Daily News (Perth, WA : 1882 - 1955), Friday 27 May 1887, page 3


Citizens are reminded that a public meeting will be held in the Town Hall at ' eight o'clock this evening, for the purpose of considering the present po.litical situation.

The Eev. j. B. Gribble will preach in the Temperance Hall, Barrack-street, on Sunday evening next at half-past seven o'clock, Bubject:— Coming id. Christ. ; '?;.'. Mails for Cossack, and the intermediate ports, will be made up at the General Post Office to-morrow at 3 p.m , for transmission by thes.s. KobKoy. ? Mails for; Geraldtou will be made up at the General Post Office on Monday next, the 30th inst;., at noon, for transmission by the8.si Perth, i- ' .

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sando ver will: be glad to learn :they are daily recovering from the effects; of the severe shaking they sustained owing to the carriage accident which befell them a few evenings since. Eain is officially; recorded as having fallen at.th'a under mentioned' places, since yesterday morning, in the following quantities :— Fortescue.?10, JBoebourne '05, Cossack '22, and at Northain '01 points of au inch. ' .; :

Only one case occupied the attention of Mr. G. W- Leake, P.ftf., in the City Police Court thi3 morning, when Emma Jordan, was summoned for using; abusive language towards one Mary Ann Hughes, and fined. 40a. and ordered to pay the coats incurred. We learn that the resolutions, to be ,proposed at to-night's meeting will be supported by Messr.*. Traylen, E. Saunders, Crowder, Patersoa, C Jixrthope, aod other wellknown citizen. The Mayor will preside. We believe that Mr. Heasmaa has been invited to spsak. .

It is the intention of tke Wesleyan denomination in Perth to erect a large and handsome manse for the accommodation of their pastor. A plan of the proposed building, prepared by Mr. A. M. Boay thon (tho local representative of Messrs. Oakden & Terry, of Melbourne), is on view at Messrs. Shenton'8 store, in Hay-street. We have been requested to state that in consequence of the Wesleyan Sunday School Anniversary Services there will be no Blue Eibbon Gospel Service on Sunday afternoon next. There will, however, be a people's entertainment in the Temperance Hall, Barrack-street, to morrow (Saturday) evening, at 8 o'clock, and at which Mr. Vv'\ Trayleu will preside. The following is the result of the Art Union drawing which took place on Monday last : — Polo dog-cart, Wiggins, 220 ; furniture, W. F. Stevens, 231 ; buggy, C. T. Macklin, 131 ; BlenTieim dog-cart, A. Clancy, 49 j horse, E. Wynne, 124 ; double set harness, H. B. Lousada, 170; Single ditto, A. Morrison, 83; carpet, G. K. Turner, 104; spirit frame, &c, A.. Clancy, 4S; toilet service, W. fiogerd, 189 ; patent chair, C. Bethel, 176.

A football match will take place tomorrow at the Fremantle Park, between a, team chosen from the West Australian Football Club and a twenty of the Union Football Club. Play to commence at 3 p.m. The following will represent tke ' Wests.' :— E. McDonough (Capt.), G. Moffafc, J. E. Mansfield, J. McBride, W. Mackie, B. Chapman, P. Cahill, J. Craig, J. Brown, D. Brennan, J. Hardwick, Jos. Nicholls, E: Nolau, I. Vincent, E. Bainsay, M. Eichards, W. 'Rowland, J. Donnelly, J. Lewis, and N. Walsh. Emergencies : — S. Hayman, W. Delaney, and It. Drabble. The team will leave Perth, by the 2 p.m. train.

The adjourned sitting of the Perth Local Court was resumed at half-past two o'clock yesterday (Thursday) afternoon, when the case of the Perth Foundry Co. v. A. Chamberlain was resumed, and resulted in judgment being given in favour of the plaintiffs for the charge made for supplying defendant with a pair of buggy wheels, with costs. C. Gallop sued J. Stewart (of the Governor. Broome Hotel) for .£6 2s. 7d., the price of a bag of potatoes and three cases of fruit supplied. ,.The defendant called two witnesses who had helped to take the goods out of the cart, and who swore positively that only two cases of fruit were delivered. On the other hand Mr. .Gallop swore he sent three, produced his account book showing that threo cases were entered, and called his carter, who deposed he had delivered the three cases at the hotel. His Worship held that the balance of evidence was in favour of the plaintiff, and therefore gave judgment for the amount claimed,

with cost?. The next case taken* -was that of Messrs. Bowers & McGrath v. Messrs. W. Gray & E. Mansfield, in which the plaintiffs sued the ? defendants for £-5 8i., the value of 15 yds. of cap stone which they alleged the defendants had improperly taken from their stack of ; stoh'e on the William-street jetty. Mr. J..F. Harper appeared for the plaintiffs and Mr. Buruside for thedefeildants. The dispute between the parties appeared to be a mo8t involved one, and the ease for; the plaintiffs had not been concluded when the. Court rose at five o'clock. Shortly after ten o'clock this morning the hearing of the above case was resumed. A large number

or witnesses were called en eitner siae, but the case was utterly devoid of interest to the general public. The hearing lasted until about a quarter past; noon, when Mr. Leake, after summing up the conflicting evidence in the most exhaustive and impartial manuer, gave judgment against the defendants with costs. The case of J. Sands v. .T.Hillman, to recover JB5 5s. as price of '?I'Em^Hfew Atlas of Australia,' was just opan*edrwhen the Court adjourned for lunch. W. Sandover has just received a large consignment of the finest Aurora brand Kerosene. This oil is free fronv any unpleasant odour while burning and., gives a brighter light thau any other oil. See that1 you get this brand of oil and no other.— Advt. . :