Bank of Victoria

.have declared u dividend of 8 per cent, per annum. They have carried to the Eeserve Fund £6,000, and to profit and loss £1,179.

? "Continued rough weather delays the repairing ' of the Tasmanian cablo. The repairing steamer

is at present at Flinders Island awaiting an 1 opportunity.

" News of the sea-serpent is brought by Cap

tain W. H. Nelson, or the American ship Sacramento, which arrived here from New York on Saturday. The date on which the creature was Been was on July 30, the ship then being in lat. 81 deg. 59min. N., and long. 37deg. W. The man at the wheel was the first to observe tire : monster, and lie nt once called Captain Nelson,

telling him what he saw, out the latter, having the same feellingof incredulity with regard to the ' eea-serpent as most other people, did not hurry

from below. On coming on deok, however, he was rewarded with a glimpse of the supposed seaserpent, which tho helmsman for his part declared he saw quite plainly. Some 40ft. of the monster was observable. It appeared to : be about the sizo of a flour barrel in

girth, and its colour was yellowish. The head

' fr described as being flat. The eyes wero plainly

. visible. Captain Nelson is couvmeod that what V he saw was some extraordinary marine monster.
