Border Watch (Mount Gambier, SA : 1861 - 1954), Friday 22 April 1864, page 2

$lw WaMt,





SOME time since we directed public attention to the necessity of doing something to abate the Swagmen nuisance. We have this week been favoured by a communication from a respected, correspondent (a settler) on the same subject. He says: "suppose it was advertised that on and after a certain day no travelling swagman would be allowed to eat a meal (i.e., have a feed) without paying one shilling for the same, it would have a most wholesome effect, and tend greatly to benefit this loafing and improvident class of the population. And should the plan be strictly carried out by every station holder, believe me there would be more satisfaction and

contentment among the regularly employed servants on the stntion. They would see the necessity of attending to their duty, and not every little trifle, as at present, would cause them to leave their, situations, and take their swags and go upon the road. Few, if any, em-ployers expect an unreasonable amount of labor or attention from their men; but at present they dare hardly speak to them, far less find

fault. And should they complain of careless-

ness or neglect, the reply at once is, "If I don't suit, give me my cheque and I'll go." They proceed to the nearest public house, spend their money, and then travel through the country living upon the men they abuse. Now, it ap-pears to mp that employers of labor are entirely to blame for this state of things. For so long as the lover of loafing can get his food by idly strolling from station to station, so long will he continue an idle and worthless member of society. As to the money,raised by this charge, I would suggest that it be handed ovor by each setllev for the support of a District Hospital,

where the really necessitous and friendless invalid may bo suitably cared for, By so doing

mucli benefit will accrue to the class about whom I write, as well as to the district at large, I look upon it Jhat the charge of a shilling a meal will be a real charity in every way to the swagman. It will prevent him from spending all his money in the taproom, and provide a

home for him when he is in \vaut of one. To see him at the inn, spending his cheque, is the only picture t would ask any one to look at to. enfbrco the few arguments L have advanced in favor of a change in the present practice, I say that the swagman now, through our mistaken kindness,(is a disgrace to our country, and I hope a united effort will bo made to raise liiiu from the ranks of a >Yorth)ca» and {Hereputable paupey to that of a respectable


Our correspondent adds HI think a very fitting time for enquiring into this matter, would be at the show meetings advertise:! to lie held at Mount Gapibier and Apsloy."

AVe commend our correspondent's remarks to the careful attention of our renders, lie has

stated the case very fairly j and should, (ns lie recommends) united action be taken in the matter, and his proposals be curried into effect, a great and permanent good would be conferred upon the district. We b}i«11 iwlvcrt to the subject at n future time.