Colac Herald (Vic. : 1875 - 1918), Wednesday 19 December 1917, page 6

Ladies We have just opened a ne:., shipment.of Millinery Models A,. very low prices; also New Hosiery In Black, White and Champagne . Lovely Crepe dte Chine Blouses In Variety of Style and Colors. IHarndkerchiefs in ilewest colorings See Window Display for Baby. Goods, &c. Miss Lynch's, MURRAY STREET, CGLAC, .9. .- VolTaylor's Moior .Jarage t& ENGIN R .: ii J '; J, 1A 3 Manners-Sutton Street, Colac. : i Sole Agent for BUICK CARS, AVON TYIRES, J and Royald Medal Milking Machines. Specialists in Re-boring Cylinders and Making New Pisotaf Tyres and Tubes Valcanised on shortesa notice. Kole Agent--Langwll Bros. & Davies' Idster Petrol Engines and all dlaises of Machlnery. Local Agent Melbourne Fire Office. All Classes or Insurances Effected. (, , • - .+ _ . Telephone .:. DAlElYING PRaOBLEMS! 'l!W La.i d UL3JC º3ysLCiU - -.~ -- ' 't thl'lilSEA'Yb THE illIiiWAT'Eit MAiltK iN MIL\KiLNG MhA(JlINEI"IY. its installatiut will help to uive nmany of the problems that confront Ute Datirytma to-day. ThIu Eperincuce of thiise who have used the L.KG. RIeleasor Plant is aunt it Litr. u TENS THL ? LAIiUlt, P'otects the Owner against Losses Iroml Injury to the Cows, and E~bUtl?-S GENUINE GAINS through its many excellent leatllres. The following letter roum a woll-knowu, dairyman supports these facts. "Narrrawong," Ondit, 4/7/17. To Mir W. It. Edgar, Dear Sir, Hlaving recently i;nstalled ?ne of your LK.G. itRcleasor Milking I'lants, 1 have groat pleasure in letting you know that it Is working. splendidly, and is, without doubt, a vast improvement on the bucket' spystem. In ftact, my son (1) can now manage three single machines instead of two doubles as beutore. .A neighbour called a day or so ago to have a look at it, as she La thinking of putting in milking nuachmnes . After looking at ours at work, 1 think she is convinced there is nothing better on the market. In fact, s·he was so satlstislied that she said she would not bother to look at the - machine. I would gladly give you a testimonial as a well satlstied user of the L.ILG. Releasor System, and would be only too pleased to allow any intending purchaser to inspect ours at work. Yours falthtully, JAMES DAVIES. Converaions from the Bucket Plant to the Releossor System are now being carried out by Competent Engineera. FURTHER PARTICULARS FROM W. R.,ED(iAR, Royal Show Rooms, MURRAY STREET, COLAC,

CASTLES BROS.; Lawn Mowers, Spades, Forks, Hoes, Rakes, Shovels, Cultivators, Shears. Large Assortment in price, size and shape. Lawn Mowers, 35/. Spades, 4/6. Hoes, 1/3. Rakes, 3/. Garden Hose, 15ft. 1/2in., 12/6 complete. We can supply all siges in hose and fittings. CASTLES BROS., Hardware Experts. Murray Street. } Phone 1..

THOSE IN ILL EAl/rlH. Why continue to suffer? When you trouble may respond to some simple home treatment. Many hundreds have used the "Natura" Home Treatment with excellent results and it may help you. Call and see Mrs Clifford. Superintendent of the "Natura" Health Co., and ascertain if your trouble comes within reach of the treatment. If it does not she will ceandidly tell you so. Only cases that V is felt will be benefited are undertoken. No charge is made for the interview or advlc Riven. Women's ri:lnenls, nerve and liver troubles, Indigestllol, piles and catarrh have been successfully treated. :f!s Clifford will "' ijiting Colac on 'iThursday, 17ia .l;llll: ry, hel l ll IllLshe may 1 seen iat ;to, \Victoria Coffee, Paha?. from li, to 6, Health Guide sent oin receipt of 3d postage. "Natura" Health Co., 43 Ertrabeth street. Melbourne.--(Adt.). FREE. I'4VEIRY WOMAN whoso health is - causing her anxiety is invited to write for a copy of our new booklet of valuahlo information, which should he in every home. Send Sd for postage toDept. Dept. 29, Ladies' Colket, of Health, 367 Collion S?r?o,. '~iMho?ri?e. Ct)LAC.-THURSDAY, 20th DECEMBERt, at Victoria Hotel. TIlE BEST AND LATEST AIMPROVED l'AI NLESS DENTISTRY. At City Prices. *iEXTItACTIUNS QUITE PAINLESS, cBeautiful Sets on* Gold, Cellulold, or Vulcaziite. They'llU kit or you needn't keep them. M. L.. THOMAS. (IRecorded by Dental Board). Surgeries at Victoria Avenue, Albert -Park, Melbourne. Attends Country Districts LPersoially. Large and extensive experieLnce iL all parts of Victoria, New South \alces, and South Australia. Fees moderate. Satisfatcuoln guaranteed. KIRL AND KEMP, Biacliksmls, BItOMFIELD STREET, COLAC. Desires to notify the public that they are carrying on the businesse of the late Mr. Granter. Horse-shoeing a Specialty. Beat of material ..sed and workman ship guaranteed. Good, accommodatlon for eomntry horses and ahlelela. POUlJltY FOR SALE. EGGS and CHICKS, also yard birds. .thode Island Reds, Minorcas, Black Orplngtons and Brown and White Loghorns. Inspection invited. J. PALMER, Hearn ltreet, Cola.

Sunderland and Sears' -TIMELY- OFFERINGS FOR XMAS. A Few Specialities and a Cordial Invitation to Inspect. SPORTS COATS.-lndent just opened, and exquisite line. of Knitted Silks, all shades, 56/ to 90/. SILK DRESSING GOWNS.-Something Special, 22/6, ?5/9, 42/. BLOUSES.-Exclusive Range of Silk. Crepe de Chene, Voille and Organdie Muslin, in all the newest styles and shades. NINON VEILS.-All shades with now Oriental borders. GLOVES.--A large assortment in Dressed Kid, Washing Kid, and Silk In all shades. NECKWEAIR.-A splendid range of c harming Novelties in Dainty Neckwear. IIANDKERICHIEIRF'.-For Gifts in en dless variety: Linen, in neat boxes, 6 for 4/11; 3 for 1/9; "Initial," 6 for 4/9. -Samples ones on cards, 1/ up to 2/6 each. TIRAY CLOTHS.-Sample Japanese, I n white and tussore shades, 2/9, 3/11. 4/9. CUSHION COVERS.-In white and crash shades, 5/11 upwards. PERFUMERY.-A Popular Present. In bottles and glass caskets, 6d to 6/11 SOAPS.-Fancy Boxes, 1/, 1/6, 2/3. Sample Baskets and Cases, assorted sizes, 2/ to 5/6. .0: All the Dainties of the. Season inour _Grocery Department. at prices that bear mco parisea. GOODiGOODS. . .,LITTLE PRICES.

BUY YOUR XMAS GIIE -AT -A. E. Bruce's. The Snop where your Money Goes Furthest. Endless Variety to Choose from. Come and VISIT' our FANC STATIONERY and ELECTRO PLATE DEPARTMENTS. TOYS. TOYS. TOYS. MOTHERS ! Bring along the Little One.' 'to see our Wonderla of Toys. SHOP EARLY AT A. E. Bruce's. MURRAY STREET, COLAC. 'Phone 38. The Shop where your money goes furthest. Val. M. Pearson Xmas Specialities. Are distinctive in design and choice, each article rivalling the other originality of conception and desi git, and are the ACME of the ,leo krs' and Silrersmiuti's Art and Craft. C(!oing to the limited showing space of our frontage, unfortunately we un;able to bring before thile eyes of tW. buying public of tihe district ct.Ml',i:., 1:.\AN;I. of a.l1AS NOVELTIES. I; l'ore luyiuig elsewhl're a few unotwurthy Facts are worth consldering: 01l1, STOCK is the BIGGEST, tie BRIGHTEST and BEST. ;'1ll QUALITY ij the BEST. Uill AIM1 is to PLEASE. (BUR PRICES ARE THlE LOWEST. 'Phone 143. Catalogues Free. .Blane's For XMAS and NEW YEAR PRESENTS. BOOKS. , LEATHER GOODS. PLATED WARE. . POTTERY. FANCY GOODS. GRAMOPHONES and RECORDS. Toys! Toys ! . Toys ! J. BLANE, BOOKSELLER, STATIONER and -NEWS AGENT. MURRAY STREET, COLAC. Xmas Specials -AT and Co., "The Busy Corner," Murray and Gellibrand Streets. Our Store is replete with useful and serviceable lines, eminently suitable lor Xmas. Gifts, Perfumes, Handkerculnes, IVeclwear, iloves, liosiery, Blouses, and the numerous laney. nick-nacs that so deliglht the ladies. IFor men and boys we are snowing. Special Values in Ties, Sairts, Silk Collars, Stucts, Links, Sox, Suits, Hats 111 great variety, liandkdrchiefs, 'travelling Rugs, Suit Cases, btc.; Etc. Pretty Einabroidered l'ancy Handkerchiefs, in dainty colored bxes.. 2/6, 2/11, 4/11 box. Swits Lawn Handkerchiefs, exqutsitely worked and embroidered, 5/;, 6/6, 7/6 to 10/6 box. 1'erfunles ill tinted boxes, specially designed for Xmas gifts, 2/6, 2/11, 3/11, 4/6 to 10/6 box. .. Suitable Gifts for Men and Boys. W'ide End Ties ,in all shades and designs, Somethlug can easily be selected from our range to suit all tastes. Gift prices 1/6i, 1/11, 2/, 2/11 each. SHIRTS. Teiuis Shirts, Fa';shion Shirts, Galatea Shirts, direct from our city , factory. Lawn Fashion Shirts. white grounds, colored stripes, fancy or plain, with gauntlet.cuits, reinforced necks, at 4/11, Heavy Itepp. Fashion Shirts, neat pin stripes, 5/11, 6/6, 7/6 each. Briaces for the bo's, 4,1/d, 6d, 1/ pair. Mon's LBraces, 1/6, 1/11, 2/3, 2/11, to 4/6 pair. Hemlstitched Lawn Handkerchiefs, 10i d each. Hats for the Holidays. Men's Felt Hats in all the latest shapes and colorings and new V bow at side in fawn, grey, dust, brown, navy, mole, and black 10/6, 12/6, 15/6 each. Straw Boaters, in great variety, 5/11, 71/6, 8/11 each. Boys' Felt Hats, brown, grey and black, 4/6, 4/11, 6/6 each. SUITS. A well assorted stock of Men's and Boys' Read-to-Wear Suits, in all the latest colorings, well cut and finished. Smart Tunic Sulfa, in heavy g:ey twill, bleted back, pleated front, cuE sleeves at 10/6. Sports Suits, grey tweed effects, patch pockets, semi-belted backs, 13/6 Stylish Sports Suits, in grey fawn and brown colorings, belted, or tucked backs, four pockets, 18/6, 22/6, 25/ suit. 1Men's Suits, in all shades and colorings, padded shoulders, well cut trousers, 35/, 45/ to 95/. SPECIAL PURCHASE of LADIES' READY-TO-WEARI HATS. Silk Poplin Stitched Hat, colored silk ornamental stitching, on crown, in naiy,, say tussore, trown, and white; worth 6/6; Xmas price 4/11 each. Black and White Silk Hats, Ilniished with bow at side, worth 10/6; Xmnas price 6/11. Tussore Silk Stitched Hats, with vale blue hand and rim. finished with bow at a:dc, ?shullll 10/6; Xtnas price 6/11. CChildren's ¶White Stltcbchl Pique Hats, 1/3 each. Trimmed l'anamna l.ats, for the little folk, 8/6 each. Come and Select Your XMAS GOODS from Jeffery and Co. The Drapery Specialists, MURRAY STREET, COLAC.