Darling Downs Gazette and General Advertiser (Toowoomba, Qld. : 1858 - 1880), Tuesday 10 April 1866, page 2


The Ctmrier has received from Mr. Walsh, M.L.A., the following extiact from a letter adilressed. to him by Mr. Nott, his sunerintendent, at Monduran : — ' You will have already beard that the ' Wild Scotchman' wns captured here. Although nothing wonderful, I will give you the |mrticulars. On returning from the big |.aJdock, on Friday afternoon, I found that Durie and vour

nephew Jack had arrived from Gin Gin. They informed me at once that they were sure that they had just passed the Wild Scotchman on the other side of the river, and that as soon us he saw them coining up he unbuckled bis gun, and looked like fighting. They then thought it advisable to get away as soon is possible after speaking to him. We immediately changed our hones, got all the fire-arms, and started in pnrsuit, as it was getting late we bad to go along at a good pace, keeping off the road a little. We overtook the gentleman on tlie first table-land nu Kolonga Road -&ay eis miles off). He was about one hundred yards in advance of us vhen wo saw him. I must bere tell you we consisted of Dngie, Jack Walsh, 'Carrie,' and myself. We then charged at fall gallop, and called on him to stand. He instantly dropped his packhorse, and turning off the road, galloped down a 'gully, crossed a nasty creek, and up a ridge on the opposite side. Hy Ibis time we were close to him. When he reached the top of the ridge he stopped, and caught bold of his gun (a double-barrelled one). I called out to biro that unless he instantly threw up bis bands, I should shoot him. He then let his gun fall, and cried out * I surrender.' The only fire-arms on his person were two small pistols, loaded :' the gun was also loaded, and seems to have had a good charge of some kind or other. After securing faim we marched back to Monduran. He never once attempted to escape.' The Mari/borouffh Chronicle of the 4th inst. says :— 'The prisoner was brought up before tbe bench of magistrates yesterday morning, when be was remanded until this day week for the purpose of giving an opportunity to summons the several witnesses necessary to complete tbe evidence in the case sufficient to commit him for trial.

Tbe Court-house wascrawded wttu spectators, amongst whom there snemed some disappointment at the appearance of the prisoner. Rome beoause he was not so ' flash,' and others became be was Dot *o ferocious-looking m tl,pjf «pM«l. -9ln plisouer, nowCTer, answers to the ordinary description of a bushranger, such as of late bave been so frequently described in New South Wales journals— a bnshman, hardy, strong and supple ; in Macpherson's case, we should say of more than ordinary intelligence and courage. He evidently takes matters very coolly, and does not appear at alldiscomfitccl by his present position. He has been very eommnnicative since lis capture, relating, evidently with truthfulness, judged by tbe ininutbs of the detail of lite narrations, tome very racy tales of bis interviews with tbe police in and about Gayndah, whilst they have been in aearch of him.' A Kobtheut Bosbrahoer.— The Springnure and Clermont mails were taken by a bushranger from the mailman on Tuesday laut, about thirteen mite* on tbe other aide of Knebnrorth. Constable Mahoney, who was in plain clothes, vat travelling wttb tbe mailman at tbe time, and ordered the bushranger to surrender the mails. A short encounter ensued— tin bushranger firing four shots and the constable three. The bushranger, who stated that Us name was. Banter, tben rode ?war, and vat panned by the constable wfco, towerar, AM net eatea Mm. Tbe mails bave atoet been delivered fcsfdy at dermont. The Police MacMtata Was received a letter from. It is supposed, the same man, tetaniing cheques stolen torn Dm nail on a farmer occasion. A letter fats been addressed to thtBditorof tbe BtlUtiti kj&.tm*~mrrr.t.r~At*l ?..??...ii..^ an article advocating mtkwry fa Qinwnhiiil. He ridiculed the Maa of inshiaageis aangndsriag ari^tisgtliemaelres apto jostiwwtattDei'vptM: Bsabottate&tfcatbt wottMt««taia»eiriaga«o»noeortw.afleadtiiiMgest, tofttMM* A luprfcui— sal t* tM&yM^Wi&b fce tmHtn a kit »** ?» Onwiim ntkua,— GwNtr. . - ... -.. «:.:-???