Mirror (Perth, WA : 1921 - 1956), Saturday 18 May 1929, page 11


ANYONC who wants to find what can be done with a small block of land in a comparatively tshrt time should visit Mr. J. Rhodes, of the GSuildford Nursery and *nspect any one of ti.-e three

gardens owned by him. A mass o£ flowering plants, thousands of seedlings, of carna tions, dahlias, hedge plants in great variety and j hundreds of rose -\ trees, besides a number of plants whose habitat is in tropical countries make t h t gardens a blaze of color. Mr. Rhodes, who is an agricultural expert and a member of the Royal Horticultural Society, England, started the nurseries boul two years ago uiul had only a )-oy to help him. To-day

he employs 16 hands and it requires a motor lorry to deliver the hundreds of thousands of seedlings which are sold in the city. A great lover of bird life, Mr. Rhodes believes implicitly in the value of birds in gardens and in order to protect them he' is erecting bird sanctuaries in his garden with plenty of nesting material. Apart from Ms gardens and birds Mr. Rhodes takes an Interest in public life and was for some years Mayor of Guildford. ? ' * ? ? ?? JOAN NORTON, daughter of the late j John Norton, was one of the stars of the Australian debutantes at the last Court' in Liondbn, po the cable brilliantly ; tells us. Joan who wore dazzlingb/ beautiful jewels, later on gushed to an interviewer that what she really wanted was a husband, home and lots of babiet, and so on ad lib. Well, well, times change and all that sort of thing and we are glad to hear that this twe-».ty- , one-year-old beiress. has t,uch nice ideas even though -she is in high society and an attendant at cou-.t But couldn't tbe interviewer have found something more interesting to cable out? Australia isn't really dreadfully interested in Joan Norton, especially o the cables finished* with the information that Joan anC her mother are going to reside in London instead of Australia where the Norton fortune was so — shall we say sensationally? — made. Australia has been good' to tbe Norton clan and it merits something in returns * ? . ? ? . ?PHIS is Mr. Alec B. Gloster, now of 1 Moora, but well-known from Busselton to Broome along the coast and back beyond Kalgoorlie. For long Alec Gloster was in residence at Busselton where between times of

looking after visitors at his hotel he conducted theiri round the beauty spqtss or extolled , the virtues of the early residents as he showed the visitors over the pretty old-time God's Acre. The ine^e male was instructed in the art of fishing both t'ronj boat and jetty. Alec was fond of that long jetty, but said it had its faults, for the energetic early-riserswho who took the 3mile stroll along it before breakfast came back with an aonetite and \viilt

eggs at 3/ a dozen and bacon 2/ lb., what could a fellow do? Mr. Gloster is at present at Moora and has no chance of interesting himself in ancient graveyards or nshing; so he devotes spare time to golf, bowls, racing and barracking at football and cricket matches. He's a good all round sort am'1, an ! excellent raconteur. ?' ? * ? The air mail will be an accomplished fact next month, but the next thing will he to prove that il is justified. In this we can all i help. Send your letters por air j mail. :.nd travel by it ir picssil.Ic. j That's 'Ate best way of conviiit-jiis I the Commonwealth that every fresh facility it gives Western I Australia is not merely somci'liiuc j that is appreciated, but something ' that is vitally necessary. ! * j ?THE members of the Western Austra1 lian 'Wine Growers' Association, knowing they had the goods and desiring to sell them to the best advantage decided to open a retail business for the sale of Western

Australian wines only. The Licensing Act does noL provide for this ;is it is not allowed under the Fedor. 1 Act. liut tin growers secure) j line premiers in ! tho now Marfcrl.i [ buildings, o n -l j have open«?d a wine saloon v.her« only Western Australian wines will be sold, these comprising 1 h --product of the Doi rynasura and liiehon vineyards u\ Armadalc, Houghton and Valen-l.-i :«t Guildford am! Uuces Bbidecujj (Boyanun). An old

digger in Charles James (shown here), one time of Fremantle and interested in various enterprises, has been placed in charge, and there is every prospect of 'Western Australian wines getting more recognition in their own State. ? * .. ? BILL. McCORMACK, who lost the Queo.island elections for Labor last Saturday may have made mistakes, but wekaness wasn't one of them. Even his opponents admit that McCormack na« | plenty of courage :ind he has never hesitated to spejik his mini to his own .rxlc. ?J\'cnts m:iy sliow that ho ?was tho ni'«-. ' I capable of all the four Labor premiers I who have reigned in Queensland sin e 1914. r

KALGOOKL.IE returned men lost a good friend last Saturday night when Lieut. CoJ. Dr. Valentine Ossborne Stae3* passed away at his residence in Kalgoorlie. Born in Mudgee 4S years ago, the late doctor came to Kalgoorlie some years before the war. In 1913 he became regimental doctor for the Goldfields Infantry Regiment (16th Batt) in succession to Dr. (now Major General) Barber. When the war broke out, Dr^. Stacy Joined up with the A.M.C. and saw distinguished service on the western front. Among his decorations were the Croix de Guerre, with palms, the King's Medal and the Order of O.B.E. The military funeral took place at Kalgoorlie on Monday, over 100 cars following the remains to the place of interment. The late 'Doc.' as he was familiarly called, was one of the most popular personages on the 'fields. As an old comrade in arms says of him. 'His passing leaves a :gap in the lives of his closest digger pals that time can never bridge, for all who really knew him as a man and as a doctor can only thank God for the privilege of knowing such a character.' ? ? ? - _

r'RKKRS Homes affairs took Chairman W. B. Hardwick an-l Accountant H. G. Jarman (the demon bowler) to Canberra. They returned home on Wednesday. * 9 rS good to be British today, with a big British Motor Show open at Temple Court and the old Union Jack shaking out its creases in preparation for Empire Day. This is Mr. I. M. Stewart, who as secretary of the motor section of the Australian Associa

tion of British Manuf a cturers was responsible for a heap of detail-' ed work In connection with this British exhibition of' fine motor cars. Mr. Stewart held the rank of lieutenant in the Army Service Corps (Citizen Forces) and was an enthusiast at the - soldiering gam e. The British Motor Show has given him scope for his energy and enthusiasm and organising ability. The idea' of a British Motor Show is a

good one, and those Western Australia: agents who are exhibiting are confident that they will achieve their ambition to convince Australian buyers that the British manufacturer is making a serious endeavor to build for Aussie conditions. The show should lie a successful drive during Empire Week and we haven't any doubts that everyone will find the organising' side of it right up to scratch. *. . .«,, .-. ..*,*« ,..w., DEOPLE are not going to races so * much as t-hey-usea to. Our racing authorities are getting rather worried over the matter and are inclined to blame the people. Perhaps a little thought will convince them that they nave mainly themselves to blame. While Picture theatres, vaudeville houses' boxing promoters and other entertainment providers have been getting out after business, with big publicity and all sorts of modem innovations the racing people have been sitting down waiting for the crowds to come. But the crowds have been gradually drifting elsewhere, and toey will continue to drift unless a direct effort is jnade to get them back. 1FTER visiting America and n England on business in connection with -|n. Young Australia I^iffuo, E. K. CWap') Marie and Ins wife are due in Fremantle on «he Clutral on Monday. Mr Mahrt»™ !n. thC happy P°si«O' of bringing home a cheque for £1000 presented to the I^agW by Mr C * . Wakefleld, one of England's best known philanthropists. ^,'r.f' 'Sf™.?. =''«?? «»o -'-?.„..

ter quarry few. if any, ever catch anything. The see retary of the Hunt Club is Alee Law son Weir who looks out of tlu-~ picture. Mr. Weir J i~ a young En^ j lishman whoso j principal vices are j thoroughbreds and ; theatricals. A lov er of a good horse, he not only rides to the hounds, but has straddled a. saddle as an antatetir at local iw '.Meetings, folo al*o interests him riml when the i-. iv nt carnival w;is on ;jt South .Perth he. was w'U in the

(hick of it. In London he did some dramatic work and has al^o hc^n associated with similar ventures in this country, notably Harry Southwell's locally produced film, 'Down Under,' !n which Mr. Weir was cast in a prominent part. A flair for organising, of ? which the Royal Agricultural Society wts the benefit, keeps' him busy through nio.st of the year. ? ? * ? fi WKLL-DESERYKD distinction t\ has been conferred on Mr. S. J. XrGiubon, who has been elected Australian president of the Commonwealth Institute of Ac.oun- -tants. ? ? ? * ris rather pathetic to watch Lloyd George trying to ride to power in the British elections on the sore old nag of .discouraged Liberalism. Like Billy Hughes, Lloyd George was mainly a war product whose peculiar usefulness faded out with the passing of the war crisis. And nowadays he is not only lighting a forlorn hope on his own account, but bis presence in the Liberal party is keeping- quite a lot of likely .young people out of the ranks of that 'i-i-cert. It's a pity the Welsh imaglna'ti-m of 'Joyd '.'.eorgc and W. M. Hughes j «li«ln'c prompt them to retire .c;i'i--'fiilU-wIjp ntheir war honors were thick uuen I them.