Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 22 December 1915, page 7

AROUND THE SHOPS. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON. The local business establishments ,. making a splendid display of goods ,r : Christmas season. BILSON & CO. '- windows of this large estab. -?nt have been the centre of at.,-.n since the Christmas display .- 'tn made. One window is a real : :.;r.. a perfect joy tc. the boys and ;.. who must be longing for Santa .,- to bring them solle of the real ;'-:ingst which are there. There ..- manner of toys for boys and .-. In the men's clothing depart- ll the latest designs are to bu The ladies' department is right . the1 mark. the stock being very Sindeed. Those who desire to m -oie furniture to brighten up the S for Christmas will fint just -.. they want in the large f iurnitur .: '. t:l-'et. In crockery and glass.' there are some novel designs .- .rticlrs for everyday use. In the Sr,..- department the shelves are :-1 -d, and include wines and spirits, .:n-. preserves, almonds, spices, bon:--. crackers, 4'hristlmas stockings, The boot department is well I;- . with all the latest makes in w:o.:'. nen's and children's footJACOCS. : rnm of Jacobs ((lcorge Gr-y) .- 1"' display of goods :or th' . :a trade. Eve'rthing pos:. one( to (ater for the require- of he public, and that succes. . .:.d in this direction is shown . rge Lmeasure a o St;iport- which ded -to the business. The win:-. .e arranged in '"uc'1 a iaV that - -nnot fail to act a< a mornt '* es of the i'onenflk. .\n .ic goods disptiye,sl in thli. inS-:- : bult an indic;tion of thf la -..:;;-pIay- to be seen inside the !ihop. *l.7r nlilliners have a larc- assort: of pretty Ciristnat styPs in (?. G;loves, lace co:lars. h:.,lker.-:'. and sachets are oin ('-ry r:,un. -; In their boot an-d she ,dpart:..::t their stock is particu!:,Irl-y hI.,--.. TI.' Juvenile depart nu1' it ,,f , .. :.! tihere is an ininieno s si,-' Of i,'. .. youths' clothing i'l tw?~ij.,. The furnishing hbar-:in< ar, :.i. rous. Carpet .'quares in varSdesigns, linoleu'ns. mats . uilts, and all the r.-iquirre'en; s S- well-appointed ion;i arnr o , 1 S- t this up-to-dalet estjblir-,!: eit. RAY CROFT CO. Ti:. estai.lishment is thorouuhly iiu * le and ample -ppo~ uniti.' r,...,r.-d to make a p"oid disp!ay. I!n ir.-rvs the firm is marling s,,:; spect,: frs. and th re is muc-h o, ':... front in ail fae latest d i,-s .:A mzaterials. To tho., of :,. iad.:: n::k nho are in nee.l orf i.':d,.ye '. :. S:' : h' wing somethiin.i ;, r:.i ::Iri choice. If you want : rostuln" *::' an lit you like a goi'N . Il: f:rt. :.- ;!r has gone to no " 3d t, ;rri ' r :rcurt the latest ran i !.st :: s,-:.snab' e wares. They have so:n ;,!:.ariy tine lines of sunsh,,.adi. d.uinT r t;;weiCar. belts, har-dba ,. n(i -::: :'.r articles of wearirng .,rar]. as b.; e -needed for ie ik - ;-. '.iJday nakers durinir n h f-sti-' -.i. There are 'n- ;nid ra;- in trimmed hats and panda?ns. TUCKERI.S. T'ir. iirnm is carrying:: a re. t.',i " d-. front *whicih -.:, i. i'i' ,T.r-.F.s can be chosefn. Ther , art. : sTraw. and Pinanin:. :n*:: -- n.-'.insd shirts, good we.-:,' ?in' tili:"t.. -l test style. dis!in: .tive Iiat' ,rn: .. :.:ry brush sets, coin;let iln cs': d values in gloves. v'ry .,i ;-gr-::*-Sd. Lisle thread. !ong a d !riSzr-y. beaver, black. rr:d whi-', t boxes, dolls, framnu . :.. rS'i. lnu.-hions, tray. t;y hnrik-r.hi '.*-'. "rnament?, an'i!n.:,," v r,' . Srrr. purses, s. ba es .. *':> h ]:it : want. SI'NDERRLANrD & S.I:AI A" Sunderland and .-nr! .-,r h:-i has for its nlotto "Good toods. IT. little prices," there is a :, feast of good t!hnII . Thi"?rr-ery department is iimi ':.ritns daintles. whic'(l -.'nnot f. 1' • r,!ease. In the dr:aper- i., ;ar';:t n* has a large variety in hndk-r,.o:-fs. gloves, p"rfumc .-. ir vr ;.,':l.--l 'hions. cosies, w ork 1,: . i, , , i "; , linen bags. table <.ntr..s. "nTI ',.:i..-y. The millinery dep:,i-.':: n,. nt i.'* a special reputation of its own, :I.,1 h:er" are to be seen lovely e :re :T'i r;s w hich canncn ' f. il t, _ iTl.a- :,- ;:."

CLIER'S. FIr reer believesr in making a ti: 4:-.iay of his stock, knowing th: t ? The, public se.e thite high grale '·.as o f g o o d s lie h a s to s ,: , th ,-,-rs :1 1> a rush of customers rI?adxy to 1 tlhe bargains hr ham , offer I- n".kw -ear the assorrnl nt i : " S.::. CGloves, hbcndkerchci fs. riibons. - fu';erv. parasol?, handb'ra, ' :!.1 -;,i-ce frocks are ti:; ch,ii - i t 4('-. r's have ever shown. H.' i ' a great effort this y- :r :,- o:r.:io previous records in 1 tc U . crn-nt. Judging ,by the: tyF' :,1! kinds which lie ha,. Tl sh:,ul-] t ca< .chb-ve this.

ROBERTS'. Iloborrs', the drapers, hav' a largo 'ock and they are making a'tl: 2' carta~ns of all kinds. whiist th, ir dis;play of dress material, ]ac-t. ;:, nI':erchiefs, ets.. is well worthy of 'nS?pecti,n. R. & M. 'MOW IfAY. *' the above firm's prcelli-, tin. r, i< t iin' assortment o(f :,utoraplh t t?ier-. Christmas 'ards in ),-. and children's loys in < ndl.-.s c:rit'. Th,-y have a spleldid stork of srll-bleP drapery, ladies' and mtid's .tfines, silk and muslin b:oust--, ,-hii -ren's hiats, lace collars. gloves. hoilry, etc. There are dolls and toys to :ease the heairts of the littl, folk.

P.. JIAEMnISON. This store is making a good ( v.s show, the shelves being we!I ,(i c.d with everything which the housewife requires. He has so.-ne gd lines. of rhockery and iglassware. IMr iurrison makes it his rule to 1,. ; a large stock tf all the public's r irie?nents inl thel grocery line. and c. -oup!ed with strict attention to in.ue, has c.crr.e for ltilln a lrige r11-asure of hupport. A. E. WVHITHEi)f') MI. Tie jewellery establishment of Mr A. E. ,ltthbcomib is making a splendid show of all klndg of silverware. Udatchbs, brooches, bangles, etc. The

ladies Rolex wristlet watch is a g: of its kind. 3MR V. M. PEARSON. Mr V. M1. Pearson always has an excellent window display of Jewellery, which cannot fail to attract attention. This year he has made special provision for his Christmas trade. and there is such at wealth of lovely gold and silver Ware that his window is sure to b. the centre of much attract. ion during the Christmas gegrg. J. D. DICKSON. Mr J. D. Dickson has :a wellassorted stock of Jewellery and silver ware. He has bracelets, gold and silvr n,.das ald pendants. He has just upened a consignment of E.P. Wrare suital.,, for Christmas and New

H. LE\VWI. .ir 1. IL L. 'is has a lavish display at his jewcllery establishment. There is a clihoic assortment of gold broo. chcs, in all the newest designs, sleeve links, g-ld-niountedl silk guards, gold chain and padlock GangTes, lockets, watches, rings, and all the various articles sc hich help to make up a progressive esfaobishmeni.Rf. Rf. P. HYNES. Those who desire some choice perfuries and toilet requisites will find all they deire at Mr Hynes' pharmiacy.

AV. THiURSHEZLD. 3Mr Thursfield carries a good stock of ;Otogrrah;o .er's outfits. He has also .' ic. show of the best perfumes, *oilc; soaps. etc. PEGG'S. At Mr I'egg's establishment there : a ;iust attractive stock of Christin:t .c(.od. His postcards are well r c!li. ;ilnd contain many real jem,. TO pr tr.-nts in search of suitable toys -.,r the httle ones. a visit to this shop .i:! ou..- up visits to toyland. It \!Ii bt. u.stelesr to attempt to de*ri;.e all the kinds of toys he has: :IrTi,-', it is to say that no one who *r th:- s-hop1 need go away unsatis1...I. He has also some nice leather ".. and ai .hjist of othiir articles \'!i.ii : i,. sur,- to prove attractive to !* :'; :.: tihis .scason of the year. J. ULANE. I' thil. .tationery establishment th-r.- i.S aiundant evidence of large n.iilnrl:n:s! of zoods of every descrip:n:. t:il-r bling sterling silver goods. ),i ;t>. c:rdsi. 1·:-ther goods, glassware .,i hi-'.h-,.l:ss article of the rarest ri-,ti,,. Thio tuys are worth seeni-l. :.and rom t'he nice and assorted ,~~; ut:ion:. Ipart-nts will be able to pick v.h1l: rhildren like most. i'A:KI NSON-A' Mjr I'.i»kintisn's stationery estaib .:-liiti' ht wi ndows are most effec tv :. .lrs.-il with silver ware, books. ,,:. I,.::h,.rr .warr. etc. The book -' v . :Ir.- I.:cked- with all the latest , r- . He.r; t i- to 1,*. found a plentiful '.:* ti.,n ,f ;ir-:..nt.s for the boys and i-r'. ,-.! : hili stock of leather :, t i. ., . p e.s, et, ., is eqtual to

;. .\LEXANDEIR. \t ti,' valri,,us hairdressers and ,..c.:i in the town the displays ,,f nno,,er " re:quisites and ideal pre,s fr a ::,n are good. Mir Alex.;1d, r Ihas ,,ne of the finest shops in . t e. has a spendid show of :o : !nir,.nl nts. All the best !":nds c-f ;pip.s are in stock, and s,- \ irc to purchase a gift S"i< ki:ind will 1e able to make a " l . i, h :Inte fancy department, he ..: ;e:-ice ,ed stock of frine-s, rs:. r Ivchcs hair pads, etc. A. J. KING. S '., etc.. of Murray r :. : ni(, sr-lection'o pipes, , , - table for ChristlInas I'. \V. I\ I.tAMMEIl. .!r 1:r.,n ,- makes 0 specialty in ii: :.': io ' othine and be had-i. d tcl. f shirts, in all the i.,t,-: tl.:g;;n r . collars, tie and underv, ,i r.

uILIT .\AND CONi'ECTIONEiY. I:. \\ hitworthi (next Victoria Hall) . i Ig,." stock of English and col.:; co?f'tecionery, nicely boxed and f,,r Christmas presents. 1 ':: h. b1?.?t of fruit is kept, whilst co,:h's ~arc always on hand in .\NI)LLEY'. T'." ra is an vreer-growing demand f,:. I:l"d!,:y's preserves, cool drinks. if,·" ( ":::n. ·. O. There is a splendid np1.. of ? ole-lmade preserves in ;: ndow. Th,. floral window bears ,:;lih I testitmny of the florist's art. A ;,:uldid range of palms, ferns, etc.. i a'.'e etn specially stocked for the hi,ýiday ve:cson.

T .,is: - Ir tring to 'njoy motor tours during t~n hoid:lays., will be able to ,jl,,t 1tiir wants by calling on The S tltr (Garage, Mr W. It. Edgar, uMd-r and Co.'s or E. I. Taylor. E. BUGG. T1h.. \!,o desire to have their ;,', Ir,.ra1>hs tl.en will get the best of . sui'? : -:!in to MIr 1E. Iugg's

('.\STLES UitOB. T." athtove firm has a splendid -.I,vk of silver ware, from which a ,"1le: l lction can be made by those tih, ,r_ looking for some nice Christi las g'ift for their friends. They have in stuck soret beautiful silverware, attr??.ctln to thObe in search of pre:lt.1, .r friends. If your I\\vn tent!; w -i.dits cutting, just call anld 'it-pct the large etock of lawn ,,.1" \nwhich tihe tuir have in stock. T'h.'.\ !','tve ;.,o hose anid littingis of •.:Il~lttlr l ? bi t(J,.

I.r I'., of tho Colae *,.r-.i! Fa,'try Tasa installed up-tod.t,: :ilc!lhinl for the production of hiigh1-cla5. curdials. It will be the en,*Ilvor of lle . proprietor to supply lh., local requirements of tho town an.l dii-trict. A new drink that ha: "caulght on" is his famous Auranto. a:n ideal summer beverage. He also manufactures Burduk Ale and other drinks that are obtainable from all stores, fruiterers and hotels. Buchanan's kola beer, lime juice and sodia, icv crrain soda, old English gingerlir,'r. IC11on squash, lime juico cordial. strawberry and creamn lythlia water, ras,pberry vinegar, etc. IResidents dcsirous of obtaining Christina: L evrv,,ae can le supplied from stores or dlir-ct froR the faCctOy.

FARKES BROS. Thi's firm is keeping pDaCo with the times, and has the shop flUied with a11

kinds of furniture. There are some splendid dining-room and sittingroom suites in various designs. The firm always combines style with workmanship.. and the large business which is done speaks well for the enterprise of the firm and of the excellent work it turns out. Bedsteads In all designs are to be seen here, whilst they have a nice stock of linoleums. J. G. JOHN&TONE & CO. This firm has brought its furniture warehouse right up to the mark. It is stocked with choice furniture, whic cannot fail to please tnose who desire to make their homes nice for the holidays. Everything in.the way o furniture is to be seen there. PETERS & CO. Messrs Peters and Co. have a nice lot of lamps, silverware, stoves, etc. There are many things here which would go towards improving the home, and those who desire presents of this kind will find plenty to choose from by paying this nrm a visit. STRONG'S. Strong's boot warehouse is looking 'orward to a record Christmas trade. for they have a large stock of footwear. In boots and shoes for old and young they have some very special lines to choose from.

McKEANS. JI'Kean's bakery is very busy just now making Christmas cakes for the corning holiday season and picnic parties wil be catered for. In order to meet the convenience of the public, the firm's refreshment rooms, next Bilson and Co.., and next the National Bank. will 1243fitionaytnkfi.gjhyzt A. -MAXFIED. If you want your house freshened up for the Christmas season, just ca ' on Mr A. Maxfield, painter, Bromfield street.CYCLE CYCLE AGENCIES. The local cycle agencies are wr'l stocked just now, and those who desire a new machine or want their old one repaired in time for the holidays should call on Messrs Burns and Short, J. Ilaillie, or J. R. Lawson. TAILORS. Just lonw, alien tlie thought ob C'lristmiias is so nmuch in the mind of mnost peoplc, the firms of Mr RV. G. Itunoon and Mr A. J. Middleton hay' been very busy in making new suits for their many customers. MOSS'. There is a good display of boots at Gloss' cstablishmnent. Mr Moss carries a tine stock of the best makes.