Warwick Argus (Qld. : 1879 - 1901), Saturday 25 May 1889, page 2

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union indM<i6 b»«^eneraI one of W&oqnUMltt»l+-ai itetermiaafori to maiiitfin a discreet sUenoe-upon the nuray inipor??"tiBttbl q|jie«Mfarfa 'IwhCk' tfi^'afeiition


itiikgs»»Hii 'EfcoellenbySif Henry, " "? llbfjmjdg pnblijj'iLreas


himon his arrival in

r>rf«hnfr;<i'iThe'''bountry h«8; passed

aVdisartkrtis drought, Which has .vi i jby abundant rains, and Hji« Wwwtt«»e4«i in discovering artesian .Imp wateribdlow that Motion of the girth's

?BHto'wWfcV ir called Queensland.' Our jfcjdiiffi tyave given' us an increased ' "'yWiiW®promeota of the' farmers are v "iibifighteritiikn'tSioy were,'as thejr might

< toHybAfwithout being vety enoouragi'io ? "kbits have been kept "" ' 'oat by the fenee whioh the late Oovern

. -1 'Kent'eceoted two ytars ago, and which H,> - was1 then deaoanoed as useless by the

' .''inen who now admit that it is p, good ~ "thing.-K pfrSBingalhisibnlsmadoto the

Civil ..flervioe and Sugar Commissions; y ;*he' calling of tenders for a new mail *'" Service via Torres Straits is mentioned ;

and therp is also a word or two in refer, ,'enoe to tho Railway Board and Lord r'': " ^nutsford's veto of the Oliinese Restric

tion Bill. An opinion is expressed that the finances of the colony will soon bo in a satisfactory condition, and thon the speech goes on to detail the work to be aoiieby Parliament this session. Tho .jnojpomme oonsbts of a Civil Service

BUI, ta amending Land Bill, a bill to ptov(de faf it second Judge of the Northens'Supreme Oourt, financial Districts BBVLaljor lien Bill, *nd a number of ether jneitarea wfcioh appear to have been inserted simply as padding, since

«s the leader of the Opposition pointed out-several of tham ltave already been,

before the House on different occasions

^ditring the past seventeen ^eara. There is in all this nothing that the public are ?not already aware of. It was not necessary to bring His Excellency down to the House in state to tell the country that the drought hod been disastrous in its effects, and that the outlook hod been greatly improved by the recent rains.

What nine-tenths of the electors -were

waiting for was a disclosure of the Ministerial works policy, and a statement of their intentions in regard to black labor.

But so far as the former is concerned there was not the remotest allusion to it

in the Speech, while the only reference to the latter is a promise to lay the reports of the Sugar Commissioners before the House. It seems pretty plain that the Government have no works policy, and tliat the ranks of the unemployedalready more numerous than they have been for years-must continue to be augumentod for at least twelve .months to come. This is a gloomy prospect, truly. And how different from the pleasant -picture presented to the gaze of the worktag man when his vote was required by nationalist candidates twelve knonths ago I The silenoe of Ministers on the subject of colored labor is also very remarkable. It is quite evident from the-&4tof thejr, having appointed a Royal Commission to report' as to the best means of reviving th6 sugar industry

that the Government consider the Vati^ka l&bo^qupqtjon stCtl an open one; hut it is equally evident that they are not game to face it. They have cruelly deserted their old allies the planters, and in doing so have endorsed the policy of the'if question of colored labor. Of course the extension .of the Polynesian Laborers Act, as recommended by Mr. Oowley and Mr. King, will oome on for discussion, prob'ijbK on piihption ;by >ome^Ministerial btwsk-benoher; but if the Government imagine that' they are going to give the planters cheap labor by suoh a side-wind, without accepting the responsibility of the act, they are sadly mistaken.

FOB years past-almost, in fact, since the system of local government outside of municipalities was adopted in this oolony-there lias been a strong feeling of discontent prevalent amongst the ratepayers of No. 1 subdivision of the Inglewood Division, due to the many genuine disabilities under which they have l^oyred-by rgaso^t df a combina

tion (ft circumstances beyond their con

trol.- offioiais, who marked the

original boundaries <n the divisional districts oOBOffltted niUiy grave errors, and had the people throughout the colony -not-token-kindly to-the new system, and determined to give jit a. fair trial, there can be no doubt "that-serious trouble

wOuld'liaye arisen over thd grouping of ;dipt?iqt8 VithbQt regafdi tp boknmuntty of interest or convenience «f representation. In no case within our knowledge were more serious errors made in regard to-boundaries than in the original division of Inglewood. The territory so named stretched from away beyond Inglewood in the west to the Stanthorpe line in the east, and from the Condaminfi River in the north almost. to the town of Stanthorpe in the south. The wealth and population of the division were oentred chiefly at the Warwick end, yet it was decided to erect the board's offioe and hold the meetings at Inglewood,

a; inorfebtoit one hundred miles

jfp$m4J)e!$ost. dm portent potiloftof the division. This entailed a journey of nearly 200 miles per month on the members for No.. 1 apb-diyiaioa^ttat M'to, say, as long as members could be obi^inedf ipr in the end none of -the No. 1. T&tepkyers could be indiioed to stand for election This oply aggravated mattery ap4' ffl the enSjthe uatspayen of the disaffected subdivision started, an agitation for separation.' ' Meetings were held, petitions were prepared and signed, and the result will begatheroi irofa ihe

^6 art rtUto announce to-day that what -Was formerly N6. 1 of Ingle-* wood has been proclaimed a new division,

under the name of Rosenthal. The division of Rosenthal is to be under the control of a board of six members, who shall -exercise jurisdiction over the territory comprised within the following


Commanding on the north branch of the Condamine Elver at the north-west oorner of

portion 96, parish of TummavUle, and bounded thenoe by that river upwards to the north-out oorner of pre-emptive portion 61, Talgai j . thenoe by the north and west boundaries of that portion, the west boundaries of pre-emptive

|wrtions52 and 54^ ud a line south to the ?prb^lmed'^tKrnmei^ftiMMe, 1864, folio

6601 'thenoe by the north, the west, and south boundaries of that reserve to the east oorner of the homestead areanroolaimed In the Government Gazette of 1877, folto 2S1; thenoe by the southeast boundaty of that homestead aroa to a point west from the south-west corner of portion 427, parish of Prat ten j thence by a line east ito a point north from the north-west oorner of portion 1131; thenoe ?oath to that corner and by the west boundaries of 1121 and 1091; thenoe by the south boundaries of 1091,1058, 760,10S7, 749, and 1060 ; thenoe by the west ahd'VMth boundaries of 614, and the east boundary of pre-emptive portion 3, South Toolbnrra, to the Condamine River; thenoe by the Condamine River upwards to the north-west corner of portion 230, parish of Warwick; thenoe by the western boundaries of portions 230, 241, 252, 259, and 618, Mid by the south boundary of 618, to Sandy Crook j thonco by that orook upwards to the' south-west oorner of portion 487, samo parish; thenco by a lino bearing oast to Rosenthal Creek; thenco bv that orook upwards to where it is crossod by tho main road from Maryland to Warwick; thonco by tho cast side of that road southerly to tho Main Dividing Range, by that range (being tho Boutlicrn boundaty of tho oolony) and by tho northern watershed of tho Sevorn Rivor uud l'iko'n Crook, and the watershed separating tho waters of the Maointyro Brook and Canning Crook from thoao of tho Condamino Rivor northwesterly to tho south-oast boundary of Tummavillo Loose, and by the south-east boundary of that lease north-easterly (being a line along tho western boundaries of portions 202, 407, 308, and 230, parish of Tumtnavillo) to the

south Ixmndary of pre-emptive portion 4

thence by part of ths.MUth and by the trest boundary of that portion to the Broadwater, by the Broadwater south-easterly, and by ths weat boundary of portion 9B northerly to the point of commencement.'. \ 1 ' ? s This of course materially aflocts tho area of the Inglewood Division, and the constitution of the bottrd. The latter

has hitherto boen comprised of nine members, in future it will consist of only six. The boundaries .of Inglewood

are now as follow :

Commencing on the Main Dividing Rnngo at the junction of tho western watershed of Fikc'fl Creok, and~ bounded thence by tho wostcrn watershed of Pike's Creek southerly to the north-east corner of Bonshaw Run, by the north boundaries of Bnnshaw and Maidenhead easterly, the western and northorn Iwumlariei of Aitken'sFlat Run northerly and easterly to the Severn Rtver, by that river

downwards to tho south-west corncr of Ben

galla Run, by the west and north-west boundaries of Bengalla and Wyemo Runs, by the north-wost boundaries of Whetstone, Switliland, and Canning Creek Runs, being the north-west watershed of Macintyre Brook and Canning Creek north-easterly to Mouut Domville, by the south-west boundary of the Settled Districts, being the range separating the Macintyre Brook waters from those of tho Condamine River south-easterly to the point of commencement.

This is a much more satisfactory arrangement than the original state of things, both for Inglewood and Rosenthal. We trust that in the adjustment of acoounts between the two boards good sense mil prevail, and that nothing will occur to prevent the Rosenthal board giving its early attention to the works which have so long been neglected in that part of the district.