Northern Times (Carnarvon, WA : 1905 - 1952), Saturday 26 June 1937, page 2


Northern Times

A Newspaper for North-Western


SATURDAY. JUNE 26, 1937.

Local and General


Negotiations hare been concluded for the sale of Ningaloo station by Messrs. D. and L. Black to Messrs. F. Lefroy and M. McBolt, who, it is understood, are over the property immedi



The Gascoyne Co-Operativve Society report receipt of advice from F. WLantzke thjat 100 cases of bananas sold at Wednesday's metropolitan market averaged 17/6, and yesterday 76 cases ex Kangaroo averaged 17/-, 34 cases ex Centaur averaging 2d/3.


The State motorship Kooliiida, oil her return from Darwin, is due at Carnarvon at 3 a.ui. tomorrow. The passenger train leaving the goods shed at 6 a.m. sharp. Bananas for shipment sooth are to be in the sheds* at' 6.30 this evening.


It was reported today that a whale.; which was shot by whalers on one ofj the Norwegian boats operating near I

Carnarvon, escaped- badly injured, and

was at present in the five-mile chan-j

nel, off the coast to the south of Carnarvon, the whalers being unable to come in close enough in order to se

cure it.


The Rev. Father McKay advises that Mother Margaret and Mother John, two superiors of the Order of St. John of God, will arrive from Broome by the Koolinda tomorrow, in connection with negotiations which are proceeding for the erection of a proposed new hospital at Carnarvon. They will be here for about ten days, and will inspect various sites and .wSll consider arrangements for the erection of a hospital which it is intended will be modern in every respect, and will be staffed by St. John of God Sisters. Every effort is being made to expedite the erection of the hospital, and leather McKay hopes that the visit of Mothers Margaret and John will result in the work being commenced at the earliest possible moment.


Carnarvon Council employees have been engaged during the week on fur

! ther drainage system work at the ! corner of Johntson-street and Olivia

terrace, which corner is the worst in the town in wet weather owing to

j water collecting there from the two

streets, jthe drlafyiage being* untiblei

during any heavy showers, to cope with the inflow. With larger pipes to take the water from both sides of Johnston-street, it is hoped to carry it away effectively, and avoid the forma| lion of the usual large pool which has, in the past, at times made pedistrian traffic impossible past the

I laundry corner, and has made an unpleasant spot for vehicular traffic. We also hope, that the improved drainage works will be extended to eliminate the stream of dirty, oily water, discharged through a pipe from the power-house, which at present, is a permanent, unsightly adornment along the Johnston-street footpath. CRUISERS' VOYAGES.

.The complete itineraries for the voyages of the Australian cruisers- Syd

ney and Canberra, which will visit, the West Australian coast later this year, have been made available by the District Naval Officer (Commander C. C. Baldwin). Both vessels will leave Sydney on August 11. The Canberra is to visit Singapore and the Dutch East Indies, whereas the Sydney will not go outside Australia. After leaving Sydney, H.M.A.S. Sydney will visit Brisbane and anchorages on the Great Barrier Beef before arriving at Elarwin on September 2. She will leave that port two days later, and. her programme provides for her being at Broome from September 7 to 1). Geraldton from September 13 to 15. Fremantle from Septeml>er 16 to 20. Bunbury from September 20 to 22, Albany from September 23 to 25, and Alelaide from September 29 to October 4. She will return to Sydney on October 8. H.M.A.S. Canberra will visit Percy Island. Lord Howe Island and Darwin (from August 23 to 25) before going to Singapore, after which she will visit Batavia. Surabaya, and Bali. She will !>e at Carnarvon from September 25 to 27 and Fremcintle from September 29 to October 4. and will then visit Port Lincoln and Adelaide or Gleuelg before returning to Sydney

on Oeto!»er 15.