Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 19 December 1917, page 6

SEASONAIIBLE RECIPES. CIh?STI?MAS CAKES. A correspondent has asked for a recipe of an old English plum cake. The followng is an excellent one tlat will keep for six months if neccssary. Tlhe ingredients required are %ilb of sifted flour, I teaspoon of salt, I teaspoult cacl of cinnamlon, nice and lnutlmeg, % lb. of butter, 3t lb. sugar, 8 eggs, 21. lb. raisins, L Ilb. citron, %lb shelled almonds, r. IIb. uhta;tl ults,. :; cup of brandy, tj cup of dlark moltasses. i'ass the flour, salt, and spices together through a sifter then rub the butter thorouhly into Ithen. I'ut the sugar (I'referbly the dark brwn knd) in another bowl, add tile yolks of the eggs, and beat until thick; add this to, thie lour and butter and again mix well. Next put in the ralsin., :eede aslid cleaned, add also the almonds blanched and cut in ha:lvet, anl the nuts cut into small pelces: but not finely chopped. When these are all well blended mix In the molatsses and brandy, and last of all the well beaten whites of the ct;gs. Hlave re:tady one or mllorel cake till; lied with greased paper. I'our ill the cake batter, and bake inl a slow oven, If it is all in one cake ba,.ke about four hours. If the hatter is divided into or more tins less time will be requi'red. Ths cake should be made sonic weeks before it is intended to use it. CHIEA P CHIIISTMAS CAKF--B3eat six ounces of butter or mlarganinm to a cream, then add half a pound of sugar' and beat again for a few miinutes. \Whisk three eggs until tlley fornm a stiiff froth, and add thltt to the creamed butter; then dredge In % lb of flour that has been solved and mixed with a pinch of salt and a teaspoonful of baking powder. When - the flour Is well worked in t add six ounces of currantls, four ounllces of sultanas, 2 ounces of mixed peel, and half a teaspoonful of spice. Beat well. The mixture should be fairly stiff, but if It aplpears to be too thick a very little milk may he added. Put into a greased tin at once, and bake from I ',1 to 1% hours in a .moderately htot oven. TRUIE LOVESIt' KNOTS.--Take 2," cups of flour, Icup sugar, two thirds of.a cup butter, 1-egg, 1 teaspoonful of; baking powder, 14 cup of milk. SiftL the flour an dbaking powder together, rrub, thle butter into the flour with tile hands, add the sugar, and mix to, a firm dough with the egg and milk. Roll out and cut nto .stripeos, twist,into the foorm of knots, and balie in a tmoderate oven till golden brown. MIGNONS.-Take 1%' cups of flour, % cIup of butter, 1 tablespoon :baking powder, 3f teaspoorful of clinnlamon, I pounlld ground almond.s, 1 teaspoonful vanilla. Cream tile butter and sugar; add the. yoks of the eggs; then the almonds, groundr tine. Sift the flour. baking powder and cinnamon together, and add to the mixture withl the vanilla. Roll very thin, cilt into fandy shapes, brulsh over with white of egg or milk, and sprinkle withl granulated sugar. Blake on a greased tin in a quick oven.